Is there a way in Google SSO to force the user to re-enter their google password and not automatically sign in? - authentication

I need to give Google SSO a flag that force the user to reauthenticate when signing in and not to sign in automatically, I have read about the scopes/flags that could be sent with the request and didn't find relative answer, there is a flag called 'prompt' that could be set to 'consent' which ask the user to confirm they want to login but not to renter their Google password.
This option is exists in other sources that called Force Authentication but not with google.
Please confirm if there is option or not right now to make that and if not please let me know if this is something that you are working on. Thanks
I have tried searching for flags to force authentication when using Google SSO to let the user re enter their Google password

The OIDC specification has a value login for the prompt parameter. If you send prompt=login with your authorization request, then the user will be re-authenticated. However, even though Google claims to use OIDC, they seem not to support that value for the prompt parameter. The values that they support don't actually have the function you need, so I don't think it's currently possible to force that on Google auth.


How to send regular protected requests using Google sign in?

I am trying to integrate the Google sign in sdk into my site.
I have already added the GSI button to my site and on clicking it, google sends the IDtoken containing the user info to my oauth endpoint.
Using this token, I can now create a new user account.
So far so good.But I am not sure what I am to do from here.
Should I put this IDtoken into a http_only and secure, cookie so that all authz server requests will contain the userid?
I am seeing lots of cookie and local storage based data has been been added to my sites jar. Am I supposed to use them in any way?
What do I need to do after the token expires after 1 hr? Do I need to have my users login yet again? I did not get any refresh token along with the idtoken. Do I even need to handle the refresh token or is the gsi sdk supposed to take care of all that for me?
Another part which is not clear is what do I get from using the Google sign in button/sdk vs the general Oauth-openid flow.

Association of OAuth between providers

I was looking at Khan Academy and I'm wondering how their authentication works (probably many other websites have it the same).
When you login with facebook account that has email "", you completely logout, open another anonymous window, and login with google account that has the same "" email, you log into the previously created account.
My questions are :
Do they make association to account based on email your social account has ?
I'm sure their solution is secure, but is this common and normally doable so there won't be any possible exploitations ?
I'm using a system of Oauth2 to grant access to my app, dvouch
First you have a registered user in your website, with an unique email.
So what basically happens is:
User visits your website (website doesn't know who the user is)
User clicks to login through one of the Oauth2 providers
Your website proceeds to start a "OAuth2" handshake, it redirects the user to the provider oauth endpoint, along with some information, like what scopes you're asking for (email, personal info, public info, etc), the url to send back the user after the authentication is done, your application tokens (that are registered in the providers app dashboard), and so on.
Let's say the provider you chose was facebook. Facebook receives your request for an OAuth2 authentication. It also receives the scopes you're asking for, which url you want the user to go to after being authenticated, and your application credentials
It checks that the credentials you're sending are valid, that the callback url you're asking the user to be sent after also matches what they have registered for your app (so that someone can't simply steal your app credentials and have users redirected somewhere else) and if everything is fine and dandy, it will then present the login window to the user. This login is happening on the provider's page. Not on your website.
The user logs in (inside facebook or google not your website). The provider sends them back to the call back url you specified in the beginning of the handshake.
You (your website) receives the user back with a bunch of information, such as the email of the user who just completed the Oauth2 flow.
At this point you use the email that came in the callback and identify the user through the email. Since all emails are unique, and since your user had to be registered with that email on the provider, you are safe to assume he's the owner of the email.
(technically things might happen a bit differently)
It's basically very secure as long as the website has the regular security measures. Of course if someone has access to your Facebook(wtv) account or email they can login as if they were you, but that would happen either way they offered Oauth or not.
Then as long as you verify you're logging in the correct provider's website (like facebook's or google and not something else) you'll be fine since no one else will be able to see your login. Since a "scope" of authorizations has to be passed as well you as a user can also see what the application is asking for (email, access to your inbox, wtv) and decide if you want to grant those scopes or not, if you decide not to grant access then facebook will not pass back that information, which in turn renders the process safe.
The only way it wouldn't be safe would be if you had malicious software installed in your computer to log your activity and in this case you would be screwed either way.

How to authenticate user with just a Google account on Actions on Google?

