Queries regarding Smalktalk's method and class - smalltalk

You can't have methods with the same name in the same class in Smalltalk. Why?
I don't understand why methods can't have same name in same class.

You are probably thinking about function overloading in languages like C++ in which you can have multiple functions/methods with the same name but different parameter types or count. The difference is that in dynamic programming languages like Smalltalk the type is associated with the object not the variable and so a variable can hold any type and the compiler doesn't know the type. So there would be no way to distinguish between functions/methods with the same name.


Is it correct to declare types/attributes in an interface from OOP point of view?

Is it correct to define a type within an interface? And what about an attribute?
Some programming languages only allow method signatures for an interface, but in ABAP I was considering doing something like the code below, even adding more attributes, and I'm not sure if the approach is a correct OOdesign:
INTERFACE zif_notif_note.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_note_id,
notif_num TYPE qmnum,
activity_key TYPE aknum,
END OF ty_note_id.
DATA: id TYPE ty_note_id READ-ONLY.
METHODS get_id
RETURNING VALUE(r_id) TYPE ty_note_id.
What if I need to use this type as an input parameter for another class? Should I better define DDIC structure then?
To your first question: nothing speaks against defining a type in an interface.
To your second question...
You can do many things in ABAP OO that you cannot do in other object oriented languages like Java or C++. For example you can define a FINAL ABSTRACT CLASS which is nonsense, you can define static methods (CLASS-METHODS) in an interface which is in my opinion a heresy towards the object oriented programming.
I have never defined attributes unless they were CONSTANTS within an interface, because there is no reason for doing it. They will be automatically marked as PUBLIC which breaks in fact the encapsulation principle.
So the answer would be: It is possible but think twice before going that way because it might be breaking the encapsulation of the classes that implement the interface.

Why is the parameter type generalized for method specialization on override?

The book I am reading just introduced the concepts of subsumption, covariance, contravariance and its implications for the design of programming languages. Now, in the section about method specialization, I'm getting into trouble.
The book points out that, when we override methods in subclasses, parameter types may be generalized, and result types may be specialized. However, the book argues, that for methods that aren't overridden but inherited, another type of method specialization is at play where parameter types are specialized, and result types are generalized, because we can interpret the self keyword as an argument:
"There is another form of method specialization that happens implicitly by inheritance. The occurrences of self in the methods of C can be considered of type C, in the sense that all objects bound to self have type C or a subtype of C. When the methods of C are inherited by C', the same occurrences of self can similarly be considered of type C'. Thus the type of self is silently specialized on inheritance (covariantly!)."
And here is my problem: Can't we consider the self keyword a covariant argument in overridden methods as well? Then we would end up with the this keyword as a covariant argument, even though we just established that, as a consequence of the substitution principle, arguments of overridden methods need to be contravariant. Am I overlooking something?
Thanks for your help!
Implementation of variance in programming languages
...when we override methods in subclasses, parameter types may be generalized (covariance), and result types may be specialized (contravariance)
Even though this can be true, it depends on the specific language, whether it actually implements this functionality. I have found examples on wiki:
C++ and Java implement only covariant return types and the method
argument types are invariant.
C# does not implement either variancy (so both are invariant).
There is an example of a language (Sather) with contravariant argument type and covariant return type - this is what you mentioned.
However, there is also one (Eiffel) with covariant return & argument type, but this can normally cause runtime errors.
Controlling and "left-over" arguments
There is also a nice paragraph dividing arguments between controlling arguments and "left-over" arguments. The controlling ones are covariant and the non-controlling ones are contravariant. This is regarding multiple dispatch langauges, although most certainly you were referring to a single dispatch language. But even there is a single controlling argument (self/this).
Here is the paragraph (I did not have time to study the paper it is referring to, please feel free to read it if you have the time and post your findings):
Giuseppe Castagna[3] observed that in a typed language with multiple dispatch, a generic function can have some arguments which control dispatch and some "left-over" arguments which do not. Because the method selection rule chooses the most specific applicable method, if a method overrides another method, then the overriding method will have more specific types for the controlling arguments. On the other hand, to ensure type safety the language still must require the left-over arguments to be at least as general. Using the previous terminology, types used for runtime method selection are covariant while types not used for runtime method selection of the method are contravariant.
Conventional single-dispatch languages like Java also obey this rule: there only one argument is used for method selection (the receiver object, passed along to a method as the hidden argument this), and indeed the type of this is more specialized inside overriding methods than in the superclass.
The problem
According to the paragraph I assume that the self argument in its nature is not a regular method argument (which may be contravariant), because self is an another kind of argument - controlling argument - which are covariant.
...even though we just established that, as a consequence of the substitution principle, arguments of overridden methods need to be contravariant.
Well, it looks like not all of them.

