How do I generate a positive list of integers in jqwik and Kotlin? - kotlin

I have tried something like this, but seems like it's not working since I can see negatives in the generated list:
fun <testMethodName>(
#ForAll #Size(min = 0, max = 1_500)
#UniqueElements partials: List<#IntRange(min = 1, max = 10000) Int>
) = runTest { ... }
I wanted to generate the following:
An array of ints
a list with lenght between 0 to 1500
values of every elements should be unique
values of list elements must be between 1 to 10000

The following code works using jqwik 1.7.2 on my machine:
import net.jqwik.api.ForAll
import net.jqwik.api.Property
import net.jqwik.api.constraints.Size
import net.jqwik.api.constraints.UniqueElements
import net.jqwik.kotlin.api.JqwikIntRange
class KotlinExperiments {
fun testMethodName(
#ForAll #Size(min = 0, max = 1_500)
#UniqueElements partials: List<#JqwikIntRange(min = 1, max = 10000) Int>
) {
JqwikIntRange is an alias for net.jqwik.api.constraints.IntRange since
the Kotlin library has its own IntRange class.
If this doesn't work for you, check if you've done the necessary configuration for Kotlin?


Kotlin - Random numbers without repeating

I have a question, how to prevent random numbers from being repeated.
By the way, can someone explain to me how to sort these random numbers?
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
val button = findViewById<Button>(
button.setOnClickListener {
var liczba = List(6){Random.nextInt(1,69)}
textView.text = liczba.toString()
There are three basic methods to avoid repeating 'random' numbers. If they don't repeat then they are not really random of course.
with a small range of numbers, randomly shuffle the numbers and pick them in order after the shuffle.
with a medium size range of numbers, record the numbers you have picked, and reject any repeats. This will get slow if you pick a large percentage of the numbers available.
with a very large range of numbers you need something like an encryption: a one-to-one mapping which maps 0, 1, 2, 3 ... to the numbers in the (large) range. For example a 128 bit encryption will give an apparently random ordering of non-repeating 128-bit numbers.
Sequences are a great way to generate streams of data and limit or filter the results.
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.random.nextInt
val randomInts = generateSequence {
// this lambda is the source of the sequence's values
// make the values distinct, so there's no repeated ints
// only fetch 6 values
// Note: It's very important that the source lambda can provide
// this many distinct values! If not, the stream will
// hang, endlessly waiting for more unique values.
// sort the values
// and collect them into a Set
run in Kotlin Playground
To make sure this works, here's a property-based-test using Kotest.
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeMonotonicallyIncreasing
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeUnique
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.random.nextInt
class RandomImageLogicTest : FunSpec({
test("expect sequence of random ints is distinct, sorted, and the correct size") {
checkAll(Arb.positiveInts(30)) { limit ->
val randomInts = generateSequence { Random.nextInt(1..69) }
The test passes!
Test Duration Result
expect sequence of random ints is di... 0.163s passed
val size = 6
val s = HashSet<Int>(size)
while (s.size < size) {
s += Random.nextInt(1,69)
I create simple class, in constructor you enter "from" number (minimal possible number) and "to" (maximal posible number), class create list of numbers.
"nextInt()" return random item from collection and remove it.
class RandomUnrepeated(from: Int, to: Int) {
private val numbers = (
fun nextInt(): Int {
val index = kotlin.random.Random.nextInt(numbers.size)
val number = numbers[index]
return number
val r = RandomUnrepeated(0,100)
Similar to #IR42's answer, you can do something like this
import kotlin.random.Random
fun getUniqueRandoms() = sequence {
val seen = mutableSetOf<Int>()
while(true) {
val next = Random.nextInt()
// add returns true if it wasn't already in the set - i.e. it's not a duplicate
if (seen.add(next)) yield(next)
fun main() {
So getUniqueRandoms creates an independent sequence, and holds its own internal state of which numbers it's produced. For the caller, it's just a basic sequence that produces unique values, and you can consume those however you like.
Like #rossum says, this really depends on how many you're going to produce - if you're generating a lot, or this sequence is really long-lived, that set of seen numbers will get very large over time. Plus it will start to slow down as you get more and more collisions, and have to keep trying to find one that hasn't been seen yet.
But for most situations, this kind of thing is just fine - you'd probably want to benchmark it if you're producing, say, millions of numbers, but for something like 6 it's not even worth worrying about!
You can use Set and MutableSet instead of List:
val mySet = mutableSetOf<Int>()
while (mySet.size < 6)
mySet.add(Random.nextInt(1, 69))

