Accessing texView in the Interface in Kotlin - kotlin

I just started Kotlin, I activated the "viewBinding" feature in the gradle app section, I want to write a message to TextView from the main activity, but when I make textView, it does not import any library with alt+enter. I can't access it. Does anyone know how I can access it or what is the library that needs to be imported directly?
Thank you in advance for your time.


Problem Importing ControlP5 in IntelliJ IDEA (used with Processing Core)

I am developing an interactive program to simulate power grid switching and I have it working beautifully with the rendering tools in the Processing library. Now I want to add a user interface with menus and buttons, etc. I found the ControlP5 library and it seems like what I need, but I am having a hard time importing it into my project. I have the most current ControlP5 folders/files on my machine and I have added them as a project library. IntelliJ is recoginizing my import statement, but it won't let me declare a variable using the ControlP5 class.
My import statement seems good to go... it is greyed out as an unused import.
But the very last line in the code copied here generates an error "Cannot resolve symbol 'ControlP5'"
import processing.core.PApplet;
import processing.core.PConstants;
import processing.event.*;
import controlP5.*;
public class Main extends PApplet {
Viewport viewport = new Viewport();
Click click = new Click();
UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();
ControlP5 cp5;
Here is a screen shot of my libraries. I have the Processing Core library which I am using for drawing tools, and I want to also use classes from the ControlP5 library which I believe I have correctly linked as an external library here.
Here is a screen shot of my module dependencies.
Here is a screen shot of the bottom of my project tree. I can see that Processing is correctly shown, but I do not see the ControlP5 library here.
I have tried multiple different methods of adding just certain subfolders of the "controlp5-master" folder which I downloaded with no luck.
I have also searched through Google, Processing forum, and Stack Overflow and can't find an answer.
Any advice?
My problem was solved on the Processing Forum. I simply referenced the wrong file when establishing my external library. The ControlP5 download package includes a jar file that is buried several folders deep. Once I pointed the library to that jar file, I was in business.

Intellisense - deduce right Class by its methods

I'm used to work with NetBeans and now I'm trying IntelliJ. So my question is: Does IntelliJ has a way to get right class by its methods?
For example, in NetBeans if I write:
glGenBu // Intellisense will kick in and will suggest me
to use GL15.glGenBuffers() method from GL15 class
This will automatically import the right library.
This is very handy because I'm working with LWJGL and it has a bad way to manage OpenGL methods ('GLXX' where XX is the version of OpenGL and all methods that appeared in that version are stored in that class) and I never remember the right class where my desired method is.
Thank you.
Pressing Ctrl+Space when you already see completion list will show more suggestions, with static methods from the entire project among them. See for more details.

How do I use Objective-C code from Github in my Swift program?

Summary of problem
I'm building a calendar app in Swift, and I'd like to start with the UI in this repo:
This repo is written in Objective-C.
However, I'm not sure how to build on top of this Github repo using Swift.
Example of the UI I'd like to use in my calendar:
What I've tried
I successfully installed this library with CocoaPods.
I ran $pod install.
I successfully ran import MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout.
I added a new CollectionViewController on my Storyboard, and assigned it to my custom CalendarViewController class
I tried (dumbly) with the code below in class CalendarViewController,but I get this error message:
"Cannot assign value of type 'MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout.Type' to type 'UICollectionViewLayout'"
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout = MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout
I understand I probably have to use self.collectionView.register(cellClass:forCellWithReuseIdentifier:)...but how?
There's some documentation titled "Usage" in the Github, but unfortunately I'm still lost as to how to use it:
There's also an Example.xcworkspace included, written in Objective-C. I've gone through most of it. They include header (.h) and implementation (.m) files for each of the elements that they use.
There's a good answer to a tangential problem here:, but this doesn't directly solve my problem. I'd like to import this Cocoapods library, instead of writing on top of Objective-C files. But I'm also not entirely sure if this is the right / best way to do it.
Summary of questions
How do I link my CollectionViewController to MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout so that it has the same UI?
How do I use self.collectionView.register(cellClass:forCellWithReuseIdentifier:) in this case?
Do I have to write a new file for each element, like in the Example? (Event cell, Day Column Header, etc.)
Or, would it be easier to just copy and paste the Example element files (.h and .m) into my app? If so, how do I build on top of those files?
What I'd like to accomplish
I would like to import MSCollectionViewLayout like a library, attach it to my own CollectionViewControllers, and build my own functionality on top of this, all using Swift.
Thank you all in advance! Hopefully I can commit the correct answers here to the repo's file.
You can better use one of the below repos which are purely written in Swift and has the same UI as of MSCollectionViewLayout
1) CalendarKit
2) Calendar
Note: I personally used these libraries and these are easy to
integrate with your existing application.

Bug in importing project code classes in android studio 3.0

So, say I have this code,
And then, normally, if I want to import that class, i just hover on the red-coded code (in this case MenuType), and press Alt+Enter. But, annoyingly, instead of importing the class, it turns into this:
And it's error.
To make it work, I need to manually insert the supposed-to-be-imported package into the import section, and it works normally. It's workable, but kinda annoying.
This however, work normally with non-project code (classes in dependencies, etc)
Anyone knows what caused this and how to fix it? Maybe it's because of Kotlin?
P.S. I think I didn't find this kind of bug in Android Studio prior to 3.0

What is the AlertOverride class used for in WebDriver?

In Selenium 2.0 there is a class I've seen used with WebDriverCommandProcessor called AlertOveride. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find any documentation around this class, does anyone have any knowledge of what the class is meant to be used for?
Looking at the JavaScript in the file it seems that this class is responsible for overriding the alert and confirm boxes that we would typically see when invoked in the application under test. The way selenium works it was unable to interact with those modal boxes, hence the need to override their defaults. I don't see a way to override that functionality (although it might be doable with a DesiredCapability).
I'm guessing that one of the first things the WebDriver instance does upon loading a page is invoking the methods in the AlertOverride class, so that we can get a handle on alerts/confirmations as soon as possible. This would also make sense as to why we can't get a handle on confirmation boxes that are created on the onload functions.