how to solve vector-based variable/constraints in python pyomo - optimization

enter image description here
I am solving this problem, i write code. but getting error at last line ' results'
please anyone know how to deal vector based dynamic optimization please let me know.
model = ConcreteModel()
model.num_itter = Param(initialize = 0)
global p_
p_ = model.num_itter
# print(value(p_))
torq = np.zeros((14,6))
# global p_
def M_func(model,i):
return np.array(Mqn( *value(model.q[i]) ))
def sai_func(model, i):
return np.array(sain( *value(model.q[i]) ))
def sai_func_T(model, i):
return np.array(sain( *value(model.q[i]) )).T
def c_func(model, i):
return np.array(cqn(*np.append(value(model.q[0]),value(model.u[0])) ))
def dsai_dt_func(model, i):
return np.array(saidn(*np.append(value(model.q[0]),value(model.u[0])) ))
def first_eq(model,i):
return value(model.M[i])#value(model.q[i])-\
def second_eq(model,i):
return value(model.sai[i])#value(model.a[i])
def third_eq(model,i):
return (-value(model.dsai_dt[i])#value(model.u[i])).reshape(10,1)
def solu_f(model,i):
global p_
s_ = solu10[int(p_/2),:]
# time.sleep(2)
p_= p_+1
return s_
def init_q(model,i):
return solu10[i,:]
def init_u(model,i):
return np.zeros((14,))
def init_tu(model,i):
return np.zeros((6,))
def init_lm(model,i):
return np.zeros((10,))
def init_a(model,i):
return np.zeros((14,))
# Define the time horizon
t0 =0 ;tf =40
model.t = ContinuousSet(bounds=(t0,tf))
# measurements = {_: solu10[_,:] for _ in range(len(solu10))}
# Define the state variables, control inputs, and other variables
model.time_points = Set(initialize=range(200))
model.q = Var(model.t,initialize=init_q)
model.u = Var(model.t,initialize=init_u)
model.a = Var(model.t,initialize=init_a)
model.tu =Var(model.t,initialize=init_tu)
model.lm = Var(model.t,initialize=init_lm)
model.dqdt = DerivativeVar(model.q,wrt=model.t)
model.dudt = DerivativeVar(model.u,wrt=model.t)
# Define the parameters
model.M = Param(model.t,mutable=True, initialize=M_func,within=Any)
model.sai = Param(model.t,mutable=True, initialize=sai_func,within=Any)
model.c = Param(model.t,mutable=True, initialize=c_func,within=Any)
model.dsai_dt = Param(model.t,mutable=True, initialize=dsai_dt_func,within=Any)
model.first_meq = Param(model.t,mutable =True, initialize = first_eq,within = Any)
model.solu = Param(model.t,mutable = True,initialize = solu_f, within =Any)
model.second_meq = Param(model.t,mutable =True, initialize = second_eq,within = Any)
model.third_meq = Param(model.t,mutable =True, initialize = third_eq,within = Any)
# print(value(p_))
# Define the Constraint equations
def dyn_eq_1(model,i):
return model.first_meq[i]==-model.c[i]
def dyn_eq_2(model,i):
return model.second_meq[i]==model.third_meq[i]
def vel_constraint(model,i):
return model.dqdt[i]==model.u[i]
def acc_constraint(model,i):
return model.dudt[i]==model.a[i]
def path_constraint(model, i):
return model.q[i] == model.solu[i]
model.dyn_eq_1s= Constraint(model.t, rule=dyn_eq_1)
model.dyn_eq_2s= Constraint(model.t, rule=dyn_eq_2)
model.vel_constraints = Constraint(model.t, rule= vel_constraint)
