Updating Adobe Illustrator content with script, without closing GUI - adobe-illustrator

I am currently building an Adobe Illustrator Script, which starts a GUI and performs some text changes within the open Illustrator file. Unfortunately, the changes are only seen after closing the GUI. Is there some kind of way to preview the changes triggered by the GUI?
Here is what I have so far:
function startGUI() {
// ======
var dialog = new Window("dialog");
dialog.text = "Dialog";
dialog.orientation = "column";
dialog.alignChildren = ["center","top"];
dialog.spacing = 10;
dialog.margins = 16;
// =======
var grpName = dialog.add("group", undefined, {name: "grpName"});
grpName.orientation = "row";
grpName.alignChildren = ["left","center"];
grpName.spacing = 10;
grpName.margins = 0;
var titleName = grpName.add("statictext", undefined, undefined, {name: "titleName"});
titleName.text = "Name";
titleName.preferredSize.width = 64;
var valName = grpName.add('edittext {properties: {name: "valName"}}');
valName.text = "Ela Ayah Kayis";
valName.preferredSize.width = 200;
// ===========
var grpFontSize = dialog.add("group", undefined, {name: "grpFontSize"});
grpFontSize.preferredSize.width = 250;
grpFontSize.orientation = "row";
grpFontSize.alignChildren = ["left","top"];
grpFontSize.spacing = 10;
grpFontSize.margins = 0;
grpFontSize.alignment = ["left","top"];
var titleFontSize = grpFontSize.add("statictext", undefined, undefined, {name: "titleFontSize"});
titleFontSize.text = "Font Size";
titleFontSize.preferredSize.width = 64;
var valFontSize = grpFontSize.add('edittext {properties: {name: "valFontSize"}}');
valFontSize.text = "15";
valFontSize.preferredSize.width = 30;
valFontSize.alignment = ["center","center"];
var titleFontSizeUnit = grpFontSize.add("statictext", undefined, undefined, {name: "titleFontSizeUnit"});
titleFontSizeUnit.text = "pt";
titleFontSizeUnit.alignment = ["left","center"];
var sliderFontSize = grpFontSize.add("slider", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, {name: "sliderFontSize"});
sliderFontSize.minvalue = 11;
sliderFontSize.maxvalue = 15;
sliderFontSize.value = 15;
sliderFontSize.preferredSize.width = 135;
sliderFontSize.onChanging = function(){
valFontSize.text = Math.round(sliderFontSize.value)
// ======
var divider1 = dialog.add("panel", undefined, undefined, {name: "divider1"});
divider1.alignment = "fill";
// =============
var group1 = dialog.add("group", undefined, {name: "group1"});
group1.orientation = "row";
group1.alignChildren = ["right","center"];
group1.spacing = 10;
group1.margins = 0;
group1.alignment = ["center","top"];
var btnReplaceNames = group1.add("button", undefined, undefined, {name: "btnReplaceNames"});
btnReplaceNames.text = "Replace Names";
btnReplaceNames.justify = "left";
btnReplaceNames.alignment = ["right","bottom"];
var btnClose = group1.add("button", undefined, undefined, {name: "btnClose"});
btnClose.text = "Close";
// Event Listener for the replace button
btnReplaceNames.onClick = function() {
var inputText = valName.text;
updateNames(inputText, Math.round(sliderFontSize.value));
// Event listener for the quit button
btnClose.onClick = function() {
dialog.close(); }
function updateNames(chosenName, fontSize) {
var txtFrames = app.activeDocument.textFrames;
if (txtFrames.length > 0) {
for ( i = 0; i < txtFrames.length; i++ ) {
if (txtFrames[i].name == 'Text-Name') {
txtFrames[i].textRange.characterAttributes.size = fontSize;
txtFrames[i].textRange.characterAttributes.leading = fontSize;
txtFrames[i].contents = chosenName;
// $.writeln(txtFrames[i].textRange.characters.length);
// $.writeln(txtFrames[i].textRange.lines.length);
Closing the GUI and starting it automatically also didn't solve the issue.

updateNames(inputText, Math.round(sliderFontSize.value));
app.redraw(); // < add this, and it will work.


