Recording a call in Voximplant - voximplant

Can I record a call in Voximplant? And how can I get the transcription of the conversation? For example I want to receive a call and then mail the transcript to quality control service.

call.record for recording the calls:
call.record({stereo:true, lossless:true, transcribe:true, hd_audio:false});
And the same method but with transcribe: true for text transcription:
call.record({transcribe: true, language: ASRLanguage.ENGLISH_US});


How to create local notification with an end date

I need to do local notification with an end date. I have taken look at and but cannot find an example of how it would work. I want a notification to have start and end date with an interval
This is answer is geared towards the second library you mentioned:
For setting the start date for when a notification should occur we have
the localNotificationSchedule method described in the documentation here:
For example:
import PushNotification from 'react-native-push-notification';
id: "1",
message: "My Notification Message", // (required)
date: new Date( + 60 * 1000), // in 60 secs
// other props...
So whatever date object you pass to the date property will be the moment the notification is triggered.
Note that autoCancel by default has the value of true so after the notification is delivered the notification will be canceled anyway. So it's better not to handle the end date as it's already handled for you.
If you still want to cancel it anyway you can add autoCancel: true to the example above and cancel the notification like this:
PushNotification.cancelLocalNotifications({id: '1'});
So if you want to control the end date, an idea could be to first trigger your push notification and directly after call cancelLocalNotifications inside setTimeout. Then you could control when the notifications starts and when it is canceled.
If you want to have a way to do this in the background you can look into a background task library like

How to create "Round Robin Call Forwarding Function" in Twilio Stack

I have researched high and low through multiple websites and have not found a single fully documented solution for round-robin call forwarding with-in the Twilio stack; let alone within Twilio Studio. The last time this question was asked in detail was in 2013 so your help is greatly appreciated. I am looking to find a solution to the following to educate myself and others:
[Round Robin Scenario]
Mentioned by Phil Krnjeu on Aug 1 '13 at 23:04, "I'm trying to create a website that has a phone number on it (say, a phone number for a school). When you call that number, it has different secretary offices (A,B,C, D). I want to create something where the main number is called, and then it goes and calls phone number A the first time, the second time someone calls the main number, number B is called, C, then D. Once D is called (which would be the 4th call), the 5th call goes back to A."
The response to the above question was to use an IVR Screening & Recording application which requires the caller to pick an agent which is not a true Round Robin solution. The solution I am looking for and many others require the system to know which agent is in a group and which agent is next to receive a call.
[Key Features Needed]
Ability to add forwarding numbers as identified above A, B, C, D as a group or IVR extensions such as 1 = Management, 2 = Sales and etc...
Set a subsequent calling rule that notates in a DB of some sort. Caller A through D, for example, equals 1 unsuccessful. When caller A has been forwarded a call it now equals 0 successful then the script stops and allows the call to be answered by the user or its voicemail. Then the next call comes in and is forwarded to user B and assigned a 0 successful value, then the script stops.
After the caller finishes the call or finishes leaving a voicemail the script needs to end the call.
[Final Destination]
The round-robin should finalize its call with the forwarded phone numbers voicemail.
[Known Issues]
Forwarding a call to multiple numbers not stopping when someone answers
Once this question is posted I am sure someone will ask in the near future what if I wanted the call to be forwarded to a Twilio voicemail instead of using the forwarded phone number's voicemail which could be let's say a cell phone. I do not necessarily need this feature, however, making an additional comment would be very helpful to the community. Thank you for your time.
I have limited knowledge of programming besides having the ability to review articles posted by other users. One article I researched in detail that did not work for me was, "IVR: Screening & Recording with PHP and Laravel."
The solution I am looking for first would be to make this code through the new Twilio Studio interface if that is not possible then any other solution would be helpful to all.
Sam here from the Twilio Support Team. You can build what you've described using Twilio's Runtime suite, Studio, and Functions.
I wrote a blog post with detailed instructions and screenshots here, and I've included a summarized version below as well.
First, you need to create a serverless Variable which will be used as the round robin counter. The variable must be inside an Environment, which is inside a Service. This is the only part of the application where you will need your own laptop. You can see how to create these with any of the SDKs or using curl in the docs.
Create a Service
Create an Environment
Create a Variable
Be sure to copy the SIDs of your Service, Environment, and Variable since you will need that for your function.
For convenience, this is how you create the Variable in NodeJS.
const accountSid = 'your_account_sid';
const authToken = 'your_auth_token';
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);'ZSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
.create({key: 'key', value: 'value'})
.then(variable => console.log(variable.sid));
Create the following Environment Variables here in the console and save set them equal to their respective SID that you saved earlier.
Next, make sure you check the Enable ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN checkbox above the Environment Variables section under Credentials.
Be sure your Twilio Client version in the Dependencies section is set to the latest, so we can be sure it includes the Serverless resources. At the time of writing (March 2020), the default Client version does not include them, so we upgraded to 3.41.1, which was the latest.
Go here in the console and create a blank Function.
Copy and paste the following code and replace the numbers with the ones you would like to include in your Round Robin (make sure the environment variables you just created match what's in the code).
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
// Number List
let numbers = [
"+18652142345", //Sam
"+18651092837", //Tina
"+19193271892", //Matt
// Copy and paste line above to add another number.
// Initialize Twilio Client
let client = context.getTwilioClient();
// Fetch Round Robin Ctr
.then(variable => {
// Use counter value to determine number to call
let number = numbers[variable.value];
// Create var with new ctr value
let ctr = variable.value;
// Check if current counter value is less than RR length (i.e. the number of numbers in round robin)
// If so, increment
if(ctr == numbers.length-1) {
ctr = 0;
// Otherwise reset ctr
else ctr++;
// Update counter value
.update({value: ctr})
.then(resp => {
// Return number to call
let response = {number};
// Return our counter value and a null error value
callback(null, response);
Click the red plus sign to create a new Flow here.
Give the Flow a name and click Next.
Scroll to the bottom of the templates and click 'Import from JSON' and click Next.
Paste the Flow JSON shown here and click Next.
Click the RoundRobin function widget and select the Function you just created under the Default service.
Click the FunctionError widget, click MESSAGING & CHAT CONFIG, and change the SEND MESSAGE TO number to a number that you would like to notify by text in the event of a Function failure.
Click the DefaultNumber widget and change the default number that will be forwarded to in the event of a Function failure.
Click the Publish button at the top of your Flow.
Go here in the console.
Click the Twilio number you would like to configure.
Scroll down to the A CALL COMES IN dropdown in the Voice section and select Studio Flow.
Select your new Flow in the Select a Flow dropdown to the right.
Click Save at the bottom.
And that's it. You're now all set to test!

