Apache Ignite update eviction policy (time) of already started cache - ignite

Does Apache Ignite allow to update eviction policy (time) of already started cache?
We have an implemenation in our system where we store data in Ignite cache. But we need to be able to update eviction time on existing cache without losing data in the cache. Creating a new cache is not an option in our case.

Changing the configured default is not possible; it's part of the configuration.
But, you can always create a new cache wrapper with the required policy. From the docs:
CacheConfiguration<Integer, String> cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration<Integer, String>("myCache");
IgniteCache cache = ignite.cache("myCache")
.withExpiryPolicy(new CreatedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 5)));
// if the cache does not contain key 1, the entry will expire after 5 minutes
cache.put(1, "first value");
IgniteCache cache2 = ignite.cache("myCache")
.withExpiryPolicy(new CreatedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 2)));
// if the cache does not contain key 2, the entry will expire after 2 minutes
cache2.put(2, "second value");


How Spring store cache and key to Redis

I follow some tutorial on web to setup Spring Cache with redis,
my function look like this:
#Cacheable(value = "post-single", key = "#id", unless = "#result.shares < 500")
public Post getPostByID(#PathVariable String id) throws PostNotFoundException {
log.info("get post with id {}", id);
return postService.getPostByID(id);
As I understand, the value inside #Cacheable is the cache name and key is the cache key inside that cache name. I also know Redis is an in-memory key/value store. But now I'm confused about how Spring will store cache name to Redis because looks like Redis only manages key and value, not cache name.
Looking for anyone who can explain to me.
Thanks in advance
Spring uses cache name as the key prefix when storing your data. For example, when you call your endpoint with id=1 you will see in Redis this key
You can customize the prefix format through CacheKeyPrefix class.

S3 java SDK - set expiry to object

I am trying to upload a file to S3 and set an expire date for it using Java SDK.
This is the code i got:
Instant expiration = Instant.now().plus(3, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
metadata.setHeader("Expires", Date.from(expiration));
s3Client.putObject(bucketName, keyName, new FileInputStream(file), metadata);
The object has no expire data on it in the S3 console.
What can I do?
These are two unrelated things. The expiration time shown in the console is x-amz-expiration, which is populated by the system, by lifecycle policies. It is read-only.
Amazon S3 will return this header if an Expiration action is configured for the object as part of the bucket's lifecycle configuration. The header value includes an "expiry-date" component and a URL-encoded "rule-id" component.
Expires is a header which, when set on an object, is returned in the response when the object is downloaded.
The date and time at which the object is no longer able to be cached. For more information, go to http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.21.
It isn't possible to tell S3 when to expire (delete) a specific object -- this is only done as part of bucket lifecycle policies, as described in the User Guide under Object Lifecycle Management.
Following the documentation the method setExpirationTime() using for internal needs and do not define expiration time for the uploaded object
public void setExpirationTime(Date expirationTime)
For internal use only. This will not set the object's expiration
time, and is only used to set the value in the object after receiving
the value in a response from S3.
So you can’t directly set expiration date for particular object. To solve this problem you can:
Define lifecycle rule for a bucket(remove bucket with objects after number of days)
Define lifecycle rule for bucket level to remove objects with specific tag or prefix after numbers of days
To define those rules use documentation:

Ignite and Kafka Integration

I am trying the Ignite and Kafka Integration to bring kafka message into Ignite cache.
My message key is a random string(To work with Ignite, the kafka message key can't be null), and the value is a json string representation for Person(a java class)
When Ignite receives such a message, it looks that Ignite will use the message's key(the random string in my case) as the cache key.
Is it possible to change the message key to the person's id, so that I can put the into the cache.
Looks that streamer.receiver(new StreamReceiver) is workable
streamer.receiver(new StreamReceiver<String, String>() {
public void receive(IgniteCache<String, String> cache, Collection<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries) throws IgniteException {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries) {
Person p = fromJson(entry.getValue());
//ignore the message key,and use person id as the cache key
cache.put(p.getId(), p);
Is this the recommended way? and I am not sure whether calling cache.put in StreamReceiver is a correct way, since it is only a pre-processing step before writing to cache.
Data streamer will map all your keys to cache affinity nodes, create batches of entries and send batches to affinity nodes. After it StreamReceiver will receive your entries, get Person's ID and invoke cache.put(K, V). Putting entry lead to mapping your key to corresponding cache affinity node and sending update request to this node.
Everything looks good. But result of mapping your random key from Kafka and result of mapping Person's ID will be different (most likely different nodes). As result your will get poor performance due to redundant network hops.
Unfortunately, current KafkaStreamer implementations doesn't support stream tuple extractors (see e.g. StreamSingleTupleExtractor class). But you can easily create your own Kafka streamer implementation using existing one as example.
Also you can try use KafkaStreamer's keyDecoder and valDecoder in order to extract Person's ID from Kafka message. I don't sure, but it can help.

