Symfony 6 & Doctrine: delete an array of elements without looping - sql

$em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
$contact = $em->getRepository(Contact::class)->findby(array('id'=>[1,2,3]));
will give me an error
EntityManager#remove() expects parameter 1 to be an entity object,
array given.
All answers I could find advise me to loop through the array and delete every record separately. I refuse to do so because I only want to send one statement to the database, resulting in SQL: delete from table where id in (1,2,3)

I think the easiest way is to use the query builder, instead a loop over the remove function.
$em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
$qb = $em->getRepository(Contact::class)->createQueryBuilder('c');
$affected = $qb->delete()
->where(' IN (:ids)')
->execute(['ids' => [1,2,3]]);


How to write database/SQL query in Yii2, with and without a model

I have a table with multiple column and I want to return a column name using another column name as search criteria. How do I achieve this in yii2?
Below is sample code, normal sql should be:
$name = SELECT type_name FROM ProductTable WHERE type_id = 1;
echo $name;
This should return the value of the column type_name where the value of the column type_id equals 1. I tried this, but it doesn't work
$type_name = ProductTable::find()->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id]);
$type_name = Product::find(['type_name'])->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id]);
I also tried this, but I guess it was wrong
I hope my question is clear enough and any help will he appreciated
and u could also use createCommand!
$name = \Yii::$app->getDb()->createCommand("SELECT type_name FROM ProductTable WHERE type_id=:typeId", ['typeId'=>$model->type_id])->queryAll();
For a general introduction to Yii2's ActiveRecord, see the guide:
If you want the complete row and have a model, you're just missing a one():
Product::find()->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->one();
If you do have a Model defined and just want a single value, try:
Product::find()->select('type_name')->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->scalar();
Which basically generates an ActiveQuery via the model, and changes it to return only the first column in the first row of matched results.
If you do NOT have a model, you could also generate a normal query without ActiveRecord usage (
$name = (new Query())->select('type_name')
->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])
I assume you generated ProductTable by using Gii module.
Also, if type_id column is a primary key:
$product = ProductTable::findOne($model->type_id);
if($product !== null) { $product->typeName /*... read value ...*/}
or to get all records
$products = ProductTable::findAll($model->type_id); //match all records.
for any other column use the following syntax instead:
$product = ProductTable::findOne(['type_id' => $model->type_id]);
Use following code to get type_name
$PTable=ProductTable::find()->select('type_name')->where(['type_id' =>$model->type_id])->one();
echo $PTable->type_name;

Doctrine2 fetch Count more optimized and faster way Or Zf2 library

I am using Doctrine2 and Zf2 , now when I need to fetch count of rows, I have got the following two ways to fetch it. But my worry is which will be more optimized and faster way, as in future the rows would be more than 50k. Any suggestions or any other ways to fetch the count ?? Is there any function to get count which can be used with findBy ???
Or should I use normal Zf2 Database library to fetch count. I just found that ORM is not preferred to fetch results when data is huge. Please any help would be appreciated
$members = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('User\Entity\Members')->findBy(array('id' => $id, 'status' => '1'));
$membersCnt = sizeof($members);
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
->from('User\Entity\Members', 'p')
->where(' = '.$id)
->andWhere('p.status = 1');
$membersCnt = $qb->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();
1) Your EntityRepository::findBy() approach will do this:
Query the database for the rows matching your criteria. The database will return the complete rows.
The database result is then transformed (hydrated) into full PHP objects (entities).
2) Your EntityManager::createQueryBuilder() approach will do this:
Query the database for the number of rows matching your criteria. The database will return a simple number (actually a string representing a number).
The database result is then transformed from a string to a PHP integer.
You can safely conclude that option 2 is far more efficient than option 1:
The database can optimize the query for counting, which might make the query faster (take less time).
Far less data is returned from the database.
No entities are hydrated (only a simple string to integer cast).
All in all less processing power and less memory will be used.
Security comment
Never concatenate values into a query!
This can make you vulnerable to SQL injection attacks when those values are (derived from) user-input.
Also, Doctrine2 can't make use of prepared statements / parameter binding, which can lead to some performance-loss when the same query is used often (with or without different parameters).
In other words, replace this:
->where(' = '.$id)
->andWhere('p.status = 1')
with this:
->where(' = :id')
->andWhere('p.status = :status')
->setParameters(array('id' => $id, 'status' => 1))
$qb->expr()->eq('', ':id'),
$qb->expr()->eq('p.status', ':status')
->setParameters(array('id' => $id, 'status' => 1))
For this particular query, there's no need to use the QueryBuilder, you can use straight DQL in stead:
$dql = 'SELECT COUNT(p) FROM User\Entity\Members p WHERE = :id AND p.status = :status';
$q = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($dql);
$q->setParameters(array('id' => $id, 'status' => 1));
$membersCnt = $q->getSingleScalarResult();
You should totally go to the dql version of the count.
With the first method you will hydrate (convert from db resultset to objects) each of the rows as single object and put them on one array and then count the amount items in that array. That will be a totally waste of memory and cycles if the only objective is to know the number of elements in that result set.
With the second method the dql will be gracefully converted to SELECT COUNT(*) Blah blah blah
plain SQL sentence and will retrieve directly the count from db.
The comment about ORM is not preferred to when to retrieve data is huge is true, in big batch process you should paginate your query to retrieve data instead all at the same time to avoid memory overrides but in that case you are only retrieving a single number, the total count so this rule doesn’t apply.
Query builder is so slow .
Use DQL for faster select .
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery("SELECT count(m) FROM User\Entity\Members m WHERE m.status = 1 AND = :id ");
$query->setParameter(':id', $id);
You need setParameter for prevent SQL injection .
Stored procedure is fastest but it depend on your DB .
Make all relations of entity Lazy.

