problem with an octal to decimal into a CPU/MPU/GPU register - protostuff

If I sent an octal stream through a serial adder to get a decimal number and used a Dec-To-Bin IC to inject the data into an appropriate register in a *PU
just curious; if it's even possible start on my mountain stronghold and interviewing potential henchpersons.
Experiment thus far: nothing; nothing at all.


Is it possible to convert from Bits to SpinalEnum?

I have a SlaveFactory and I'd like to save some flags in registers as SpinalEnums. Is it possible to cast Bits to my SpinalEnum on write operation?
I figured it out. Basically on AxiLite4SlaveFactory side I have something like this:
val gen_stop_type = RegInit(StopType.stop_frame.asBits)
StopType is my SpinalEnum. So going line by line:
The key here is .asBits, when initialising with a default value – it is in Bits type, but with correct bit length according to StopType length when encoded in hardware.
A regular SlaveFactory.write method (which now references to Bits register, not StopType register, what caused errors before).
The key is .assignFromBits, which I found, when looking through docs. Basically every hardware type has this method (and SpinalEnum is a hardware type), so it's possible to "convert" Bits (with width previously derived from the enum) to StopType enum.

Method to get non-base units?

Is there a method of using the exponent properties of LabView units for carrying custom units? For example I would find it convenient to use milli-Amperes instead of Amperes in my data wires.
My first attempt at doing so looks like this, but trying to get the value out at the end gives me nothing.
I would find it convenient to use milli-Amperes instead of Amperes in my data wires
For a wire, it's not possible, and it's not a problem, here's why:
I'm afraid what you want make little sense, since you're milli-Amperes instead of Amperes refers to representing your data, while a wire is just raw data. Adding the milli- to a floating point changes the exponent, not the mantissa, so there's no loss or gain of precision in the value that your number carries.
Now if we talk about an indicator which is technically a display of the wire value, you change the unit from "A" to "mA" to have the display you want.
Finally, in your attempt with "set numeric info", the -3 factor added next to Amperes means the unit is A^-3, not mA.
You can use data that don't use units, however than you will loose your automatic check of the units.
For display properties you can tweak the display format to show different outputs:
This format string is constructed as following:
% numeric
^ engineering notation, exponents in multiples of three
# no trailing zeros
_6 six significat digits
e scientific notation (1e1 for instance)
The prefix is the best way to affect the presentation of the value on a specific front panel.
When passing data from VI to VI, the prefix is not passed, and the data uses the base ( Amps, Volts, etc...)
In my example below, the unitless value 3 is assigned units of Amp in The front panel indicator is set to show units of mA.
In I multiply the Amps OUT of by a constant of 9V and the result is wired to the indicator x*y.
x*y has units of W and I changed the prefix to k for presentation.
The NI forums have several threads that report certain functions (square and square root specifically) can cause unit errors or broken wires. Most folks don't even know the units capability exists, and most that do have tried and abandoned them. :)

Interoperability of AES CTR mode?

