Command-line arguments for Kotlin program - kotlin

I stuck with a project. It's an encryption-decryption program. But to complicate the things it uses command-line arguments instead of user input. I solved the user input part. But this part is really hard for me. Here is the objective:
The program must parse three arguments: -mode, -key, and -data. The first argument should determine the program's mode (enc for encryption, dec for decryption). The second argument is an integer key to modify the message, and the third is a text or ciphertext to encrypt/decrypt.
Arguments are guaranteed to be passed to the program. If, for some reason, they turn out to be wrong:
If there is no -mode, the program should work in the enc mode;
If there is no -key, the program should consider that it is 0;
If there is no -data, the program should assume that data is an empty string.
Keep in mind that the order of the arguments might be different. For example, -mode enc maybe at the end, at the beginning, or in the middle of the array.
Example 1: encryption; the arguments are: -mode enc -key 5 -data "Welcome to hyperskill!"
java -jar programName.jar -mode enc -key 5 -data "Welcome to hyperskill!"
This way the program inputs \jqhtrj%yt%m~ujwxpnqq&
But how to achieve the same input if the program starts with for example
java -jar programName.jar -data "Welcome to hyperskill!" -mode enc -key 5 ?? The encoding-decoding part is done in the previous stage.
Thanks in advance!

Assuming that the command line arguments will always come in the format of -nameOfArgument and then immediately followed by the argument itself, here is a simple way. For more complicated command line options, I would recommend using a parser library like kotlinx-cli.
Because of the assumption, you will always find an even number of elements in the arguments array passed to main. You can make this array chunked into lists of 2 elements each, and then associate the two elements into a Map.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val argsMap = args.toList().chunked(2).associate { it[0] to it[1] }
After that, argsMap["-mode"] gets you the mode, argsMap["-key"] gets you the key. These could also be null, which means that that argument is not passed.

Firstly thanks to Sweeper for the assistance! Maybe not the finest solution, but here is my code:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val argsMap = args.toList().chunked(2).associate { it[0] to it[1] }
if (argsMap["-mode"] == "enc" || argsMap["-mode"] == "") {
for (char in argsMap["-data"] ?: "") {
print(char + (argsMap["-key"]?.toInt() ?: "".toInt()))
} else if (argsMap["-mode"] == "dec") {
for (char in argsMap["-data"] ?: "") {
print(char - (argsMap["-key"]?.toInt() ?: "".toInt()))
} else if (argsMap["-key"] == "") {
} else if (argsMap["-data"] == "") {


How to properly iterate over arrays in kotlin

I am currently learning kotlin and therefore following the kotlin track on exercism. The following exercise required me to calculate the Hamming difference between two Strings (so basically just counting the number of differences).
I got to the solution with the following code:
object Hamming {
fun compute(dnaOne: String, dnaTwo: String): Int {
if (dnaOne.length != dnaTwo.length) throw IllegalArgumentException("left and right strands must be of equal length.")
var counter = 0
for ((index, letter) in dnaOne.toCharArray().withIndex()) {
if (letter != dnaTwo.toCharArray()[index]) {
return counter
however, in the beginning I tried to do dnaOne.split("").withIndex() instead of dnaOne.toCharArray().withIndex() which did not work, it would literally stop after the first iteration and the following example
Hamming.compute("GGACGGATTCTG", "AGGACGGATTCT") would return 1 instead of the correct integer 9 (which only gets returned when using toCharArray)
I would appreciate any explanation
I was able to simplify this by using the built-in function because StringimplementsCharSequence` in Kotlin.
According to the documentation for zip:
Returns a list of pairs built from the characters of this and the [other] char sequences with the same index
The returned list has length of the shortest char sequence.
Which means we will get a List<Pair<Char,Char>> back (a list of pairs of letters in the same positions). Now that we have this, we can use Iterable.count to determine how many of them are different.
I implemented this as an extension function on String rather than in an object:
fun String.hamming(other: String): Int =
if(this.length != other.length) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("String lengths must match")
} else { { it.first != it.second }
This also becomes a single expression now.
And to call this:
val ham = "GGACGGATTCTG".hamming("AGGACGGATTCT")
println("Hamming distance: $ham")