Currently Google Assitant includes an easy way to request non-identifiable information about the user and a detailed flow to authenticate the user on a third party service through OAuth2. What about if all I need is have the user authenticate on Google itself? I tried filling in the account linking flow using Google OAuth2 information, but that seems not to work. If that last thing is supposed to work fluently than that would be enough of an answer.
Context: Users already authenticate only with Google on a related webpage. All I need is to link this already authenticated account with the less-authenticated account on Google Assistant.
Update, 25 Oct 2018:
As of 13 September 2018, there is now a much simpler way to access the user's account if your project uses Google Sign-In. Google Sign-In for Assistant will give you an ID Token with information about the user, including their Google ID, with their permission. This permission can be granted just using voice and is fairly streamlined.
You can combine this with a web- or app-based Google Sign-In to get their permission to access OAuth scopes if you need to access Google's APIs.
Update, 25 Oct 2017:
As of around 4 Oct or 7 Oct, Google has updated their policy (again) to restore language restricting OAuth endpoints that are valid. The terms now include
When implementing account linking using OAuth, you must own your OAuth endpoint
and it appears (from the comments below) that they now check for the Google endpoints to prevent this method from working.
At this point, the only thing you can do is setup your own OAuth2 server.
Original Post:
Broadly speaking, the auth tasks you need to do are in four parts:
Configure your project (in the cloud console) so that the Calendar API is enabled and that the OAuth2 client is correctly configured.
Configure the Action for account linking in the action console.
Configure the Actions on Google Integration for your API.AI Agent to indicate that sign-in is required.
When API.AI calls your webhook to fulfill an Intent, it will include an auth token as part of the JSON. You can use this token to make calls to the Google APIs you need.
Configure Cloud Project
You need to configure your cloud project so that it has access to the Google APIs you need and setup the OAuth2 Client ID, Secret, and Redirect URI.
Go to and make sure you have the project you're working with selected. Then make sure you have the APIs you need enabled.
Select the "Credentials" menu on the left. You should see something like this:
Select "Create credentials" and then "OAuth client ID"
Select that this is for a "Web application" (it is... kinda...)
Enter a name. In the screen shot below, I used "Action client" so I remember that this is actually for Actions on Google.
In the "Authorized Redirect URIs" section, you need to include a URI of the form replacing the "your-project-id" part with... your project ID in the Cloud Console. At this point, the screen should look something like this:
Click the "Create" button and you'll get a screen with your Client ID and Secret. You can get a copy of these now, but you can also get them later.
Click on "Ok" and you'll be taken back to the "Credentials" screen with the new Client ID added. You can click the pencil icon if you ever need to get the ID and Secret again (or reset the secret if it has been compromised).
Configure the Action Console
Once we have OAuth setup for the project, we need to tell Actions that this is what we'll be using to authenticate and authorize the user.
Go to and select the project you'll be working with.
In the Overview, make your way through any configuration necessary until you can get to Step 4, "Account Linking". This may require you to set names and icons - you can go back later if needed to correct these.
Select the Grant Type of "Authorization Code" and click Next.
In the Client Information section, enter the Client ID and Client Secret from when you created the credentials in the Cloud Console. (If you forget, go to the Cloud Console API Credentials section and click on the pencil.)
For the Authorization URL, enter
For the Token URL, enter
Click Next
You now configure your client for the scopes that you're requesting. Unlike most other places you enter scopes - you need to have one per line. Then click Next.
You need to enter testing instructions. Before you submit your Action, these instructions should contain a test account and password that the review team can use to evaluate it. But you can just put something there while you're testing and then hit the Save button.
Configure API.AI
Over in API.AI, you need to indicate that the user needs to sign-in to use the Action.
Go to and select the project you're working with.
Select "Integrations" and then "Actions on Google". Turn it on if you haven't already.
Click the "Sign in required for welcome intent" checkbox.
Handle things in your webhook
After all that setup, handling things in your webhook is fairly straightforward! You can get an OAuth Access Token in one of two ways:
If you're using the JavaScript library, calling app.getUser().authToken
If you're looking at the JSON body, it is in
You'll use this Access Token to make calls against Google's API endpoints using methods defined elsewhere.
You don't need a Refresh Token - the Assistant should hand you a valid Access Token unless the user has revoked access.
After contacting Google the current situation seems to be that you should set up your own OAuth2 server, and then on the login screen of your OAuth2 server you should start the Google OAuth2 flow.
you have to have your own endpoint with Google Oauth2 - it is correct that you can't use Google Oauth itself as a provider. To use the Google OAuth service, you can use a "sign in with Google" button in your own endpoint instead.
Source: Contacting Google Actions on Google Support
Kind of speechless right now... as this seems to be a huge oversight on Google's part.
I am able to make it work after a long time.
We have to enable the webhook first and we can see how to enable the webhook in the dialog flow fulfillment docs
If we are going to use Google Assistant, then we have to enable the Google Assistant Integration in the integrations first.
Then follow the steps mentioned below for the Account Linking in actions on google:-
Go to google cloud console -> APIsand Services -> Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 client IDs -> Web client -> Note the client ID, client secret from there
-> Download JSON - from json note down the project id, auth_uri, token_uri
-> Authorised Redirect URIs -> White list our app's URL -> in this URL fixed part is and append the project id in the URL
-> Save the changes
Actions on Google -> Account linking setup
1. Grant type = Authorisation code
2. Client info
1. Fill up client id,client secrtet, auth_uri, token_uri
2. Enter the auth uri as and token_uri as
3. Save and run
4. It will show an error while running on the google assistant, but dont worry
5. Come back to the account linking section in the assistant settings and enter auth_uri as
and token_uri as
6. Put the scopes as and
and weare good to go.
7. Save the changes.
In the hosting server logs, we can see the access token value and through access token, we can get the details regarding the email address.
Append the access token to this link "" and we can get the required details in the resulting json page.
accessToken = req.get("originalRequest").get("data").get("user").get("accessToken")
r = requests.get(link)
print("Email Id= " + r.json()["email"])
print("Name= " + r.json()["name"])
You need to implement the Oauth protocol with whatever Google Assistant app you are developing. Let me be a bit more clear:
The user is on the assistant, you need to link him to any data
you have on your App side
The access to the data you have about
your user is protected by an access token
Google then needs to
ask you for this token to have access to this resource
google has the token it can send it to the app so it validates every
requests to get the resource.
This is why you need to implement your own oauth server (Honestly it is just two more endpoints in your application): the identity is checked on google's side, but the link between the user and the resource to access can only be known by you.
The process above is valid, you just need to specify your own token endpoint and your own auth endpoint.
Note that if you only want to check that the user is logged in into google and get his email, you just need to implement the streamlined identity flow that does not require the /auth endpoint (Automatically Sign Up Users with Streamlined Identity Flows)
That beeing said I implemented the flow but get the same error :
expected_inputs[0].possible_intents[0]: Transactions/Identity API must be enabled before using.