model.acc_constraints = Constraint(model.t, rule= acc_constraint)
model.path_constraints = Constraint(model.t, rule=path_constraint)
# Define the bounds
u_lb = -np.array([2,2,0.5,0.34,float('inf'),float('inf'),0.20,28,float('inf'),float('inf'),0.20,28,0.25,0.25])
u_ub = [2,2,0.5,0.34,None,None,0.20,28,None,None,0.20,28,0.25,0.25]
a_lb = -np.array([1.5,1.5,0.2,0.10,float('inf'),float('inf'),0.10,5,float('inf'),float('inf'),0.10,5,0.10,0.10])
a_ub = [1.5,1.5,0.2,0.10,None,None,0.10,5,None,None,0.10,5,0.10,0.10]
tu_lb = -np.array([4,0.5,4,0.5,4,4])
tu_ub = [4,4,4,4,4,4]
def u_nes_fn(model,i):
u_nes = np.array([])
for _ in [6,7,10,11,12,13]:
u_nes = np.append(u_nes,value(model.u[i])[_])
return u_nes.astype('float64')
model.u_nes = Param(model.t,initialize= u_nes_fn,within = Any)
# Define the objective function
def tu_u_(model,i):
return np.linalg.norm(value( model.u_nes[i]*model.tu[i]*model.u_nes[i]*model.tu[i]))
model.tu_u = Integral(model.t,wrt=model.t,rule = tu_u_)
def objfun(model):
return model.tu_u
model.obj = Objective(rule = objfun)
# Define the solver and solve the problem
solver = SolverFactory('ipopt')
results = solver.solve(model)
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
c:\Users\pyomo_opti.ipynb Cell 16 in <cell line: 11>()
9 # Define the solver and solve the problem
10 solver = SolverFactory('ipopt')
---> 11 results = solver.solve(model)
File c:\Users\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pyomo\opt\base\, in OptSolver.solve(self, *args, **kwds)
565 try:
File pyomo\repn\plugins\ampl\ampl_.pyx:410, in
File pyomo\repn\plugins\ampl\ampl_.pyx:1072, in pyomo.repn.plugins.ampl.ampl_.ProblemWriter_nl._print_model_NL()
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()


AttributeError: 'numpy.float32' object has no attribute 'to_cpu'

Good day,
I'm developing a deep learning model for wireless signal detection. Below is the snippet of the function that computes the model accuracy and bit error rate (BER):
from chainer.datasets import TupleDataset
import numpy as np
from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
def get_idp_acc(model, dataset_tuple, comp_ratio, profile = None, batchsize = 128, gpu = -1):
chainer.config.train = True
xp = np if gpu < 0 else cuda.cupy
x, indices, x_zf, HtH, Hty = dataset_tuple._datasets[0], dataset_tuple._datasets[1], dataset_tuple._datasets[2], dataset_tuple._datasets[3], dataset_tuple._datasets[4]
accs = 0
BERs = 0
model.train = False
for j in range(0, len(x), batchsize):
x_batch = xp.array(x[j:j + batchsize])
indices_batch = xp.array(indices[j:j + batchsize])
x_zf_batch = xp.array(x_zf[j:j + batchsize])
HtH_batch = xp.array(HtH[j:j + batchsize])
Hty_batch = xp.array(Hty[j:j + batchsize])
if profile == None:
acc_data = model(x_batch, indices_batch, x_zf_batch, HtH_batch, Hty_batch, comp_ratio = comp_ratio,
ret_param = 'acc')
acc_data = model(x_batch, indices_batch, x_zf_batch, HtH_batch, Hty_batch, comp_ratio = comp_ratio,
ret_param = 'acc', profile = profile)
acc =
BER = 1.0 - acc
accs += acc * len(x_batch)
BERs += BER * len(x_batch)
return (accs / len(x)) * 100.