Initializing a list in kotlin

I am trying to initlaise a list as part of a constructor argument. But I do not understand what it wants from me
distortion = List(
size = 10,
init = 0
The list is of type room entity
var distortion: List<DistortionCacheEntity>? = null
The init part is underlined in red. I dont know what to put in there or how to write it. Could someone help.
The function you are trying to invoke looks like this:
public inline fun <T> List(size: Int, init: (index: Int) -> T): List<T>
So init here is not an Integer but rather a function. Invoke like so:
distortion = List(size = 10) { index : Int ->
//Create object that the list needs to hold
var distortion: List<DistortionCacheEntity>? = null
distortion = List(10) { index -> DistortionCacheEntity()}
The simplest way to initialize a list is with kotlin library function listOf(...)
For example,
listOf(1, 2, 3) // [1, 2, 3]

deal with arrays of Kotlin with Long variables

I have a question about Kotlin.
I tried two versions of Kotlin, 1.0.0 and 1.2.6.
Using Kotlin, we can initialize an array and access to its element like this.
val n: Int = 10
val arr = Array(n, { it } )
val i: Int = 0
However, I got an error with this code.
val n: Long = 10
val arr = Array(n, { it } )
val i: Long = 0
It seems that it is an only way to cast Long to Int in order to compile this code.
val n: Long = 10
val arr = Array(n.toInt(), { it } )
val i: Long = 0
However, it seems too redundant to me, but I couldn't find any solutions. So my question is
Is there any way to initialize arrays and access elements with a Long
Does Kotlin have any reasons that Long variable should not be accepted here?
Kotlin comes with longArrayOf(1, 2, 3) which will create an array for you which contains Longs.
Note that what you are trying to do with println(arr[i]) is getting a Long value out of arr, but the indexing of arrays is done with Ints. It will never work with Longs:
* Returns the array element at the given [index].
* This method can be called using the index operator.
public operator fun get(index: Int): Long
If you want to initialize an array of longs of the given length, you can use the same top-level Array function:
val n = 10 // n is Int
val arrayOfLongs = Array(n) { it.toLong() } // Array of 10 longs
Here the number n is Int and the initializer function converts the integer index it of an element being initialized to Long, therefore we get an array of longs as the result.
Or you can use another similar function to create a specialized LongArray:
val longArray = LongArray(n) { it.toLong() } // LongArray of 10 longs
Both arrays store longs, but the latter does it more compactly.

Override getValue and setValue to capselate a Pair

Let's say I have following class:
class Person() {
var age: Pair<String, Int> = Pair("person_age", 23)
// override getValue and setValue here
Now I want to capsulate the actual Pair and only want the user to read/write the second value of the pair. Is it possible to override the getValue and setValue methods so I can do something like this:
val p = Person()
p.age = 25
if(p.age <= 30)
Of course I can write own getter and setter methods for each property but one nice thing about Kotlin is that you have to write such less boilerplate code which will get lost then.
The following should probably already suffice:
class Person() {
var age : Int = 23 // public by default
private /* or internal */ fun toAgePair() = "person_age" to age // narrow visibility
So all your code accesses the age as you have shown:
val p = Person()
p.age = 25
if (p.age <= 30) ...
But if you require your Pair you just do the following instead:
p.toAgePair() // or skip that method and use: '"person_age" to p.age' instead
Alternatives to access the Pair content are: Pair.first, Pair.second or destructured, e.g.:
val myPair = Pair("person_age", 23)
// myPair.second = 25 // setting will not work however
myPair.let { (name, age) -> /* do something with it */ }
Or alternatively:
val p = Person()
val (name, age) = p.toAgePair()
// age = 25 // setting will not work however (and it wouldn't set the actual value inside the Pair if it would contain vars)
if (age < 30) // accessing is OK
However then you get access to both values which you probably didn't want in the first place, if I understood you correctly.
You could overcome the setting part using your own data class with a var but then again, you do not really gain something from it.
I wouldn't recommend you to use Pair at all. Maybe you could modify it (inherit from it, use extension functions) to suit your needs, but why try to change something as simple as Pair?. It is much easier and in this case also cleaner to just create your own class which suits your needs:
data class MyPair<out A, B>(
val first: A,
var second: B
val pair = MyPair("age", 1)
pair.second = 2
pair.first = 1 // error
This class has all important features which Pair has: generic types for first and second, and you can use destructuring declarations.
Now I want to capselate the actual Pair and only want the user to read/write the second value of the pair.
Assuming this means you want the first value to be final, but not the second one, there are some options.
If you only want one of the values to be writeable and readable, don't use a pair. It's not designed to be used like that. All the items of a Pair are vals.
If you want a Pair either way, can do this:
class Person(var age: Int = 23){
val pair: Pair<String, Int>
get() = Pair("person_age", age)
//Alternatively, if you don't want to use a property:
//fun getPair() = "person_age" to age
What this does is creating a final pair where the first value can't be modified, but the second can.
So now:
fun example(){
val person = Person()
person.age = 25;//Fine: Age is an int, and a var
//person.pair = Pair("something", 45)//fails: "Val cannot be reassigned
val pair = person.pair // Allowed. Accessing the pair still works
assert(pair.second == person.age) // This is true
However, if you're fine with a non-Pair solution, this works too:
data class Person (var age: Int, val string: String = "person_age")
fun example(){
val person = Person(23)
val (name, string) = person// Allowed! Just like with Pairs
person.age = 25; // Also allowed
//person.string = "something"//Not allowed
The n-touple unpacking is supported for data classes. If you don't have a data class, you need to declare an operator fun for each component you want to unpack. Example:
class Person (val string: String = "person_age", var age: Int){
operator fun component1() = string
operator fun component2() = age
But tbh, it sounds like the data class solution is the one you're looking for. It would lock the String to what it's initialized with, and because of the default value and its position, you can initialize it with a single positioned argument*
You could also use generics if you want to use the same class for multiple types.
* Assumes the code is in Kotlin. Positioned and default arguments don't work from Java code.
Here's how to overwrite a getter method in Kotlin
class Person {
var age: Int = 0
get() = if (field < 0) 0 else field
The attribute is accessed directly
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val p = Person()
p.age = -28
println(p.age) //0

