Not getting an exception for undelivered (landline) SMS messages? (PHP) - error-handling

I am trying to test my error handling by sending an SMS to a landline number. I'd expect for Twilio to return an error code, for the PHP SDK to throw it as an exception and for my code to handle the error. For other types of errors, like an invalid phone number, it works exactly this way, but for the landline error, I am not getting any exception; the SDK seems to indicate that there is no problem whatsoever. But when I check the logs in the Twilio console, it shows that it is undelivered with the 30006 error that I am trying to catch.
Why might I not be receiving this specific error code when other errors behave as expected?
While I doubt that this is an issue with my code since it works fine for other errors, here it is, albeit heavily simplified:
function sendSMS() {
$client = new Client(<username>, <password>);
try {
'from' => <$fromPhoneNumber>,
'body' => <$message>
return 0;
} catch (TwilioException $e) {
return $e->getCode();
$errorCode = sendSMS();
if ($errorCode === 21211) {
//invalid number
//this case works correctly
if ($errorCode === 30006) {
//this case doesn't work


How to show firebase auth error messages different in UI

I am using the firebase auth now I want to show a different message in UI for every error message
You have to check for specific error messages in your catch block and add custom handling.
You don't mention the language you're working in (and I'm not familiar with all of the different libraries), but C# will throw a FirebaseAuthException containing the property AuthErrorCode which is an enum representing the error. You could check that in, say, a switch statement to get the required message.
try {
userRecord = await _FirebaseAuth.GetUserByEmailAsync(email, token)
catch (FirebaseAuthException ex) {
if (ex.AuthErrorCode == AuthErrorCode.UserNotFound) {
DisplayError($"Error retrieving user record for {email}");

handling error from Angular httpClient retryWhen block

I have a pretty simple http call happening. Upon error I want the request to retry 3 times with a three second delay between retries. I have worked out a solution that is close:
return this.http.put<string>(URL,
value).retryWhen(err => {
return err
.concat(Observable.throw("error occurred"));
.catch(err => this.handleHttpError(err)) ;
The client retries three times like I expect. However, I don't know how to throw the final error in such a way that my error handler (which normally expects an HttpResponse argument) can process the error.
Once I have taken(3) how can I get the final error, and convert it to an HttpResponse to send to my handler? Or am I looking at this the wrong way?
I need to know, at the end of the day, the HttpResponse that accompanied the error(s). When I throw the err from the retryWhen at the concat function that doesn't seem to accomplish it.
I am betting this is a pretty common thing to do, but being newer to Angular 5 and react I think I am just missing the boat.
You can use concatMap to count how many times you've tried to resubscribe and according to that send next or error notifications (this means re-throwing the error in the inner observable that is propagated further).
.retryWhen(err => err
.do( // remove, prints 42
.concatMap((error, index) => {
if (index === 2) {
return Observable.throw("error occurred"); // or Observable.throw(error);
return Observable.of(null);
// .catch(err => handleHttpError(err))
v => console.log('next', v), // not called
e => console.log('error handler', e),
This prints the following output:
error handler: error occurred
See live demo:
For anyone who runs into this, I was able to capture the httpErrorResponse by slightly changing the return:
first I added a local var
let httpError: HttpErrorResponse = null;
then I modified the return:
return error
.do(err => {if (err instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {httpError = err; }})
this allows me to cache the last http error response. I then look for this in the catch and work accordingly. Seems to be working just fine.

Parse Promises in Cloud Code / Express.js [duplicate]

