<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")> generating an error on VB.NET - vb.net

I'm trying to have the version of a new application to auto increment as I already did in the past by setting:
' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
' by using the '*' as shown below:
' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
'<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
but I get the error:
BC36962 The specified version string does not conform to the required format - major[.minor[.build|[.revision|]]]
I have both applications open on different instances of VS Studio and one works ok, but the brand new application I'm starting from scratch gets this error...
I've compared all properties from one project to the new one and can't find any differences...
Any ideas?


Webforms Error shows TWO projects although solution shows ONE project

In a VS-2019 webforms solution I get this error that shows TWO projects although the solution only has ONE project.
Severity: Error
Code Description : BC30456 'prpPageCaption' is not a member of 'MasterPage'.
Project: 7_SessionExpired.aspx, repo_TripManagement
File: C:\Users...\SessionExpired.aspx.vb
Line: 100
Suppression State: Active
It appears that the error shows TWO projects and I did not create a project named 7_SessionExpired.aspx
The vb-page "SessionExpired.aspx and .vb" was copied from a similar project in VS-2017. This is confusing to me and I don't have any way to know what this error is saying.
Here is the LINE=100 from the source VB file:
100| | Master.prpPageCaption = "Session has Expired"
Here is the property in the master-page:
Public Property prpPageCaption() As String
Return Me.lblCaption.Text
End Get
Set(ByVal p_sCaption As String)
Me.lblCaption.Text = p_sCaption
End Set
End Property
The vb-page "SessionExpired.aspx and .vb" was copied from a similar project in VS-2017. This is confusing to me and I don't have any way to know what this error is saying. I need your help. Thanks...John
Think the IDE/VS-2019 is confused and I cut ALL of the files for SessionExpired.aspx (.vb) and pasted them in a my-documents-folder.
I then added a webform-page with Master-page (WebForm1.aspx) into the project.
I then added the ASPX objects as UI for the page. I performed a "View Code" option and the / VB-code structure is shown. I only added "Option Explicit ON". Saved both modified files and closed the SOLUTION.
I then re-opened the solution and the code compiled -- even though the full VB-functionality was not coded.
From the 'Solution Explorer' I then renamed the WebForm1.aspx to "SessionExpired" and compiled again -- all ok.
Finally I added the VB-code from the saved-off original SessionExpired.vb code.
All of the errors shown above were cleared and things are working.
IMHO, bringing in an older webform brings with it the old-style of 'designer' and by starting with a VS-2019 webform-page conforms to the VS-2019 designer pattern.
I apologize to those that viewed this question.
Thanks. John.

XAML UWP Windows Store : error CS0266/warning CS1697 when deploying solution

I've some warning/error when trying to "create App Packages" from a XAML UWP project.
Firstly a warning :
2017\Projects\MyProjectName\MyProjectName\obj\x86\Release\MyPageName.g.cs(1,1,1,194): warning CS1697: Different checksum values given for C:\Users\administrateur\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\MyProjectName\MyProjectName\MyPageName.xaml
It seem there is a problem with space (the second path is beginning after the last space -before "2017"-). I'm on Win 10.
Ive an cast error too :
1>C:\Users\administrateur\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\MyProjectName\MyProjectName\obj\x86\Release\MyPageName.g.cs(39,36,39,85): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Button' to 'MyProjectName.MyButtonReturn'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
MyButtonReturn is a button coded in a class extending Button, the definition of "MyButtonReturn" is :
public sealed class MyButtonReturn : Button
Any help ?
Found the solution, cleaning the solution + building the project on release worked.

MsTest, DataSourceAttribute - how to get it working with a runtime generated file?