Functional style main function argument parsing for Kotlin

Please let me know if this way I write a Q&A is inappropriate. Also, I am expecting some better answer, too. The both solutions I provided are not perfect.
There are some Kotlin argument parser on the Internet now, for example GitHub: xenomachina/kotlin-argparser, GitHub: Kotlin/kotlinx.cli or GitHub: ajalt/clikt. However I don't want to add such a huge folder into my (maybe) small project. What I want is a simple and clean solution, for example just a function, with a "fluent" stream-style implementation. Instead, those projects are all containing several files.
What I am thinking is, just need to resolve the command line parameter into a Map<String, List<String>>, use map.containsKey() to get no_argument parameter, and use map[key] to get required_argument parameter.
For example, a command line parameter list
-a -b c -d e f g -h --ignore --join k --link m n o -p "q r s"
will be parsed as:
{-a=[], -b=[c], -d=[e, f, g], -h=[], --ignore=[], --join=[k], --link=[m, n, o], -p=[q r s]}
or we say
"-a" to listOf(), // POSIX style, no argument
"-b" to listOf("c"), // POSIX style, with single argument
"-d" to listOf("e", "f", "g"), // POSIX style, with multiple argument
"-h" to listOf(), // POSIX style, no argument
"--ignore" to listOf(), // GNU style, no argument
"--join" to listOf("k"), // GNU style, with single argument
"--link" to listOf("m", "n", "o"), // GNU style, with multiple argument
"-p" to listOf("q r s") // POSIX style, with single argument containing whitespaces
Well, my solution involves immutability and folding with last parameter as well.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val map = args.fold(Pair(emptyMap<String, List<String>>(), "")) { (map, lastKey), elem ->
if (elem.startsWith("-")) Pair(map + (elem to emptyList()), elem)
else Pair(map + (lastKey to map.getOrDefault(lastKey, emptyList()) + elem), lastKey)
val expected = mapOf(
"-a" to emptyList(),
"-b" to listOf("c"),
"-d" to listOf("e", "f", "g"),
"-h" to emptyList(),
"--ignore" to emptyList(),
"--join" to listOf("k"),
"--link" to listOf("m", "n", "o"),
"-p" to listOf("q r s"))
check(map == expected)
{-a=[], -b=[c], -d=[e, f, g], -h=[], --ignore=[], --join=[k], --link=[m, n, o], -p=[q r s]}
It also handles the case where the first arguments are parameters, and you can access them in map[""]
Here is another implementation:
fun getopt(args: Array<String>): Map<String, List<String>>
var last = ""
return args.fold(mutableMapOf()) {
acc: MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>>, s: String ->
acc.apply {
if (s.startsWith('-'))
this[s] = mutableListOf()
last = s
else this[last]?.add(s)
Directly construct the map structure, but a reference for the last parameter should be kept for adding next arguments. This function is not so streaming, but just need 1 pass of data. And it just simply discard the leading arguments without a previous parameter.
Here is my implementation.
fun getopt(args: Array<String>): Map<String, List<String>> = args.fold(mutableListOf()) {
acc: MutableList<MutableList<String>>, s: String ->
acc.apply {
if (s.startsWith('-')) add(mutableListOf(s))
else last().add(s)
}.associate { it[0] to it.drop(1) }
Use fold to group parameters with their corresponding arguments (that is, convert [-p0 arg0 arg1 -p1 arg2] into [[-p0, arg0, arg1], [-p1, arg2]]), then associate into a Map. This function is streaming, but needs 2 pass of data. Also, if there is some leading arguments without previous parameter, it will cause an exception.

Is it valid to rebind a variable in a while loop?

