Is there a way to implement equations as Dymos path constraints? - optimization

For example, if I have a function h_max(mach) and I want the altitude to always respect this predefined altitude-mach relationship throughout the flight enveloppe, how could I impliment this?
I have tried calculating the limit quantity (in this case, h_max) as its own state and then calculating another state as h_max-h and then constraining that through a path constraint to being greater than 0. This type of approach has worked, but involved two explicit components, a group and alot of extra coding just to get a constraint working. I was wondering if there was a better way?
Thanks so much in advance.

The next version of Dymos, 1.7.0 will be released soon and will support this.
In the mean time, you can install the latest developmental version of Dymos directly from github to have access to this capability:
python -m pip install git+
Then, you can define boundary and path constraints with an equation. Note the equation must have an equals sign in it, and then lower, upper, or equals will apply to the result of the equation.
In reality, dymos is just inserting an OpenMDAO ExecComp for you under the hood, so the one caveat to this is that your expression must be compatible with complex-step differentiation.
Here's an example of the brachistochrone that uses constraint expressions to set the final y value to a specific value while satisfying a path constraint defined with a second equation.
import openmdao.api as om
import dymos as dm
from dymos.examples.plotting import plot_results
from dymos.examples.brachistochrone import BrachistochroneODE
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Initialize the Problem and the optimization driver
p = om.Problem(model=om.Group())
p.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver()
# Create a trajectory and add a phase to it
traj = p.model.add_subsystem('traj', dm.Trajectory())
phase = traj.add_phase('phase0',
# Set the variables
phase.set_time_options(fix_initial=True, duration_bounds=(.5, 10))
phase.add_state('x', fix_initial=True, fix_final=True)
phase.add_state('y', fix_initial=True, fix_final=False)
phase.add_state('v', fix_initial=True, fix_final=False)
phase.add_control('theta', continuity=True, rate_continuity=True,
units='deg', lower=0.01, upper=179.9)
phase.add_parameter('g', units='m/s**2', val=9.80665)
Y_FINAL = 5.0
Y_MIN = 5.0
phase.add_boundary_constraint(f'bcf_y = y - {Y_FINAL}', loc='final', equals=0.0)
phase.add_path_constraint(f'path_y = y - {Y_MIN}', lower=0.0)
# Minimize time at the end of the phase
phase.add_objective('time', loc='final', scaler=10)
p.model.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver()
# Setup the Problem
# Set the initial values
p['traj.phase0.t_initial'] = 0.0
p['traj.phase0.t_duration'] = 2.0
p.set_val('traj.phase0.states:x', phase.interp('x', ys=[0, 10]))
p.set_val('traj.phase0.states:y', phase.interp('y', ys=[10, 5]))
p.set_val('traj.phase0.states:v', phase.interp('v', ys=[0, 9.9]))
p.set_val('traj.phase0.controls:theta', phase.interp('theta', ys=[5, 100.5]))
# Solve for the optimal trajectory
# Check the results
print('final time')
Note the constraints from the list_problem_vars() call that come from timeseries_exec_comp - this is the OpenMDAO ExecComp that Dymos automatically inserts for you.
--- Constraint Report [traj] ---
--- phase0 ---
[final] 0.0000e+00 == bcf_y [None]
[path] 0.0000e+00 <= path_y [None]
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/openmdao/recorders/ UserWarning:The existing case recorder file, dymos_solution.db, is being overwritten.
Model viewer data has already been recorded for Driver.
Full total jacobian was computed 3 times, taking 0.057485 seconds.
Total jacobian shape: (71, 51)
Jacobian shape: (71, 51) (12.51% nonzero)
FWD solves: 12 REV solves: 0
Total colors vs. total size: 12 vs 51 (76.5% improvement)
Sparsity computed using tolerance: 1e-25
Time to compute sparsity: 0.057485 sec.
Time to compute coloring: 0.054118 sec.
Memory to compute coloring: 0.000000 MB.
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/openmdao/core/ DerivativesWarning:Constraints or objectives [('traj.phases.phase0.timeseries.timeseries_exec_comp.path_y', inds=[(0, 0)])] cannot be impacted by the design variables of the problem.
Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: [18.02999766]
Iterations: 14
Function evaluations: 14
Gradient evaluations: 14
Optimization Complete
final time
Design Variables
name val size indices
-------------------------- -------------- ---- ---------------------------------------------
traj.phase0.t_duration [1.80299977] 1 None
traj.phase0.states:x |12.14992234| 9 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
traj.phase0.states:y |22.69124774| 10 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
traj.phase0.states:v |24.46289861| 10 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
traj.phase0.controls:theta |266.48489386| 21 [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 4 15 16 17 18 19 20]
name val size indices alias
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ---- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
timeseries.timeseries_exec_comp.bcf_y [0.] 1 [29] traj.phases.phase0->final_boundary_constraint->bcf_y
timeseries.timeseries_exec_comp.path_y |15.73297378| 30 [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 3 24 25 26 27 28 29] traj.phases.phase0->path_constraint->path_y
traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:x |6e-08| 10 None None
traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:y |7e-08| 10 None None
traj.phase0.collocation_constraint.defects:v |3e-08| 10 None None
traj.phase0.continuity_comp.defect_control_rates:theta_rate |0.0| 9 None None
name val size indices
------------- ------------- ---- -------
traj.phase0.t [18.02999766] 1 -1


Sorting/Optimization problem with rows in a pandas dataframe [duplicate]

So if I was given a sorted list/array i.e. [1,6,8,15,40], the size of the array, and the requested number..
How would you find the minimum number of values required from that list to sum to the requested number?
For example given the array [1,6,8,15,40], I requested the number 23, it would take 2 values from the list (8 and 15) to equal 23. The function would then return 2 (# of values). Furthermore, there are an unlimited number of 1s in the array (so you the function will always return a value)
Any help is appreciated
The NP-complete subset-sum problem trivially reduces to your problem: given a set S of integers and a target value s, we construct set S' having values (n+1) xk for each xk in S and set the target equal to (n+1) s. If there's a subset of the original set S summing to s, then there will be a subset of size at most n in the new set summing to (n+1) s, and such a set cannot involve extra 1s. If there is no such subset, then the subset produced as an answer must contain at least n+1 elements since it needs enough 1s to get to a multiple of n+1.
So, the problem will not admit any polynomial-time solution without a revolution in computing. With that disclaimer out of the way, you can consider some pseudopolynomial-time solutions to the problem which work well in practice if the maximum size of the set is small.
Here's a Python algorithm that will do this:
import functools
S = [1, 6, 8, 15, 40] # must contain only positive integers
#functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) # memoizing decorator
def min_subset(k, s):
# returns the minimum size of a subset of S[:k] summing to s, including any extra 1s needed to get there
best = s # use all ones
for i, j in enumerate(S[:k]):
if j <= s:
sz = min_subset(i, s-j)+1
if sz < best: best = sz
return best
print min_subset(len(S), 23) # prints 2
This is tractable even for fairly large lists (I tested a random list of n=50 elements), provided their values are bounded. With S = [random.randint(1, 500) for _ in xrange(50)], min_subset(len(S), 8489) takes less than 10 seconds to run.
There may be a simpler solution, but if your lists are sufficiently short, you can just try every set of values, i.e.:
1 --> Not 23
6 --> Not 23
1 + 6 = 7 --> Not 23
1 + 8 = 9 --> Not 23
1 + 40 = 41 --> Not 23
6 + 8 = 14 --> Not 23
8 + 15 = 23 --> Oh look, it's 23, and we added 2 values
If you know your list is sorted, you can skip some tests, since if 6 + 20 > 23, then there's no need to test 6 + 40.

Efficiently plot coordinate set to numpy (bitmap) array excluding offscreen coordinates

This question follows from Efficiently plot set of {coordinate+value}s to (numpy array) bitmap
A solution for plotting from x, y, color lists to a bitmap is given:
bitmap = np.zeros((10, 10, 3))
s_x = (0,1,2) ## tuple
s_y = (1,2,3) ## tuple
pixal_val = np.array([[0,0,1],[1,0,0],[0,1,0]]) ## np
bitmap[s_x, s_y] = pixal_val
But how to handle the case where some (x,y) pairs lie outside the bitmap?
Efficiency is paramount.
If I could map offscreen coords to the first row/col of the bitmap (-42, 7) -> (0, 7), (15, -6) -> (15, 0), I could simply black out the first row&col with bitmap[:,0,:] = 0; bitmap[0,:,:] = 0.
Is this doable?
Is there a smarter way?
