Foreign key to another table - sql

I'm creating a database for storing user data and repeated data for each user (for example if it was for running it might have distance, time, date, etc. for each run). The users are all in one table
CREATE TABLE users ( name varchar(30), id int primary key );
Each user will submit data that needs to be put into a different table (schema doesn't matter here). I could either make this set of data into one big table wiht all the submitted data plus a key to the user
CREATE TABLE data ( ..., user_id int REFERENCES users );
or my prefered way which would be have one table per user and have each entry in the users table somehow refence the whole table for that user. I'm not quite sure how you'd do this and can't find any way to do so so far.
Any help is very appreciated thanks.

It's ok to use one table for all users data, just add index on field user_id:
CREATE TABLE users ( name varchar(30), id int primary key );
--- ...,
user_id int REFERENCES users (id)
CREATE INDEX data_user_id_ix ON data(user_id);


Two postgresql tables referencing each other

Question may be basic, I don't have any experience with databases.
I have a postgres db with some tables. Two of them are dates and accounts.
The date table has an account_id field referencing an id table in an account table and a balance field that represents the balance that account had at that date. So, many date entities may reference one account entity, many-to-one, okay.
But an account table also has an actual_date field, that must reference the date entity, with actual balance this account has. One account entity may reference one actual date entuty, but date entity can have one or zero account entities referncing it. And if it does have an account referencing it with it's actual_date, it will always be the same account, date itself referencing with account_id.
What kind of relathinship is this? Is it even possible to implement? And if it is, how do I do it?
I came up with this piece of code, but I have no clue if it does what I think it does.
CREATE TABLE accounts (
user_id INT REFERENCES users,
actual_date_id DATE UNIQUE REFERENCES dates
account_id INT REFERENCES accounts,
date DATE,
balance INT,
unconfirmed_balance INT
P.S. I create tables with init.sql but work with them with sqlalchemy and it would be greate if someone could also show how to define such model with it.
As written the SQL script would never work for two reasons:
a foreign key can only reference the primary key of a table, not any arbitrary column in it. So actual_date_id should be an integer in order to be able to reference the primary key of the dates table.
you can't reference a table that hasn't been created yet, so the foreign key between accounts and dates must be created after both tables are created.
With circular foreign keys it's usually easier to define at least one of them as deferrable, so that you can insert them without the need of e.g. an intermediate NULL value.
So something along the lines (assuming that users already exists)
CREATE TABLE accounts (
user_id INT REFERENCES users,
actual_date_id integer UNIQUE -- note the data type
account_id INT REFERENCES accounts,
date DATE,
balance INT,
unconfirmed_balance INT
-- now we can add the foreign key from accounts to dates
alter table accounts
add foreign key (actual_date_id)
references dates (id)
deferrable initially deferred;
It might be better to avoid the circular reference to begin with. As you want to make sure that only one "current balance" exists for each account, this could be achieved by adding a flag in the dates table and getting rid of the actual_date_id in the accounts table.
CREATE TABLE accounts (
user_id INT REFERENCES users
account_id INT REFERENCES accounts,
is_current_balance boolean not null default false,
date DATE,
balance INT,
unconfirmed_balance INT
-- this ensures that there is exactly one row with "is_current_balance = true"
-- for each account
create unique index only_one_current_balance
on dates (account_id)
where is_current_balance;
Before you change a row in dates to be the "current one", you need to reset the existing one to false.
Unrelated, but:
With modern Postgres versions it's recommended to use identity columns instead of serial

How do I ensure that a referencing table also has data

My Postgres database has the following schema where the the user can store multi profile images.
name VARCHAR(50)
url VARCHAR(50)
CREATE TABLE user_images(
user_id INT REFERENCES users(id),
image_id INT REFERENCES images(id)
How do I ensure that when I insert a user object, I also insert at least one user image?
You cannot do so very easily . . . and I wouldn't encourage you to enforce this. Why? The problem is a "chick and egg" problem. You cannot insert a row into users because there is no image. You cannot insert a row into user_images because there is no user_id.
Although you can handle this situation with transactions or delayed constraint checking, that covers only half the issue -- because you have to prevent deletion of the last image.
Here are two alternative.
First, you can simply add a main_image_id to the users table and insist that it be NOT NULL. Voila! At least one image is required.
Second, you can use a trigger to maintain a count of images in users. Then treat rows with no images as "deleted" so they are never seen.
When you insert a data into a table database can return a id from row which was inserted. So, if id > 0 the row has been inserted. But first, add column id (bigserial, auto increment, unique) to all tables.
INSERT INTO user_images VALUES (...) RETURNING id;

How do you ensure values from a logging table match objects in other tables ?

