Rendering issues with our Docusaurus wiki - rendering

Rendering issues with our Docusaurus wiki page, when I navigate from staring the right pane renders properly beside left navigation pane, however when I refresh the page after navigating, the right pane loads at the bottom instead on the side to left navigation page
Right page to render properly beside left navigation pane even when refreshed.


Docusaurus v2 | Not able to scroll to top on route change

I am facing a weird issue in Chrome only: If I scroll the page, then click on an item in DocSidebar, the page navigates to a new URL but does not scroll to the top, but on click of second time it does. Any idea about the bad scroll state of the page? Thanks

Show Bottom Navigation outside Bottom Navigation Pages

I have in design a Bottom Tab Navigation in a page that isn't in the Bottom Tab group of pages... Is it possible to do?
My Bottom Tab Pages are "Station", "Home" and "Menu". I have a "Form" screen, and in the UI this Form has the Bottom Tab... Is it possible in React Native?
It seems like impossible and I didn't find nothing in docs (React Navigation / React Native)
Edit: Putting a design example.
Pay attention, in the image above, the "Workers Form" isn't in the bottom menu group of pages, but I need to show the bottom menu in this page too (Workers Form)...
I didn't find any information about it in React Navigation docs, so I don't know if it's possible.
You need to embed a Stack.Navigator inside your Tab.Navigator.Please refer to my answer here for a code example.

How to access to side menu in all pages in react-native?

I want to implement an application with react drawer navigation for side menu. For a simple example with three screens it work that in each screen a hamburger icon exist and with clicking on it , navigate to proper screen. My problem is that I want to add the side menu in all my pages but I don't to include all pages in side menu. I have no idea how to do it.
Thanks for any help.
What you are looking for are NavigationActions and DrawerActions.
Snack example
And link to docs

How to have a top nav and bottom nav on first tab page of bottom nav which is a page on it's own?

I have a bottomTabNavigator and a topTabNavigator, if I click on the first tab of my bottom nav it loads the first tab of my top nav. What I want is for the first tab of my bottom nav to have it's own page loaded when being clicked on and still have the top nav being there. But how do I make this possible?
I've tried several things that came to my mind.
Render the top nav like a component on the first tab page of the bottom nav. I get this to work not quite the way I want it, but it still loads the first tab of the top nav then. Which is what I don't want, I want the first tab of the bottom nav (Home) to have it's own page.
Load the bottom and top nav on the first tab of the bottom nav which redirects to the first tab of the top nav. But then have Home (which is the first tab of the bottom nav) go in the top nav and then just have this home tab not visible. Though I've seen some work arounds for this, I haven't gotten any of them to work with my code.
// This is my code, what I want is for Home in the bottom nav to go to the home page
// and on the home page still have the bottom nav and top nav visible.
// How does the menu structure need to look like to make this happen?
export const HomeTop = createMaterialTopTabNavigator({
screen: Introduction
screen: () => <NoAuth/>
export const MiddleScreens = createBottomTabNavigator({
screen: HomeTop
I haven't been able to make it happen what I want to achieve. Also since I'm quite clueless at the moment as to what else to try.
I'm using react navigation V3. Is there a simpler way to make it happen? Or are there any workarounds that work with this version?
In short: I want a top nav and bottom nav on first tab page of bottom nav which is a page on it's own.
I Guess Tabs wont work in the case of yours. Since Tabs will be defaulted to 1st Page of TabList.
One work around will be have two Buttons and a View on the 1st Page of your Top Nav.
Just Like This
Initially load home page on your view, Once user presses Button 1, load your 1st Tab details, if he presses Button 2 load second Tab details.
You can handle this with a flag in state.
Hope it helps. Feel free to clarify if you have any doubts.

Sencha navigation bar issue

I am having problem on navigation bar in sencha :
My code flow is :
1.login page ->click on login button opens one list
2.on click on list items navigate to next page.
Which is ok.
but while getting back I get navigation bar on login page also wich I dont want.
Please, suggest me the proper way which should I follow.
Hide your navigation bar in activate:{}method of login page getnavigationbar.hide();