Is it valid to rebind a mutable variable in a while loop? I am having trouble getting the following trivial parser code to work. My intention is to replace the newslice binding with a progressively shorter slice as I copy characters out of the front of the array.
/// Test if a char is an ASCII digit
fn is_digit(c:u8) -> bool {
match c {
30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39 => true,
_ => false
/// Parse an integer from the front of an ascii string,
/// and return it along with the remainder of the string
fn parse_int(s:&[u8]) -> (u32, &[u8]) {
use std::str;
let mut newslice = s; // bytecopy of the fat pointer?
let mut n:Vec<u8> = vec![];
// Pull the leading digits into a separate array
while newslice.len()>0 && is_digit(newslice[0])
newslice = newslice.slice(1,newslice.len()-1);
//newslice = newslice[1..];
match from_str::<u32>(str::from_utf8(newslice).unwrap()) {
Some(i) => (i,newslice),
None => panic!("Could not convert string to int. Corrupted pgm file?"),
fn main(){
let s:&[u8] = b"12345";
let (i,newslice) = parse_int(s);
println!("length of returned slice: {}",newslice.len());
parse_int is failing to return a slice that is smaller than the one I passed in:
length of returned slice: 5
task '<main>' panicked at 'assertion failed: newslice.len() == 0', <anon>:37
playpen: application terminated with error code 101
Run this code in the rust playpen
As Chris Morgan mentioned, your call to slice passes the wrong value for the end parameter. newslice.slice_from(1) yields the correct slice.
is_digit tests for the wrong byte values. You meant to write 0x30, etc. instead of 30.
You call str::from_utf8 on the wrong value. You meant to call it on n.as_slice() rather than newslice.
Rebinding variables like that is perfectly fine. The general rule is simple: if the compiler doesn’t complain, it’s OK.
It’s a very simple error that you’ve made: your slice end point is incorrect.
slice produces the interval [start, end)—a half-open range, not closed. Therefore when you wish to just remove the first character, you should be writing newslice.slice(1, newslice.len()), not newslice.slice(1, newslice.len() - 1). You could also write newslice.slice_from(1).

How to test a function's output (stdout/stderr) in unit tests

I have a simple function I want to test:
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
But how can I test what the function actually sends to standard output? Test::Output does what I want in Perl. I know I could write all my own boilerplate to do the same in Go (as described here):
orig = os.Stdout
r,w,_ = os.Pipe()
thing.print("Some message")
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, r)
os.Stdout = orig
if(buf.String() != "Some message") {
But that's a lot of extra work for every single test. I'm hoping there's a more standard way, or perhaps an abstraction library to handle this.
One thing to also remember, there's nothing stopping you from writing functions to avoid the boilerplate.
For example I have a command line app that uses log and I wrote this function:
func captureOutput(f func()) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
return buf.String()
Then used it like this:
output := captureOutput(func() {
assert.Equal(t, "removed certificate\n", output)
Using this assert library:
You can do one of three things. The first is to use Examples.
The package also runs and verifies example code. Example functions may include a concluding line comment that begins with "Output:" and is compared with the standard output of the function when the tests are run. (The comparison ignores leading and trailing space.) These are examples of an example:
func ExampleHello() {
// Output: hello
The second (and more appropriate, IMO) is to use fake functions for your IO. In your code you do:
var myPrint = fmt.Print
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
myPrint(message) // N.B.
And in your tests:
func init() {
myPrint = fakePrint // fakePrint records everything it's supposed to print.
func Test...
The third is to use fmt.Fprintf with an io.Writer that is os.Stdout in production code, but bytes.Buffer in tests.
You could consider adding a return statement to your function to return the string that is actually printed out.
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) string {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
return message
return ""
Now, your test could just check the returned string against an expected string (rather than the print out). Maybe a bit more in-line with Test Driven Development (TDD).
And, in your production code, nothing would need to change, since you don't have to assign the return value of a function if you don't need it.