Global Variables only Called Once then Lost their Scope

I Have a Problem with my Script and hope helping me, and thanks in advance, i still learning javascript and try to learn somthing new everyday, i have a script that draw modeless interface (palette) and have button including (option) that make another new palette (for options), i made the variables as globals for the option palette, but the problem is the global variables is only called once!, and the script lose the global variable scope!.
enter image description here
so my question is how to make the variables not losing its scope and retain in the memory? as long the script run, as an Example if the user move the slider and hit (Show alert due options) its only run once and then lose the scope, even the slider no longer interact with the user and update text box, please test the code to see the problem, and thank again for any help or advice.
//Global Variables only Called Once then Lost their Scope!
#targetengine "session1";
var w = new Window("palette", {independent:true}); //Main Palette Windows
var findoptions = new Window("palette"); //Options Palette
function Main() {
// Check to see whether any InDesign documents are open.
// If no documents are open, display an error message.
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
// No documents are open, so display an error message.
alert("No InDesign documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
//Making Palettes Windows
#targetengine "session1";
var w = new Window("palette", {independent:true}); //Main Palette Windows
var findoptions = new Window("palette"); //Options Palette
//gqmanager is the (GREP Query Manager) outside the main Function
w.text = "Test the Connection Between Global Variables and Palettes";
w.preferredSize.width = 500;
w.alignChildren = ["center", "center"]; //"left";
w.orientation = "column"; //"row";
w.spacing = 10;
w.margins = 16;
//Parent - Input Panel Prepare
var InputPanel = w.add("panel", undefined, undefined, { name: "panel1" });
InputPanel.text = "Text Find : ";
InputPanel.preferredSize.width = 1000;
InputPanel.orientation = "row";
InputPanel.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
InputPanel.spacing = 10;
InputPanel.margins = 16;
//Children - input Panel Inside Prepare
var myInputPanelInside = InputPanel.add("group", undefined, { name: "myInput" });
//--Adding Find What
myInputPanelInside.add("statictext", undefined, "Find What :");
//myInputPanelInside.alignment = "center";
var myGREPString = myInputPanelInside.add("edittext", undefined, "SAMPLE");
myGREPString.helpTip = "Enter Your Text"
myGREPString.characters = 20;
myGREPString.enabled = true;
myGREPString.preferredSize.width = 460;
var Button1 = myInputPanelInside.add("button", undefined, "Options");
//Parent - Radio Panel Prepare
var RadioPanel = w.add("panel", undefined, undefined, { name: "panel2" });
RadioPanel.text = "Select Desired Option : ";
RadioPanel.preferredSize.width = 1000;
RadioPanel.orientation = "row";
RadioPanel.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
RadioPanel.spacing = 10;
RadioPanel.margins = 16;
//Children - input Panel Inside Prepare
var myRadioPanelInside = RadioPanel.add("group", undefined, { name: "myRadio" });
myRadioPanelInside.preferredSize.width = 500;
myRadioPanelInside.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
//Adding Radio Buttons
var radio1 = myRadioPanelInside.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Option 1");
var radio2 = myRadioPanelInside.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Option 2");
var radio3 = myRadioPanelInside.add("radiobutton", undefined, "Option 3");
radio1.preferredSize.width = 200;
radio2.preferredSize.width = 200;
radio3.preferredSize.width = 200;
//Previous Default Condition
radio1.value = true;
var myButtonGroup = w.add("group");
myButtonGroup.alignment = "center";
var Button2 = myButtonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Show Alert Due Options");
var Button3 = myButtonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Exit");
Button1.onClick = function () {
Button2.onClick = function () { Find(); };
function Find() {
Button3.onClick = function() {Canceled();};
function Canceled() {
//After Drawing Interface
var a = w.show();
function ExitSure() {
var a = w.close();
//User Selection for Radio Buttons
function doRadioButtonOpt() {
myDoc = app.activeDocument;
if (radio1.value == true) {
function TestVars() {
#targetengine "session1";
var myDoc = app.activeDocument
var TimeMs = Number(SliderControlText.text); //Converting Text to Number
//Show Results Found as User Wish
if (DontShowResults.value == true) { //no Show only Apply
alert("you Select not to Show Results!");
}else{ //Direct Show and Apply
if (ShowResultsDirect.value == true) {
alert("you Select to Show Results in real time!");
}else{ //Show and Apply By WaitinhTime!
