Codeigniter 4 shield - add admin prefix to login url - authentication

I've installed shield and have a created an admin route group.
When I go to I get redirected to instead of
How can I add the admin prefix to the login url/redirect?
I changed the Auth redirects but it's not working. Don't know what else to change.

may be a routing problem like:
$routes->add("admin/login", "Admin\Login::index");


Keycloak ignoring redirect_uri

We are implementing the SSO via the Keycloak. When an user wants to access our resources on desiredUri, he is automatically redirected to the keycloak login page{keycloakServerHostname}/auth/realms/{realmName}/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&login=true&scope=openid&state={uuidOfStateForCSRF}&client_id={clientName}&**redirect_uri**={**desiredUri**}.
Then a login form is presented, but when I fill in the credentials and the POST call submitting the request is issued on Keycloa, the response from Keycloak is 302 FOUND, but the Location header does not contain my desiredUri+paramsForGettingTokens, but consists of keycloakServerHostname+paramsForGettingTokens instead.
The weird thing is when I manually put i.e. to redirect_uri param, it works and the location header points to, but as soon as I put there localhost, some IP etc. (not resolvable by a public DNS), it stops working and starts to ignore the redirect uri.
It looks like the Keycloak is validating the redirect uri with some kind of DNS lookup and when it cannot resolve that DNS, it puts the baseUrl of Keycloak there instead.
How can I turn off this behavior?
My client settings are as simple as they can be:
Keycloak settings screenshot
Thanks for any advice.

Onedrive SDK Authentication Redirect Issue with Query Param

Currently, I'm trying to integrate the OneDrive SDK onto a website. However, I'm having issue with redirecting with authentication.
Normal route:
User goes to the website. It clicks on a button to single sign onto there OneDrive
User gets redirected to OneDrive Authorization page.
Once authentication, user gets redirected to where they left off. This redirect is specified in the OneDrive's SDK account. However, it seems that they don't allow query params in the redirect URL.
Is there a way around this?
The only thing I could figure out is using a URL that is an alias for the URL with the query params, but that just seems like a hack solution. It's hard to believe that there isn't a way for a user to redirect with query params to indicate at what stage they left off on the site.
Example of invalid redirect url as
Any advice appreciated,
You can try registering your base URL as the redirect URL and just before initiating authorization action append the parameters to the redirect URL.
Redirect URL at one drive app dashboard :
Authorization URL<your client id>&scope=<scope>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=

Subdomain cookie maintenance for Forms authentication website

I have a Server on Azure where an MVC4 web application is hosted. On the server I have added bindings for:
Within mysite an Admin user has the option to define custom styles for each of the subdomains. So to check the changes have been applied successfully. If the admin changes the URL from to they are redirected back to a login page. When I then attempt to log in with the same details it seems that there is some conflict in the cookies and I am unable to find the user details.
Is there anyway that I could preserve the login details for one subdomain and allow the user to simply change the URL to see if the changes had been supplied effectively. If not is there any way I can prevent this conflict on signing on to the other subdomain?
I think cookie domain must be specified in a proper way. Please, see this link

can't route /admin to user/login if not login in cakephp

i want to create a admin routing enabled program in cakephp and i had aleray enable
Route::Write(/admin,array('controller'=>admin_homes,'action'=>'index')) in route .php but when i type /admin it doesnot redirect me to my login page in users/login address so what is solution to this but if i custom go into my login page and login in then it will redirect to admin/admin_homes/index and then only using/admin will also take me to admin_homes/index
You want more than admin routing, you are looking for Authentication. That is what controls the login, not admin routing. Admin routing is for running the admin variation of specific methods.
Start here:
If you are looking for a simple user management app with permission driven access, feel free to use the one I created and put out on github.

Authenticate sites with different domain names using the Facebook API

We have a CMS that supports multiple sites, one of our features allows our users (The site admin) to connect to the site facebook account to allow status updates, create events and upload pictures to FB from with in the CMS.
The authentication needs to occur once since each site may have multiple site admins that do not have access to the site FB user name and password. We use iframe and authenticate using $facebook->require_login() which redirects the user to the FB login and authentication pages.
All this works just fine but when the user hits "Allow" the authentication will break as it will only redirect to whatever is in the "Post-Authorize Redirect URL" field making the app obsolete for any other domain except the one in the "Post-Authorize Redirect URL"
I know other API's authentication methods like in Vimeo and YouTube will allow you to specify a NEXT parameter which is the equivalent of the "Post-Authorize Redirect URL" and it can be set at run time.
How can I make this work for multiple domain names?
Any hints on this issue will be of great help
If the call back page is in your domain, that page could acts as a proxy, all you have to do is pass the parameters needed by the proxy page to redirect the user to the proper location. For example I used the URL of the domain I want to redirect and an ID needed for me to know which user I am dealing with.
My code end up looking something like this:
Authorize link:
$authorizeURL = "" . $facebookApiKey . "&v=1.0&ext_perm=status_update&domainName=$domainName&path=/path/to/my/next/page.php";
and the "proxy" code would like something like this:
$path = $_GET['path'];
$query = $_GET['query'];
$domainName = $_GET['domainName'];
//if you happen to have a query, get the values like this:
parse_str($query, $queryValues);
$id = $queryValues['id'];
// construct the url where your user came from or where you want them to be redirected.
$url = "http://$domainName/$path?$query";
header("Location: " . $url);
This is not the whole code, but it will give you an idea on how to do it.
make a separated domain used only for FB authentication.