When the code is run, I get the following error below despite having imported all the required chainer modules. I really need your help on this issue as I'm stuck for nearly two months without making any headways in my project.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 14, in <module>
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 39, in run
acc_dict[name], BER_dict[name] = util.sweep_idp(model, test, comp_ratios, args)
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 107, in sweep_idp
batchsize=args.batchsize, profile=profile))
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 83, in get_idp_acc
AttributeError: 'numpy.float32' object has no attribute 'to_cpu'
Below is the additional information providing codes for model definition:
K = 10
num_layers = 3*K
def lin_soft_sign(x, t):
'''Linear soft sign activation function from the original paper Eq. (11)'''
y = -1 + F.relu(x + t)/ F.absolute(t) - F.relu(- t)/ F.absolute(t)
return y
def accuracy(x, y):
'''Computes the fraction of elements for which x and y are equal'''
return np.mean(np.equal(x, y)).astype(np.float32)
class MLP(chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self, K, coeff_generator, profiles = None, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K):
super(MLP, self).__init__()
if profiles == None:
profiles = [(0, 10)]
self.coeff_generator = coeff_generator
self.z_dims = z_dims
self.v_dims = v_dims
self.K = K
self.profiles = profiles
self.profile = 0
with self.init_scope():
self.p0_l1 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.z_dims)
self.p1_l1 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.z_dims)
self.p2_l1 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.z_dims)
self.p0_lv = IncompleteLinear(None, self.v_dims)
self.p1_lv = IncompleteLinear(None, self.v_dims)
self.p2_lv = IncompleteLinear(None, self.v_dims)
self.p0_l3 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.K)
self.p1_l3 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.K)
self.p2_l3 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.K)
def __call__(self, x, indices, x_zf, HtH, Hty, ret_param = 'loss', profile = None, comp_ratio = None):
if profile == None:
profile = self.profile
# Form Zero-forcing detection
err_rel = F.sum((x - x_zf)**2, axis = 1)
params = layer_profile(self.coeff_generator,
*self.profiles[profile], self.z_dims,
self.v_dims, comp_ratio)
def detnet_layer(x_d, x_logit, v, z_dims, v_dims):
HtH_x = np.matmul(HtH, np.expand_dims(, axis = 2).astype(np.float32))
HtH_x = F.squeeze(HtH_x, axis = -1)
#x_concat = np.concatenate([Hty, x, HtH_x, v], axis=1)
x_concat = F.concat([Hty, x_d, HtH_x, v], axis = 1)
if profile == 0:
z = F.relu(self.p0_l1(x_concat))
v += self.p0_lv(z, *params)
x_logit += self.p0_l3(z, *params)
x = lin_soft_sign(x_logit, F.broadcast_to(np.ones(1).astype(np.float32), x_logit.shape))
elif profile == 1:
z = F.relu(self.p1_l1(x_concat))
v += self.p1_lv(z, *params)
x_logit += self.p1_l3(z, *params)
x = lin_soft_sign(x_logit, F.broadcast_to(np.ones(1).astype(np.float32), x_logit.shape))
elif profile == 2:
z = F.relu(self.p2_l1(x_concat))
v += self.p2_lv(z, *params)
x_logit += self.p2_l3(z, *params)
x = lin_soft_sign(x_logit, F.broadcast_to(np.ones(1).astype(np.float32), x_logit.shape))
return x, x_logit, v
x_k = np.zeros((Hty.shape[0], self.K), dtype = np.float32)
x_k_logit = np.zeros((Hty.shape[0], self.K), dtype = np.float32)
v = np.zeros((Hty.shape[0], self.v_dims), dtype = np.float32)
loss = 0
mod = sg.Modulator('BPSK', K)
for k in range(1, num_layers + 1):
x_k, x_k_logit, v = detnet_layer(x_k, x_k_logit, v, self.z_dims, self.v_dims)
err = F.sum((x - x_k)**2, 1)
loss += (np.log(k)).astype(np.float32) * F.mean(err/err_rel)
report = {'loss': loss, 'acc': accuracy(mod.demodulate(, indices)}, self)
return report[ret_param]