if (ShowResults.value == true) { //Show and Apply
alert("you Select to Show Results with Specific time!");
$.sleep(TimeMs); //Wait ms
alert("Do you need somthing else?, try again", "Finish Report");
var DontShowResults;
var ShowResultsDirect;
var ShowResults;
var SliderControlText;
var slider;
//--------------------------------------------Building the Find Options Palette-----------------------------------------//
function CalltheFindOptions() {
#targetengine "session1";
//Find Options Window
findoptions.text = "Find Options";
//Parent - Input Panel Prepare
SelectPanel = findoptions.add("panel", undefined, undefined, { name: "panel1" });
SelectPanel.text = " Find Options : ";
SelectPanel.preferredSize.width = 1000;
SelectPanel.orientation = "row";
SelectPanel.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
SelectPanel.spacing = 10;
SelectPanel.margins = 16;
//Children - input Panel Inside Prepare
mySelectPanelInside = SelectPanel.add("group", undefined, { name: "mySelOpt" });
DontShowResults = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Don't Show Results");
DontShowResults.value = true; //by Default
DontShowResults.alignment = "left";
ShowResultsDirect = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Show Results");
ShowResultsDirect.value = false; //by Default
ShowResults = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Show Results Delayed in milliseconds(Ms) :");
ShowResults.value = false; //by Default
//Adding Slider to Control MS Time
SliderControlText = mySelectPanelInside.add ("edittext", undefined, 10, {readonly: false}); //read only prevent user Entering Nums
SliderControlText.characters = 3;
slider = mySelectPanelInside.add ("slider {minvalue: 1, maxvalue: 100, value: 10}");
//Slider Listener Plus SliderControl Text Listener
slider.onChanging = function () {SliderControlText.text = slider.value;} //Listen to Slider
var c = findoptions.show();
If I understand you correctly you need to use as global variables values rather than the objects. And you can change the values of global variables by onClick events.
Here is the bottom part of your code (the rest part of the code wasn't changed):
function TestVars() {
#targetengine "session1";
var myDoc = app.activeDocument
var TimeMs = Number(SliderControlText_text); //Converting Text to Number
//Show Results Found as User Wish
if (DontShowResults_value == true) { //no Show only Apply
alert("you Select not to Show Results!");
} else { //Direct Show and Apply
if (ShowResultsDirect_value == true) {
alert("you Select to Show Results in real time!");
} else { //Show and Apply By WaitinhTime!
if (ShowResults_value == true) { //Show and Apply
alert("you Select to Show Results with Specific time!");
$.sleep(TimeMs); //Wait ms
alert("Do you need somthing else?, try again", "Finish Report");
// values! not objects
var DontShowResults_value = true;
var ShowResultsDirect_value = false;
var ShowResults_value = false;
var SliderControlText_text = '10';
var slider_value = 10;
//--------------------------------------------Building the Find Options Palette-----------------------------------------//
function CalltheFindOptions() {
#targetengine "session1";
//Find Options Window
findoptions.text = "Find Options";
//Parent - Input Panel Prepare
SelectPanel = findoptions.add("panel", undefined, undefined, {
name: "panel1"
SelectPanel.text = " Find Options : ";
SelectPanel.preferredSize.width = 1000;
SelectPanel.orientation = "row";
SelectPanel.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
SelectPanel.spacing = 10;
SelectPanel.margins = 16;
//Children - input Panel Inside Prepare
var mySelectPanelInside = SelectPanel.add("group", undefined, {
name: "mySelOpt"
var DontShowResults = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Don't Show Results");
DontShowResults.value = DontShowResults_value; //by Default
DontShowResults.alignment = "left";
// change the global variable by click
DontShowResults.onClick = function() { DontShowResults_value = DontShowResults.value }
var ShowResultsDirect = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Show Results");
ShowResultsDirect.value = false; //by Default
// change the global variable by click
ShowResultsDirect.onClick = function() { ShowResultsDirect_value = ShowResultsDirect.value }
var ShowResults = mySelectPanelInside.add("checkbox", undefined, "Show Results Delayed in milliseconds(Ms) :");
ShowResults.value = ShowResults_value; //by Default
// change the global variable by click
ShowResults.onClick = function() { ShowResults_value = ShowResults.value }
//Adding Slider to Control MS Time
// SliderControlText = mySelectPanelInside.add("edittext", undefined, 10, {
var SliderControlText = mySelectPanelInside.add("edittext", undefined, SliderControlText_text, {
readonly: false
}); //read only prevent user Entering Nums
SliderControlText.characters = 3;
var slider = mySelectPanelInside.add("slider {minvalue: 1, maxvalue: 100, value: 10}");
// change slider every time as numbers is changes
SliderControlText.onChanging = function() {slider.value = SliderControlText.text};
//Slider Listener Plus SliderControl Text Listener
slider.onChanging = function () {
SliderControlText.text = slider.value;
// change the global variable by onChange
SliderControlText_text = SliderControlText.text;
} //Listen to Slider
It seems it works as intended.
