cmd: Pass oldest creationdate from "WMIC process where name='<name.exe>' get creationdate" into a variable where one process has >1 date outputs - variables

Ultimate goal is to delete temp files belonging the the earliest created named process.
Current results of command:
>wmic process where name='<xyz.exe>' get creationdate
How do I single out the oldest of the above, and pass it into a variable?
I've attempted examples given here
My code:
#echo off
for /f %%i in ('wmic process where name^="<xyz.exe>" get creationdate') do (
for %%b in (%%i) do (
set "TS=%%i"
echo TimeStamp : "%TS%"
The above results in passing the newest creationdate.
Attempted the following first:
#echo off
for /f %%i in ('wmic process where name^="xyz.exe" get creationdate ^| sort) do (
for %%b in (%%i) do (
set "TS=%%i"
echo TimeStamp : "%TS%"
The above returns:
TimeStamp : CreationDate
If I change the code to:
#echo off
for /f %%i in ('wmic process where name^="xyz.exe" get creationdate ^| sort /r) do (
for %%b in (%%i) do (
set "TS=%%i"
echo TimeStamp : "%TS%"
This returns the date I'm looking for.
However, why does the first set of code, in Update2, return the header?


Add headers to a SQL (Sybase) output

I have created a a script that execute sql (Sybase)
isql -U databasename_dba -P password -b <<EOF!
select label1, label2 from TABLE
echo "$command" >> output_file.csv):
All good so far, the file is produced:
But as you can see, the output is represented in 1 column.
Is possible to add "Headers" and divide the column is 2 columns, my desired output would be:
Try to remove -b.
isql -U databasename_dba -P password <<EOF!
select label1, label2 from TABLE
echo "$command" >> output_file.csv):

How to pass parameter into SQL file from UNIX script?

I'm looking to pass in a parameter into a SQL file from my UNIX script. Unfortunately having problems with it.
Please see UNIX script below:
# Functions
_usage() {
-eq 1 -o "$1" = "" -o "$1" = help -o "$1" = Help -o "$1" = HELP ]; then
echo "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [ cCode ]"
echo " - For example : $SCRIPT_NAME GH\n"
exit 1
_initialise() {
echo $cCode
# Set Variables
_usage $#
_initialise $1
# Main Processing
sql $DBNAME < test.sql $cCode > $PVNUM_LOGFILE
# Check for errors within log file
if [[ $RETCODE != 0 ]] || grep 'E_' $PVNUM_LOGFILE
echo "Error - 50 - running test.sql. Please see $PVNUM_LOGFILE"
exit 50
Please see SQL script (test.sql):
FROM data_latest v1
JOIN temp_table t
ON v1.number =
WHERE v1.code = '&1'
The error I am receiving when running my UNIX script is:
INGRES TERMINAL MONITOR Copyright 2008 Ingres Corporation
E_US0022 Either the flag format or one of the flags is incorrect,
or the parameters are not in proper order.
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
NOTE: While I don't work with the sql command, I do routinely pass UNIX parameters into SQL template/script files when using the isql command line tool, so fwiw ...
The first thing you'll want to do is replace the &1 string with the value in the cCode variable; one typical method is to use sed to do a global search and replace of &1 with ${cCode} , eg:
$ cCode=XYZ
$ sed "s/\&1/${cCode}/g" test.sql
FROM data_latest v1
JOIN temp_table t
ON v1.number =
WHERE v1.code = 'XYZ' <=== &1 replaced with XYZ
NOTE: You'll need to wrap the sed code in double quotes so that the value of the cCode variable can be referenced.
Now, to get this passed into sql there are a couple options ... capture the sed output to a new file and submit that file to sql or ... [and I'm guessing this is doable with sql], pipe the sed output into sql, eg:
sed "s/\&1/${cCode}/g" test.sql | sql $DBNAME > $PVNUM_LOGFILE
You may need '\p\g' around your SQL in the text file?
I personally tend to code in the SQL to the script itself, as in
sql $db <<_END_ > $OUTLOG
set autocommit on;
set lockmode session where readlock = nolock;
FROM table
WHERE date > '${var}' ;
exit 0