Are you expecting offscreen coords? if so don't worry otherwise I was just wondering if it was using a non-traditional coordinate system - where the zero may be in the center of the image for whatever reason
Anyway, after my revelation that you can use numpy arrays to store the coordinates, mapping outliers to the first row/col is pretty straightforward, simply using: s_x[s_x < 0] = 0, however, i believe the most efficient way to use logic to find the index of the pixels you want to use so only they are allocated - see below:
bitmap = np.zeros((15, 16, 3))
## generate data
s_x = np.array([a for a in range(-3,22)], dtype=int)
s_y = np.array([a for a in range(-4,21)], dtype=int)
pixel_val = np.random.rand(25,3)
## generate is done
use = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(s_x >= 0, s_x < bitmap.shape[1]), np.logical_and(s_y >= 0, s_y < bitmap.shape[0]))
bitmap[s_y[use], s_x[use]] = pixel_val[use]
[ 8 3 21 9 -2 -3 5 14 -1 18 13 16 0 11 7 1 2 12 15 6 19 10 4 17 20]
[ 8 14 1 9 2 4 7 15 3 -3 19 16 6 -1 0 17 5 13 -2 20 -4 11 10 12 18]
I ran a test where it had to allocate 3145728 (four times the size of the bitmap you gave in your other question), around half of which were outside the image and on average it took around 140ms, whereas remapping the outliers and then setting the first row/col to zero took 200ms for the same task

CVXPY returns Infeasible/Inaccurate on Quadratic Programming Optimization Problem

I am trying to use CVXPY to solve a nonnegative least squares problem (with the additional constraint that the sum of entries in the solution vector must equal 1). However, when I run CVXPY on this simple quadratic program using the SCS solver, I let the solver run for a maximum of 100000 iterations, and I run into an error in the end saying that the quadratic program is infeasible/inaccurate. However, I am quite confident that the mathematical setup of the quadratic program is correct (such that the constraints of the problem should not be infeasible). Moreover, when I run this program on a smaller A matrix and smaller b vector (having only the first several rows), the solver runs fine. Here is a snapshot of my code and current error output:
x = cp.Variable(61)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A # x - b)), [x >= 0, cp.sum(x) == 1])
print('The problem is QP: ', prob.is_qp())
result = prob.solve(solver = cp.SCS, verbose = True, max_iters = 100000)
print("status: ", prob.status)
print("optimal value: ", prob.value)
print("cvxpy solution:")
print(x.value, np.sum(np.array(x)))
And below is the output:
The problem is QP: True
SCS v2.1.1 - Splitting Conic Solver
(c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012
Lin-sys: sparse-direct, nnz in A = 2446306
eps = 1.00e-04, alpha = 1.50, max_iters = 100000, normalize = 1, scale = 1.00
acceleration_lookback = 10, rho_x = 1.00e-03
Variables n = 62, constraints m = 278545
Cones: primal zero / dual free vars: 1
linear vars: 61
soc vars: 278483, soc blks: 1
Setup time: 1.96e+00s
Iter | pri res | dua res | rel gap | pri obj | dua obj | kap/tau | time (s)
0| 5.73e+18 1.10e+20 1.00e+00 -4.09e+22 1.55e+26 1.54e+26 1.47e-01
100| 8.00e+16 9.05e+18 1.79e-01 1.60e+25 2.29e+25 7.01e+24 8.82e+00
200| 6.83e+16 6.25e+17 8.10e-02 1.66e+25 1.95e+25 2.93e+24 1.81e+01
300| 6.62e+16 1.42e+18 1.00e-01 1.60e+25 1.96e+25 3.56e+24 2.61e+01
400| 9.49e+16 3.76e+18 1.98e-01 1.64e+25 2.45e+25 8.07e+24 3.39e+01
500| 6.24e+16 1.69e+19 3.12e-03 1.74e+25 1.75e+25 9.06e+22 4.20e+01
600| 8.47e+16 5.06e+18 1.42e-01 1.65e+25 2.20e+25 5.47e+24 5.04e+01
700| 8.57e+16 4.41e+18 1.55e-01 1.64e+25 2.25e+25 6.04e+24 5.79e+01
800| 6.03e+16 1.60e+18 1.30e-02 1.72e+25 1.77e+25 4.50e+23 6.51e+01
900| 7.35e+17 2.84e+20 3.21e-01 1.56e+25 3.04e+25 1.46e+25 7.21e+01
1000| 9.11e+16 1.38e+19 1.40e-01 1.68e+25 2.23e+25 5.46e+24 7.92e+01
.........many more iterations in between omitted........
