twilio error 2 factor authentication says I have reached the limit to resend the code only when via call - authentication

I've been unable to login to twilio for the last few days. I'm stuck during the two factor authentication process. When I use the SMS option, my phone doesn't receive the message even after several attempts. This morning I tried to request the code via call but it says You have reached the limit to resend the code. Please use another method or try again later. but this is the first time I've tried requesting the code via call. The SMS option worked fine until a couple weeks ago so I have never needed to use the call option.
What can I do to login to my twilio account?


WhatsApp cloud API sending old message inbound notification multiple time on my webhook

I'm new in using WhatsApp cloud API, I've set up one webhook with my WhatsApp cloud API.but the problem is that after some time it sends an inbound notification of an old message again to my webhook.
If a notification isn't delivered for any reason or if the webhook request returns a HTTP status code other than 200, we retry delivery. We continue retrying delivery with increasing delays up to a certain timeout (typically 24 hours, though this may vary), or until the delivery succeeds.
Whatsapp webhooks documentation
I will share my experience and maybe it can help some of you.
I was returning the status code 200 from my server. But Whatsapp Api Cloud still returned 15 notifications per message.
the problem was that in the past, maybe one month before. I had actived webhook messages notifications, but I didn't respond with the status 200. meanwhile I was building the sending messages backend logic. so , there were thousands of webhooks no responded with the Status code 200. So my facebook app went crazy, and when I decided to respond with the status code 200. it didn't work.
the solution was to create another facebook app. and the webhooks worked well.
Had the same problem, tried to delete the app but didn't work, I was still receiving old messages from the old app.
TLDR; don't use the same test number with more than one Facebook App.
Even creating a new app, Phone Number ID and Account ID were still the same, my speculation is that the webhooks payloads are tied more to the test phone number rather than the Facebook App.
For this reason, if you have another application with the same test number and a not working webhook, it keeps sending the same messages to both webhooks.
Within the POST defined in your Webhook, you should always return HTTP Status 200, check that this happens even within your Promises
Webhooks for WhatsApp Business Accounts

How to make Stripe manually resend an event to webhook

I have been using the Stripe API and it's been calling my Webhook successfully for about a year.
But yesterday an issue occured for the first time. The webhook did not manage to succesfully complete its intended operation, but returned a 200 status code anyway, so Stripe didn't retry.
I have now fixed the error on the Webhook, but can't figure out how to make Stripe repeat the webhook call for this particular event. I can retrieve the event, but there's no button to resend. How to?
Stripe cli allows this stripe events resend IDOFTHEEVENT --live --webhook-endpoint=IDOFTHEWEBHOOK (replace IDOFTHEEVENT by the id of the event, and IDOFTHEWEBHOOK by the id of the webhook which you can find in the URL when you are on a webhook's page).
Otherwise you can copy/paste the event sent to the webhook and sent it to your endpoint with a tool such as postman.
It is possible to manually resend webhook events.
In the Stripe Dashboard, select Developers > Webhooks, then find the webhook your working with and press the little "resend" icon.
Note that for events which succeeded, you can still resend them by clicking the ellipsis and then "Resend" (this is a newer feature).
Since a 200 was returned, retrieving the event is going to be your best bet. Manual retries aren't currently possible (per
In live mode, we will attempt to deliver your webhooks for up to three days with an exponential back off. In test mode, we retry three times over a few hours. Webhooks cannot be manually retried after this time, though you can query for the event to reconcile your data with any missed events.
When viewing information about a specific event through the Dashboard, you can check how many times we've attempted to send an event to an endpoint by clicking on that endpoint URL in the Webhook details section. This will show you the latest response we received from your endpoint, along with a list of all attempted webhooks and the respective HTTP status codes we received.

Shopify webhook failing to return a successful response

I have created shopify app in which I have used webhooks for checkout/update. Webhook is working fine but I am getting this error message.
Your webhook for checkouts/update
at is
failing to return a successful response.This webhook has been
attempted 23 times. If your webhook continues to fail, it will be
removed and your application will not receive any more notifications.
Please help me to solve this issue.
Initially I had the same problems. Following things could be taken care for getting out of the above issue.
Do not wait till you process the data in the notification. Soon after you get the webhook data, send back a 200 ok status code and then go further processing.
Make sure there is no white space before php tag or there is no echo statement available before you send the 200 status code to shopify because that will end up with error - header already sent.
Do not sleep with a timer as shopify wait for a 5 second time window and expect your 200 status code in between that time span.
You can save your processed data/id in a database. Shopify sends a webhook notification around 19(they say but sometimes more in real) times. So, you can try with first check with your database that the webhook notification is already processed by you or not. If processed send a 200 OK immediately.
Webhooks created through API are more reliable than the one created manually through the Shopify admin. (Though shopify claims they treat them same.)
Your webhook is not working fine. It is failing to respond to Shopify. So until you fix that, Shopify is counting the failures and letting you know, that soon, they will just stop that Webhook, and you'll have to recreate it.
To solve the issue, POST a webhook to your endpoint and verify it returns a 200 OK.