def report_params(self):
return ['validation/main/acc']
def param_names(self):
if len(self.profiles) > 1:
return 'IDPDETNET_{}_{}_{}_p{}'.format(self.z_dims, self.v_dims, self.coeff_generator.__name__, len(self.profiles))
return 'IDPDETNET_{}_{}_{}'.format(self.z_dims, self.v_dims, self.coeff_generator.__name__)
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
import numpy as np
import visualize as vz
import idp.coeffs_generator as cg
from net import MLP
import util
K = 10
N = 4
v_dims = 2*K
z_dims = 8*K
SNR_dB_tmin = -4
SNR_dB_tmax = 24
SNR_dB_test = np.linspace(SNR_dB_tmin, SNR_dB_tmax, 8)
num_snr_test = len(SNR_dB_test)
def run(args):
train, test = util.get_dataset(args.modeltype)
names = ['all-one (standard)', 'linear']
colors = [vz.colors.all_one_lg, vz.colors.linear_lg]
models = [
MLP.MLP(K, cg.uniform, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K),
MLP.MLP(K, cg.linear, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K)
comp_ratios = np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 20)
acc_dict = {}
BER_dict = {}
ratios_dict = {}
for i in range(num_snr_test):
for name, model in zip(names, models):
util.load_or_train_model(model, train, test, args)
acc_dict[name], BER_dict[name] = util.sweep_idp(model, test, comp_ratios, args)
ratios_dict[name] = [100. * cr for cr in comp_ratios]
filename = "IDPDETNET1_{}".format(args.modeltype)
vz.plot(ratios_dict, acc_dict, names, filename, colors = colors,
folder = args.figure_path, ext=args.ext,
title = 'IDPDETNET (BPSK)',
xlabel = 'IDP (%)',
ylabel = 'Test Accuracy (%)', ylim = (0, 100))
filename = "IDPDETNET2_{}".format(args.modeltype)
vz.plot(ratios_dict, BER_dict, names, filename, colors = colors,
folder=args.figure_path, ext=args.ext,
xlabel='IDP (%)',
ylabel='BER (bits/sec)')
filename = "IDPDETNET3_{}".format(args.modeltype)
vz.plot(num_snr_test, BER_dict, names, filename, colors = colors,
folder = args.figure_path, ext = args.ext,
title = 'IDPDETNET (BPSK)',
xlabel = 'SNR (dB)',
ylabel = ' BER (bits/sec)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = util.default_parser('IDPDETNET Example').parse_args()
Hi Seiya Tokui. Thank you for your kind input. Here is the model definition based on the above code:
model = MLP.MLP(K, cg.uniform, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K)
model = MLP.MLP(K, cg.linear, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K)
Hi #BloodyD. Thank for your brilliant contributions. The model started training, but then later returned the following error:
1 nan nan 0.50108 5.85448
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 14, in <module>
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 38, in run
util.load_or_train_model(model, train, test, args)
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 204, in load_or_train_model
train_model(model, train, test, args)
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 184, in train_model
return eval('\n', ''))
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'NaN' is not defined
The error occurs in the last line of this snippet code below:
name = model.param_names()
save_model(model, os.path.join(args.model_path, name))
chainer.config.train = False
with open(os.path.join(args.out, 'log'), 'r') as fp:
return eval('\n', ''))

how to make copy paste to follow the same pattern

I am creating a design with my QGraphicsitems . I have selected all the items in the scene and pasted it.But it is not following the same pattern.can we make the items paste in the same pattern like the one which we have created initially? –
I have tried with the following code
from PyQt5.QtCore import (QByteArray,QDataStream, QIODevice,pyqtSlot, QMimeData, QPointF, QPoint, Qt, QRect,QTimer,QLineF, QEvent,QRectF)