As far as I can tell (I can be wrong), the cause of the problem was that the objects ShowResultsDirect, ShowResultsDirect, etc, disappears as soon as you close the palette. Because they are elements of the palette. They can't keep values if the palette is closed. That why they worked well only when you open the palette first time.

OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier and MarkerClusterer and geocomplete

My code is this but it is failing by the look of it on var markerSpiderfier = new OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(map, spiderConfig);
map: ".map_canvas",
details: "form ",
"geocode:result", function(event, result){
var map = $("#geocomplete").geocomplete("map");
var iconBase = "/wp-content/themes/s/icon/";
icon = iconBase + "iconfinder_animal-pet_193_1380308.png"
var features = [];
var hedgehogs;
var feature;
hedgehogs = " <?php echo $map_lng_lat; ?>";
hedgehog_array = hedgehogs.split("&");
var pos = "";
var gm = google.maps;
var spiderConfig = {
keepSpiderfied: true,
event: 'mouseover'
var markerSpiderfier = new OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(map, spiderConfig);
for (index = 0; index < hedgehog_array.length; ++index) {
hedgehog_details_temp = hedgehog_array[index].split("#");
hedgehog_details = hedgehog_details_temp[0].split(",");
hedgehog_title_name = hedgehog_details_temp[1].split("#");
url = "/" + hedgehog_title_name[1];
pos ={ lat: parseFloat(hedgehog_details[0]), lng: parseFloat(hedgehog_details[1])};
tmp = {
'position': pos,
'type': 'hedgehog',
'title': hedgehog_title_name[0],
'url': url
var markers = features.map(function(location, i) {
return new google.maps.Marker({
position: features[i].position,
icon: icon,
map: map,
title: features[i].title,
label: features[i].title,
url: features[i].url
for (index = 0; index < markers.length; ++index) {
google.maps.event.addListener(markers[index], 'click', function() {
window.location.href = this.url;
var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, markers,
{imagePath: '/wp-content/themes/s/icon/m'});
var iw = new gm.InfoWindow();
markerSpiderfier.addListener('click', function(marker, e) {
iw.open(map, marker);
markerSpiderfier.addListener('spiderfy', function(markers) {
document.getElementById("geocomplete").value = "United Kingdom";
document.getElementById("geocomplete").value = document.getElementById("search").value + " United Kingdom";

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString objectForKey:]

My XML response:
"S:Envelope" = {
"S:Body" = {
"ns2:getMatchListResponse" = {
item = (
answerTime = {
text = 30;
challengerAppealsGranted = {
text = "0 of 16";
challengerHandle = {
text = manish;
challengerMatchesPlayed = {
text = 93;
challengerPic = {
text = "image.png";
challengerScore = {
text = 0;
challengerlosses = {
text = 0;
challengerwins = {
text = 4;
handle1 = {
text = sahni;
handle1AppealsGranted = {
text = 5;
handle1MatchesPlayed = {
text = 84;
handle1Response = {
text = Pending;
handle1Score = {
text = 0;
handle1losses = {
text = 0;
handle1wins = {
text = 1;
handle2MatchesPlayed = {
text = 0;
handle2Score = {
text = 0;
handle2losses = {
text = 0;
handle2wins = {
text = 0;
handle3MatchesPlayed = {
text = 0;
handle3Score = {
text = 0;
handle3losses = {
text = 0;
handle3wins = {
text = 0;