I use AES128 crypto in CTR mode for encryption, implemented for different clients (Android/Java and iOS/ObjC). The 16 byte IV used when encrypting a packet is formated like this:
<11 byte nonce> | <4 byte packet counter> | 0
The packet counter (included in a sent packet) is increased by one for every packet sent. The last byte is used as block counter, so that packets with fewer than 256 blocks always get a unique counter value. I was under the assumption that the CTR mode specified that the counter should be increased by 1 for each block, using the 8 last bytes as counter in a big endian way, or that this at least was a de facto standard. This also seems to be the case in the Sun crypto implementation.
I was a bit surprised when the corresponding iOS implementation (using CommonCryptor, iOS 5.1) failed to decode every block except the first when decoding a packet. It seems that CommonCryptor defines the counter in some other way. The CommonCryptor can be created in both big endian and little endian mode, but some vague comments in the CommonCryptor code indicates that this is not (or at least has not been) fully supported:
/* corecrypto only implements CTR_BE. No use of CTR_LE was found so we're marking
this as unimplemented for now. Also in Lion this was defined in reverse order.
See <rdar://problem/10306112> */
By decoding block by block, each time setting the IV as specified above, it works nicely.
My question: is there a "right" way of implementing the CTR/IV mode when decoding multiple blocks in a single go, or can I expect it to be interoperability problems when using different crypto libs? Is CommonCrypto bugged in this regard, or is it just a question of implementing the CTR mode differently?
The definition of the counter is (loosely) specified in NIST recommendation sp800-38a Appendix B. Note that NIST only specifies how to use CTR mode with regards to security; it does not define one standard algorithm for the counter.
To answer your question directly, whatever you do you should expect the counter to be incremented by one each time. The counter should represent a 128 bit big endian integer according to the NIST specifications. It may be that only the least significant (rightmost) bits are incremented, but that will usually not make a difference unless you pass the 2^32 - 1 or 2^64 - 1 value.
For the sake of compatibility you could decide to use the first (leftmost) 12 bytes as random nonce, and leave the latter ones to zero, then let the implementation of the CTR do the increments. In that case you simply use a 96 bit / 12 byte random at the start, in that case there is no need for a packet counter.
You are however limited to 2^32 * 16 bytes of plaintext until the counter uses up all the available bits. It is implementation specific if the counter returns to zero or if the nonce itself is included in the counter, so you may want to limit yourself to messages of 68,719,476,736 = ~68 GB (yes that's base 10, Giga means 1,000,000,000).
because of the birthday problem you've got a 2^48 chance (48 = 96 / 2) of creating a collision for the nonce (required for each message, not each block), so you should limit the amount of messages;
if some attacker tricks you into decrypting 2^32 packets for the same nonce, you run out of counter.
In case this is still incompatible (test!) then use the initial 8 bytes as nonce. Unfortunately that does mean that you need to limit the number of messages because of the birthday problem.
Further investigations sheds some light on the CommonCrypto problem:
In iOS 6.0.1 the little endian option is now unimplemented. Also, I have verified that CommonCrypto is bugged in that the CCCryptorReset method does not in fact change the IV as it should, instead using pre-existing IV. The behaviour in 6.0.1 is different from 5.x.
This is potentially a security risc, if you initialize CommonCrypto with a nulled IV, and reset it to the actual IV right before encrypting. This would lead to all your data being encrypted with the same (nulled) IV, and multiple streams (that perhaps should have different IV but use same key) would leak data via a simple XOR of packets with corresponding ctr.

How are the digits in ObjC method type encoding calculated?

Is is a follow-up to my previous question:
What are the digits in an ObjC method type encoding string?
Say there is an encoding:
How are those numbers calculated? B is a char so it should occupy just 1 byte (not 4 bytes). Does it have something to do with "alignment"? What is the size of void?
Is it correct to calculate the numbers as follows? Ask sizeof on every item and round up the result to multiple of 4? And the first number becomes the sum of all the other ones?
The numbers were used in the m68K days to denote stack layout. That is, you could literally decode the the method signature and, for just about all types, know exactly which bytes at what offset within the stack frame you could diddle to get/set arguments.
This worked because the m68K's ABI was entirely [IIRC -- been a long long time] stack based argument/return passing. There wasn't anything shoved into registers across call boundaries.
However, as Objective-C was ported to other platforms, always-on-the-stack was no longer the calling convention. Arguments and return values are often passed in registers.
Thus, those offsets are now useless. As well, the type encoding used by the compiler is no longer complete (because it never was terribly useful) and there will be types that won't be encoded. Not too mention that encoding some C++ templatized types yields method type encoding strings that can be many Kilobytes in size (I think the record I ran into was around 30K of type information).
So, no, it isn't correct to use sizeof() to generate the numbers because they are effectively meaningless to everything. The only reason why they still exist is for binary compatibility; there are bits of esoteric code here and there that still parse the type encoding string with the expectation that there will be random numbers sprinkled here and there.
Note that there are vestiges of API in the ObjC runtime that still lead one to believe that it might be possible to encode/decode stack frames on the fly. It really isn't as the C ABI doesn't guarantee that argument registers will be preserved across call boundaries in the face of optimization. You'd have to drop to assembly and things get ugly really really fast (>shudder<).
The full encoding string is constructed (in clang) by the method ASTContext::getObjCEncodingForMethodDecl, which you can find in lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp.
The method that does the size rounding is ASTContext::getObjCEncodingTypeSize, in the same file. It forces each size to be at least the size of an int. On all of Apple's current platforms, an int is 4 bytes.
The stack frame size and argument offsets are calculated by the compiler. I'm actually trying to track this down in the Clang source myself this week; it possibly has something to do with CodeGenTypes::arrangeObjCMessageSendSignature. (Looks like Rob just made my life a lot easier!)
The first number is the sum of the others, yes -- it's the total space occupied by the arguments. To get the size of the type represented by an ObjC type encoding in your code, you should use NSGetSizeAndAlignment().

