What's the difference between ArrayList of TypeAliasesKt.kt in kotlin-stdlib-1.6.0.jar and ArrayList in kotlin-stdlib-common-1.6.0.jar? - kotlin

I am a novice in Kotlin. Recently, I am learning Collections in Kotlin, but I encounter some problems. I want to understand What's the difference between ArrayList of TypeAliasesKt.kt in kotlin-stdlib-1.6.0.jar and ArrayList in kotlin-stdlib-common-1.6.0.jar ? What I already know is bellow:
1. ArrayList in kotlin-stdlib-common-1.6.0.jar is an expect class
2. ArrayList of TypeAliasesKt.kt in kotlin-stdlib-1.6.0.jar is an actual typealias for Java ArrayList.
Is the actual and typealias keywords present at the same time meaning that ArrayList of TypeAliasesKt.kt in kotlin-stdlib-1.6.0.jar actually implements ArrayList in kotlin-stdlib-common-1.6.0.jar?


2 dimensional Dynamic array Kotlin [duplicate]

I want to know how to make a resizeable two-dimensional array in Kotlin.
C++ example: vector< vector<int> > my_vector
What I've tried: var seqList: List<List<Int>> = ArrayList<ArrayList<Int>>()
but I'm getting an error when using seqList.add()
error: unresolved reference: add
I have read some questions regarding 2d arrays in Kotlin at stackoverflow, but they are about not-resizeable arrays or are outdated
Kotlin has separate List and MutableList interfaces, as explained here, for example. ArrayList is a MutableList, you just have to save it as a MutableList variable in order to be able to access methods that mutate it:
val seqList: MutableList<MutableList<Int>> = ArrayList() // alternatively: = mutableListOf()
seqList.add(mutableListOf<Int>(1, 2, 3))
Also note the mutableListOf and arrayListOf methods in the standard library, which are handy for creating lists instead of directly using the constructor of, say, ArrayList.

Difference between ArrayList<String>() and mutableListOf<String>() in Kotlin

private val repositories = mutableListOf<String>()
private val repositories = ArrayList<String>()
Both are mutable list, then what is the point of two keywords mutableListOf or ArrayList?
or is there any major difference?
The only difference between the two is communicating your intent.
When you write val a = mutableListOf(), you're saying "I want a mutable list, and I don't particularly care about the implementation". When you write, instead, val a = ArrayList(), you're saying "I specifically want an ArrayList".
In practice, in the current implementation of Kotlin compiling to the JVM, calling mutableListOf will produce an ArrayList, and there's no difference in behaviour: once the list is built, everything will behave the same.
Now, let's say that a future version of Kotlin changes mutableListOf to return a different type of list.
Likelier than not, the Kotlin team would only make that change if they figure the new implementation works better for most use cases. mutableListOf would then have you using that new list implementation transparently, and you'd get that better behaviour for free. Go with mutableListOf if that sounds like your case.
On the other hand, maybe you spent a bunch of time thinking about your problem, and figured that ArrayList really is the best fit for your problem, and you don't want to risk getting moved to something sub-optimal. Then you probably want to either use ArrayList directly, or use the arrayListOf factory function (an ArrayList-specific analogue to mutableListOf).
mutableListOf<T>() is an inline function invocation that returns a
MutableList<T>. As of today, mutableListOf does return an instance of ArrayList.
ArrayList<String>() is a constructor invocation and cannot be inlined.
In other words, given:
val a = mutableListOf<String>()
val b = ArrayList<String>()
a is of type MutableList<String>
b is of type ArrayList<String>
At runtime, both a and b will hold an instance of ArrayList.
Note that inlining is particularly useful when combined with type reification, which justifies the existence of listOf, mutableListOf and the like.
Under the covers, both mutableListOf() and arrayListOf() create an instance of ArrayList. ArrayList is a class that happens to implement the MutableList interface.
The only difference is that arrayListOf() returns the ArrayList as an actual ArrayList. mutableListOf() returns a MutableList, so the actual ArrayList is "disguised" as just the parts that are described by the MutableList interface.
The difference, in practice, is that ArrayList has a few methods that are not part of the MutableList interface (trimToSize and ensureCapacity).
The difference, philosophically, is that the MutableList only cares about the behaviour of the object being returned. It just returns "something that acts like a MutableList". The ArrayList cares about the "structure" of the object. It allows you to directly manipulate the memory allocated by the object (trimToSize).
The rule of thumb is that you should prefer the interface version of things (mutableListOf()) unless you actually have a reason to care about the exact details of the underlying structure.
Or, in other words, if you don't know which one you want, choose mutableListOf first.
As you can see in sources:
public inline fun <T> mutableListOf(): MutableList<T> = ArrayList()
So, there is no difference, just a convenience method.