idMatch = {
text = 750;
isAppeal = {
text = false;
isFreeForm = {
text = false;
isMultichoiceQuestion = {
text = false;
isPublic = {
text = false;
matchName = {
text = ewtwert;
matchStartThresholdTime = {
text = "4 days 7 hrs";
matchStatus = {
text = wait;
matchType = {
text = Private;
noOfPlayers = {
text = 2;
priorityInList = {
text = 0;
scoreToWin = {
text = 5;
timeDuration = {
text = "5 days";
turnChangesIn = {
text = 0;
answerTime = {
text = 30;
challengerAppealsGranted = {
text = "0 of 16";
challengerHandle = {
text = manish;
challengerMatchesPlayed = {
text = 93;
challengerPic = {
text = "image.png";
challengerScore = {
text = 0;
challengerlosses = {
text = 0;
challengerwins = {
text = 4;
handle1MatchesPlayed = {
text = 0;
handle1Score = {
text = 0;
handle1losses = {
text = 0;
handle1wins = {
text = 0;
handle2MatchesPlayed = {
text = 0;
handle2Score = {
text = 0;
handle2losses = {
text = 0;
handle2wins = {
text = 0;
handle3MatchesPlayed = {
text = 0;
handle3Score = {
text = 0;
handle3losses = {
text = 0;
handle3wins = {
text = 0;
idMatch = {
text = 749;
isAppeal = {
text = false;
isFreeForm = {
text = false;
isMultichoiceQuestion = {
text = false;
isPublic = {
text = false;
matchName = {
text = gfhf;
matchStartThresholdTime = {
text = "4 days 6 hrs";
matchStatus = {
text = wait;
matchType = {
text = Public;
noOfPlayers = {
text = 2;
priorityInList = {
text = 0;
scoreToWin = {
text = 5;
timeDuration = {
text = "5 days";
turnChangesIn = {
text = 0;
"xmlns:ns2" = "http://services.tgs.com/";
"xmlns:S" = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
I need value of key "matchStartThresholdTime".
I do:
NSDictionary *dictResult = [XMLReader dictionaryForXMLString:responseString error:nil];
NSDictionary *Enveloper = [dictResult objectForKey:#"S:Envelope"];
NSDictionary *Body = [Enveloper objectForKey:#"S:Body"];
NSDictionary *profileDetails = [Body objectForKey:#"ns2:getMatchListResponse"];
NSMutableArray *items = [profileDetails objectForKey:#"item"];
// NSLog(#"items===>%#",items);
NSDictionary *temp1;
for(temp1 in items)
thresholdTime = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[[temp1 objectForKey:#"matchStartThresholdTime"]objectForKey:#"text"]];...thresholdTime is NSString object.......and this line causes exception
//NSLog(#"time is===>%#",[[temp1 objectForKey:#"matchStartThresholdTime"]objectForKey:#"text"]);
What is the problem here?
Temp1 contains an NSString Object and not the NSDictionary, that you expect.
When dealing with JSON it is wise always to (double) check if a received object is really of the type that you expect. Always use
if ([temp1 isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) ...
or so.

How best to traverse API information with iOS

Is there any easier way of traversing array/dictionaries without creating a lot of separate NSArrays/NSDictionaries? I know you can traverse nested dictionaries with dot notation and value at keypath, but what about when arrays are involved?
For example:
At the moment if I want to get at the object at feed.entry.link[4].href in the API result below, I have to define an array at keypath "feed.entry", then assign its first entry as a dictionary, then define an array at keypath "link" and access its fourth entry as a dictionary, and then access its value at "href".
