Access VBA for checkboxes - vba

I'm currently working on a project that gave me a lot of raw data I am trying to filter in a continuous form. I have one field that has a possibility of five letters (GRUBW) with each multiple letters per entry. The goal is to filter the form with a checkbox for each letter. Am I missing something or going about this the wrong way?
Below is the coding I'm attempting to use and when trying to debug I keep getting an error of an undefined variable. As you can see in the coding, I have a lot of ways I want to filter. I have a feeling that I'm missing some double quotes somewhere or my understanding of the way checkboxes are to be coded is totally wrong. I've only been working with VBA for a few months, so I may be out of my depth here. Thanks.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub CBTN_CLICK()
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Section(acHeader).Controls
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acTextBox, acCheckBox
ctl.Value = Null
End Select
Me.FilterOn = False
End Sub
Private Sub requeryform()
Dim strwhere As String
Dim lnglen As Long
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!CTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([CARD] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!CTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!OTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ORACLE] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!OTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!ARTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ORACLE] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!OTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!TTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ctype] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!TTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!CTTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ORACLE] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!OTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.RC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & R & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.UC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & u & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.BC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & b & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.GC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & g & "*"") AND "
End If
If Me.WC = True Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([color] LIKE ""*" & w & "*"") AND "
End If
lng = Len(strwhere) - 5
If lnglen <= 0 Then
strwhere = Left$(strwhere, lnglen)
Debug.Print strwhere
Me.Filter = strwhere
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub STBN_CLICK()
End Sub

Undefined variable error is due to not enclosing literal text within quote marks and using lng instead of lnglen. Consider revised code:
Dim strGRUBW As String
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!CTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([CARD] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!CTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!OTB & [Forms]![sbx]!CTTB & [Forms]![sbx]!ARTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ORACLE] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!OTB & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull([Forms]![sbx]!TTB) Then
strwhere = strwhere & "([ctype] LIKE ""*" & [Forms]![sbx]!TTB & "*"") AND "
End If
With Me
strGRUBW = IIf(.RC, "r,", "") & IIf(.UC, "u,", "") & IIf(.BC, "b,", "") & IIf(.GC, "g,", "") & IIf(.WC, "w,", "")
End With
If strGRUBW <> "" Then strwhere = strwhere & "[color] LIKE '*[" & strGRUBW & "*]' AND "
lnglen = Len(strwhere) - 5


MS Access if statement on click event

I am using Ms Access forms and I have created an on click event that locates a folder location but now I want to locate the folder location based on different criteria but when I add the if statement it expects a sub,function or property. Below is some demo code. I really hope someone can explain what is missing?
Private Sub Open_Email_Click()
Dim stAppName As String
Dim stAppNameA As String
Dim stAppNameB As String
stAppName = "C:\Windows\explorer.exe C:\DEMO\TEST\" & Me.Office & " DEMO\B " & Me.BC & " " & Me.UC & "\"
stAppNameA = "C:\Windows\explorer.exe C:\DEMO\TEST\" & Me.Office & " DEMO\A\B " & Me.BC & " " & Me.UC & "\"
stAppNameB = "C:\Windows\explorer.exe C:\DEMO\TEST\" & Me.Office & " DEMO\B\B " & Me.BC & " " & Me.UC & "\"
If (Me.BC = "60") And Me.UC Like "REF123*" Then stAppNameA
ElseIf (Me.BC = "60") And Not Me.UC Like "REF123*" Then stAppNameB
Else: stAppName
End If
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)
End Sub
I think the logic of your function could be reduced to the following, which may be more readable with fewer repeating expressions:
Private Sub Open_Email_Click()
Dim strTmp As String
If Me.BC = "60" Then
If Me.UC Like "REF123*" Then
strTmp = " DEMO\A\B "
strTmp = " DEMO\B\B "
End If
strTmp = " DEMO\B "
End If
Call Shell("C:\Windows\explorer.exe C:\DEMO\TEST\" & Me.Office & strTmp & Me.BC & " " & Me.UC & "\", 1)
End Sub
Alternatively, using a Select Case statement:
Private Sub Open_Email_Click()
Dim strTmp As String
Select Case True
Case Me.BC <> "60"
strTmp = " DEMO\B "
Case Me.UC Like "REF123*"
strTmp = " DEMO\A\B "
Case Else
strTmp = " DEMO\B\B "
End Select
Call Shell("C:\Windows\explorer.exe C:\DEMO\TEST\" & Me.Office & strTmp & Me.BC & " " & Me.UC & "\", 1)
End Sub
To test the resulting path, change:
Call Shell("C:\Windows\explorer.exe C:\DEMO\TEST\" & Me.Office & strTmp & Me.BC & " " & Me.UC & "\", 1)
Debug.Print "C:\Windows\explorer.exe C:\DEMO\TEST\" & Me.Office & strTmp & Me.BC & " " & Me.UC & "\"
I think your If block is just a bit messy in terms of where you have newlines, and continuation characters (:). Try reformatting your code like this:
If (Me.BC = "60") And Me.UC Like "REF123*" Then
stAppName =stAppNameA
ElseIf (Me.BC = "60") And Not Me.UC Like "REF123*" Then
stAppName = stAppNameB
stAppName =stAppName
End If
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