I had a look at the bluebird promise FAQ, in which it mentions that .then(success, fail) is an antipattern. I don't quite understand its explanation as for the try and catch.
What's wrong with the following?
.then(function(res) { logger.log(res) }, function(err) { logger.log(err) })
It seems that the example is suggesting the following to be the correct way.
.then(function(res) { logger.log(res) })
.catch(function(err) { logger.log(err) })
What's the difference?
What's the difference?
The .then() call will return a promise that will be rejected in case the callback throws an error. This means, when your success logger fails, the error would be passed to the following .catch() callback, but not to the fail callback that goes alongside success.
Here's a control flow diagram:
To express it in synchronous code:
// some_promise_call().then(logger.log, logger.log)
then: {
try {
var results = some_call();
} catch(e) {
break then;
} // else
The second log (which is like the first argument to .then()) will only be executed in the case that no exception happened. The labelled block and the break statement feel a bit odd, this is actually what python has try-except-else for (recommended reading!).
// some_promise_call().then(logger.log).catch(logger.log)
try {
var results = some_call();
} catch(e) {
The catch logger will also handle exceptions from the success logger call.
So much for the difference.
I don't quite understand its explanation as for the try and catch
The argument is that usually, you want to catch errors in every step of the processing and that you shouldn't use it in chains. The expectation is that you only have one final handler which handles all errors - while, when you use the "antipattern", errors in some of the then-callbacks are not handled.
However, this pattern is actually very useful: When you want to handle errors that happened in exactly this step, and you want to do something entirely different when no error happened - i.e. when the error is unrecoverable. Be aware that this is branching your control flow. Of course, this is sometimes desired.
What's wrong with the following?
.then(function(res) { logger.log(res) }, function(err) { logger.log(err) })
That you had to repeat your callback. You rather want
.catch(function(e) {
return e; // it's OK, we'll just log it
.done(function(res) {
You also might consider using .finally() for this.
The two aren't quite identical. The difference is that the first example won't catch an exception that's thrown in your success handler. So if your method should only ever return resolved promises, as is often the case, you need a trailing catch handler (or yet another then with an empty success parameter). Sure, it may be that your then handler doesn't do anything that might potentially fail, in which case using one 2-parameter then could be fine.
But I believe the point of the text you linked to is that then is mostly useful versus callbacks in its ability to chain a bunch of asynchronous steps, and when you actually do this, the 2-parameter form of then subtly doesn't behave quite as expected, for the above reason. It's particularly counterintuitive when used mid-chain.
As someone who's done a lot of complex async stuff and bumped into corners like this more than I care to admit, I really recommend avoiding this anti-pattern and going with the separate handler approach.
By looking at advantages and disadvantages of both we can make a calculated guess as to which is appropriate for the situation.
These are the two main approaches to implementing promises. Both have it's pluses and minus
Catch Approach
.then(function(res) { logger.log(res) })
.catch(function(err) { logger.log(err) })
All errors are handled by one catch block.
Even catches any exception in the then block.
Chaining of multiple success callbacks
In case of chaining it becomes difficult to show different error messages.
Success/Error Approach
.then(function success(res) { logger.log(res) },
function error(err) { logger.log(err) })
You get fine grained error control.
You can have common error handling function for various categories of errors like db error, 500 error etc.
You will still need another catch if you wish to handler errors thrown by the success callback
Simple explain:
In ES2018
When the catch method is called with argument onRejected, the
following steps are taken:
Let promise be the this value.
Return ? Invoke(promise, "then", « undefined, onRejected »).
that means:
promise.then(f1).then(undefiend, f2)
Using .then().catch() lets you enable Promise Chaining which is required to fulfil a workflow. You may need to read some information from database then you want to pass it to an async API then you want to manipulate the response. You may want to push the response back into the database. Handling all these workflows with your concept is doable but very hard to manage. The better solution will be then().then().then().then().catch() which receives all errors in just once catch and lets you keep the maintainability of the code.
Using then() and catch() helps chain success and failure handler on the promise.catch() works on promise returned by then(). It handles,
If promise was rejected. See #3 in the picture
If error occurred in success handler of then(), between line numbers 4 to 7 below. See #2.a in the picture
(Failure callback on then() does not handle this.)
If error occurred in failure handler of then(), line number 8 below. See #3.b in the picture.
1. let promiseRef: Promise = this. aTimetakingTask (false);
2. promiseRef
3. .then(
4. (result) => {
5. /* successfully, resolved promise.
6. Work on data here */
7. },
8. (error) => console.log(error)
9. )
10. .catch( (e) => {
11. /* successfully, resolved promise.
12. Work on data here */
13. });
Note: Many times, failure handler might not be defined if catch() is
written already.
EDIT: reject() result in invoking catch() only if the error
handler in then() is not defined. Notice #3 in the picture to
the catch(). It is invoked when handler in line# 8 and 9 are not
It makes sense because promise returned by then() does not have an error if a callback is taking care of it.
Instead of words, good example. Following code (if first promise resolved):
() => { throw new Error('Error occurs'); },
err => console.log('This error is caught:', err)
is identical to:
err => console.log('This error is caught:', err)
() => { throw new Error('Error occurs'); }
But with rejected first promise, this is not identical:
() => { throw new Error('Error occurs'); },
err => console.log('This error is caught:', err)
err => console.log('This error is caught:', err)
() => { throw new Error('Error occurs'); }