99500| 2.34e+15 1.56e+17 1.61e-01 3.30e+24 4.57e+24 1.27e+24 5.32e+03
99600| 1.46e+18 1.10e+21 9.12e-01 2.56e+24 5.55e+25 5.26e+25 5.33e+03
99700| 1.94e+15 1.41e+16 8.97e-02 3.40e+24 4.07e+24 6.71e+23 5.34e+03
99800| 3.31e+17 6.68e+20 5.62e-01 2.71e+24 9.67e+24 6.91e+24 5.35e+03
99900| 2.51e+15 9.96e+17 1.03e-01 3.41e+24 4.19e+24 7.81e+23 5.35e+03
100000| 2.21e+15 3.79e+17 1.40e-01 3.29e+24 4.37e+24 1.07e+24 5.36e+03
Status: Infeasible/Inaccurate
Hit max_iters, solution may be inaccurate
Timing: Solve time: 5.36e+03s
Lin-sys: nnz in L factor: 2726743, avg solve time: 1.60e-02s
Cones: avg projection time: 7.99e-04s
Acceleration: avg step time: 2.72e-02s
Certificate of primal infeasibility:
dist(y, K*) = 0.0000e+00
|A'y|_2 * |b|_2 = 2.5778e-01
b'y = -1.0000
status: infeasible_inaccurate
optimal value: None
cvxpy solution:
None var59256
Does anyone know why: (1) CVXPY could be failing to solve my problem? Is it just a matter of more solver iterations being needed? And if so, how many? and (2) What do the column names "pri res", "dua res", "rel gap", etc. mean? I am trying to follow the values in these columns to understand what is happening during the solve process.
Also, for those who would like to follow along with the dataset that I'm working with, here is a CSV file holding my A matrix (dimensions 278481x61) and here is a CSV file holding my b vector (dimensions 278481x1). Thanks in advance!
Some remarks:
Question: Reproducible code
Question-setup is lazy: you could have added imports and csv-reading instead of making us replicate it...
Easy to do experiments on different data now due to different parsing...
Task + Approach
This looks like a combination of:
general-purpose math-opt solver
machine-learning scale data
= often hits limits!
Solvers: Expectations
SCS is first-order based and expected to be less robust compared to ECOS or other high-order methods
Your Model
Solver: SCS (default opts)
Fails / Runs havoc according to the progress of residuals (probably due no numerical-issues)
Looks more crazy on my side
Solver: ECOS (default opts)
Fails (primal infeasible due to numerical-issues)
You won't be able to solve these numerical-issues by increasing iteration-limits only
More complex tuning of feasibility-tolerances and co. would be needed!
Transformation / Fixing
Can we make those solvers work? I think so.
Instead of minimizing sum of squares, let's minimize the l2-norm instead. This is equivalent in regards to our solution and we might square the objective-value if we are interested in this value anyway!
This is motivated by this:
One particular reformulation that we strongly encourage is to eliminate quadratic forms—that is, functions like sum_square, sum(square(.)) or quad_form—whenever it is possible to construct equivalent models using norm instead. Our experience tells us that quadratic forms often pose a numerical challenge for the underlying solvers that CVX uses.
We acknowledge that this advice goes against conventional wisdom: quadratic forms are the prototypical smooth convex function, while norms are nonsmooth and therefore unwieldy. But with the conic solvers that CVX uses, this wisdom is exactly backwards. It is the norm that is best suited for conic formulation and solution. Quadratic forms are handled by converting them to a conic form—using norms, in fact! This conversion process poses some interesting scaling challenges. It is better if the modeler can eliminate the need to perform this conversion.
import pandas as pd
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
A = pd.read_csv('A_matrix.csv').to_numpy()
b = pd.read_csv('b_vector.csv').to_numpy().ravel()
x = cp.Variable(61)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.norm(A # x - b)), [x >= 0, cp.sum(x) == 1])
result = prob.solve(solver = cp.SCS, verbose = True)
print("optimal value: ", prob.value)
print("cvxpy solution:")
print(x.value, np.sum(x.value))
Output solver=cp.SCS (slow CPU)
Valid solver-state + slow + solution looks not robust enough -> fluctuating around 0 symmetrically -> large primal-feas error in regards to x=>0
Could probably be improved by tunings, but it's probably better to use a different solver here! Not much analysis done here.