Unable to read the Content of Email Automation Anywhere

I am reading the incoming mails from a outlook mailbox using automation anywhere Email Automation - Get All Messages menu. My simple code is given below. But everytime I am getting html objects and tags printing in the message box, I want only the email message.
Start Loop "Each message on,User,SSL Server Type:POP3,Message Format:Plain Text"
Message Box:"$Email Message$"
Can anyone help????
In your original Email Automation - Get All Messages command, there should be a "Message Format" option below port number.
If not - you could offload to a javascript script that might look like this and call it via Run Script:
function noTags(vString) {
return vString.replace(/<(.|\n)*?>/g, '');
Passing vString into it and getting vString back out, now without the tags.

Is it possible to send a single message to multiple numbers at a time using Twilio?

I'm developing an app that allows users to add people, info, and Name/phone, or select multiple numbers from their iPhone contact list to send SMS messages to the selected numbers. the problem is Twillio API needs to be call every time per number. Is their any way to call the API once for multiple numbers?
Is it possible to send message to multiple number at a time?
Is it possible to send multiple messages?
Thanks in advance
It's not possible, you need to iterate through the list and make one request per message (which is probably better than batching it and dealing with the potential of multiple errors / resends).
Each new SMS message from Twilio must be sent with a separate REST API request. To initiate messages to a list of recipients, you must make a request for each number to which you would like to send a message. The best way to do this is to build an array of the recipients and iterate through each phone number.
const numbersToMessage = ["+15558675310", "+14158141829", "+15017122661"]
numbersToMessage.forEach(async number => {
const message = await client.messages.create({
body: 'message body',
from: '+16468635472',
to: number
Yes this is possible. Infact i'm trying to do the same thing at the moment(which is why i'm here) and Twilio has some advanced stuff that lets us achieve this.
Assuming you have a twilio ssid, twilio auth token and a twilio phone number, the next thing you have to do is create a "Twilio Messaging Service" from the dashboard. You can use the ssid of the created messaging service and use or if you want to send a message to like 10k numbers in one go, you create a "Twilio Notify Service" from the dashboard which takes the previously created messaging service as part of its configuration. Once this is done you can call the twilio.notifications.create() and pass bindings({ binding_type: 'sms', address: number }) for each phone number to it.
Complete explanation found in this twilio blog right here with perfectly working code.
Yes it is possible to send message to multiple user's from your Twilio Number.
You can try this for your node.js file:
var arr = ["+1xxxxxxxxxx","+1xxxxxxxxx"];
from: "+19253504188",
body: msg,
}, function(err,message){
Yes it is possible. You have to provide the numbers as a list and iterate API call.
For example send a message to two numbers.
numbers = ['+1234562525','+1552645232']
for number in numbers:
proxy_client = TwilioHttpClient()
proxy_client.session.proxies = {'https': os.environ['https_proxy']}
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token, http_client=proxy_client)
message = client.messages \
body="Your message",
from_='Your Twilio number',

Test response of Rails 3 background job (API-Request) with VCR in Cucumber feature

I have a Rails 3 background job (delayed_job) which sends a hipchat / Campfire message to their API and I want to check the response in my Cucumber feature. Is there a way to get the last HTTP response(s) which VCR have recorded?
The feature looks like this
Scenario: Send hipchat message when task created
Given an hipchat_sample integration exists with app: app "teamway"
When I create an "ActionMailer::Error" task to "Teamway"
And all jobs are worked off # invoke
Then a hipchat message should be sent "ActionMailer::Error"
In my step definition I want to check the response body:
Then /^a hipchat message should be sent "(.*?)"$/ do |arg1|
# Like this:
# VCR::Response.body.should == arg1
VCR already records the request and response, but I do not know how to take them. I think of something similar to catching the emails sent with Pickle's steps. Does anybody have an idea how to do this?
I use rails 3.2.8, cucumber-rails 1.3 and vcr 2.2.4 (with webmock).
Best regards
You can use VCR.current_cassette to get the current cassette, and then interrogate that to get the [VCR::HTTPInteraction][1] object you're looking for, but it'll be a bit complex--the VCR cassette stores the newly recorded HTTP interactions separately from the ones it has available for playback and from the ones it has already played you'll need some complex conditionals to ensure things work properly both when your tests are recording and when they are playing back.
Instead, I recommend you use an after_http_request hook:
module HipmunkHelpers
extend self
attr_accessor :last_http_response
Before { HipmunkHelpers.last_http_response = nil }
VCR.configure do |c|
c.after_http_request(lambda { |req| URI(req.uri).host == '' }) do |request, response|
HipmunkHelpers.last_http_response = response
Then, in your cucumber step, you can access HipmunkHelpers.last_http_response.
For more details on the after_http_request hook, check out the relish docs.