Need to pass variable parameter through Batch script file

I have the properties.txt file containing sql scripts, where I need to pass the variable value through windows batch file.
Issue scenario query is:
SELECT a,b,c
FROM dual
I would like to pass value for through variable parameter such that this function: TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(sysdate,-1),'MM-YYYY') will provide dynamic output as:"12-2016" & in next month it will be "01-2017"
Please provide your thoughts.
Admitting we are in January 2017, to compute the "12-2016" thing in batch, you can do :
::get current month and year
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (
set month=%%b
set year=%%c
::get the previous month
if "%month" NEQ "01" (
set /A month=%month%-1
) else (
set month=12
set /A year=%year%-1
::if things like "1-2017" aren't valid, you can add a zero
set month=00%month%
set month=%month:~-2%
::compute the final date
set date=%month%-%year%
::now call your request like #user2956477 said, using %date%
::(don't forget to add quotes if needed)
if you feel disturbed with the "for" syntax, take a look at the man (type for /? in your terminal). Take a look in particular at the /F options.

how to assign a query result to a shell variable

I have an sql query that returns a date.
I call this query from a shell script and would like to assign this value to the variable called datestart (and use it later). Here is my code. Without the datestart assignment the query works fine.
datestart=(psql $firstname $portname $dbname<< EOF
SELECT MIN(latestrefdate) FROM (SELECT MAX(referencedate) AS latestrefdate FROM statistics WHERE transactionname IN(SELECT DISTINCT transactionname FROM statistics WHERE platform = 'Smarties')GROUP BY transactionname) as earliest;
echo $datestart
but the result is this :
Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")").
I have no idea where should I insert that closing bracket. Any hint is appreciated.
Instead of brackets in variable assignment you need to use $(...) for BASH or `...` for sh.
Try this:
datestart=`psql -t --pset="footer=off" --user="$firstname" --port="$portname" -d "$dbname"<<EOF
SELECT MIN(latestrefdate) FROM (SELECT MAX(referencedate) AS latestrefdate FROM statistics WHERE transactionname IN (SELECT DISTINCT transactionname FROM statistics WHERE platform = 'Smarties') GROUP BY transactionname) as earliest;
echo "$datestart"

checking if a variable value is null on bash script

i have this script that retrieves a parameter (a number) from a SQL query and assigns it to a variable.
there are two options - either the SQL query finds a value and then the script preforms
echo "the billcycle number is $v_bc", or it doesnt find a value and it suppose to
echo "no billcycle parameter found".
im having a problem with the if condition.
this is what i came up with:
v_bc=`sqlplus -s /#bscsprod <<EOF
set pagesize 0
select billcycle from bc_run
where billcycle not in (50,16)
and control_group_ind is null
and billseqno=6043;
if [ -z "$v_bc" ]; then echo no billcycle parameter found
else echo "the billcycle parameter is $v_bc"
when billseqno=6043, then it means that v_bc=25, and when i run the script, the result is:
"the billcycle parameter is 25". which is what i ment it to do.
when i set billseqno=6042, according to the above SQL query, v_bc will get no value, therefore what i want it to do is echo "no billcycle parameter found".
instead i get
"the billcycle parameter is
no rows were selected".
any suggestions ?
thanks very much
Your code is correctly checking for an empty value -- v_bc is just not empty, even with -s.
You may either:
parse the output of sqplus when no rows are returned, so add this:
if [[ "$v_bc" == "no rows were selected" ]]; then v_bc=""; fi
This uses the bash [[ ]] command with "==" for pattern matching so we don't need to worry about leading/trailing whitespace. This is not as robust as dogbane's SET FEEDBACK OFF since it's entirely possible for "no rows were selected" to be valid data.
write a better query which always returns data, like this:
The trick being to reformulate your query and use select/union with a fallback query that conditionally provides output when your query is empty:
with data as
(select billcycle from bc_run where [...])
select * from data
union all
select 'NA', null from dual where not exists (select null from data);
(see also What is the dual table in Oracle? )
Try turning feedback off in sqlplus so that you don't get any output if no rows are selected:
v_bc=`sqlplus -s /#bscsprod <<EOF
set pagesize 0
select billcycle from bc_run
where billcycle not in (50,16)
and control_group_ind is null
and billseqno=6043;
Try something like
if [ "${v_bc:-SHOULDNTHAPPEN}" = "SHOULDNTHAPPEN" ]; then
echo no billcycle parameter found
The idiomatic way to assign a value to a variable if that variable is empty is with an = in a parameter expansion. In other words, this:
: ${v_bc:=no billcycle paramter found}
is equivalent to:
test -z "$v_bc" && v_bc='no billcycle paramter found'
In your case, it would also be easy to do:
echo ${v_bc:-no billcycle parameter found}
but the question asked in the title is not really the problem in your case. (Since the problem is not that v_bc is the empty string, but rather that it is a value you do not expect.)