PDO Riddle (No while loop)

I just recently learned how to work with PDO database queries, but my latest query isn't working for some reason. All my other queries include arrays and while loops, but I don't think this one requires either, so I may just need to change the query structure somehow.
$stm = $pdo->prepare("SELECT H.N, H.URL, H.Title, H.Subtitle,
H.Site, H.MetaTitle, H.MetaDesc, H.KW, H.Live, A.Article, A.Pagedex
FROM 1_home_pages H
LEFT JOIN 1_home_articles A ON A.Site = H.Site
WHERE H.URL = :MySection AND H.Site = :MySiteId AND H.Live = 1 AND A.Site = :MySiteId AND A.Section = :MySection");
// $stm->execute();
$data = $stm->fetchAll();
I added the line $data = $stm->fetchAll();, and it now works - as an array. The foreach statement below displays EVERYTHING in one jumbled mess...
foreach($data as $row) {
To escape the array and just display one item at a time, I tried the following:
$Content = $data['Article'];
echo $Content;
But it doesn't display anything. Can anyone tell me the solution?
I don't know if you made a typo while posting this question, or this is a typo from your source code: you have :MySection and yet while executing you write MySection (without colon). What's more, this line:
WHERE H.URL = :MySection
AND H.Site = :MySiteId
AND H.Live = 1
AND A.Site = :MySiteId
AND A.Section = :MySection");
You used multiple parameters with same name in one statement. Don't know if this is a correct way to do it, since I've never done it. I suggest you try using different names for parameters and see if that helps. Also, what do you mean 'but my latest query isn't working for some reason.' ? What does it return? Does it return anything at all? fetchAll returns multiple rows, that's why you get array.
Instead of $data = $stm->fetchAll(); use $data = $stm->fetch();. It will return next row from your query.

NHibernate IQueryOver where clause with a collection

I'm attemping to do a simple check for an empty collection in an NHIbernate Query. Here's my code:
var query = QueryNotDeleted().Where(x=>x.Markets.Count() > 0);
QueryNotDeleted returns an IQueryOver. The above line throws an error (Unrecognised method call in epression x.Markets.Count()) because it doesn't recognize the Count() in the query.
I tried
var query = QueryNotDeleted().Where(x=>x.Markets != null);
But unfortunately, Markets is never NULL, so I have to test for a count instead of it being null to get the records I want.
How can I get this "count" syntax correct so that it excludes records where the Markets property is empty?
I was able to get it to work using:
query.RootCriteria.CreateAlias("Markets", "m", JoinType.LeftOuterJoin);
and then
If I understand your question correctly you want to get a list of records that don't have corresponding children?
If I wanted to get a list of Orders that have no OrderItems using QueryOver then I would do something like:-
var orders = session.QueryOver<Order>()
.Left.JoinQueryOver(w => w.Items)
.Where(w => w.Order.Id == null);
If this is not the right answer then please can you submit the SQL you are trying to run and the parent/children mappings/.

checking if all the items in list occur in another list using linq

I am stuck with a problem here. I am trying to compare items in a list to another list with much more items using linq.
For example:
list 1: 10,15,20
list 2: 10,13,14,15,20,30,45,54,67,87
I should get TRUE if all the items in list 1 occur in list 2. So the example above should return TRUE
Like you can see I can't use sequenceEquals
Any ideas?
list2 is actually not a list it is a column in sql thas has following values:
in linq I did the following queries thanks to Jon Skeets help:
var query = from e in db
where e.taxonomy_parent_id == 722
select e.taxonomy_item_id;
query is IQueryable of longs at this moment
var query2 = from e in db
where query.Contains(e.taxonomy_item_id)
where !lsTaxIDstring.Except(e.taxonomy_ids.Replace("<id>", "")
.Replace("</id>", "")
select e.taxonomy_item_id;
But now I am getting the error Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementation of query operators except the Contains() operator.
How about:
if (!list1.Except(list2).Any())
That's about the simplest approach I can think of. You could explicitly create sets etc if you want:
HashSet<int> set2 = new HashSet<int>(list2);
if (!list1.Any(x => set2.Contains(x)))
but I'd expect that to pretty much be the implementation of Except anyway.
This should be what you want:
var result = list1.All(i => list2.Any(i2 => i2 == i));