Determine type of a variable in Tcl

I'm looking for a way to find the type of a variable in Tcl. For example if I have the variable $a and I want to know whether it is an integer.
I have been using the following so far:
if {[string is boolean $a]} {
#do something
and this seems to work great for the following types:
alnum, alpha, ascii, boolean, control, digit, double, false, graph, integer, lower, print, punct, space, true, upper, wordchar, xdigit
However it is not capable to tell me if my variable might be an array, a list or a dictionary. Does anyone know of a way to tell if a variable is either of those three?
Tcl's variables don't have types (except for whether or not they're really an associative array of variables — i.e., using the $foo(bar) syntax — for which you use array exists) but Tcl's values do. Well, somewhat. Tcl can mutate values between different types as it sees fit and does not expose this information[*]; all you can really do is check whether a value conforms to a particular type.
Such conformance checks are done with string is (where you need the -strict option, for ugly historical reasons):
if {[string is integer -strict $foo]} {
puts "$foo is an integer!"
if {[string is list $foo]} { # Only [string is] where -strict has no effect
puts "$foo is a list! (length: [llength $foo])"
if {[llength $foo]&1 == 0} {
# All dictionaries conform to lists with even length
puts "$foo is a dictionary! (entries: [dict size $foo])"
Note that all values conform to the type of strings; Tcl's values are always serializable.
[EDIT from comments]: For JSON serialization, it's possible to use dirty hacks to produce a “correct” serialization (strictly, putting everything in a string would be correct from Tcl's perspective but that's not precisely helpful to other languages) with Tcl 8.6. The code to do this, originally posted on Rosetta Code is:
package require Tcl 8.6
proc tcl2json value {
# Guess the type of the value; deep *UNSUPPORTED* magic!
regexp {^value is a (.*?) with a refcount} \
[::tcl::unsupported::representation $value] -> type
switch $type {
string {
# Skip to the mapping code at the bottom
dict {
set result "{"
set pfx ""
dict for {k v} $value {
append result $pfx [tcl2json $k] ": " [tcl2json $v]
set pfx ", "
return [append result "}"]
list {
set result "\["
set pfx ""
foreach v $value {
append result $pfx [tcl2json $v]
set pfx ", "
return [append result "\]"]
int - double {
return [expr {$value}]
booleanString {
return [expr {$value ? "true" : "false"}]
default {
# Some other type; do some guessing...
if {$value eq "null"} {
# Tcl has *no* null value at all; empty strings are semantically
# different and absent variables aren't values. So cheat!
return $value
} elseif {[string is integer -strict $value]} {
return [expr {$value}]
} elseif {[string is double -strict $value]} {
return [expr {$value}]
} elseif {[string is boolean -strict $value]} {
return [expr {$value ? "true" : "false"}]
# For simplicity, all "bad" characters are mapped to \u... substitutions
set mapped [subst -novariables [regsub -all {[][\u0000-\u001f\\""]} \
$value {[format "\\\\u%04x" [scan {& } %c]]}]]
return "\"$mapped\""
Warning: The above code is not supported. It depends on dirty hacks. It's liable to break without warning. (But it does work. Porting to Tcl 8.5 would require a tiny C extension to read out the type annotations.)
[*] Strictly, it does provide an unsupported interface for discovering the current type annotation of a value in 8.6 — as part of ::tcl::unsupported::representation — but that information is in a deliberately human-readable form and subject to change without announcement. It's for debugging, not code. Also, Tcl uses rather a lot of different types internally (e.g., cached command and variable names) that you won't want to probe for under normal circumstances; things are rather complex under the hood…
The other answers all provide very useful information, but it's worth noting something that a lot of people don't seem to grok at first.
In Tcl, values don't have a type... they question is whether they can be used as a given type. You can think about it this way
string is integer $a
You're not asking
Is the value in $a an integer
What you are asking is
Can I use the value in $a as an integer
Its useful to consider the difference between the two questions when you're thinking along the lines of "is this an integer". Every integer is also a valid list (of one element)... so it can be used as either and both string is commands will return true (as will several others for an integer).
If you want to deal with JSON then I highly suggest you read the JSON page on the Tcl wiki:
On that page I posted a simple function that compiles Tcl values to JSON string given a formatting descriptor. I also find the discussion on that page very informative.
For arrays you want array exists
for dicts you want dict exists
for a list I don't think there is a built in way prior to 8.5?, there is this from
proc isalist {string} {
return [expr {0 == [catch {llength $string}]}]
To determine if a variable is an array:
proc is_array {var} {
upvar 1 $var value
if {[catch {array names $value} errmsg]} { return 1 }
return 0
# How to use it
array set ar {}
set x {1 2 3}
puts "ar is array? [is_array ar]"; # ar is array? 1
puts "x is array? [is_array x]"; # x is array? 0
For the specific case of telling if a value is usable as a dictionary, tcllib's dicttool package has a dict is_dict <value> command that returns a true value if <value> can act as one.