RavenDB failover scenario. How to know the actual server?

I'm setting up a project with replication and failover for RavenDB (server and client 3.0), and now I'm testing with a replica DB.
The failover behavior is very simple: I've two servers, one on 8080 and one on 8081. The configuration is basically this:
store.FailoverServers.ForDatabases = new Dictionary<string, ReplicationDestination[]>
new ReplicationDestination
Url = "http://localhost:8080"
new ReplicationDestination
Url = "http://localhost:8081"
The failover IS working well, I've tried to shut down the first server (that is the one used in the DocumentStore configuration) and the second one is responding as expected.
What I want to know is: is there a way to understand what is the current failover server that is responding to the queries? If inside the session I try to navigate the DocumentSession properties (as the session.Advanced.DocumentStore.Identifier) I cannot find references to the second server, but I see only reference to the first one, that is the one used for the configuration.
Am I missing something?
You can use the ReplicationInformer.FailoverStatusChanged to get notified on failovers.
You can access the replication informer using: DocumentStore.GetReplicationInformerForDatabase()

Caching JSON with Cloudflare

I am developing a backend system for my application on Google App Engine.
My application and backend server communicating with json. Like http://server.example.com/api/check_status/3838373.json or only http://server.example.com/api/check_status/3838373/
And I am planning to use CloudFlare for caching JSON pages.
Which one I should use on header? :
Content-type: application/json
Content-type: text/html
Is CloudFlare cache my server's responses to reduce my costs? Because I'll not use CSS, image, etc.
The standard Cloudflare cache level (under your domain's Performance Settings) is set to Standard/Aggressive, meaning it caches only certain types by default scripts, stylesheets, images. Aggressive caching won't cache normal web pages (ie at a directory location or *.html) and won't cache JSON. All of this is based on the URL pattern (e.g. does it end in .jpg?) and regardless of the Content-Type header.
The global setting can only be made less aggressive, not more, so you'll need to setup one or more Page Rules to match those URLs, using Cache Everything as the custom cache rule.
BTW I wouldn't recommend using an HTML Content-Type for a JSON response.
By default, Cloudflare does not cache JSON file. I've ended up with config a new page rule:
Cache level: Cache Everything
Browser Cache TTL: set a timeout
Edge Cache TTL: set a timeout
Hope it saves someone's day.
The new workers feature ($5 extra) can facilitate this:
Important point:
Cloudflare normally treats normal static files as pretty much never expiring (or maybe it was a month - I forget exactly).
So at first you might think "I just want to add .json to the list of static extensions". This is likely NOT want you want with JSON - unless it really rarely changed - or is versioned by filename. You probably want something like 60 seconds or 5 minutes so that if you update a file it'll update within that time but your server won't get bombarded with individual requests from every end user.
Here's how I did this with a worker to intercept all .json extension files:
// Note: there could be tiny cut and paste bugs in here - please fix if you find!
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
async function handleRequest(event)
let request = event.request;
let ttl = undefined;
let cache = caches.default;
let url = new URL(event.request.url);
let shouldCache = false;
// cache JSON files with custom max age
if (url.pathname.endsWith('.json'))
shouldCache = true;
ttl = 60;
// look in cache for existing item
let response = await cache.match(request);
if (!response)
// fetch URL
response = await fetch(request);
// if the resource should be cached then put it in cache using the cache key
if (shouldCache)
// clone response to be able to edit headers
response = new Response(response.body, response);
if (ttl)
// https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/recipes/vcl-conversion/controlling-the-cache/
response.headers.append('Cache-Control', 'max-age=' + ttl);
// put into cache (need to clone again)
event.waitUntil(cache.put(request, response.clone()));
return response;
else {
return response;
You could do this with mime-type instead of extension - but it'd be very dangerous because you'd probably end up over-caching API responses.
Also if you're versioning by filename - eg. products-1.json / products-2.json then you don't need to set the header for max-age expiration.
You can cache your JSON responses on Cloudflare similar to how you'd cache any other page - by setting the Cache-Control headers. So if you want to cache your JSON for 60 seconds on the edge (s-maxage) and the browser (max-age), just set the following header in your response:
Cache-Control: max-age=60, s-maxage=60
You can read more about different cache control header options here:
Please note that different Cloudflare plans have different value for minimum edge cache TTL they allow (Enterprise plan allows as low as 1 second). If your headers have a value lower than that, then I guess they might be ignored. You can see the limits here: