Linking.canOpenURL isn't accurate for checking which Maps app is installed choose the correct maps app - react-native

I have a button with an address, and when it opens, I want to use the "default" app which is installed. The reason is, for example, many iOS users uninstall Apple Maps app, so they only have Google. Checking if iOS ? 'maps' : 'google' isn't safe because it can't be Platform dependent.
This is using Expo SDK 46.
I then read to try something like:
const openUrl = () => {
const mapNames = ['comgooglemaps', 'maps'];
const hasApp = mapNames.find(async name => {
try {
return await Linking.canOpenURL(
`${name}://?center=${vehicle.coordinates.latitude}, ${vehicle.coordinates.longitude}`,
} catch (_e) {
return false;
provider: hasApp,
end: vehicle.streetAddress,
but this isn't working because Linking.canOpenURL is always returning the first item since it's a "string" and there fore meets the API requirements of "given URL can be handled".
So I tried an alternate option, based on research on other suggestions:
const openUrl = async () => {
let hasGoogleMaps = false;
await Linking.canOpenURL('comgooglemaps').then(canOpen => {
if (canOpen) {
hasGoogleMaps = true;
provider: hasGoogleMaps ? 'google' : 'apple',
end: vehicle.streetAddress,
This too fails to open Google Maps on iOS.
My question is: how can I for sure know if I have google maps installed and not base it on the Platform.OS itself?
Bonus question: is it true I cannot install Google Maps on a simulator?


Expo facebook login fails: error : server with the specified hostname could not be found?

UPDATE: it works in the IOS simulator, but only doesnt work in my expo go app.
I have an expo react native managed app. I tried to implement the facebook login but I always get the following error:
my code (there should not be problems with it, its just the sample code from expo)
const AuthScreen = () => {
import * as Facebook from 'expo-facebook';
const loginWithFacebook = async () => {
try {
await Facebook.initializeAsync({
appId: '<MYAPPID>',
const {type, token, expirationDate, permissions, declinedPermissions} =
await Facebook.logInWithReadPermissionsAsync({
permissions: ['public_profile'],
if (type === 'success') {
const response = await fetch(`${token}`);
Alert.alert('Logged in!', `Hi ${(await response.json()).name}!`);
} else {
// type === 'cancel'
} catch ({message}) {
alert(`Facebook Login Error: ${message}`);
return (
<FontAwesome.Button name="facebook" onPress={loginWithFacebook}>Login With Facebook</FontAwesome.Button>
What I did so when registering my app:
in facebook developers I created my app 'rainy'.
In settings/basic I added IOS and Android.
a. in IOS I only added host.exp.Exponent as the Bundle ID
b. In android I only added the hash key: rRW++LUjmZZ+58EbN5DVhGAnkX4= (I couldnt find that hash on expo docs anymore but found it elsewhere and it should be up to date)
in app.json I added infoPlist with properties to ios as following:
"ios": {
"supportsTablet": true,
"infoPlist": {
"facebookScheme": "fb<MYAPPID>",
"facebookAppId": "<MYAPPID>",
"FacebookClientToken": "abcxxxxx", //got it from Settings > Advanced > Client Token
"facebookDisplayName": "rainy",
"facebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled": false,
"facebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled": false
I wasnt sure but also (after getting the error) tried to add to Valid OAuth Redirect URIs the following: not sure if even needed but the error is still the same
Also I expo installed expo-facebook.
Did I miss any step or did something wrong? Thank you!!

Expo in app purchases implementation issues

I am struggling a little with getting in app purchases working due to lack of examples that show how all the functionality links together
In my app, I have one in app purchase which basically allows the user to unlock some restricted functionality for life.
So at the start I want to check if the user have purchased the item before. (via get history)
If they have I unlock the functionality.
On my signed APK file (android) made in android studio, I have the following issues:
-the purchase never acknowledges (although it does when run via react-native run-android)
-if you press the purchase button twice the error "already connected to app store appears"
-I don't think its getting the purchase history when running from the signed file (although I can print out the result in the console in debug mode)
I am not entirely sure when to call await InAppPurchases.connectAsync(); so this could be one potential source of issues
So this is my code in my "Inner App" . My App component is just the InnerApp wrapped in the provider component from redux. The inner app contains all the navigation stacks so the purchase listener should be global.
export default function App (){
...more code
< Provider store={store} >
< InnerApp />
</ Provider >
Inner app code
import * as InAppPurchases from 'expo-in-app-purchases';
export default function InnerApp (){
.....some more code
//gets purchase history
const getHistory = async ()=>{
await InAppPurchases.connectAsync();
let found=false
const { responseCode, results } = await InAppPurchases.getPurchaseHistoryAsync();
if (responseCode === InAppPurchases.IAPResponseCode.OK) {
results.forEach(result => {
if (result.acknowledged) {
found =true
// this is just saving to local storage (in case they are using the app offline)
if( found){
//updates a state in the redux store
dispatch(purchaseIAP() )
}else if(responseCode === IAPResponseCode.USER_CANCELED ){
dispatch(removeIAP() )
await InAppPurchases.disconnectAsync();
//listens for purchases
const setUpIAP = async() => {
// Set purchase listener
await InAppPurchases.connectAsync();
await InAppPurchases.setPurchaseListener(({ responseCode, results, errorCode }) => {
// Purchase was successful
if (responseCode === InAppPurchases.IAPResponseCode.OK) {
results.forEach(purchase => {
if (!purchase.acknowledged) {
// Process transaction here and unlock content...
dispatch(purchaseIAP() )
// Then when you're done
InAppPurchases.finishTransactionAsync(purchase, false);
// Else find out what went wrong
if (responseCode === InAppPurchases.IAPResponseCode.USER_CANCELED) {
} else if (responseCode === InAppPurchases.IAPResponseCode.DEFERRED) {
console.log('User does not have permissions to buy but requested parental approval (iOS only)');
} else {
console.warn(`Something went wrong with the purchase. Received errorCode ${errorCode}`);
//The in app stuff is called when the component is mounted
useEffect(() => {
}, [ ] })
Further in my app I have a button that calls the following function when pressed
const unlockModes = async () => {
try {
const items ={
ios: [
android: ['all_modes'],
await connectAsync();
const products = await InAppPurchases.getProductsAsync(items);
if (products.results.length > 0) {
await InAppPurchases.purchaseItemAsync("all_modes");
} catch (err) {
alert("error occured while trying to purchase: " + err);
In the end I used the React Native IAP library and I couldn't get the expo one to work.
I think the Expo Version currently might just be bust.
Setting useGooglePlayCache will resolve your problem