Is this normal?
received {
encoding = "UTF-8";
feed = {
entry = (
author = (
name = {
"$t" = swdestiny;
uri = {
"$t" = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/swdestiny";
category = (
scheme = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind";
term = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#video";
label = Entertainment;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/categories.cat";
term = Entertainment;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat";
term = Star;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat";
term = Wars;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat";
term = Episode;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat";
term = 3;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat";
term = Revenge;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat";
term = of;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat";
term = the;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat";
term = Sith;
content = {
"$t" = "sw-destiny.net Trailer for Revenge of the Sith";
type = text;
"gd$comments" = {
"gd$feedLink" = {
countHint = 1567;
href = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/9kdEsZH5ohc/comments";
rel = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#comments";
"gd$rating" = {
average = "4.7729683";
max = 5;
min = 1;
numRaters = 1132;
rel = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#overall";
id = {
"$t" = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/9kdEsZH5ohc";
link = (
href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kdEsZH5ohc&feature=youtube_gdata";
rel = alternate;
type = "text/html";
href = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/9kdEsZH5ohc/responses";
rel = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#video.responses";
type = "application/atom+xml";
href = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/9kdEsZH5ohc/related";
rel = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#video.related";
type = "application/atom+xml";
href = "https://m.youtube.com/details?v=9kdEsZH5ohc";
rel = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#mobile";
type = "text/html";
href = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/9kdEsZH5ohc";
rel = self;
type = "application/atom+xml";
"media$group" = {
"media$category" = (
"$t" = Entertainment;
label = Entertainment;
scheme = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/categories.cat";
"media$content" = (
duration = 151;
expression = full;
isDefault = true;
medium = video;
type = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
url = "https://www.youtube.com/v/9kdEsZH5ohc?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata";
"yt$format" = 5;
duration = 151;
expression = full;
medium = video;
type = "video/3gpp";
url = "rtsp://v2.cache4.c.youtube.com/CiILENy73wIaGQkXovmRsURH9hMYDSANFEgGUgZ2aWRlb3MM/0/0/0/video.3gp";
"yt$format" = 1;
duration = 151;
expression = full;
medium = video;
type = "video/3gpp";
url = "rtsp://v2.cache5.c.youtube.com/CiILENy73wIaGQkXovmRsURH9hMYESARFEgGUgZ2aWRlb3MM/0/0/0/video.3gp";
"yt$format" = 6;
"media$description" = {
"$t" = "sw-destiny.net Trailer for Revenge of the Sith";
type = plain;
"media$keywords" = {
"$t" = "Star, Wars, Episode, 3, Revenge, of, the, Sith";
"media$player" = (
url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kdEsZH5ohc&feature=youtube_gdata_player";
"media$thumbnail" = (
height = 360;
time = "00:01:15.500";
url = "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9kdEsZH5ohc/0.jpg";
width = 480;
height = 90;
time = "00:00:37.750";
url = "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9kdEsZH5ohc/1.jpg";
width = 120;
height = 90;
time = "00:01:15.500";
url = "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9kdEsZH5ohc/2.jpg";
width = 120;
height = 90;
time = "00:01:53.250";
url = "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9kdEsZH5ohc/3.jpg";
width = 120;
"media$title" = {
"$t" = "Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Trailer";
type = plain;
"yt$duration" = {
seconds = 151;
published = {
"$t" = "2007-05-23T03:31:54.000Z";
title = {
"$t" = "Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Trailer";
type = text;
updated = {
"$t" = "2012-02-20T17:14:37.000Z";
"yt$statistics" = {
favoriteCount = 763;
viewCount = 796719;
xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";
"xmlns$gd" = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005";
"xmlns$media" = "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/";
"xmlns$yt" = "http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007";
version = "1.0";

How to manage depth in AS2

How do I change the movie clip (mainClip) in AS2 code below so that is behind all graphics in the flash file?