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor,QDrag, QPainter, QPixmap,QFont,QFontMetrics,QBrush, QLinearGradient, QIcon, QPen, QPainterPath, QTransform,QCursor,QMouseEvent,QClipboard
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication,QGraphicsTextItem,QGraphicsItemGroup, QSizePolicy,QShortcut, QScrollArea, QPushButton,QLineEdit, QMainWindow,QInputDialog, QGraphicsPathItem,QDialog, QVBoxLayout,QGraphicsItem,QStatusBar,QTextEdit, QAction,QMenu, qApp,QSplitter, QButtonGroup, QToolButton, QFrame, QHBoxLayout, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsPixmapItem, QLabel, QGraphicsScene, QWidget
import importlib
import SketchBook as sketchBook
import Blocks as blocks
import random
custom_mimeType = "application/x-qgraphicsitems"
pos1 = QPointF()
def item_to_ds(it, ds):
if not isinstance(it, QGraphicsItem):
ds << it.pos()
posdiff = it.pos().x() -pos1().x()
pos1 = QPointF(it.pos().x(),it.pos().y())
# ds.writeInt(it.UserType)
# ds.writeString(it.type())
# ds.writeQString(it.type1())
# if isinstance(it, QGraphicsItem):
# ds << it.brush() << it.pen()
if isinstance(it, QGraphicsPixmapItem):
ds << it.pixmap()
if isinstance(it, QGraphicsPathItem):
ds << it.path()
def ds_to_item(ds):
module_name = ds.readQString()
class_name = ds.readQString()
if class_name == 'QGraphicsPixmapItem':
mod = importlib.import_module(module_name)
it = getattr(mod, class_name)()
# flags = QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag(ds.readInt())
# pos = QPointF()
# ds >> pos
# it.setFlags(flags)
# it.setPos(pos)
# it.setOpacity(ds.readFloat())
# it.setRotation(ds.readFloat())
# it.setScale(ds.readFloat())
mod = importlib.import_module(module_name)
it = getattr(mod, class_name)(blocks.selectedObjType)
flags = QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag(ds.readInt())
pos = QPointF()
ds >> pos
# if isinstance(it, QGraphicsItem):
# pen, brush = QPen(), QBrush()
# ds >> brush
# ds >> pen
# it.setPen(pen)
# it.setBrush(brush)
if isinstance(it, QGraphicsPathItem):
path = QPainterPath()
ds >> path
if isinstance(it, QGraphicsPixmapItem):
pixmap = QPixmap()
# pen, brush = QPen(), QBrush()
# ds >> brush
# ds >> pen
ds >> pixmap
return it
class GraphicsSceneClass(QGraphicsScene):
global selectedObjType
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(GraphicsSceneClass, self).__init__(parent)
self.gridOn = 0
self.setSceneRect(0, 0, 1920, 1080)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
sampleTransform = QTransform()
objectAtMouse = self.itemAt(event.scenePos(), sampleTransform)
if objectAtMouse and event.button()== Qt.LeftButton:
elif objectAtMouse==None and event.button()==Qt.RightButton:
# pass
self.grid = self.TargPosForLine(event.scenePos(), "ForLine")
self.grid = self.TargPosForLine(event.scenePos(), "ForLine")
# else:
# self.DeselectItems()
# objectAtMouse.QShortcut
def TargPosForLine(self, position, mode):
clicked_column = int((position.y() // 16)) * 16
clicked_row = int((position.x() // 16)) * 16
if clicked_column < 0:
clicked_column = 0
if clicked_row < 0:
clicked_row = 0
if(mode == "ForRect"):
return QRect(clicked_row, clicked_column,16,16)
elif(mode == "ForLine"):
return QPointF(clicked_row,clicked_column)
def DeselectItems(self):
selectedObjects = self.selectedItems()
for object in selectedObjects:
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
# self.DeselectItems()
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
global selectedObjType
# global item
def __init__(self,):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
self.scene = GraphicsSceneClass()
MainWindow.obj = self.scene
self.view = QGraphicsView(self.scene)
# self.view.setDragMode(QGraphicsView.RubberBandDrag)
self.widg = QWidget()
self.horizontalLayout = QHBoxLayout()
self.widget = QWidget()
def createMenus(self):
menuBar = self.menuBar()
fileMenu = menuBar.addMenu('&File')
fileMenu = menuBar.addMenu('&Edit')
def createActions(self):