SCS v2.1.2 - Splitting Conic Solver
(c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012
Lin-sys: sparse-direct, nnz in A = 2446295
eps = 1.00e-04, alpha = 1.50, max_iters = 5000, normalize = 1, scale = 1.00
acceleration_lookback = 10, rho_x = 1.00e-03
Variables n = 62, constraints m = 278543
Cones: primal zero / dual free vars: 1
linear vars: 61
soc vars: 278481, soc blks: 1
Setup time: 1.63e+00s
Iter | pri res | dua res | rel gap | pri obj | dua obj | kap/tau | time (s)
0| 9.14e+18 1.39e+20 1.00e+00 -5.16e+20 6.20e+23 6.04e+23 1.28e-01
100| 8.63e-01 1.90e+02 7.79e-01 5.96e+02 4.81e+03 1.17e-14 1.04e+01
200| 5.09e-02 3.50e+02 1.00e+00 6.20e+03 -1.16e+02 5.88e-15 2.08e+01
300| 3.00e-01 3.71e+03 7.64e-01 9.62e+03 7.19e+04 4.05e-15 3.17e+01
400| 5.19e-02 1.76e+02 1.91e-01 4.71e+03 6.94e+03 3.87e-15 4.25e+01
500| 4.60e-02 2.66e+02 2.83e-01 5.70e+03 1.02e+04 6.48e-15 5.25e+01
600| 5.13e-03 1.08e+02 1.24e-01 5.80e+03 7.44e+03 1.72e-14 6.23e+01
700| 3.35e-03 6.81e+01 9.64e-02 5.39e+03 4.44e+03 5.94e-15 7.15e+01
800| 1.62e-02 8.52e+01 1.17e-01 5.51e+03 6.97e+03 3.96e-15 8.07e+01
900| 1.93e-02 1.57e+01 1.89e-02 5.58e+03 5.38e+03 5.04e-15 8.98e+01
1000| 6.94e-03 6.85e+00 7.97e-03 5.57e+03 5.48e+03 1.75e-15 9.91e+01
1100| 4.64e-03 7.64e+00 1.42e-02 5.66e+03 5.50e+03 1.91e-15 1.09e+02
1200| 2.25e-04 3.25e-01 4.00e-04 5.61e+03 5.60e+03 5.33e-15 1.18e+02
1300| 4.73e-05 9.05e-02 5.78e-05 5.60e+03 5.60e+03 6.16e-15 1.28e+02
1400| 6.27e-07 4.58e-03 3.22e-06 5.60e+03 5.60e+03 7.17e-15 1.36e+02
1500| 2.02e-07 5.27e-05 4.58e-08 5.60e+03 5.60e+03 5.61e-15 1.46e+02
Status: Solved
Timing: Solve time: 1.46e+02s
Lin-sys: nnz in L factor: 2726730, avg solve time: 2.54e-02s
Cones: avg projection time: 1.16e-03s
Acceleration: avg step time: 5.61e-02s
Error metrics:
dist(s, K) = 7.7307e-12, dist(y, K*) = 0.0000e+00, s'y/|s||y| = 3.0820e-18
primal res: |Ax + s - b|_2 / (1 + |b|_2) = 2.0159e-07
dual res: |A'y + c|_2 / (1 + |c|_2) = 5.2702e-05
rel gap: |c'x + b'y| / (1 + |c'x| + |b'y|) = 4.5764e-08
c'x = 5602.9367, -b'y = 5602.9362
optimal value: 5602.936687635506
cvxpy solution:
[ 1.33143619e-06 -5.20173272e-07 -5.63980428e-08 -9.44340768e-08
6.07765135e-07 7.55998810e-07 8.45038786e-07 2.65626921e-06
-1.35669263e-07 -4.88286704e-07 -1.09285233e-06 8.63799377e-07
2.85145903e-07 -1.22240651e-06 2.14526505e-07 -2.40179173e-06
-1.75042884e-07 -1.27680170e-06 -1.40486649e-06 -1.12113037e-06
-2.26601198e-07 1.39878723e-07 -3.19396803e-06 -6.36480154e-07
2.16005860e-05 1.18205616e-06 2.15620316e-06 -1.94093348e-07
-1.88356275e-06 -7.07687270e-06 -1.99902966e-06 -2.28894738e-06
1.00000188e+00 -9.95601469e-07 -1.26333877e-06 1.26336565e-06
-5.31474195e-08 -9.81111443e-07 2.22755569e-07 -7.49418940e-07
-4.77882668e-07 6.89785690e-07 -2.46822613e-06 -5.73596077e-08
5.99307819e-07 -2.57301316e-07 -7.59150986e-07 -1.23753681e-08
-1.39938273e-06 1.48526305e-06 -2.41075790e-06 -3.50224485e-07