I have three tables. Two basic tables listing objects and a third table logging changes in database. Here is an example.
create table individual (ind_id integer, age integer, name varchar);
create table organisation (org_id integer, city varchar, name varchar);
create TABLE log_table (log_id integer, object_id integer, table_name varchar, information json, log_date date);
I want to ensure that any row in the log_table corresponds to an existing object in either the individual table or the organisation table. This means that the insertion
insert into log_table (object_id,table_name,information,log_date) values (13,'organisation','{"some":"interesting","information":"on the changes"}','2017-11-09');
is valid only if the table organisation contains a record with the ID 13.
How can I do that in PostgreSQL ? If this is not possible, then I suppose I will have to create one column for the individual table and one for the organisation table in the log_table.
You need an entity table:
create table entity (
entity_id serial primary key,
entity_type text check (entity_type in ('individual','organization'))
create table individual (
ind_id integer primary key references entity (entity_id),
age integer, name varchar
create table organisation (
org_id integer primary key references entity (entity_id),
city varchar, name varchar
create TABLE log_table (
log_id integer primary key,
entity_id integer references entity (entity_id),
information json, log_date date
You could also use triggers to solve this problem . Seperate triggers can be made on individual and organisation table which could be on before update ,after update , after insert actions .
You could add one column in log table which would correspond to action performed in base table i.e update or insert .
Also you could add unique constraint on table name and object id .
This would eventually lead to logging every possible operation in table without changing in application code .
Hope this helps !
Starting from your current design you can enforce what you want declaratively by adding to each entity table a constant checked or computed/virtual table/type variant/tag column and a FK (foreign key) (id, table) to the log table.
You have two kinds/types of logged entities. Google sql/database subtypes/polymorphism/inheritance. Or (anti-pattern) 2/many/multiple FKs to 2/many/multiple tables.

SQL - Field Grouping and temporary data restructruing

I would like to apologize first about my title, because I understand it may be technically incorrect
I currently have a database with multiple tables, 4 of them are relevant in this example.
Below is a shortened version of the tables
Create table Form_Master
form_id int identity primary key ,
form_name varchar(255) ,
form_description varchar(255),
form_create_date date ,
Create table Field_Master
(field_id int identity primary key,
form_ID int foreign key references Form_Master(form_id),
field_name varchar(255),
type_ID int
Create table Entry_Master
entry_id int identity primary key,
entry_date date,
form_id int foreign key references Form_Master(form_id),
Create table Value_Master
value_id int identity primary key,
value varchar(255),
field_id int foreign key references Field_Master(field_id),
entry_id int foreign key references Entry_Master(entry_id),
The purpose of these tables is to create a dynamic method of capturing and retrieving information - a form is a table, a field is a column, and entry is a row and a value is a cell
Currently when I am retrieving information from a form, I create a temporary table, with columns as such in the field_master, then select all entries linked to the form, and the values linked to those entries, and insert them into the temporary table I have just created.
The reason for the temporary table is to restructure the data into an organised format and display it in a DataGridView.
My problem is one of performance, creating the table as mentioned above is becoming slower as forms exceed fields > 20 or entries linked to a form exceeds > 100
My questions are:
Is there a way to select the data directly from field_master in the format of the temporary table mentioned above?
Do you think I should re-think my database design?
Is there an easier method to do what I am trying to do?
Any input will be appreciated, I do know how to use Google, however in this instance I am not sure what exactly to look for, so even a keyword would be nice.

SQL One-to-Many Table vs. multiple one-to-one relationships

I'm working on a project with the following objective: A User can create a Challenge and select an optional Rival to take part of this challenge. The Challenge generates Daily entries and will track stats on these.
The basic User and Entry entities look like this:
id (INT),
CREATE TABLE entries (
challengeId INT,
userId INT,
entryDate DATE,
entryData VARCHAR,
PRIMARY KEY (challengeId, userId, entryDate)
The piece I'm having trouble with is the Challenge piece with the Rival concept. I can see two approaches.
// Hard code the concept of a Challenge Owner and Rival:
CREATE TABLE challenges (
id INT,
ownerId INT,
rivalId INT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY (ownerId, name)
// Create Many-to-one relationship.
CREATE TABLE challenges (
id INT,
CREATE TABLE participant (
challengeId INT,
userId INT,
isOwner BIT,
PRIMARY KEY (challengeId, userId)
The problem with the first approach is that referential integrity is tough since now there are two columns where userIds reside (ownerId and rivalId). I'd have to create two tables for everything (owner_entries, rival_entries, owner_stats, etc.) in order to set up foreign keys.
The second approach solves this and has some advantages like allowing multiple rivals in the future. However, one thing I can't do anymore with that approach is enforce Challenge name uniqueness across a single user instead of the whole Challenge table. Additionally, tasks like finding a Challenge's owner is now trickier.
What's the right approach to the Challenges table? Is there anyway to set up these tables in a developer friendly manner or should I just jump all the way to Class Table Inheritance and manage the concept of Owner/Rivals there?
I think the way I would set this up is as follows (using the second approach):
CREATE TABLE challenges (id INT,
owner_id INT,
UNIQUE KEY (name, owner_id))
CREATE TABLE participant (challengeId INT,
userId INT,
PRIMARY KEY (challengeId, userId))
This allows easy tracking of who owns the challenge, yet extracts out the individual participants.
This would also allow you to unique the challenge name by the owner safely, and foreign keys on the userId in participant are easy. 'Rivals' are then all participants that are not the challenge owner.
I treat the first approach the right one.
You could have one table for users and one for challenges.
Are you aware that you can reference one table twice like below?
In this case you can reference both rivals and owners without creating new tables.