self.exitAction = QAction("E&xit", self, shortcut="Ctrl+X", statusTip="Quit Scenediagram example",
self.copyAction = QAction("C&opy", self, shortcut="Ctrl+C", triggered=self.copy)
self.pasteAction = QAction("P&aste", self, shortcut="Ctrl+V", triggered=self.paste)
self.selectAction = QAction("S&electAll", self, shortcut="Ctrl+A", triggered=self.selectAll)
def createToolbars(self):
GridButton = QToolButton()
GridButton.setToolTip("Grid Control")
self.pointerToolbar = self.addToolBar("Pointer type")
def deleteItem(self):
for item in self.scene.selectedItems():
def selectAll(self):
for item in self.scene.items():
def GridOnOffControl(self):
if self.scene.gridOn == 0:
self.scene.gridOn = 1
self.scene.gridOn = 0
if self.scene.gridOn == 1:
def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
contextMenu = QMenu(self)
Cutaction = contextMenu.addAction("Cut")
Coaction = contextMenu.addAction("Copy")
Paaction = contextMenu.addAction("Paste")
Propaction = contextMenu.addAction("draw1")
quitAct = contextMenu.addAction("quit")
action = contextMenu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(event.pos()))
if action == quitAct:
elif action == Propaction:
objectDrop = None
# painterPath = QPainterPath()
# painterPath.moveTo(10, 50.0)
# painterPath.lineTo(50,50)
# painterPath.lineTo(50,55)
# painterPath.lineTo(10,55)
# gradient = QLinearGradient(1, 1, 1, 5)
# gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(Qt.gray))
# gradient.setColorAt(0.5, QColor(192, 192, 192, 255))
# gradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(Qt.darkGray))
# painterPath.closeSubpath()
# objectDrop = QGraphicsPathItem()
# objectDrop.setPath(painterPath)
# objectDrop.setBrush(QBrush(gradient))
objectDrop = QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap("2AS_HG_RG.png"))
# objectDrop._position = QPointF(gridPos.x() + 2, gridPos.y() + 5.9)
# objectDrop._type = "2AS_HG_RG"
objectDrop._type1 = "2AS_HG_RG"
# self.scene.addPath(painterPath)
elif action==Propaction1:
objectDrop = None
selectedObjType = "line"
objectDrop = sketchBook.SketchBook(selectedObjType)
objectDrop._type1 = "line"
elif action == Coaction:
elif action == Paaction:
def copy(self):
mimedata = QMimeData()
ba = QByteArray()
ds = QDataStream(ba, QIODevice.WriteOnly)
for it in self.scene.selectedItems():
self.posdiff=item_to_ds(it, ds)
mimedata.setData(custom_mimeType, ba)
clipboard = QApplication.clipboard()
def paste(self):
clipboard = QApplication.clipboard()
mimedata = clipboard.mimeData()
if mimedata.hasFormat(custom_mimeType):
ba =
# STR = str(ba)
# QW = ba.capacity()
ds = QDataStream(ba)
while not ds.atEnd():
# for it in ds:
it = ds_to_item(ds)
if isinstance(it, QGraphicsPixmapItem):
it._position = QPointF(pos2.x() + 2, pos2.y() + 5.9)
it._type1 = "2AS_HG_RG"
gradient = QLinearGradient(1, 1, 1, 5)
gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(Qt.gray))
gradient.setColorAt(0.5, QColor(192, 192, 192, 255))
gradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(Qt.darkGray))
it._position = QPointF(pos2.x() + 2, pos2.y() + 5.9)
# it.setFlags(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable)
# it._type1 = "line"
def selectedItem(self):
items = self.scene.selectedItems()
if len(items) == 1:
return items[0]
return None
if __name__=="__main__":
import sys
mainWindow = MainWindow()
1) select all the items or the items to be pasted
2) copy it
3) paste it
if we have design pattern have item1 followed by item2 followed by item3 with respective distance. When we copy and paste it it should follow the same pattern.
QGraphicsItem.setPos() is absolute to the scene (or relative to its parent), the alternative solution is to use moveBy(x, y) (which is the same as setPos(self.pos() + deltaPos), but you have to take into account the relative position of the click according to the reference point.