1.79214177e-08 6.71852182e-07 -5.10880844e-06 2.44821668e-07
-2.88655782e-06 -2.45457029e-07 -4.97712502e-07 -1.44497848e-06
-2.22294748e-07] 0.9999895863519757
Output solver=cp.ECOS (slow CPU)
Valid solver-state + much faster + solution looks ok
ECOS 2.0.7 - (C) embotech GmbH, Zurich Switzerland, 2012-15. Web:
It pcost dcost gap pres dres k/t mu step sigma IR | BT
0 +0.000e+00 -0.000e+00 +7e+04 9e-01 1e-04 1e+00 1e+03 --- --- 1 2 - | - -
1 -5.108e+01 -4.292e+01 +7e+04 6e-01 1e-04 9e+00 1e+03 0.0218 3e-01 4 5 4 | 0 0
2 +2.187e+02 +2.387e+02 +5e+04 6e-01 8e-05 2e+01 8e+02 0.3427 4e-02 4 5 5 | 0 0
3 +1.109e+03 +1.118e+03 +1e+04 3e-01 2e-05 9e+00 2e+02 0.7403 6e-03 4 5 5 | 0 0
4 +1.873e+03 +1.888e+03 +1e+04 2e-01 2e-05 1e+01 2e+02 0.2332 1e-01 5 6 6 | 0 0
5 +3.534e+03 +3.565e+03 +4e+03 8e-02 8e-06 3e+01 7e+01 0.7060 2e-01 5 6 6 | 0 0
6 +5.452e+03 +5.453e+03 +2e+02 2e-03 2e-07 1e+00 3e+00 0.9752 2e-03 6 8 8 | 0 0
7 +5.584e+03 +5.585e+03 +4e+01 4e-04 4e-08 4e-01 7e-01 0.8069 6e-02 2 2 2 | 0 0
8 +5.602e+03 +5.602e+03 +5e+00 5e-05 6e-09 8e-02 9e-02 0.9250 5e-02 2 2 2 | 0 0
9 +5.603e+03 +5.603e+03 +1e-01 1e-06 1e-10 2e-03 2e-03 0.9798 2e-03 5 5 5 | 0 0
10 +5.603e+03 +5.603e+03 +6e-03 4e-07 6e-12 9e-05 1e-04 0.9498 3e-04 5 5 5 | 0 0
11 +5.603e+03 +5.603e+03 +4e-04 4e-07 3e-13 7e-06 6e-06 0.9890 4e-02 1 2 2 | 0 0
12 +5.603e+03 +5.603e+03 +1e-05 4e-08 8e-15 2e-07 2e-07 0.9816 8e-03 1 2 2 | 0 0
13 +5.603e+03 +5.603e+03 +2e-07 7e-10 1e-16 2e-09 2e-09 0.9890 1e-04 5 3 4 | 0 0
OPTIMAL (within feastol=7.0e-10, reltol=2.7e-11, abstol=1.5e-07).
Runtime: 18.727676 seconds.
optimal value: 5602.936884707248
cvxpy solution:
[7.47985848e-11 3.58238148e-11 4.53994101e-11 3.73056632e-11
3.47224797e-11 3.62895261e-11 3.59367993e-11 4.03642466e-11
3.58643375e-11 3.24886989e-11 3.25080912e-11 3.34866983e-11
3.66296670e-11 3.89612422e-11 3.54489152e-11 7.07301971e-11
3.95949165e-11 3.68235605e-11 3.05918372e-11 3.43890675e-11
3.71817538e-11 3.62561876e-11 3.55281653e-11 3.55800928e-11
4.10876077e-11 4.12877804e-11 4.11174782e-11 3.35519296e-11
3.43716575e-11 3.56588133e-11 3.66118962e-11 3.68789703e-11
9.99999998e-01 3.34857869e-11 3.21984616e-11 5.82577263e-11
2.85751155e-11 3.64710243e-11 3.59930485e-11 5.04742702e-11
3.07026084e-11 3.36507487e-11 4.19786324e-11 8.35032700e-11
3.33575857e-11 3.42732986e-11 3.70599423e-11 4.73856413e-11
3.39708564e-11 3.64354428e-11 2.95022064e-11 3.46315519e-11
3.04124702e-11 4.07870093e-11 3.57782184e-11 3.71824186e-11
3.72394185e-11 4.48194963e-11 4.09635820e-11 6.45638394e-11
4.00297122e-11] 0.9999999999673748
Final remarks
Above re-formulation might be enough to help you solve your problem
ECOS beating SCS on this large-scale problem is unintuitive, but can alway happen and i won't analyze it (SCS is still a great solver, but ECOS is too despite both being very different approaches! Open-source community should be happy to have those!)