Code is below:
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Point;
var imageBmp:BitmapData;
//setting the width of blind parts.
var widthB:Number = 40;
//setting the speed of blind parts movement;
var speedChart = 5;
//time to wait lo load another image
var nbSpeedPhoto:Number = 3000;
//Setting the minimum and maximum alpha for controls container and updating timer
var nbACMin:Number = 10;
var nbACMax:Number = 65;
var nbACUpd:Number = 40;
//Setting the minimum and maximum alpha for textField Container
var nbATMin:Number = 0;
var nbATMax:Number = 100;
var nbABMin:Number = 0;
var nbABMax:Number = 65;
//Setting the color for textField Container and font title
var nbATBackColor:Number = 0xD0C8CD;
var nbATFontColor:Number = 0x1F0010;
//Setting the right margin and top margin for controls
var nbRightMC:Number = 2;
var nbTopMC:Number = 2;
//Setting the bottom margin for title and its height
var nbBottomMT:Number = 5;
var nbHeightMT:Number = 50;
//Init Slider viewer
var bbPlay:Boolean = true;
//Setting left to right (1), right to left (2), paralell(3), or random(4) transition
var nbForm:Number = 4;
//if you don't choose parallel, setting the time lag.
var nbLag:Number = 1;
//initial state of FullScreen and AutoPlaying buttons
var bbFull:Boolean = false;
var bbAnimating:Boolean = false;
var bbEnableTitle:Boolean = false;
var bbActiveTitle:Boolean = false;
//setting the first image number to load
var imageNum:Number = 0;
var imageLast:Number;
//initial Photo
var nbPhoto:Number = 0;
//timer variables
var nbTimerNow:Number = 0;
var nbTimerNext:Number = nbSpeedPhoto;
//used for load XML values
var arPhotoPath:Array = new Array();
var arPhotoTitle:Array = new Array();
/**Setting listener to load images**********/
var listener:Object = new Object();
listener.onLoadComplete = function(imageClip:MovieClip):Void {
if (imageNum>0) {
imageBmp = new BitmapData(mainClip["image"+imageLast]._width, mainClip["image"+imageLast]._height);
imageBmp.draw(mainClip["image"+imageLast],new Matrix());
var sqBmp:BitmapData;
var x:Number = 0;
var y:Number = 0;
if (nbForm == 1 || nbForm == 2 || nbForm == 3) {
form = nbForm;
} else {
if (rnd>0.66) {
form = 1;
} else if (rnd>0.33){
form = 2;
form = 3;
for (var j:Number = 0; j<cols; j++) {
x = j*widthB;
if (j>=cols-1) {
var ww = Stage.width-j*widthB;
} else {
var ww = widthB;
sqBmp = new BitmapData(ww, mcMask._height);
sqBmp.copyPixels(imageBmp,new Rectangle(x, y, ww, mcMask._height),new Point(0, 0));
bbAnimating = false;
bbEnableTitle = true;
nbTimerNext = getTimer()+nbSpeedPhoto;
nbOK = 0;
mcText.tfToolTip.text = "Photo "+String(nbPhoto+1)+" of "+String(xmlLength)+": "+arPhotoTitle[nbPhoto];
var imageLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
/***Creating Squares*******/
function makeSq(sqBmp:BitmapData, jValue:Number, fvalue:Number):Void {
var sqClip:MovieClip = cloneClip["clone"+imageLast].createEmptyMovieClip("sq"+jValue, cloneClip["clone"+imageLast].getNextHighestDepth());
sqClip._x = jValue*widthB;
if (fvalue == 1) {
sqClip.lag = jValue;
} else if(fvalue == 2) {
sqClip.lag = cols-jValue;
sqClip.lag = 0;
sqClip.init = 0;
sqClip.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this.init>this.lag) {
this._xscale = this._xscale-speedChart;
this.init += nbLag;
if (this._yscale<0 || this._xscale<0) {
//setting the main movieclip and its clone.
//the clone will store the parts of the main image.