Yodlee webhooks not hitting my URL

I have been reading Yodlee Docs at for implementing webhooks
What i did is, first registered a webhook for one of my users using following end point
POST /{cobrandName}/v1/cobrand/config/notifications/events/{eventName}
Then i triggered a refresh for one of the account using following endpoint POST /{cobrandName}/v1/refresh
But seems that Yodlee doesnt hit my URL when refresh is completed or there is an error in refresh.
I also tried to add an account using FastLink to see if Yodlee hits my URL when an account is added. But it doesn't. I am not sure what exactly is the problem. Can you please help?
Although i have a dobt - Does the webhook hit only if add/edit/refresh account was done using the API and not FastLInk provided by yodlee?
I am using Account Agreegation API and Developer account for testing.
Webhook event notifications will work only when you try to add the account using YSL APIs (manually).It doesn't work with FastLink. I have been informed by Yodlee Support. They also informed me that till date they don't have any client using webhook service, which was bit scary to know.
Please find a simple example to use webhooks-
1)Subscribe event using this URL-
2)Initiate add account process
3)Open the following URL and find the refresh notifications -
Please note: As you have subscribed for webhook event now. Please unsubscribe first using
DELETE /{cobrandName}/v1/cobrand/config/notifications/events/{eventName}
Delete Subscription

Twilio How to collect incoming SMS messages using .net efficiently

I created an application in that ties into a scheduling software. It keeps our employees up to date by sending them SMS updates. Employees can reply back to us. Sending messages works great. The application uses the Rest API to connect to Twilio. I can also get a list of incoming messages but I can't seem to get it in a way that works well for me.
Currently my application checks if there are new messages every 5 minutes. The application gets the messages list (with filter DateSent>=today) and then loops through the messages and copies the new ones into our scheduling database.
Is it possible to do a more efficient data pull for new SMS messages using only? Can I include a time filter in addition to current filter DateSent>=today to limit the result set? Any suggestions? (I don't do web coding unfortunately) Thanks.
Twilio evangelist here.
The best way to do this is just to use Twilios web hook to let Twilio proactively tell you each time its received a message. Whats a web hook you ask? Great question.
A webhook is simply an HTTP request that Twilio will make as soon as it received an inbound SMS messages to your Twilio phone number. You normally tell Twilio to make this HTTP request to a URL that you've created and published to a public website, which you can set up easily by using something like ASP.NET. In this scenario you can think of Twilio like a web browser that is making a request to a web application that you have created.
You can tell Twilio what URL it should request by opening the Numbers tab in your Twilio dashboard, and then locating and clicking the phone number you want to configure:
Now you set the URL you want Twilio to request in the Message Request URL field and click Save:
Now when Twilio requests this URL its going to pass a bunch of parameters with its request that you can use in your application logic. You can also do things like return TwiML back to Twilio in response to its HTTP request that tell it to do things like send an SMS right back to the person who just sent one to you.
If you're looking for a bit more of a step by step, the Quickstarts on our website are pretty easy to follow and will walk you through both sending an receiving text messages. The samples are in C# but are pretty straight forward so converting to VB.NET should be easy.
Hope that helps.
I am doing something similar with VB.Net and Twilio. My solution was to put up an Azure web site and an Azure SQL Database (the two can talk to each other). I set up my Twlio to call an .ashx web page on my Azure web site. Inside of that web page I have code that reads the incoming text message and saves it to my Azure SQL Database.
Works great, but my problem is the Azure database is in "the cloud" and my app\database that sends the original SMS is on mylocal network. Not sure how to cross that divide... (I should add that my local app can read the Azure SQL database, but seems ugly to have to call out to the Azure to get data. Would have preferred to have just saved it in my local db to begin with.)
Probably not a very helpful post, but maybe give you some architectural ideas. If you want to see my .ashx page just let me know.