How to define an incomplete enum? - jsonschema

I want to define a property that could be one of the values of an enum or other string. I do not want to define the property as a string without an enum and I do not want to put into the enum an OTHER value.
Definition of a property 'p':
"p": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["A", "B", "C"]
I want it:
"p": "D"
to be valid.

Use the oneOf keyword: understanding-json-schema/reference/combining
One schema branch contains your enum, the other maype pattern (more here) if there is a valid regular expression to define any "other" values.


How to validate object values in jsonschema?

Suppose I have a json like this:
{"1": {"first_name": "a", "last_name": "b"},
"2": {"first_name": "c", "last_name": "d"}}
As you can see, values have such schema:
{"type": "object",
"properties": {
"first_name": {"type": "string"},
"last_name": {"type": "string"}
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["first_name", "last_name"]}
I want to know how can I define a schema which can validate the above json?
The additionalProperties takes a JSON Schema as it's value. (Yes, a boolean is a valid JSON Schema!)
Let's recap what the additionalProperties keyword does...
The behavior of this keyword depends on the presence and annotation
results of "properties" and "patternProperties" within the same schema
object. Validation with "additionalProperties" applies only to the
child values of instance names that do not appear in the annotation
results of either "properties" or "patternProperties".
For all such properties, validation succeeds if the child instance
validates against the "additionalProperties" schema.
In simplest terms, if you don't use properties or patternProperties within the same schema object, the value schema of additionalProperties applies to ALL values of the applicable object in your instance.
As such, you only need to nest your existing schema as follows.
"$schema": "",
"additionalProperties": YOUR SCHEMA

What is equivalent to multiple types in OpenAPI 3.1? anyOf or oneOf?

I want to change multiple types (supported in the latest drafts of JSON Schema so does OpenAPI v3.1) to anyOf, oneOf but I am a bit confused to which the types would be mapped to. Or can I map to any of the two.
PS. I do have knowledge about anyOf, oneOf, etc. but multiple types behavior is a little ambiguous. (I know the schema is invalid but it is just an example that is more focused towards type conversion)
"type": ["null", "object", "integer", "string"],
"properties": {
"prop1": {
"type": "string"
"prop2": {
"type": "string"
"enum": [2, 3, 4, 5],
"const": "sample const entry",
"exclusiveMinimum": 1.22,
"exclusiveMaximum": 50,
"maxLength": 10,
"minLength": 2,
"format": "int32"
I am converting it this way.
"anyOf": [{
"type": "null"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"prop1": {
"type": "string"
"prop2": {
"type": "string"
"type": "integer",
"enum": [2, 3, 4, 5],
"exclusiveMinimum": 1.22,
"exclusiveMaximum": 50,
"format": "int32"
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 10,
"minLength": 2,
"const": "sample const entry"
anyOf gives you a closer match for the semantics than oneOf;
The problem (or benefit!) of oneOf is that it will fail if you happen to match 2 different cases.
That is unlikely to be what you want, given the source of your conversion which has those looser semantics.
Imagine converting ["integer","number"], for example; if the input was a 1, you'd match both and fail using oneOf.
First of all, your example is not valid:
The initial schema doesn't match anything, it's an "impossible" schema. The "enum": [2, 3, 4, 5] and "const": "sample const entry" constraints are mutually exclusive, and so are "const": "sample const entry" and "maxLength": 10.
The rewritten schema is not equivalent to the original schema because the enum and const were moved from the root level into subschemas. Yes, this way the schema makes more sense and will sort of work (e.g. it will match the specified numbers - but not strings! because of const vs maxLength contradiction), but it's not the same the original schema.
With regard to oneOf/anyOf:
It depends.
The choice between anyOf and oneOf depends on the context, i.e. whether an instance is can match more than one subschema or exactly one subschema. In other words, whether multiple subschema match is considered OK or an error. Nullable references typically need anyOf rather than oneOf, but other cases vary from schema to schema.
For example,
"type": ["number", "integer"]
corresponds to anyOf because there's an overlap - integer values are also valid "number" values in JSON Schema.
"type": ["string", "integer"]
can be represented using either oneOf or anyOf. oneOf is semantically closer since strings and integers are totally different data types with no overlap. But technically anyOf also works, it's just there won't be more than one subschema match in this particular case.
In your example, all base type values are distinct with no overlap, so I would use oneOf, but technically anyOf will also work.