I'd suggest you to not set the position until all items have been added, and then set their position according to a specific item that will be used as an "anchor" point.
def paste(self):
clipboard = QApplication.clipboard()
mimedata = clipboard.mimeData()
items = []
topLeft = None
if mimedata.hasFormat(custom_mimeType):
ba =
ds = QDataStream(ba)
while not ds.atEnd():
it = ds_to_item(ds)
if not topLeft:
topLeft = it
elif it.y() < topLeft.y() or it.x() < topLeft.x():
# find a possible topmost/leftmost item
topLeft = it
# add items, but do not set their position here
# ...
delta = self.scene.grid - topLeft.pos()
[i.moveBy(delta.x(), delta.y()) for i in items]
An alternative is to find the "anchor" in the copy procedure, and set the position of each item relative to that point in the datastream, so that you'll be able to use moveBy(pos2.x(), pos2.y()) directly after adding the items.

batch normalization switch in tensorflow

Here is an autoencoder.
My problem is that I don't know how to set "mode" to let it split into "train" and "test".
I'm glad if you guys can show me an example:D
Can I use a global variable or placeholder to change "mode" ?
I'm glad you can answer it for me.
#batch normalization
def Batch_norm_en(Wx_plus_b, i):
if mode == 1:
fc_mean_en, fc_var_en = tf.nn.moments(Wx_plus_b, axes=[0, 1])
fc_mean_en, fc_var_en = fc_mean_en, fc_var_en
Wx_plus_b = tf.nn.batch_normalization(Wx_plus_b, fc_mean_en, fc_var_en, shift_en[i], scale_en[i], 10**(-3))
return Wx_plus_b
def Batch_norm_de(Wx_plus_b, i):
if mode == 1:
fc_mean_de, fc_var_de = tf.nn.moments(Wx_plus_b, axes=[0, 1])
fc_mean_de, fc_var_de = fc_mean_de, fc_var_de
Wx_plus_b = tf.nn.batch_normalization(Wx_plus_b, fc_mean_de, fc_var_de, shift_de[i], scale_de[i], 10**(-3))
return Wx_plus_b
#encoder data
def encoder_model(x):
res = x
for i in range(0, len(en_n_neurons)-1):
Wx_plus_b = tf.matmul(res,W_en[i]) + b_en[i]
Wx_plus_b = Batch_norm_en(Wx_plus_b, i)
res = tf.nn.sigmoid(Wx_plus_b)
return res
#decoder data
def decoder_model(x):
res = x
for i in range(0, len(de_n_neurons)-1):
Wx_plus_b = tf.matmul(res,W_de[i]) + b_de[i]
Wx_plus_b = Batch_norm_de(Wx_plus_b, i)
res = tf.nn.sigmoid(Wx_plus_b)
return res

Theano function equivalent in Tensorflow

I'm wonder wrt this topic
I want to resolve update issue in Theano.function with this lazy tensorflow constrution:
class TensorFlowTheanoFunction(object):
def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, session):
self._inputs = inputs
self._outputs = outputs
self.session = session
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
feeds = {}
for (argpos, arg) in enumerate(args):
feeds[self._inputs[argpos]] = arg
return, feeds)
If I want to pass an update argument (like in Theano) how I can modify this lazy call?