Vba in access. Filtering query

I am having a issue with vba in access. I wrote a code to filter a form and generate a report via button. Now when I run the query , it will only filter and generate the report if I put the report on the same page as the form. Is there a way to make it so that my report will be created seperately?
Private Sub Search_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim i As Variant
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strDelim As String
If Nz(Me.txtFullName, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "FullName Like '*" & Replace(Me.txtFullName, "'", "''") & "*' AND "
End If
If Nz(Me.txtCivil, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "CivilService_Status Like '*" & Replace(Me.txtCivil, "'", "''") & "*' AND "
End If
If Nz(Me.txtOffice, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "Office_Title Like '*" & Replace(Me.txtOffice, "'", "''") & "*' AND "
End If
If Nz(Me.cboPosition, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "[Full Time],[Part Time] = '" & Me.cboPosition.Value & "' AND "
End If
If Nz(Me.txtStartdate, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "AgencyStart_Date Like '*" & Replace(Me.txtStartdate, "'", "''") & "*' AND "
End If
For Each i In Me.lstBureau.ItemsSelected 'listbox
If Nz(Me.txtdivision, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "Division Like '*" & Replace(Me.txtdivision, "'", "''") & "*' AND "
End If
Next i
If strWhere <> "" Then
strWhere = Left(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 5)
Report_Onboard_summary.Filter = strWhere
Report_Onboard_summary.FilterOn = True
'DoCmd.OpenReport "Onboard_summary", acViewReport, strWhere
Report_Onboard_summary.Filter = ""
Report_Onboard_summary.FilterOn = False
End If
End Sub
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I usually open reports with the OpenReport command.
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report_Onboard_summary", acViewPreview, WhereCondition:=strWhere
for previewing, or
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report_Onboard_summary", acViewNormal, WhereCondition:=strWhere
for immediate printing.
This assumes that the report is created as a Report object stored separately in the database, not a Form object. You said that you stored it on the same page, this leads me to believe that you have a sub-Form and not an actual Report.