Is a Constructor a Routine?

Currently we are writing our bachelor thesis about the implementation of a Compiler for an academic object-oriented mini programming language.
We want to be precise in our documentation, and we're currently discussing if a constructor is a routine.
What we think points out that a constructor is a routine is that it has a block of Commands, Parameters and local variables. Despite the missing name, all other attributes of other routines are given.
What we think points out that a constructor is not a routine is that it can only be called once per instance.
We are not sure if this question has a clear answer, or if the definition is different from theory to theory.
We would be happy if someone could give a pointer to some literature about this semantic question.
Edit: Some Information about how we name specific things in our Language:
We have functions and procedures. Functions do have a return value, procedures don't.
A constructor is like an unnamed procedure (without explicit return value)
a constructor is called implicit, java like: x := new X(1, new Y())
Parameters are defined during the definition of a constructor. The own instance (this) is not considered a parameter but provided implicitly
Thanks for your answers so far, they're helping with the though process.
This depends on language - and for this academic language - I would not say that a constructor is a routine. I say that because in not saying that it is a routine, a separation is kept: unless the language explicitly unifies routines/functions/constructors, don't say it does :)
Now, consider these counter-examples (and there are many more, I am sure):
Languages like Eiffel allow giving constructors different names (which I think is awesome and wish was used more).
Languages like Ruby don't have a "new" operator and invoking a constructor appears as invoking any (class) method. Ruby doesn't even have a way of signaling that a method acts as a constructor (or factory method, as it were).
Constructors in languages like JavaScript are just functions which can be run in a special context when used with new.
Also, at some level it may be viewed that there needs to be no difference in calling a constructor multiple times (you get back a new object - so what?) than calling a function multiple times (where one might get back the same value). Consider that the new object may be immutable and may have value equality with other objects.
That is, considering the following code, is there a constructor used?
5 4 vec2 "1" int 2 vec2 add puts
I made it up, but I hope it makes a point. There may or may not be a constructor or an external difference between a constructor and an ordinary function depending upon how the specific language views the role (or even need) of constructors.
Now, write the language specification as deemed fit and try to avoid leaking implementation details.
Constructor is a constructor.
It may be like a function(that returns value: the new object), procedure(routine, function with no return value, called on uninitialized object), it may be callable once or many times on an object (although it is arguable whever the object is of the same identity afterwards..), it may have a name or not or the name may be enforced to match the class, etc. The constructor may even "not exist" or be implicitly created by the compiler from various scattered initializers and code blocks, which otherwise would be expressions/routines/whatchamacallit.
It all depends on your language that you compile and on what do you mean by 'function', 'routine', or even 'parameters' (i.e. is 'this' a parameter?).
If you want to ask about such thing, first describe/define your language and all your terms that you want to use (what is a class? method? function? routine? parameter? constructor? ...) and then, well, most probably you will automatically deduce the answer matching your ontology.
A constructor is a function with special semantics (such that it is called in specific context - as part of object construction), but it is a function anyway - it can have parameters, it has usual flow of control, it can have local variables, etc. It is not better or worse than any other function. I'd say it is a routine.
From outside, a constructor can be seen as a class method, with an instance of that class as return value. Insofar, the claim that "it can only be used once per instance" does not hold water, since there is no instance yet when the constructor is used.
From inside, some special keywordish name like "this" is bound to the uninitialized instance.
Usually, there is some syntactic sugar, like a new keyword. Also, the compiler may help to make sure the instance is properly initialized.
It is special insofar as the functionality of creating a new object is nowhere else provided. But as far as its usage is concerned, a constructor is not (or at least should not be) different from any other class method that happens to return an instance of the class.
BTW, is "routine" an established term in OOP?
I think that a Routine is what is that can be called explicitly as and when required by the caller on a constructed object/class, while a constructor can be called a special type of routine that is called at runtime when the instance of the class is requested.
A constructor helps only in constructing and initializing the class
object and its variables.
It may or may not accept parameters, it can be overloaded with
different set of parameters
If the constructor has no parameters and also no code inside its code
block, you may want to omit it
Some languages automatically create a default parameter-less
constructor (like C#) if you do not provide your own constructor
A constructor can have an access modifier to restrict the creation
scope of the class
A constructor cannot have a return type because its constructing the
same class in which it is declared, and obviously there is no point
returning the same type (may be that's the reason some languages use same name for the constructor as the class name)
All the implementation rules for a constructor differ from language to language
Furthermore, the most important requirement of a well written constructor is that after it is executed it should leave the class object in a valid state
A constructor (as in the name) is only executed by the compiler when you create a new instance of that class.
The general idea is this: You put some set of operations which should be executed during the startup and that is what is done on the constructor. So this implies, you cannot call a constructor just like the other methods of your class.