Parameter.GetType() - Does the type has to be known at compilation time?

is something like this possible - and if so how?
Public Sub CreateGenericList(ByVal SampleObject As Object)
Dim genericList as new List(Of SampleObject.GetType())
End Function
I want to create a class that is able to deserialize a given XML-file.
The XML-file contains serialized values of a custom type, which is unknown at compilation time.
I thought it might be possible to just initialize the class with a parameter SampleObject and to then get that SampleObject's type for all further progressing.
But it seems as if the type for all operations has to be known at compilation time?
Is there a way around it or can you explain the problem to me?
The code example above is just to illustrate my problem
Thanks for the help,
Edit: Your answers might allready have solved the problem, I will read more on the topics "reflection" and "generics" and keep you up to date if i make any progress. So thanks allot for the help.
For those still interested:
I was asked for the purpose of my question and will try to explain it as best i can.
Public Function ReadAllObjects() As List(Of myObjectType)
Dim result As New List(Of myObjectType)
Dim ObjectSerializer As New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(result.GetType)
Dim FileReader As New System.IO.FileStream(My.Settings.XMLPath, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
result = TryCast(ObjectSerializer.Deserialize(FileReader), List(Of myObjectType))
RaiseEvent ReadingFinished()
Return result
End Function
This pretty much sums up what I want to create: A EasyXmlHandling.dll for further use, which will be initialized with the currently used variable type.
It is then supposed to be able to write and read from/to an XML-File in a really easy way, by just calling "ReadAllObjects" (returns a List of myObjectType) or "AddObject(ByVal theNewObject)"... (more functions)
I got all that to work with a custom class as type, so i could now easily re-use the EasyXmlHandling-code by just replacing that type in the sourcecode with whatever new class i will want to use.
I though would prefer to just call the .dll with a sample object (or the type of it) and to have it do everything else automaticly.
I hope that was understandable, but neither my english nor my technical vocabulary are really good ;)
So thanks again for the help and for reading through this.
I will try to get it to work with all your previous answers and will update the topic when i make further progress.
No, that is not possible (at least, not without using reflection). The whole point of specifying the type in a generic list, or any other generic type, is so that the compiler can perform compile-time type checking. If you aren't specifying the type at compile-time, there is no benefit to it at all. Beyond there being no benefit, it's also simply not supported. If you don't know the type at compile time, you should just use Object instead, since that will work with objects of any type, for instance:
Dim myList As New List(Of Object)()
If you need a list, however, which only allows one type of item, but that type is unknown at compile time, that is possible to do, but you would probably need to create your own non-generic list class for something like that. As far as I know, there is no non-generic list class provided in the framework which restricts its items to a single specified type.
Now that you've explained your reason for doing this, it's clear that generics are your solution. For instance, you could implement it as as generic function, like this:
Public Function ReadAllObjects(Of T)() As List(Of T)
Dim result As New List(Of T)
Dim ObjectSerializer As New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(result.GetType)
Dim FileReader As New System.IO.FileStream(My.Settings.XMLPath, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
result = TryCast(ObjectSerializer.Deserialize(FileReader), List(Of T))
RaiseEvent ReadingFinished()
Return result
End Function
Then, you could call it, like this, passing it which ever type you want:
Dim cars As New List(Of Car) = ReadAllObjects(Of Car)()
Dim boats As New List(Of Boat) = ReadAllObjects(Of Boat)()
As you can see, that is the whole purpose of generics. They are a very powerful tool when you any to keep your code type-specific, but still be able to re-use it with different types. Reflection, on the other-hand is not a good fit in this particular situation. Reflection is also very useful, but should always be considered an option of last resort. If there is another way to do it, without reflection, that's usually the better way.

Design a Class Diagram

Hi I have a class which contains an ArrayList as an attribute and I have initialized it like this:
List arrayList = new ArrayList();
and I want to design a class diagram for my class, but I don't know how to refer to the type of the arrayList, should I write ( arrayList : ArrayList ) or I have to write
( arrayList : List ) ??
Since you've declared the variable as being of type List, the fact that it is backed by an ArrayList is just an implementation detail. You should be able to replace it by any other kind of list object and get the same functionality.
If I were you, I wouldn't name the List "arrayList". If you called it "theList" or something of that nature then it would become a little more obvious that the fact that it's an ArrayList isn't important from a class diagram point of view.

IEnumerable interface as a type?

While learning to use LINQ in VB.NET, I came across the following:
Dim x As IEnumerable = (some LINQ query)
If you can't instantiate an interface, but only a concrete implementation of it, why is this allowed? Is there some difference between doing
Dim x as (Type) and
Dim x as New (Type)?
Yes, a big difference. In the code you give, you're declaring a variable that will point at some instantiated thing. It doesn't necessarily know what type of thing it is, but it knows it implements IEnumerable. In the code you gave, the actual instantiation as some concrete type (that implements IEnumerable) is handled by LINQ. The part that goes on the right has to result in a concrete instatiation.