"Copy" option missing from Safari Desktop Web Share API?

I am trying to implement the Web Share API for some text I want to allow users to copy/share, and it's been successful except for an issue with Safari desktop. I check for navigator.share and if it exists, then only do I open the native share screen, and if it doesn't, I just copy the text straight to clipboard (like on desktop).
Safari desktop DOES support the Web Share API, however it doesn't seem to provide a way to just copy it? You can see in the screenshot it just gives some options for me. Am I missing something? Is there no way to have "Copy" as an option?
const copyURL = copyText => {
if (navigator.share) {
.share({ text: copyText })
.then(() => {})
} else {
navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'clipboard-write' }).then(result => {
if (result.state === 'granted' || result.state === 'prompt') {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText).then(() => {
There is indeed no "Copy" feature in desktop Safari's share sheet. The good news is that Safari supports the Async Clipboard API, so you can easily use it as an alternative, as shown in the example below:
async function copyPageUrl() {
try {
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(location.href);
console.log('Page URL copied to clipboard');
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to copy: ', err);

I am developing react native app, in that i need to support upload files using OneDrive,Dropbox . Is there any way to get it done

I need to pick files from onedrive and dropbox. Is there any npm modules available.
This is an old question, but I ran into the same issue. Spent a while finding the best solution.
Using an in-browser package react-native-inappbrowser and the deepLink functionality. I was able to solve the issue.
You will have to look at the OneDrive/Dropbox documentation for allowing a RedirectUI for a react-native app.
const redirectUrl = 'com.******.*******://auth'
export const tryDeepLinking = async () => {
const loginUrl =
const redirectUrl = getDeepLink();
const url = `${loginUrl}?redirect_url=
'openid Files.ReadWrite.All offline_access',
try {
if (await InAppBrowser.isAvailable()) {
const result: any = await InAppBrowser.openAuth(url, redirectUrl, {
// iOS Properties
ephemeralWebSession: false,
// Android Properties
showTitle: false,
enableUrlBarHiding: true,
enableDefaultShare: false,
const paramsString = result.url.split('#')[1];
let params: any = {};
paramsString.split('&').forEach(kv => {
const keyValue = kv.split('=', 2);
params[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1];
await setStorageAzureToken(params.access_token);
Alert.alert('Response', 'Success');
} else {
Alert.alert('InAppBrowser is not supported :/');
} catch (error) {
Alert.alert('Something’s wrong with the app :(');
This is what I am using to get the OneDrive access token, from there you are able to use the api's to manage files.
You can try to use react-native-document-picker.

react-native - require() must have a sing string literal argument

I'm writing a sampler app in React-Native using Expo and have run into the follow error:
react-native - require() must have a sing string literal argument
Pre-recorded samples are played called like this:
const SAMPLES = [
{ name: 'air horn', uri: require('../samples/air_horn.mp3') },
{ name: 'rim shot', uri: require('../samples/rimshot.mp3') },
playSample = (uri) => {
const { soundObject, status } = Expo.Audio.Sound.create(
{ shouldPlay: true }
It's somewhat based off the Expo documentation and works fine. However, I also want the user to record their own samples, which means it's coming from a custom URL:
playCustomSample = () => {
const customSample = this.props.navigation.state.params
? require(this.props.navigation.state.params.custom.toString())
: require('./samples/blank.mp3')
try {
const { soundObject, status } = Expo.Audio.Sound.create(
{ shouldPlay: true }
} catch(error) {
console.log('ERROR:', error)
When I log the custom param I'm being passed by navigation, it's there. So I get that I'm doing it conceptually wrong--that require() requires a string, but I'm not going to know the name/location of the file until it is recorded.
How would I get access to the audio file without knowing the link ahead of time so I can include it?
Also, I don't have access to a Mac so ejecting it from Expo, so using something like react-native-audio or react-native-sound isn't an option.