copy and paste from google colab terminal - google-colaboratory

It is passable to copy and paste from and to google colab terminal?
I tried to copy by 'ctrl +c' but it is not enable me to copy the text.
Alternatively i tried to copy by right click on the mouse , but the pop up menu it similar to pop up menu that opened at any point on the broswer.
namely the menu give me options like : save, print and so on.

for the paste operation we can use the shortkey below like unix terminal: Shift+Ctrl+V
but the copy operation can not be done by Shift+Ctrl+C


What is the name of this IntelliJ feature?

I want to add a hotkey to the feature(toggle view/hide) on the image below, but do not know its name.
So on a git change IntelliJ shows a green(other colours) marker, so I click on it to view it. I want to add a hotkey so I don't have to use the mouse
In IntelliJ, you could use Next Change and Previous Change to achieve the above feature without using a mouse.
First open a file with Git changes.
Follow the attached image. (I have provided instruction for mac, but it should be the same on other OS as well)
Important: If the file that you opened does not have git changes, this won't be available on Navigate tab.
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

Tmux 3.0a how to past command line under Ubuntu 20.0.4

I tried to copy and paste command line in tmux3.0a, under Ubuntu 20.0.04.
First, i highlight the text, but somehow the highlight disappear right away.
Then a list show up, from which there is a "copy" for me to choose.
Say i copy the directory like this:
enter image description here
Here is my problem:
How do i do the paste now (there is no paste option in that list)?? Because whatever tricks i used doesnot work anymore...
I have tried Middlebutton the mouse, right click mouse, C-v..etc.
When I paste into the terminal, I must use ctrl+shift+v
When working in the terminal and tmux..
I simply use the default .tmux.conf and when I need to copy paste things I highlight them and hold down shift key.. then right-click copy or paste

How to disable autosave in Google Colab?

I have very slow upload speeds and upload also interferes with my download so I need to disable autosave in Colab.
Open the notebook in playground mode using Tools -> Command pallet menu.
Playground mode disables saves. In order to save manually, you'll need to create a copy of the notebook using the menu File -> Save a copy in Drive.
if you go to Runtime > Change runtime type there is an option called Omit code cell output when saving this notebook with this option enabled you have private outputs and your Outputs will not be saved.

Can I open a file in a new split screen tab with a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ?

In VS Code I can press command + P to search for files and then when I find the one I'm looking for I can press Command + Shift + Enter to open the file in a new tab that adds a split pane to the window.
I can browse in a similar way in IntelliJ pressing Shift twice, but I can't figure out how to open the file in a tab in a split pane, just in a new tab in the same pane on pressing Enter. Is there a way to do it?
On the tab line, where all of your files are tabbed and opened, you can right click and see the option Split Vertically and Split Horizontally. They will split your window as needed. You can bind these options to a macro and automatically have anything split in a second.
Then you can just open any file with your explorer, and then run your key combination to split it!
Edit: you can create key mapping from the Settings -> Keymap menu.
Mr. Robot
I think, it's too late to answer this question.
But anyways, there is already a predefined keymap binding as per your requirement to open a new file in a split window.
keymap is Shift + Enter
After searching any file, you just have to press this combination and it will open that new file in a split window.
*This keymap is for Mac, it may be different for other OS.

Intellij: How to copy/paste a file in order to duplicate it?

I can not seem to find a way to do this? I have a file named X in some folder, I want to create Y with the same contents in the same directory. The way I do in eclipse is to select the file and ^C, ^P, eclipse prompts for the new name.
Apparently this problem only occurs if compilation unit contains more than one type.
F5 will duplicate selected file prompting you to enter a name for the new file.
⌥ + drag
MacPress Option key and drag the original file.
PCPress Alt key and drag the original file.
You will be prompted for a new name.
Works for classes too:
As for a keyboard only solution to duplicate a file in IntelliJ:
On Linux:
Press Alt+Home to activate the navigation bar, then either press F5, or press Ctrl+C to copy the file and then press Ctrl+V to paste it, a dialog will appear to name your new file.
On Mac:
Press Cmd+Up to activate the navigation bar, then either press F5, or press Cmd+C to copy the file and then press Cmd+V to paste it, a dialog will appear to name your new file.
I found that ctrl+c/ctrl+v will not copy files on IDEA in Linux (using x2go to connect on a Windows box). I was able to get it working if I close xclipboard but then copying between Windows and Linux dialogs stops working.
Ctrl + C on target file/folder
Ctrl + V on destination folder
Enter new name and press Enter...