Combobox filtering for listbox output is not working as expected

I have a few controls (Combobox's I call DDL's) that I use as filters for a dynamic query, shown below.
I have a region, division filter - and BCI/BCV/ABC/etc dropdowns.
When I select the region and division, the output list box correctly filters out everything except THOSE region/divisions. Good.
The problem comes in when I use the other DDL's, ABD/BCI/etc... those do not filter out correctly and I think it is with my and/or clauses below.
Can anyone see anything glaring or point me in the right direction to get this so that every control and ddl element filters out the data it is intended for - while keeping it in a format where the SQL itself is part of a string, like in my example?
Private Sub goBtn_Click()
strSQL = "SELECT [account_number], [BCI_Amt], [BCV_Amt],[ABC_Amt], [other_Amt], " & _
"[BCI_Amt]+[BCV_Amt]+[ABC_Amt]+[other_MRC_Amt], Division_Name, Region_Name, " & _
"Tier, Unit_ID, Name, Description_2 " & _
"FROM dbo_ndw_bc_subs " & _
"WHERE DivisionDDL = [Division_Name] and RegionDDL = [Region_Name] " & _
" and ( [BCI_Ind] = CheckBCI.value or [BCV_Ind] = CheckBCV.value or [ABC_Ind] = CheckABC.value " & _
" or BCIServiceDDL = [Tier]" & _
" or BCVServiceDDL = [Description_2]" & _
" or ABCServiceDDL = [Unit_ID] )" & _
"ORDER BY 6 asc"
Me.output1.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub
One of the combo box DDL control codes. There are check boxes that make the combo box visible or not visible.
Private Sub CheckBCV_Click()
If Me.CheckBCV = vbTrue Then
Me.BCVServiceDDL.Visible = True
Me.BCVServiceDDL = "Select:"
strSQL = "SELECT Distinct subs.[Description_2] FROM dbo_ndw_bc_subs "
Me.BCVServiceDDL.RowSource = strSQL
Me.BCVServiceDDL.Visible = False
Me.BCVServiceDDL = ""
End If
End Sub
Edit: Added additional code to the first code block for context, and updated some comments.
To reiterate the point of my question - Since some of the DDL's work as expected while the others do not. Is it in the AND/OR section where I have a problem - or am I forced to do an IF/IIF statement in the select. (And if I do this IF solution - how would that be incorporated into a string the way I have it now, I have not seen an example of this in my research on a resolution).
I think your top code sample should read more like this:
Private Sub goBtn_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strOp As String
strSQL = "SELECT [account_number], [BCI_Amt], [BCV_Amt],[ABC_Amt], [other_Amt], " & _
"[BCI_Amt]+[BCV_Amt]+[ABC_Amt]+[other_MRC_Amt], Division_Name, Region_Name, " & _
"Tier, Unit_ID, Name, Description_2 " & _
"FROM dbo_ndw_bc_subs "
strWhere = ""
strOp = ""
If Not IsNull(Me.DivisionDDL.Value) Then
strWhere = strWhere & strOp & "(Division_Name = """ & Me.DivisionDDL.Value & """)"
strOp = " And "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.RegionDDL.Value) Then
strWhere = strWhere & strOp & "(Region_Name = """ & Me.RegionDDL.Value & """)"
strOp = " And "
End If
If Me.CheckBCI.Value Then
strWhere = strWhere & strOp & "(Tier = """ & Me.BCIServiceDDL.Value & """)"
strOp = " And "
End If
If Me.CheckBCV.Value Then
strWhere = strWhere & strOp & "(Description_2 = """ & Me.BCVServiceDDL.Value & """)"
strOp = " And "
End If
If Me.CheckABC.Value Then
strWhere = strWhere & strOp & "(Unit_ID = """ & Me.ABCServiceDDL.Value & """)"
strOp = " And "
End If
If Len(strWhere) > 0 then
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " & strWhere
End If
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY 6 asc"
Me.output1.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub
This is wordier, but much closer to correct. P.S. I guessed that all values are strings. If not remove the quoting around non-string values.

