prevent one specific css file from transformation using rollup and postCSS - rollup

We have rollup based project using postcss to transform our CSS and bundle it with the project. We are using an external library where we need to import a CSS file from as well. This file, while needs to be bundled with our package, shouldn't have there classNames transformed. I tried to to import the css as follow but this has no effect:
:global {
#import 'rc-slider/assets/index.css';


where to keep the css js images files in vue project

I am trying to convert an HTML template into vue project. I am very much confused about where to keep my css js files. Whether it should be in the public directory or it should be in the src directory?
you can keep your CSS and Js file inside the src directory rather than public.
public is used for keeping your static file such as static JSON, image, etc. which will not go through webpack.
Inside src/assests paste your css, fonts and image folders
like here
then make sure to include them in main.js/ts
import 'bootstrap'
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' //boostarp
import './assets/css/materialdesignicons.min.css'
import './assets/css/tiny-slider.css'
import './assets/css/style.css'
import './assets/css/colors/default.css'
if it uses boostrap install npm install bootstrap as you will have to inlude them as I have shown above. as per Bootstrap Doc.
NB: Vue3 does not support boostarp 4, and vue-boostrap use boostrap 5 instaed

How do you add css to a Kotlin JS project?

I created a new Kotlin/JS Gradle project using the wizard in IntelliJ.
I'm unclear how I'm supposed to add css to the project. The documentation explains how to enable css webpack support, but it doesn't actually say how to add the css file into your project (i.e., how to use the file).
For example, in a normal project, you would just import it in a javascript file. Since I am writing in Kotlin, how do I do it now?
The current documentation is not very precise about this. There are actually two cases:
Importing CSS from existing packages
You can pretty easily import CSS files from other Node-modules using the require() function:
import kotlinext.js.require
import kotlinx.browser.document
import react.dom.h1
import react.dom.render
fun main() {
render(document.getElementById("root")) {
h1 { +"Hello"}
For this to work, you need to specify cssSupport.enabled = true in your Gradle build, just like described in the documentation. CSS imported this way will be processed by Webpack.
Incorporating your own CSS into the Webpack build
This seems to be a bit tricky right now. The KotlinJS plugin doesn't copy any resources to the Webpack's build directory (build/js/packages/<project_name>) by default and I didn't find any obvious configuration option for this. To solve it, you have to tell Webpack where it can find your styles:
Create webpack.conf.d directory in project's root and put inside some JS file containing:
This config will be picked up by the KotlinJS plugin and merged into the generated build/js/packages/<project_name>/webpack.config.js. With this configuration you can just require() project's styles like in the example above. It is kind of mentioned in the documentation.
Alternatively you can tweak the Gradle build, so it copies the stylesheets into the Webpack's build dir:
task("copyStylesheets", Copy::class) {
from(kotlin.sourceSets["main"].resources) {
// kotlin { js { moduleName = "xyz" }} has to be set for this to work
tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinJsDce::class) {
Simply sticking a CSS file into main/resources and referencing it in index.html worked for both browserDevelopmentRun and serving the production build, statically. The CSS file appears in build/distributions.
My build:
kotlin("js") version "1.7.20"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
index.css is in the same resource folder as index.html.
This also works for images anything else, apparently.

adding plain custom css file in laravel/vuejs2 project

I am using laravel5.4 with vuejs2 to build a small project. I have just started learning vuejs2 with laravel. Using laravel-mix to compile my assets. In laravel-mix documentation i can't seem to find a way to add my own plain css file to be merged and watched.
I have my own css rules in public/css/custome.css file. what should i write in the webpack.mix.js file so that my this file is included and watched by laravel mix? Currently i have below lines in the file:
mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.sass('resources/assets/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');
Move your custom CSS file into resources/css folder and write the configuration below in webpack.mix.js
Note: You probably won't have a css folder in resources, so just create one.
], 'public/css')
I found a solution on Laracast and it worked for me.
Here are the steps :
Save the content of public/css/custome.css in resources/assets/sass/_custome.scss
You have to change the file extension to .scss and add an underscore at the beginning.
The underscore will be useful when importing in your main app.scss file.
Import your resources/assets/sass/_custome.scss file into your resources/assets/sass/app.scss this way :
/* importing _custome.scss from the same directory containing the following files
resources/assets/sass/{app.scss, _custome.scss, _variables.scss} */
// import _custome.scss
#import "custome";
// import _variables.scss (custom variables for bootstrap-sass)
#import "variables";
// importing bootstrap-sass from node modules (if you are using bootstrap)
#import "node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap";
Include this in your webpack.mix.js file
mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.sass('resources/assets/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');
Compile with
npm run dev
That's all.

Using bulma together with webpack

I have this really simple webpack projects in with I now want to also use bulma a css framework.
I installed the package via npm i bulma and tried to include it inside my app.js-file using the following snipped unsuccessfully:
import bulma from '~bulma/bulma.sass';
I also tried using a specific sass part, which also did not work:
import bulma from '~bulma/sass/base/_all';
Can you help me get this working or maybe point me in the right direction?
You need to update your webpack config file so the sass loader also processes sass files, not only scss files.
Change this line:
test: /\.scss$/, to test: /\.(sass|scss)$/

Webpack / ES6: how to import stylesheets

I see repositories like bootstrap starting to include additional tags in their package.json file such as 'style' and 'less.' How can I use these tags to import assets?
"name": "bootstrap",
"style": "dist/css/bootstrap.css",
"sass": "scss/bootstrap.scss",
"main": "./dist/js/npm"
I am using ES6 modules and webpack. I want to do be able to import my stylesheets using the style tag in package.json.
Currently I am doing something like this:
#import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap";
which is annoying for consumers to add the path when it is available in package.json. Is there a way I can import stylesheets using the tag in package.json?
If I cannot use the tag in package.json, is there a standard way of importing stylesheets in ES6 modules?
Yes!!! Webpack treats everything as a module, including that cute little package.json in your repo.
Therefore, you simply need to require() it into your app and then access properties from that json object. (See json-loader for more info).
I often use this to import data like version number etc for my Webpack config file for bundling and versioning.
This feature is not included in webpack for now. There is an open issue about this in webpack's CSS loader repo.
There is also an SO thread on the use of the style field, and it seems that there are some npm / browserify tools that support this.