How can I use SYNCSORT to format a Packed Decimal field with a specifc sign value?

I want to use SYNCSORT to force all Packed Decimal fields to a negative sign value. The critical requirement is the 2nd nibble must be Hex 'D'. I have a method that works but it seems much too complex. In keeping with the KISS principle, I'm hoping someone has a better method. Perhaps using a bit mask on the last 4 bits? Here is the code I have come up with. Is there a better way?
* This sort logic is intended to force all Packed Decimal amounts to
* have a negative sign with a B'....1101' value (Hex 'xD').
In the code that processes the VSAM file, can you change the read logic to GET with KEY GTEQ and check for < 0 on the result instead of doing a specific keyed read?
If you did that, you could accept all three negative packed values xA, xB and xD.
Have you considered writing an E15 user exit? The E15 user exit lets you
manipulate records as they are input to the sort process. In this case you would have a
REXX, COBOL or other LE compatible language subroutine patch the packed decimal sign field as it is input to the sort process. No need to split into multiple files to be merged later on.
Here is a link to example JCL
for invoking an E15 exit from DFSORT (same JCL for SYNCSORT). Chapter 4 of this reference
describes how to develop User Exit routines, again this is a DFSORT manual but I believe SyncSort is
fully compatible in this respect. Writing a user exit is no different than writing any other subroutine - get the linkage right and the rest is easy.
This is a very general outline, but I hope it helps.
Okay, it took some digging but NEALB's suggestion to seek help on MVSFORUMS.COM paid off... here is the final result. The OUTREC logic used with SORT/MERGE replaces OUTFIL and takes advantage of new capabilities (IFTHEN, WHEN and OVERLAY) in Syncsort 1.3 that I didn't realize existed. It pays to have current documentation available!
* This MERGE logic is intended to assert that the Packed Decimal
* field has a negative sign with a B'....1101' value (Hex X'.D').
OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(32,1,BI,NE,B'....1..1',OR,
Looking at the last byte of a packed field is possible. You want positive/unsigned to negative, so if it is greater than -1, subtract it from zero.
From a short-lived Answer by MikeC, it is now known that the data contains non-preferred signs (that is, it can contain A through F in the low-order half-byte, whereas a preferred sign would be C (positive) or D (negative). F is unsigned, treated as positive.
This is tested with DFSORT. It should work with SyncSORT. Turns out that DFSORT can understand a negative packed-decimal zero, but it will not create a negative packed-decimal zero (it will allow a zoned-decimal negative zero to be created from a negative zero packed-decimal).
The idea is that a non-preferred sign is valid and will be accurately signed for input to a decimal machine instruction, but the result will always be a preferred sign, and will be correct. So by adding zero first, the field gets turned into a preferred sign and then the test for -1 will work as expected. With data in the sign-nybble for packed-decimal fields, SORT has some specific and documented behaviours, which just don't happen to help here.
Since there is only one value to deal with to become the negative zero, X'0C', after the normalisation of signs already done, there is a simple test and replacement with a constant of X'0D' for the negative zero. Since the negative zero will not work, the second test is changed from the original minus one to zero.
With non-preferred signs in the data:
With preferred signs in the data:
Note: If non-preferred signs are stuffed through a COBOL program not using compiler option NUMPROC(NOPFD) then results will be "interesting".