for some test I need to run a data driven test with a configuration that is generated (via reflection) in the ClassInitialize method (by using reflection). I tried out everything, but I just can not get the data source properly set up.
The test takes a list of classes in a csv file (one line per class) and then will test that the mappings to the database work out well (i.e. try to get one item from the database for every entity, which will throw an exception when the table structure does not match).
The testmethod is:
public void TestMappings () {
Obviously the file is EntityMappingsTests.Types.csv. It should be in the DataDirectory.
Now, in the Initialize method (marked with ClassInitialize) I put that together and then try to write it.
WHERE should I write it to? WHERE IS THE DataDirectory?
I tried:
File.WriteAllText(context.TestDeploymentDir + "\\EntityMappingsTests.Types.csv", types.ToString());
File.WriteAllText("EntityMappingsTests.Types.csv", types.ToString());
Both result in "the unit test adapter failed to connect to the data source or read the data". More exact:
Error details: The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the
object 'EntityMappingsTests.Types.csv'. Make sure the object exists
and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.
So where should I put that file?
I also tried just writing it to the current directory and taking out the DataDirectory part - same result. Sadly, there is limited debugging support here.
Please use the ProcessMonitor tool from technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645. Put a filter on MSTest.exe or the associate qtagent32.exe and find out what locations it is trying to load from and at what point in time in the test loading process. Then please provide an update on those details here .
After you add the CSV file to your VS project, you need to open the properties for it. Set the Property "Copy To Output Directory" to "Copy Always". The DataDirectory defaults to the location of the compiled executable, which runs from the output directory so it will find it there.

ConfigurationManager not declared - Have dll

Quick background: I have a VB.NET application in which I was previously using ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings to read from app.config, and got an error message to change it to System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings (as the first way is now obsolete)
I did so, and I even have a reference to System.Configuration.dll AND the Imports statement at the top, but I am getting a "Name ConfigurationManager not declared" error message. Any suggestions?
It's pretty straightforward - I'm just checking if something exists, and if it does, I read from it:
If Not Exists(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(rep & "Email")) Then
Return False
End If
message = ReadAllText(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(rep & "Email"))
The project template doesn't have the reference you need. Project + Add Reference, select "System.Configuration".
For more insight, click the "Show All Files" icon at the top of the Solution Explorer window and open the References node.
Another issue that causes this is the reference being the wrong case.
System.configuration was in the .vbproj, instead of System.Configuration.
For me, compiling with the above mistake worked on Windows but not on Linux, but fixing it to the latter made it work on both.
If you are using visual studio 2015 and Visual Basic language. Go to Project + Add Reference > Select Assemblies > Framework. Search for System.configuration. Add the DLL file. After it. On your form, add this in the first line without quotations "Imports System.Configuration" go to your connection string declaration then put this value without quotation "ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("'string configuration name'").ConnectionString" like this.
Public constr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("string configuration name").ConnectionString
This one works for me. Just now. Hope this one helps others. ^_^

DB Query no longer recognizes SQL parameters in existing application when debugging in VS2010

I just started working with an application that I inherited from someone else and I'm having some issues. The application is written in C# and runs in VS2010 against the 3.5 framework. I can't run the application on my machine to debug because it will not recognize the way they referenced their parameters when writing their DB queries.
For instance wherever they have a SQL or DB2 query it is written like this:
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Field1 FROM Table1 WHERE FieldID=#FieldID", SQLconnection))
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("FieldID", 10000);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
If you will notice the "parameters.AddWithValue("FieldID", 10000);" statement does not include the "#" symbol from the original command text. When I run it on my machine I get an error message stating that the parameter "FieldID" could not be found.
I change this line:
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("FieldID", 10000);
To this:
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#FieldID", 10000);
And all is well... until it hits the next SQL call and bombs out with the same error. Obviously this must be a setting within visual studio, but I can't find anything about it on the internet. Half the examples for SQL parameter addition are written including the "#" and the other half do not include it. Most likely I just don't know what to search for.
Last choice is to change every query over to use the "#" at the front of the parameter name, but this is the transportation and operations application used to manage the corporation's shipments and literally has thousands of parameters. Hard to explain the ROI on your project when the answer to the director's question "How's progress?" happens to be "I've been hard at it for a week and I've almost started."
Has anyone run into this problem, or do you know how to turn this setting off so it can resolve the parameter names without the "#"?
Success! System.Data is automatically imported whenever you create a .NET solution. I removed this reference and added it back to make sure that I had the latest version of this library and that fixed the issue. I must have had an old version of this library that was originally pulled in... only thing I can figure.
Its handled by the .NET Framework data providers not Visual Studio.
It depends on the data source. Look here:Working with Parameter Placeholders
You can try working with System.Data.Odbc provider and using the question mark (?) place holder. In thios case dont forget to add the parameters in the same order they are in the query.