does anyone know what PDF reader/renderer plugin is this? - pdf

does anyone know what PDF reader plugin is this ?
exemple image
this is the link for the exemple image
else i want a pdf renderer familiar with Google Scolar


PDF annotation in React-native mobile app

I want to create a PDF annotation app with react-native, without using third-party libraries. If you guys have any idea how can I build that, please give your suggestion.
Basically, I want to add text selection and highlight in any available PDF without using a third-party library. If you have any idea then, please tell me. If it is not possible in react-native then kindly suggest me native solution.

Android camera, take picture(s) and save as multipage PDF, then upload to server via <input type="file" />

I have a webform with and want to open it on smartphone - than take pictures of some documents which need to be merged in one PDF, and on the end this file need to be uploaded to server.
My solution is to use Google Drive to upload PDF (scan) to GDrive and then somehow download this file from gdrive to server via some sort of widget (any links appreciate) installed on website.
Maybe someone have a better idea?
I know its late but my answer might help others. I also face the same challenge and implemented a custom solution based on Javascript and Since you are using web form so this solution will perfectly fits on your need.
You have to use JSPdf javascript library, JSPdf provide you pdf object in your browser and you can upload it download it and there are many other thing to play with.
First you have to initialize JSPdf object as per your requirement. I am creating PDF with page size width:500px and height 500px.
pdf = new jsPDF("l", "pt", [500,500]);
Simply when you will take picture from camera you will have each picture in form of base64, that base64 format you have to insert in JSPdf object
pdf.addImage(imgData, 'JPEG', 0, 0);
you can repeat the above code to add pictures from camera as much as you want, at the back-end these images are compiling and creating pdf document where each page have each images in sequence.
Once you are done, you can get PDF object in form of base64 object using below code that you can upload to any server.
above is only pdf part, you can find complete working example including camera part here Javascript Component to Scan Document

Print PDF from WebView which has URL. Objective C macOS

I want to print a PDF file from WebView as there is a print button in WebView and when I click it, I'll get the URL of PDF and its content type as application/pdf. I searched so much and exhausted for how to print a PDF file in Objective C - cocoa. All I saw is to print content from a view and it'll print all the WebView
[NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:webView]
But I need to print the PDF I got, not the entire WebView
Please help me...
NB Swift coders: Please don't put your code here. I don't know swift
Edit 1: No iOS codes please. Its about macOS
Edit 2: From the screenshot, when I click print, I get that PDF in the PDF viewer in the WebView. I need to print it directly. Thats my scenario.
did you try this? It explains how to render PDF document from a UIWebView on iOS. If it works on iOS, my first guess would we that it should on macos.
Good luck!
Creating PDF file from UIWebView

About how to upload PDF file and show it

I can't figure out how to do like this page I embed usually the PDF from slideside in my site but people cant dowload from because they need to have an accoount. So technically how ? Thanks
You will need a PDF viewer component for displaying the PDF. You will have to configure the PDF component so as to limit download and print options.

Is there a way to display PDF on Apple tvOS?

I just started exploring Apple's tvOS and am looking if there is a way to display PDFs in a carousel or of that sorts. However, I cannot find a way to achieve that without converting PDF to JPEG images. Can someone guide me if there is a Document object that can read and render PDF on tvOS?
I think CGPDFPage and its related API:s are available,