//Creating the text container and setting its properties
mcText.mcBackText._alpha = 0;
//Creating the mc text container
mcText.tfToolTip._alpha = 0;
//Creating the masks
var bmpMask:BitmapData = new BitmapData(Stage.width, Stage.height, false, 0xCCCCCC);
//setting the number of columns and files
var cols = Math.ceil(mcMask._width/widthB);
//setting the main and clone masks
//setting buttons behaviors
if (bbPlay) {
} else {
mcControl.mcBackControls.onRollOver = mcControl.mcFull.onRollOver=mcControl.mcLast.onRollOver=mcControl.mcFirst.onRollOver=mcControl.mcPrevious.onRollOver=mcControl.mcPausePlay.onRollOver=mcControl.mcNext.onRollOver=function () {
activeID = setInterval(activeControl, nbACUpd, true);
mcControl.mcBackControls.onRollOut = mcControl.mcFull.onRollOut=mcControl.mcLast.onRollOut=mcControl.mcFirst.onRollOut=mcControl.mcPrevious.onRollOut=mcControl.mcPausePlay.onRollOut=mcControl.mcNext.onRollOut=function () {
activeID = setInterval(activeControl, nbACUpd, false);
function activeControl(bb:Boolean) {
if (bb) {
if (mcControl._alpha>=nbACMax) {
} else {
mcControl._alpha += 4;
} else {
if (mcControl._alpha<nbACMin) {
} else {
mcControl._alpha -= 4;
mcControl.mcFull.onRelease = function() {
if (bbFull) {
Stage.displayState = "normal";
bbFull = false;
} else {
Stage.displayState = "fullScreen";
bbFull = true;
mcControl.mcPausePlay.onRelease = function() {
if (bbPlay) {
bbPlay = false;
} else {
if (!bbAnimating) {
bbPlay = true;
initPhoto = setInterval(initPlay, 200);
mcControl.mcLast.onRelease = mcControl.mcFirst.onRelease=mcControl.mcPrevious.onRelease=mcControl.mcNext.onRelease=function () {
if (bbAnimating == false) {
bbPlay = false;
switch (this._name) {
case "mcFirst" :
nbPhoto = 0;
case "mcPrevious" :
nbPhoto = (xmlLength+nbPhoto-1)%xmlLength;
case "mcNext" :
nbPhoto = (nbPhoto+1)%xmlLength;
case "mcLast" :
nbPhoto = xmlLength-1;
default :
imageLast = imageNum-1;
bbAnimating == true;
function makeEnabled(bbEnable:Boolean) {
with (mcControl) {
mcPausePlay.enabled = bbEnable;
mcLast.enabled = bbEnable;
mcFirst.enabled = bbEnable;
mcPrevious.enabled = bbEnable;
mcNext.enabled = bbEnable;
function makeVisible(bbVisible:Boolean) {
with (mcControl) {
mcPausePlay.enabled = bbVisible;
mcLast.enabled = bbVisible;
mcFirst.enabled = bbVisible;
mcPrevious.enabled = bbVisible;
mcNext.enabled = bbVisible;
function initPlay() {
if (bbAnimating == false) {
if (bbPlay) {
if (getTimer()>=nbTimerNext) {
nbPhoto = (nbPhoto+1)%xmlLength;
imageLast = imageNum-1;
bbAnimating = true;
nbTimerNext += nbSpeedPhoto;
var myformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myformat.font = "myFont";
myformat.color = nbATFontColor;
myformat.size = 18;
mcText.tfToolTip.embedFonts = true;
mcText.tfToolTip.wordWrap = true;
mcText.onRollOver = function() {
if (bbEnableTitle && !bbAnimating) {
bbActiveTitle = true;
mcText.onRollOut = function() {
if (bbEnableTitle) {
bbActiveTitle = false;
function alphaTitle(nbTextAlpha:Number, nbBackAlpha) {
mcText.mcBackText._alpha = nbBackAlpha;
mcText.tfToolTip._alpha = nbTextAlpha;
//drawing a square
function makeARectangle(mc:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number, w:Number, h:Number, nbColor:Number, nbAlpha:Number) {
//for loading external XML
var xmlPhotos:XML = new XML();
xmlPhotos.onLoad = function() {
xmlLength = this.firstChild.childNodes.length;
for (var i:Number = 0; i<xmlLength; i++) {
arPhotoPath[i] = (this.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.path);
arPhotoTitle[i] = (this.firstChild.childNodes[i].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue);
bbAnimating = true;
initPhoto = setInterval(initPlay, 200);
/****Run XML*****************************************/
xmlPhotos.ignoreWhite = true;
you need to make sure that all the movieclips are on the same layer on the timeline.