Axis2 web service stub failing

We have a website written in Java that makes a web service call. Recently, we have noticed that we are recieving a null response from the web service (The endpoint is a 3rd party not maintained by us).
I've tracked down the point at which our code is failing and it's in our stub. See the code below, the code is failing between the two System.out.println lines. My problem is that no exception is thrown, so I don't know why the _operationClient.execute(true); fails. Would anyone have any idea how I can go about solving this?
public SuggestXResponseE suggestX(SuggestXE suggestX0)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext _messageContext = null;
try {
org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient _operationClient = _serviceClient.createClient(_operations[0].getName());
addPropertyToOperationClient(_operationClient, org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_QUERY_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR, "&");
// create a message context
_messageContext = new org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext();
// create SOAP envelope with that payload
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope env = null;
env = toEnvelope(getFactory(_operationClient.getOptions().getSoapVersionURI()),
optimizeContent(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("",
//adding SOAP soap_headers
// set the message context with that soap envelope
// add the message contxt to the operation client
System.out.println("Log message 1");
//execute the operation client
System.out.println("Log message 2");
org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext _returnMessageContext = _operationClient.getMessageContext(
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope _returnEnv = _returnMessageContext.getEnvelope();
java.lang.Object object = fromOM(
return (SuggestXResponseE) object;
} catch (org.apache.axis2.AxisFault f) {
// Handle exception.
finally {
System.out.println("Log message 1");
//execute the operation client
System.out.println("Log message 2");
If you're getting the first log message but not the second one, then one of two things is happening:
System.exit() is being called somewhere within _operationClient.execute(). You'd recognize this by the fact the process exits.
More likely, _operationClient.execute() is throwing something.
You say it's not throwing an exception, but it could be throwing an Error or some other kind of Throwable. It's not normally advised to catch non-Exception throwables, but you could add some code to do it temporarily:
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
You might find that you're getting an OutOfMemoryError or a NoClassDefFoundError because some jar is missing from your deployment, for example.

Handling Windows Store App exceptions from GetFileAsync

I have a problem with the following code example:
Windows::Storage::StorageFolder^ location = Package::Current->InstalledLocation;
task<StorageFile^> GetFileTask(location->GetFileAsync(sn));
GetFileTask.then([=](StorageFile^ file)
task<IBuffer^> ReadFileTask(FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(file));
ReadFileTask.then([=](IBuffer^ readBuffer)
// process file contents here
catch(Platform::Exception^ ex)
// Handle error here
catch(Platform::Exception^ ex)
// Handle error here
When using a filename that doesn't exist the function throws an exception:
Unhandled exception at 0x0FFCC531 (msvcr110d.dll) in GameTest2.exe: An invalid parameter was passed to a function that considers invalid parameters fatal.
I've been searching the internet and this exception breaks only when connected to the debugger. I'm using VS 2012. I've turned off all the relevant 'break on exception' but it still causes the debugger to break and non of my handlers are getting a chance to handle the exception.
If the file is missing I would expect the GetFileAsync method to throw a 'File doesn't exist' exception. Not sure why it keeps throwing the 'Invalid parameter' exception.
This is starting to bother me and I just can't find any known solution to this issue. Anyone have any ideas?
I'm going to try and change the method to not use the task<> code. Instead I'll call the GetFileAsync using 'await'. However I believe 'await' will just cause the calling thread to wait until the GetFileAsync has finished, which kind of defeats the point of asynchronous loading.
I'm wondering if this is a common issue with exception handling when using tasks.
OK, I've now found the solution:
task<StorageFile^>( location->GetFileAsync(sn)).then([](StorageFile^ openedFile)
return FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(openedFile);
}).then([](IBuffer^ readBuffer)
// Process file
}).then([](task<void> t)
catch(Platform::Exception^ e)
// Handle error
It seems there needs to be an extra 'then' condition added to the end of the chain to pick up the exception.