How to filter entities with nested arrays with CosmosDB

I have an entity like this:
"id": "xxxx",
"attributes": [{
"name": "name-01",
"value": "value-01"
}, {
"name": "name-02",
"value": "value-02"
Our "questions" to data usually: Give me entities with attribute or attribute with particular value;
in SQL it was written like as:
select *
from c
and array_contains(c.attributes, { "name": "name-01", "value": "value-01" }, true)
and array_contains(c.attributes, { "name": "name-02", "value": "value-02" }, true)
but I would like to extend a model to allow have suggestion of values in each attribute by transform an entity to:
"id": "xxxx",
"attributes": [{
"name": "name_01",
"value": "value-01",
"suggestions": ["a", "b", "c"]
}, {
"name": "name_02",
"value": "value-02",
"suggestions": ["a", "d", "e"]
With that structure I would like to ask: Give me all entities that has specified attribute and value equals to "XYZ" or suggestions array contains "XYZ";
In general scenario if always add value into array of suggestions the ask would be "Give me all entities that has specified attribute and suggestions contains XYZ"
N.B. Also I would like to make queries : Give me all entities that has more ALL specified attributes with constraints per each by suggestions?
Please suggest how to write such queries or rebuild a structure of entities in Cosmos DB;
P.S. We can technically switch from SQL to other protocol to better make such queries;
This should be doable using ARRAY_CONTAINS along with iterating the attributes array.
Give me items with value "value-01" or suggestion "f":
FROM c JOIN attr IN c.attributes
WHERE attr["value"] = "value-01" OR ARRAY_CONTAINS(attr.suggestions, "f")
Give me items with value "value-01" or both suggestions "a" and "f":
FROM c JOIN attr IN c.attributes
WHERE attr["value"] = "value-01" OR
ARRAY_CONTAINS(attr.suggestions, "a") AND ARRAY_CONTAINS(attr.suggestions, "f")

how to query embedded document using mongodb

Need help constructing this mongo query.
So far I can query on the first level, but unable to do so at the next embedded level ("labels" > 2")
For example, the document structure looks like this:
> db.versions_20170420.findOne();
"_id" : ObjectId("54bf146b77ac503bbf0f0130"),
"account" : "foo",
"labels" : {
"1" : {
"name" : "one",
"color" : "color1"
"2" : {
"name" : "two",
"color" : "color2"
"3" : {
"name" : "three",
"color" : "color3"
"profile" : "bar",
"version" : NumberLong("201412192106")
This query I can filter at the first level (account, profile).
db.profile_versions_20170420.find({"account":"foo", "profile": "bar"}).pretty()
However, given this structure, I'm looking for documents where the "label" > "2". It doesn't look like "2" is a number, but a string. Is there a way to construct the mongo query to do that? Do I need to do some conversion?
If I correctly understand you and your data structure, "label" > "2" means that object labels must contain property labels.3, and it is easy to check with next code:
{"account": "foo", "profile": "bar", "labels.3": {$exists: true}}
But it doesn't mean that your object contains at least 3 properties, because it is not $size function which calculates count of elements in array, and we cannot use $size because labels is object not array. Hence in our case, we only know that labels have property 3 even it is the only one property which labels contains.
You can improve find criteria:
"account": "foo",
"profile": "bar",
"labels.1": {$exists: true},
"labels.2": {$exists: true},
"labels.3": {$exists: true}
and ensure that labes contains elements 1, 2, 3, but in this case, you have to care about object structure on application level during insert/update/delete data in document.
As another option, you can update your db and add extra field labelsConut and after that you will be able to run query like this:
{"account": "foo", "profile": "bar", "labelsConut": {$gt: 2}}
btw, it will work faster...

JSON-schema: validating an integer formatted in a string with min and max values

Through a json schema validator (like z-schema), I would like to validate an integer formatted in a string, e.g.:
"myvalue": "45"
Currently, the following validation schema is:
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]+$"
However, now it would be great to be able to validate a minimum and maximum value, like:
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 32
However the above json value "45" is not an integer.
Without changing the type to integer, the best you can do is use the pattern keyword to enforce the range using a regular expression. Here is an example of a regular expression to match integers from 0..32.