Is there any way (perferably semi quick, like that doesn't take more then a day) to impliment/have FSR 2.1 or 2.2 in unity HDRP? - api

bassically I'm trying to use FSR 2.2 in unity, or 2.1, or even 2.0 if I have to, anything but 1.0 sense it is SO BAD and blurry. but unity only has 1.0 built in, and there are 0 assets and people talking about FSR 2.2 2.1 or 2.0 in unity, the closest thing I could find was some guy saying he will make it in 2015 but it's 2023 and he still hasen't so.
is there any way I can have FSR 2.2 2.1 or 2.0 in unity hdrp? I really need it :(
I checked the github:
but couldn't seem to get it to work at all.
and I checked everywhere I could on google, I even asked chatGPT and brackeys chat for help, nothing and no one seems to know how you use FSR 2.2 2.1 or 2.0 in unity.


Choosing btw Scrapy V1.8 and V2.0

Hi I have wanted to learn Scrapy and use it to scrape dynamic data off of webpages, and use it in a website backend.
When I went to the official docs, I go to know that V.2.0 just came out.
Given that I'm new to scrappy, and plan to develop an autonomous hosted application, I was wondering whether I should choose v 1.8 over v 2.0 because bugs would've been worked out better and there'll be more tutorials etc. But on the other hand, I'll end up learning 2.0 anyway in the future, so maybe I should start with 2.0 itself.
So I have two questions:
Are there any major changes from v1.8 to v.2.0 (I am aware that there are release notes that accompany each version, but the only thing that I can really understand is that Python 2 support was removed; everything else uses terminology that I don't understand.)
I'd be grateful for your advice on which one I should opt for.
I have worked with Selenium & BeatifulSoup4 on 1 project before hand, which involved scraping stock price and relative strength index, and using that as a part of Flask backed web app.
Always use the latest Scrapy release for a new project, unless you cannot for some reason.
There are no major changes in how Scrapy works between 1.8 and 2.0; upgrading from 1.8 to 2.0 should be as easy as upgrading from 1.7 to 1.8.

ASP.NET Core 3.0 with GDI+ on CentOS 7

I have tried to draw number or text string, everything is good on Windows Server since I use GDI+ method "DrawString" to draw text I want. When I publish my web as linux-64 and try to generate image which based on GUI+ DrawSting, all I can see is my strings turn into blocks like below, even numbers and letters.
I follow the google's instruction to install related fonts then use "fc-list" to check. I still cannot see number or text.
Can anyone help me? Please!
This is a known bug on .NET Core 3.0, it could be solved on .NET 3.1
For now, the only way to solved this problem is downgrade to .NET Core 2.2

which dll or namespace of 4 (MVC5) should not be present in ASP.5 (MVC6) after migration

Hi I understood from post available at below link
that ASP.Net 5 no longer required to have system.web.dll, what are the other namespace it should not have.
My MVC 5 project references system.web.extension.dll perticulary JavaScriptSerializer Class, i am not sure if should be using that or if there is any other alternative to it.
there are other namespaces also start with system.web as below should that also be avoided
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Http.ModelBinding;
using System.Web.OData;
using System.Web.OData.Routing;
is it that only system.web.dll should not be used in 5 MVC 6 project.
I believe anything beginning system.web.* shouldn't be there and has been replaced with something within Microsoft.AspNet.
I'm not sure how you are planning on doing the migration but the article Migrating From ASP.NET MVC 5 to MVC 6 on covers the process pretty well.
Essentially it advises starting with a blank MVC 6 / Asp.Net.Core 1 (the new name for Asp.Net 5) project and porting the content over.
That way you can lean on the compiler to tell you things that aren't available. A lot of what can / can't will depend on wether its Framework 4.6 or .NET Core 1.0 (prevously .NET Core 5).
As for JavaScriptSerializer I believe the recomended alternative is Newtonsoft.Json.
Depending what you use it for there is also now JsonOutputFormatter and JsonInputFormatter
I haven't been through the full process yet, but I strongly suspect moving to Framework 4.6 will be the easier destination :-)

NInject 1.5 Documentation

I have a project that targets .Net Framework 3.0 - and I don't want at this stage to target it at 3.5. I do however want to use NInject in it so I'm limited to NInject 1.5 - but I'm struggling to find any documentation on how to use NInject 1.5.
I've managed to find the NInject1 wiki here but something still seems to be missing in the explanation (i.e. I can't find any Bind method as described in the Wiki).
Please anyone that could point me in the direction of some more complete documentation would be great ... if it exists
This blog post has helped no end...
I was failing to inherit from StandardModule. The original wiki didn't seem to mention this, certainly not where I was looking.

Is the core CLR of Silverlight 4 the same as 'classic' .Net 4?

I ask this because I have been chasing down a co/contravariance issue in SL4. I asked it twice in SO and got answers along the lines of - "It just works, make sure you are using .net 4". I tried my failing code (and the samples people posted) in SL4 and .Net 4 and the results are different (work in .net fail in sl). So is SL4 actually running on a < 4 version. Or are there just some features left out (accidentally or on purpose). If so what features
What about SL 5?
The core compiler in Silverlight 4 supports Covariance and Contravariance, but the framework interfaces (ie: IEnumerable<T>) unfortunately were not marked as covariant (note in the docs that it isn't IEnumerable<out T> as it is in .NET 4).
Silverlight 5 fixes this, "officially" supporting Covariance and Contravariance.