I don't think i would go for these solvers with ML-scale data if i got time to implement something more customized
The easiest approach which comes to mind for large-scale solving here:
Projected (Accelerated) Gradient (which would be a first-order method being very robust in regards to your constraints here!)
"projection onto the probability simplex" (which you need) is a common (well-researched) thing
Going by the final weights/coefficients: data looks strange!
There seems to be a very dominating column (information-leakage); i don't know
Rounding, both solvers will output the solution vector: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Graph longest path using linear programming

I have a weighted directed graph where there are no cycles, and I wish to define the constraints so that I can solve a maximization of the weights of a path with linear programming. However, I can't wrap my head around how to do that.
For this I wish to use the LPSolve tool. I thought about making an adjacency matrix, but I don't know how I could make that work with LPSolve.
How can I define the possible paths from each node using constraints and make it generic enough that it would be simple to adapt to other graphs?
Since you have a weighted directed graph, it is sufficient to define a binary variable x_e for each edge e and to add constraints specifying that the source node has flow balance 1 (there is one more outgoing edge selected than incoming edge), the destination node has flow balance -1 (there is one more incoming edge than outgoing edge selected), and every other node has flow balance 0 (there are the same number of outgoing and incoming edges selected). Since your graph has no cycles, this will result in a path from the source to the destination (assuming one exists). You can maximize the weights of the selected edges.
I'll continue the exposition in R using the lpSolve package. Consider a graph with the following edges:
(edges <- data.frame(source=c(1, 1, 2, 3), dest=c(2, 3, 4, 4), weight=c(2, 7, 3, -4)))
# source dest weight
# 1 1 2 2
# 2 1 3 7
# 3 2 4 3
# 4 3 4 -4
The shortest path from 1 to 4 is 1 -> 2 -> 4, with weight 5 (1 -> 3 -> 4 has weight 3).
We need the flow balance constraints for each of our four nodes:
source <- 1
dest <- 4
(nodes <- unique(c(edges$source, edges$dest)))
# [1] 1 2 3 4
(constr <- t(sapply(nodes, function(n) (edges$source == n) - (edges$dest == n))))
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
# [1,] 1 1 0 0
# [2,] -1 0 1 0
# [3,] 0 -1 0 1
# [4,] 0 0 -1 -1
(rhs <- ifelse(nodes == source, 1, ifelse(nodes == dest, -1, 0)))
# [1] 1 0 0 -1
Now we can put everything together into our model and solve:
mod <- lp(direction = "max", = edges$weight,
const.mat = constr,
const.dir = rep("=", length(nodes)),
const.rhs = rhs,
all.bin = TRUE)
edges[mod$solution > 0.999,]
# source dest weight
# 1 1 2 2
# 3 2 4 3
# [1] 5

Most efficient way to shift MultiIndex time series

I have a DataFrame that consists of many stacked time series. The index is (poolId, month) where both are integers, the "month" being the number of months since 2000. What's the best way to calculate one-month lagged versions of multiple variables?
Right now, I do something like:
cols_to_shift = ["bal", ...5 more columns...]
df_shift = df[cols_to_shift].groupby(level=0).transform(lambda x: x.shift(-1))
For my data, this took me a full 60 s to run. (I have 48k different pools and a total of 718k rows.)
I'm converting this from R code and the equivalent data.table call:
dt.shift <- dt[, list(bal=myshift(bal), ...), by=list(poolId)]
only takes 9 s to run. (Here "myshift" is something like "function(x) c(x[-1], NA)".)
Is there a way I can get the pandas verison to be back in line speed-wise? I tested this on 0.8.1.
