【rollup】How can I execute plugin B after plugin A is executed? - rollup

This has two plugins A, B, both executed in the closeBundle phase. I want to execute B after A is executed. How can I do it?


Execute multiple pyiron jobs with dependencies

I have 4 jobs (A, B, C, D), which I want to start using pyiron. All jobs need to run on a remote cluster using SLURM. Some of the jobs need results from other jobs as input.
Ideally, I would like to have a workflow like:
Job A is started by the user.
Jobs B and C start automatically and in parallel (!) as soon as job A is done.
Job D starts automatically as soon as the jobs B and C are finished.
I realize that I could implement this in Jupyter using some if-conditions and the sleep-command.
However, the jobs A, B, and C could run for multiple days and I don't want to keep my Jupyter notebook running for so long.
Is there a more convenient way to realize these job dependencies in pyiron?
I guess the easiest way would be to submit the whole Jupyter notebook to the queue using the script job class:
job = pr.create.job.ScriptJob("script")
job.script_path = 'workflow.ipynb'
job.server.queue = 'my_queue'
job.server.cores = 32
Here workflow.ipynb would be your current notebook, my_queue your SLURM queue for remote submission and 32 the total number of cores for allocation.

Run a fallback script when liquibase script fails in gradle

I'm using Liquibase with gradle in order to apply database changes.
I have three activities in runList:
runList='stop_job, execute_changes, start_job'
It works fine in case that I don't have any exception, but if something fails on the second step (execute_changes) it stops there and does not execute "start_job" activity.
Is it possible to introduce something like a fallback activity or "finally" block?
You could use failOnError:false. It defines whether the migration will fail if an error occurs while executing the changeset. Default value is true.

How to run beans one after another

I have created a project in which it has to run beans while initiated.
I have created 3 beans in dispatcherServlet.
How to run those beans in a order like there are 3 beans like A,B,C
it should run one after another. First A then B and then C
Assuming you are using a framework like Spring and assuming that by "running the beans" you mean something like an ApplicationRunner which runs once during the start up of the application you can simply annotate the bean methods with #Order.
The higher the number, the later the runner starts.
If instead the beans are dependencies you should inject them into each other in the necessary order (A into B and B into C). Then the framework will resolve them in the order needed.

How to give a slave/node as a dynamic parameter in hudson?

I have a list of jobs(say 20) in hudson, which are run in sequence(Job1,2,3,....20) and which are parameterized(parameters given for job1 are passed to other jobs) .
All the jobs run on a node, say 'A'.Now if i wan't to run the same 20 jobs next time on server 'B', I have to go to each job's configuration matrix and change the node from 'A' to 'B'. Since I have 20 jobs, I've to do this tedious job of changing the node 20 times. Is there a way to give the node as a parameter when starting job1, so that i don't have to do put in a lot of effort everytime?
We have one plugin Link : https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/NodeLabel+Parameter+Plugin which allow to use NODE as Parameter
And in First job you can use the option in post-build action "Trigger Parameterized build on other projects" and then try to pass the node parameter to next job.

SSIS execute package task - retry on failure on child package

I have a SSIS package which calls a number of execute package tasks which perform ETL operations
Is there a way to configure the Execute package tasks so that they retry a defined number of times (currently, on the failure of one of the tasks in the child package, the execute package task fails. When this happens, I would like the task to be retried before giving up and failing the parent package)
One solution I know of is to set a flag for each package in the database, set it to a defined value on success and call each package in a for loop container till the flag is successful or the count exceeds a predefined retry count.
Is there a cleaner or more generic way to do this?
Yes, put Execute Package Task in a For Loop Container. Define a variable, which will do the count, one for a successrun indicator and a MAX_COUNT Constance. In properties of the Package Task - Expressions, define
FailPackageOnFailure - False
After Execute Task put a Script Task Read/Write Vars: SuccessfulRun, script:
Dts.Variables["SuccessfulRun"].Value = 1
In properties of the For Loop:
InitExpression - #Val_Counter = 0
EvalExpression - #Counter < #MAX_COUNT && #SuccessfulRun == 0
AssingExpression - #Val_Counter = #Val_Counter + 1
Connect PackageTask with ScriptTask using Success line.
In For Loop Container define expression
MaximumErrorCount - Const_MAX_COUNT
But this one hasn't been tested by me yet...