I just want that this can also work in tensorflow: = theano.function([], [], updates=zip(old_params, params))
Just modifying Yaroslav's code from that thread to use tf.assign, with a control dependency to make sure the outputs are computed before the assignments happen:
import tensorflow as tf
class TensorFlowTheanoFunction(object):
def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, updates=()):
self._inputs = inputs
self._outputs = outputs
self._updates = updates
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
feeds = {}
for (argpos, arg) in enumerate(args):
feeds[self._inputs[argpos]] = arg
outputs_identity = [tf.identity(output) for output in self._outputs]
output_is_list = True
except TypeError:
outputs_identity = [tf.identity(self._outputs)]
output_is_list = False
with tf.control_dependencies(outputs_identity):
assign_ops = [tf.assign(variable, replacement)
for variable, replacement in self._updates]
outputs_list = tf.get_default_session().run(
outputs_identity + assign_ops, feeds)[:len(outputs_identity)]
if output_is_list:
return outputs_list
assert len(outputs_list) == 1
return outputs_list[0]
a = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32)
b = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32)
variable = tf.get_variable(
"variable", shape=[], dtype=tf.int32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer)
c = a + b + variable
d = a - b
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
f = TensorFlowTheanoFunction([a, b], [c, d], updates=[(variable, variable + 1)])
print f(1, 2)
print f(1, 2)
print f(0, 2)
f = TensorFlowTheanoFunction([a, b], c, updates=[(variable, variable + 1)])
print f(1, 2)
print f(1, 2)
print f(0, 2)
This updates the variable at each iteration:
[3, -1]
[4, -1]
[4, -2]

Tensorflow: Calling externally set-up function in `tf.scan` (e.g using `tf.make_template`) results in error

I have a RNN like structure that has some building blocks (component neural networks) that are passed in by the user. Here is a minimal example:
import tensorflow as tf
def initialize(shape):
init = tf.random_normal(shape, mean=0, stddev=0.1, dtype=tf.float32)
return init
def test_rnn_with_external(input, hiddens, external_fct):
A simple rnn that makes the standard update, then
feeds the new hidden state through some external
dim_in = input.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
btsz = input.get_shape().as_list()[1]
shape = (dim_in + hiddens, hiddens)
_init = initialize(shape)
W = tf.get_variable("rnn_w", initializer=_init)
_init = tf.zeros([hiddens])
b = tf.get_variable("rnn_b", initializer=_init)
def _step(previous, input):
concat = tf.concat(1, [input, previous])
h_t = tf.tanh(tf.add(tf.matmul(concat, W), b))
h_t = external_fct(h_t)
return h_t
h_0 = tf.zeros([btsz, hiddens])
states = tf.scan(_step,
return states
# the external function, relying on the templating mechanism.
def ext_fct(hiddens):
def tmp(input):
shape = (hiddens, hiddens)
_init = initialize(shape)
W = tf.get_variable("ext_w", initializer=_init)
b = 0
return tf.add(tf.matmul(input, W), b, name="external")
return tf.make_template(name_="external_fct", func_=tmp)
# run from here on
t = 5
btsz = 4
dim = 2
hiddens = 3
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(t, btsz, dim))
ext = ext_fct(hiddens)
states = test_rnn_with_external(x, hiddens, external_fct=ext)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
with the error ending in:
InvalidArgumentError: All inputs to node external_fct/ext_w/Assign must be from the same frame.
With Frame, I would associate an area on the stack. So I thought that maybe tf.make_template does something very wired, and thus it is not useable here. The external function can be rewritten a bit and then called more directly, like so:
import tensorflow as tf
def initialize(shape):
init = tf.random_normal(shape, mean=0, stddev=0.1, dtype=tf.float32)
return init
def test_rnn_with_external(input, hiddens, external_fct):
dim_in = input.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
btsz = input.get_shape().as_list()[1]
shape = (dim_in + hiddens, hiddens)
_init = initialize(shape)
W = tf.get_variable("rnn_w", initializer=_init)
_init = tf.zeros([hiddens])
b = tf.get_variable("rnn_b", initializer=_init)
def _step(previous, input):
concat = tf.concat(1, [input, previous])
h_t = tf.tanh(tf.add(tf.matmul(concat, W), b))
h_t = external_fct(h_t, hiddens)
return h_t
h_0 = tf.zeros([btsz, hiddens])
states = tf.scan(_step,
return states
def ext_fct_new(input, hiddens):
shape = (hiddens, hiddens)
_init = initialize(shape)
W = tf.get_variable("ext_w_new", initializer=_init)
b = 0
return tf.add(tf.matmul(input, W), b, name="external_new")
t = 5
btsz = 4
dim = 2
hiddens = 3
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(t, btsz, dim))
states = test_rnn_with_external(x, hiddens, external_fct=ext_fct_new)
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
However, still the same error InvalidArgumentError: All inputs to node ext_w_new/Assign must be from the same frame.
Of course, moving contents of the external function into the _step part (and tf.get_variableing before) works. But then the flexibility (necessary in the original code) is gone.
What am I doing wrong? Any help/tips/pointers is greatly appreciated.
(Note: Asked this on github, too:
Using a tf.constant_initializer solves the problem. This is described here.