No prompt for re-authentication with OAUth2. Why and how to force it?

I would like to understand something please.
I have an application based on oAuth2 with Google Accounts.
So, teh first time I connect to this website, I am redirected to the authentication page on Google domain. So I type my email and password and I dont check "trusted computer" (or "remember me", I dont remember the exact term).
The thing is if I reboot my computer or even delete my cookie (but not my history (tested with Chrome on Android phone), I am not prompted again for the authentication and I have directly access to the application.
I would like to understand why ?
If somebody can explain it to me that should be great !
Thank you
You can actually force re-authentication in the Google OAuth api by passing &max_auth_age=0 to the auth URL.
Use the PAPE extension for further control of user authentication (optional)
Use the max_auth_age parameter in the PAPE extension to ensure that the login session of the user at Google is recent. You may also specify max_auth_age=0 to force a password reprompt.
It's a bit confusing because they talk about OpenID, but I'm doing this successfully with Google's provided OAuth2 libs.
The Google OAuth 2 API really doesn't give you a way to force re-authentication. Lots of people have asked for this capability though, and maybe we should provide it.
It's hard to say, since it depends on what the flow was that as being executed.
Generally (with oauth) you weren't being prompted for authentication. You were being prompted for authorisation. Once you've authorised, you won't be prompted again, provided of course that the browser/google have some sort of session in existence which identifies the user.
When you say "delete my cookie", which cookie?
Yo can try going to this page and revoke the permission. That should then cause a repeat prompt.

Auto login user to third party site without showing a password to him

We are integrating third party email solution into our site. When a user goes to the Mail page it must be automatically authenticated at the Mail site.
For now, the Mail link points to our page which automatically submits a form with the user's login and password. After clicking submit the user is redirected to the Mail site with authentication cookie.
The problem with this approach is that we do not want the user to see his Mail password, because we generate it automatically for him and there are some sane reasons not to show it.
Is there any way to receive mail authentication cookies without sending the login information to the client and performing form.submit operation from the client's browser? Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
Of course "I am trying to do it programatically". Looks like that there are no sane solution except pass these login/password to the client. Looks like we must accept that user can see his mail password and somehow make sure he cannot use this information to change password to some other value we will not know.
Edit: I didn't read the post correctly, I thought he was trying to login to a remote mail application, not one hosted on his own server. Ignore this answer.
When you login to the remote third party mail website, they will create a cookie (since HTTP is stateless, it's the only way it knows the user is authenticated unless they store some kind of session ID in the url). When you send the user to that site, the site needs to know how to authenticate the user. Even if you logged in from your application and grabbed the cookie, you can set a cookie on the users browser for another website. The only way for this to work is if there is some kind of development API on the third parties website you can hook into, or they allow you to use session id's in the URL.
Possible solution but has a security risk
If they allow you to set a session_id in the URL (for instance, PHPSESSID in PHP) then you could grab the session ID and append it to the URL when sending it to the user. I don't really like this idea since if the user clicks on a link in an e-mail, the new page will be able to check the referrer and see their session ID in the URL. This can become a huge security risk.
Lookup topics related to your mail vendor and "Pass-through Authentication." You did not mention what vendor/software you are using for your web mail solution, so I can't help you very much there. Other than forwarding the user's information (in a post request) to the login handler.
Generate unique IDs before sending an email and put them as hidden instead of username/password into form. Make them disposable (usable only once or usable once before successful entering the site)