Can't access NestJS API on same network - react-native

When trying to access my NestJS api running locally MacBook from a React Native app, axios gives me a LOG "Could not connect to the server.". Even when trying to access the from another laptop does not work. I can weirdly ping the server from another device just fine. And running it on the same MacBook with localhost also works. I have set up a fairly basic NestJS api with Fastify. I have no firewall running. What the hell am I missing?


Able to ping the system using IP but not able to access api

My API is running on the Windows system. I'm calling API from another MAC system, but it's just getting a timeout.
I'm able to ping from Mac to Windows and vice versa, but API not working which is running a specific port.
Also, if I'll connect mobile Hotspots then I'm able to call API. But using WIFI router not able to connect.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions
I'm using Windows 11. After I disabled windows defender, I'm able to access API from other systems

React Native Expo access VPN endpoint

I´m developing an project using react native Expo that needs to fetch an JSON document, on a endpoint that is covered by an VPN connection using SSTP tunnel.
I have been developing on Android Emulator and iOS Simulator, with my computer configured on VPN connection and its been working fine with no problem at all, the app on the emulators can fetch the request url and get the json document.
When i try to use the tunnel or lan method to expose my app on real devices, the app its successfully installed but cannot fetch the url, it always says Http request throws Network Request Failed. Both are in the same network, there is any reason why this happen or any clue?
After some digging i finally found what i want. Basically all i needed to do was to expose my VPN Webservices connections by using ngrok or other program for the same purpose. The program will create a tunnel (HTTP and HTTPS) creating an hole on the firewall and a custom URL to access.
There are many ways to do the same, for me the ngrok was the best but this link help me a lot to understand: How to call a locally hosted server from Expo? and also the ngrok documentation and How to Run Ngrok to Test & Share Your Local Development

React Native impossible to get access to a sandbox in 4G but work in Wifi

I have a weird issue, I got a sandbox wss://v2.sandbox and https://v2.sandbox links every request on the API Rest, and the socket server works fine in Wifi but when I want to try the App in 4g no a single request work. Same behavior with my browser, impossible to get access to the dashboard, API rest, or socket server with a shared connexion but work in wifi.
I checked the banip list - clear
I checked my DNS - clear (using the DNS of Google)
My partner who made the BO think that could be the app but I test several free APIs, socket servers anything works still no access to his BO.
I would appreciate some idea on this issue that is out of my spec.
I'm using a Fresh install of RN
I test both fetch API and Axios same results.
RN Version: RN 63.4
Issue solved it was DNS Propagation issue with ip

Can't run expo project on LAN without internet connectivity

I'm using OSX and when I tried to run my expo app on connected android or iphones, I got an error saying
Something went wrong.
Could not load exp:// Network response timed out.
But when I'm using a Windows system to start expo, its working on the same LAN without internet.
Any solution?

Cant access internal http server via mobile device

I am running an Apache server (WAMP .- Windows / Apache / MySQL / PHP installation).
I am running a HTTP server for some development I am doing. This project involves comunicating with a HTTP server running Firebird.
Now, all is well until I try use the external IP address from a mobile device to access the server. Then it just times out.
I have correctly setup port-forwarding on the router and everything is accessible from ANY other computer. So the url goes something like this..
To test this, I have connected from another computer on the LAN and it connects fine. I have used Teamviewer and connected from a computer NOT on the LAN. That also connects fine.
However, whenever I try to use the same url from a mobile device (phone) it just times out.
Anyone have any ideas why I cant connect using a mobile ?