Encoding vector length field not adjacent to the vector

I have the following structure I like to encode.
I'm aware that I can encode a vector with vector() if the size field is directly in front of the vector data. But here the field encoding the vector size is not adjacent.
case class Item(
address: Int,
size: Int,
case class Header {
// lots of other fields before
numOfItems: Int,
// lots of other fields after
case class Outer(
hdr: Header,
items: Vector[]
Decoding of Outer is OK:
Header.numOfItems is read from the bit vector and items is created with vectorOfN(provide(hdr.numOfItems, Item.codec))
Encoding of Outer is the problem:
When encoding I would like to have numOfItem be taken from the items.length.
I'm aware that I could set numOfItems with additional code when the items Vector is updated or with something like a "before encoding callback".
The question is if there is a more elegant solution. To me Header.numOfItems is redundant with Outer.items.length, so ideally only the
Encoder should know about numOfItems.
You could try building a Codec using consume() and start without building the Outer object:
case class OuterExpanded(
fieldBefore: Int, // Field before number of items in the binary encoding
fieldAdter: Int, // Field after number of items in the binary encoding
items: Vector[Item] // Encoded items
// Single Item codec
def itemC: Codec[Item] = (int32 :: int32).as[Item]
def outerExpandedC: Codec[OuterExpanded] = (
int32 :: // Field before count
int32.consume( c => // Item count
int32 :: // Field after count
vectorOfN(provide(c), itemC)) // 'consume' (use and forget) the count
(_.tail.head.length) // provide the length when encoding
As defined above, you get the following when encoding: outerExpandedC.encode(OuterExpanded(-1, -1, Vector(Item(1,2), Item(3,4)))) returns
Successful(BitVector(224 bits,
^ ^ ^ ^-------^-> First Item
|-1 | |-2
|Vector length inserted between the two header fields
Afterwards, you can xmap() the Codec[OuterExpanded] to pack the other header fields together into their own object. Ie (adding two conversion methods to Outer and OuterExpanded):
def outerC: Codec[Outer] =
case class OuterExpanded(fieldBefore: Int, fieldAfter: Int, items: Vector[Item]) {
def toOuter = Outer(Hdr(fieldBefore,fieldAfter), items)
case class Outer(header: Hdr, items: Vector[Item]) {
def expand = OuterExpanded(header.beforeField1, header.beforeField1, items)
This can probably be adapted to more complex cases, though I'm not entirely familar with shapeless' heterogeneous lists – or HList – and there might be nicer ways to get to the length of the vector rather than calling _.tail.head.length in the example above, especially if you end up with more than one field after the number of encoded values.
Also, the Codec scaladoc is a nice place to discover useful operators
Based on the previous answer I came up with something like the code below.
I used the consume trick form above and an AtomicInteger to hold the size of the vector.
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.Vector
import org.scalatest._
import scodec._
import scodec.Attempt._
import scodec.codecs._
import scodec.bits._
object SomeStructure {
case class Item(
address: Int,
size: Int)
def itemC: Codec[Item] = (int32 :: int32).as[Item]
case class Hdr(
beforeField1: Int,
// vectorSize would be here
afterField1: Int)
// vectorSize is an "in" param when encoding and an "out" param when decoding
def hdrC(vectorSize: AtomicInteger): Codec[Hdr] =
(int32 ::
int32.consume(c => {
})((i) => vectorSize.get)).as[Hdr]
case class Outer(
hdr: Hdr,
var items: Vector[Item])
def outerC() = {
// when decoding the length is in this atomic integer
// when encoding it is set before
val c = new AtomicInteger(-1)
(hdrC(c) :: lazily(vectorOfN(provide(c.get), itemC)))
.xmapc(identity)((g) => { c.set(g.tail.head.length); g })
import SomeStructure._
class SomeStructureSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
val bv = hex"ffffffff00000002ffffffff00000001000000020000000300000004".bits
val v = Vector(Item(1, 2), Item(3, 4))
val bv2 = hex"ffffffff00000003ffffffff000000010000000200000003000000040000000500000006".bits
val v2 = Vector(Item(1, 2), Item(3, 4), Item(5, 6))
val o = Outer(Hdr(-1, -1), v)
"outerC" should "encode" in {
o.items = v
outerC.encode(o) shouldBe Successful(bv)
o.items = v2
outerC.encode(o) shouldBe Successful(bv2)
it should "decode" in {
o.items = v
outerC.decode(bv) shouldBe Successful(DecodeResult(o, BitVector.empty))
o.items = v2
outerC.decode(bv2) shouldBe Successful(DecodeResult(o, BitVector.empty))