Is there any static language in which a class is an object?

There are quite a few dynamically typed object oriented languages in which a class itself is an object. Smalltalk, and Python for example. Is there any statically typed language in which a class is an object?
By the term "object", I mean a first class entity. For example, classes in Python can be passed to other methods, can be returned from methods etc.
In a lot of statically typed languages, like JAVA, a class is an object with its own methods.
For example, in Java, the object that represents the "String" class is accessible as "String.class" and then you can invoke methods on this class as "String.class.getFields()", "getMethods()", getConstructor()", "cast(obj)", etc. You can see in the API documentation all the methods of the "Class" class.
Nevertheless, given that the language is statically typed, you cannot dynamically modify a class.
In other words, you are not going to find a method called "class.addField()" in the Class class. The more you can do is "extend" the class (if it is not final) by inheritance.
In yet other words, the a "Class" object is read-only.
By the term "object", I mean a first class entity. For example, classes in Python can be passed to other methods, can be returned from methods etc.
As any other object, you can pass them to methods and return them from methods (they are just regular objects, but that expose only "read" methods). Example (I omit generics for clearness):
public Class myMethod(Class someClassObject) {
Class anotherClass = String.class;
return anotherClass ;
I don't fully agree with #edutesoy answer.
First-class means that an implicit constructs is reified as an explicit construct that can be passed around like any object. Classes in Java are not "first-class", they are mirrors where you can inspect some properties but are not the the object itself.
That you can not change the structure of the class at run-time is fine, e.g. add fields, change method body or signature, and that under this perspective it's partly "read-only" is ok.
But let's consider static fields. I guess everybody agrees that unless final static fields are mutable, just like instance fields. In Smalltalk, these are just fields defined on the class itself, rather than on instances of the class. Also, in Smalltalk, class-side methods are polymorphic just like any other method, and :
aClass field: aValue.
might resolve differently depending on the class that is passed. This is not possible in Java ; a static field or method must be referenced via its type. This also means that it does not allow overriding static methods (read the link for more details) as would be the case if they were truely first class.
The fact that reflection is possible in Java doesn't make classes "first-class"--you can only pass a representation of the class around. And to come back to the original question: I don't know of any statically typed language with first-class classes (but my knowledge is limited, maybe one exists).
Actually, now I remember it exists StrongTalk (http://www.strongtalk.org/) which is Smalltalk with static typing. The typing issues are discussed in this paper: Strongtalk: Typechecking Smalltalk in a Production Environment
From Oleg Kiselyov and Ralph Lammel's "Haskell's overlooked object system" (emphasis mine),
Not only OOHaskell provides the conventional OO idioms; we have also
language-engineered several features that are either bleeding-edge or unattainable
in mainstream OO languages: for example, first-class classes and class closures; statically type-checked collection classes with bounded polymorphism of implicit collection arguments; multiple inheritance with user-controlled sharing; safe co-variant
argument subtyping.
Well, the benefits of that are reduced in an early-bound language. However, Java reflection objects for classes would basically be what you are asking for.
Why, incidentally, do you want this? Is it more than idle curiousity?
Take a look at the concept of homoiconicity which refers to the extant that a language can refer to its own structures. Also take a look at this post by Eric Lippert.

Symbol Table scope in compilers for object oriented languages

I'm building up a Symbol Table for a compiler of a subset of C++.
My question here is how to deal with the scope in objects. I mean, in a normal language such as Pascal we should create a Symbol Table for every scope. But with C++ should I consider another approche for the case of methods and attrubtes of an object?
I'd say an object has a symbol table for every scope for its methods and attributes, plus another table for friend class and methods.
It's just an idea.