MS Access vba export form results to excel with where condition

I have a table that has a lot of fields and then a form that takes only a few of those fields. I have a search button on the form where you can select certain records. Is there a way in VBA to export the results from the form but include all the fields from the table.
Here is my attempt from some code that I found:
Private Sub Command49_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strFile As String
Const strcStub = "SELECT * FROM tblMaster " & vbCrLf
Const strcTail = "ORDER BY ID;"
Const strcExportQuery = "Query1" 'Name of the query for exports.
If Nz(Me.tKW, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "[iavmtitle] Like '*" & Replace(Me.tKW, " '", "''") & "*' AND "
End If
'Release Date From
If Nz(Me.tRF, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "[releaseDate] between " & "#" & Me.tRF & "# AND #" & Me.tRT & "#" & " AND "
End If
If Nz(Me.cmbExploits, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "[knownExploits] = '" & Me.cmbExploits & "' AND "
End If
If Nz(Me.cmdIncidents, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "[knownDodIncidents] = '" & Me.cmdIncidents & "' AND "
End If
'Release Date From
If Nz(Me.txtSaveSend, "") <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "[lastSaved] > " & "#" & Me.txtSaveSend & "#" & " AND "
End If
If strWhere <> "" Then
strWhere = Left(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 5) 'Remove the extra AND
Me.Filter = strWhere
Me.FilterOn = True
Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
End If
If Me.FilterOn Then
strWhere = "WHERE " & Me.Filter & vbCrLf
End If
CurrentDb.QueryDefs(strcExportQuery).SQL = strcStub & strWhere & strcTail
strFile = "C:\Data\MyExport.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
strcExportQuery, strFile
End Sub

open a query based on many choices

hello i wrote this code to open a report based on a query
and this query is based on the toggle button
the problem is if i press one toggle button all work
but if i press more than toggle button in the same time it will not give me the right records or it will give me an empty report
this is the code
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tbl_Mouzakarat"
Dim p_7abes As String
Dim p_gharame As String
Dim p_done As String
Dim p_undone As String
Dim p_khoulasa As String
Dim p_mouzakara As String
Dim p_karar As String
Dim p_jaze2e As String
Dim p_lebanese As String
Dim p_foreign As String
Dim p_SQL_criteria As String
p_7abes = Trim(Me!text_7abes & " ")
p_gharame = Trim(Me!text_gharame & " ")
p_done = Trim(Me!text_done & " ")
p_undone = Trim(Me!text_undone & " ")
p_khoulasa = Trim(Me!text_khoulasa & " ")
p_mouzakara = Trim(Me!text_mouzakara & " ")
p_karar = Trim(Me!text_karar & " ")
p_jaze2e = Trim(Me!text_jaze2e & " ")
p_lebanese = Trim(Me!text_lebanese & " ")
p_foreign = Trim(Me!text_lebanese & " ")
If p_7abes <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Punish]" & " LIKE '" & p_7abes & "'"
End If
If p_gharame <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Punish]" & " LIKE '*" & p_gharame & "*'"
End If
If p_done <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Status_Check]" & " LIKE '*" & p_done & "*'"
End If
If p_undone <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Status_Check]" & " LIKE '*" & p_undone & "*'"
End If
If p_khoulasa <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Type]" & " LIKE '*" & p_khoulasa & "*'"
End If
If p_mouzakara <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Type]" & " LIKE '*" & p_mouzakara & "*'"
End If
If p_karar <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Type]" & " LIKE '*" & p_karar & "*'"
End If
If p_jaze2e <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Type]" & " LIKE '*" & p_jaze2e & "*'"
End If
If p_lebanese <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Nationality]" & " LIKE '*" & p_lebanese & "*'"
End If
If p_foreign <> "" Then
p_SQL_criteria = "[Nationality]" & " NOT LIKE '*" & p_foreign & "*'"
End If
If Me.chk7abes.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
End If
If Me.chkGharame.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
End If
If Me.chkDone.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
End If
If Me.ChkUndone.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
End If
If Me.chkKhoulasa.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
End If
If Me.chkMouzakara.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
End If
If Me.chkKarar7abes.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
End If
If Me.chkKararJaze2e.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
End If
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_Mouzakarat", acViewPreview
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_Printing"
will someone check the code please
You are overwriting p_SQL_criteria each time then running the same exact query each time no matter how many toggle buttons are pressed.
"INSERT INTO tbl_Mouzakarat select * from " & "[qry_Mouzakarat]" & " where " & p_SQL_criteria
This is always the exact same SQL statement for each of your DoCmd statements.
I'm not really sure how your toggle buttons interact with the parameters you are trying to create so it's hard to suggest solutions, but this is why your having the problem you are having.