Edit: Here's an example of generating a close-enough data set, so you can get some idea of what I mean:
ids = np.arange(48000)
lens = np.maximum(np.round(15+9.5*np.random.randn(48000)), 1.0).astype(int)
id_vec = np.repeat(ids, lens)
lens_shift = np.concatenate(([0], lens[:-1]))
mon_vec = np.arange(lens.sum()) - np.repeat(np.cumsum(lens_shift), lens)
n = len(mon_vec)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_items([('pool', id_vec), ('month', mon_vec)] + [(c, np.random.rand(n)) for c in 'abcde'])
df = df.set_index(['pool', 'month'])
%time df_shift = df.groupby(level=0).transform(lambda x: x.shift(-1))
That took 64 s when I tried it. This data has every series starting at month 0; really, they should all end at month np.max(lens), with ragged start dates, but good enough.
Edit 2: Here's some comparison R code. This takes 0.8 s. Factor of 80, not good.
ids <- 1:48000
lens <- as.integer(pmax(1, round(rnorm(ids, mean=15, sd=9.5))))
id.vec <- rep(ids, times=lens)
lens.shift <- c(0, lens[-length(lens)])
mon.vec <- (1:sum(lens)) - rep(cumsum(lens.shift), times=lens)
n <- length(id.vec)
dt <- data.table(pool=id.vec, month=mon.vec, a=rnorm(n), b=rnorm(n), c=rnorm(n), d=rnorm(n), e=rnorm(n))
setkey(dt, pool, month)
myshift <- function(x) c(x[-1], NA)
system.time(dt.shift <- dt[, list(month=month, a=myshift(a), b=myshift(b), c=myshift(c), d=myshift(d), e=myshift(e)), by=pool])
I would suggest you reshape the data and do a single shift versus the groupby approach:
result = df.unstack(0).shift(1).stack()
This switches the order of the levels so you'd want to swap and reorder:
result = result.swaplevel(0, 1).sortlevel(0)
You can verify it's been lagged by one period (you want shift(1) instead of shift(-1)):
In [17]: result.ix[1]
a b c d e
1 0.752511 0.600825 0.328796 0.852869 0.306379
2 0.251120 0.871167 0.977606 0.509303 0.809407
3 0.198327 0.587066 0.778885 0.565666 0.172045
4 0.298184 0.853896 0.164485 0.169562 0.923817
5 0.703668 0.852304 0.030534 0.415467 0.663602
6 0.851866 0.629567 0.918303 0.205008 0.970033
7 0.758121 0.066677 0.433014 0.005454 0.338596
8 0.561382 0.968078 0.586736 0.817569 0.842106
9 0.246986 0.829720 0.522371 0.854840 0.887886
10 0.709550 0.591733 0.919168 0.568988 0.849380
11 0.997787 0.084709 0.664845 0.808106 0.872628
12 0.008661 0.449826 0.841896 0.307360 0.092581
13 0.727409 0.791167 0.518371 0.691875 0.095718
14 0.928342 0.247725 0.754204 0.468484 0.663773
15 0.934902 0.692837 0.367644 0.061359 0.381885
16 0.828492 0.026166 0.050765 0.524551 0.296122
17 0.589907 0.775721 0.061765 0.033213 0.793401
18 0.532189 0.678184 0.747391 0.199283 0.349949
In [18]: df.ix[1]
a b c d e
0 0.752511 0.600825 0.328796 0.852869 0.306379
1 0.251120 0.871167 0.977606 0.509303 0.809407
2 0.198327 0.587066 0.778885 0.565666 0.172045
3 0.298184 0.853896 0.164485 0.169562 0.923817
4 0.703668 0.852304 0.030534 0.415467 0.663602
5 0.851866 0.629567 0.918303 0.205008 0.970033
6 0.758121 0.066677 0.433014 0.005454 0.338596
7 0.561382 0.968078 0.586736 0.817569 0.842106
8 0.246986 0.829720 0.522371 0.854840 0.887886
9 0.709550 0.591733 0.919168 0.568988 0.849380
10 0.997787 0.084709 0.664845 0.808106 0.872628
11 0.008661 0.449826 0.841896 0.307360 0.092581
12 0.727409 0.791167 0.518371 0.691875 0.095718
13 0.928342 0.247725 0.754204 0.468484 0.663773
14 0.934902 0.692837 0.367644 0.061359 0.381885
15 0.828492 0.026166 0.050765 0.524551 0.296122
16 0.589907 0.775721 0.061765 0.033213 0.793401
17 0.532189 0.678184 0.747391 0.199283 0.349949
Perf isn't too bad with this method (it might be a touch slower in 0.9.0):
In [19]: %time result = df.unstack(0).shift(1).stack()
CPU times: user 1.46 s, sys: 0.24 s, total: 1.70 s
Wall time: 1.71 s