I am trying to build a pagination restful API that fetches data from the Kafka topic.
For example, inside my Kafka topics, I have 1 billion messages whose data structure is like the following:
class Record {
String ID;
JsonObject studentInfo;
How do I get the paginated query result for a specific student id? For example, I want to get 200 records of the student whose id is 0123 and this student might or might not have 200 records on the Kafka topic.
My intuitive approach was to poll data from the Kafka topic, keep the offset on the topic and keep reading the data on the Kafka topic until I have 200 specific student records or reach the end of the Kafka topic. However, I am not sure if this is the right approach I should take.
The Confluent REST Proxy already does what you want, so I would recommend using that, rather than reinventing the wheel
GET /consumers/(string:group_name)/instances/(string:instance)/records
Fetch data for the topics or partitions specified using one of the subscribe/assign APIs
Where, rather than number of records to poll, you give it a timeout (e.g. consumer.poll(Duration timeout)), or max_bytes (consumer config fetch.max.bytes, I think).
Re-GET that API endpoint to get the next "batch" (i.e. page) of records
for a specific student id?
You wouldn't. That's not how Kafka works. If this is a feature you really need, then you can use Interactive Queries feature from Kafka Streams, which Spring has an InteractiveQueryService class that can help with this.
Or, as mentioned in the comments, dump your topic to a database, indexed by ID, then build an API endpoint that will query and paginate from that.
We are consuming data from multiple Kafka Topics (Topic One- Employee Basic Details & Topic 2: Having address details) and then consuming an API (/createEmployee) to another system. In order to call /createEmployee API, we need to aggregate data from both the topics first and them call API.
How can we do that?
Kafka Streams can be used to join and aggregate topics, as well as process the aggregate
We are into the lead business. We capture leads and pass it on to the clients based on some rules. integration to each client very in nature like nature of the API and in some cases, data mapping is also required. We perform the following steps in order to route leads to the client.
Select the client
Check if any client-specific mapping(master data) is required.
Send Lead to nearest available dealer(optional step)
Call client api to send lead
Update push status of the lead to database
Note that some of the steps can be optional.
Which design pattern would be suitable to solve this problem. The motive is to simplify integration to each client.
You'll want to isolate (and preferably externalize) the aspects that differ between clients, like the data mapping and API, and generalize as much as possible. One possible force to consider is how easily new clients and their APIs can be accommodated in the future.
I assume you have a lot of clients, and a database or other persistent mechanism that holds this client list, so data-driven routing logic that maps leads to clients shouldn't be a problem. The application itself should be as "dumb" as possible.
Data mapping is often easily described with meta-data, and also easily data-driven. Mapping meta-data is client specific, so it could easily be kept in your database associated with each client in XML or some other format. If the transformations to leads necessary to conform to specific APIs are very complex, the logic could be isolated through the use of a strategy pattern, with the specific strategy selected according to the target client. If an extremely large number of clients and APIs need to be accommodated, I'd bend over backwards to make the API data-driven as well. If you have just a few client types (say less than 20), I'd employ some distributed asynchronicity, and just have my application publish the lead and client info to a topic corresponding to client-type, and have subscribed external processors specific for each client-type do their thing and publish the results on another single queue. A consumer listing to the results queue would update the database.
I will divide your problem statement into three parts mentioned below:
1) Integration of API with different clients.
2) Perfom some steps in order to route leads to the client.
3) Update push status of the lead to database.
Design patterns involved in above three parts:
1) Integration of API with different clients - Integration to each client vary in nature like the nature of the API. It seems you have incompitable type of interface so, you should design this section by using "Adapter Design Pattern".
2) Perform some steps in order to route leads to the client- You have different steps of execution. Next step is based on the previous steps. So, you should design this section by using "State Design Pattern".
3) Update push status of the lead to database: This statement shows that you want to notify your database whenever push status of the lead happens so that information will be updated into database. So, you should design this section by using "Observer Design Pattern".
Sounds like this falls in the workflow realm.
If you're on Amazon Web Services, there's SWF, otherwise, there's a lot of workflow solutions out there for your favorite programming language.
I am pretty new to deepstream, on its website, it described in core concepts section as:
data-sync Interactive JSON documents that can be edited and observed.
Changes are persisted and synced across clients.
publish-subscribe Many clients can subscribe to topics and receive
data whenever other clients publish it to the same topic
I wonder what is the diff between its data-sync and pub-sub in terms of their purpose, in anther way, what task can one do while the other can not?
PubSub is a way for clients and servers to send messages to each other. These messages can contain all sorts of data, but once the message is delivered its gone - there's no storage or statefulness. If you're familiar with EventEmitters in e.g. JavaScript you're already familiar with the pattern.
Data-Sync on the other hand is stateful, persistent data. Clients can request JSON documents called records, update them and subscribe to changes made by other records. Records can be arranged in lists and lists can be referenced by records, allowing for data-sync to become the realtime backbone for all the data that drives your app.
what would be the best option for exposing 220k records to third party applications?
SF style 'bulk API' - independent of the standard API to maintain availability
server-side pagination
call back to a ftp generated file?
This bulk will have to happen once a day or so. ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS WELCOME!
How are the 220k records being used?
Must serve it all at once
Not ideal for human consumers of this endpoint without special GUI considerations and communication.
A. I think that using a 'bulk API' would be marginally better than reading a file of the same data. (Not 100% sure on this.) Opening and interpreting a file might take a little bit more time than directly accessing data provided in an endpoint's response body.
Can send it in pieces
B. If only a small amount of data is needed at once, then server-side pagination should be used and allows the consumer to request new batches of data as desired. This reduces unnecessary server load by not sending data without it being specifically requested.
C. If all of it needs to be received during a user-session, then find a way to send the consumer partial information along the way. Often users can be temporarily satisfied with partial data while the rest loads, so update the client periodically with information as it arrives. Consider AJAX Long-Polling, HTML5 Server Sent Events (SSE), HTML5 Websockets as described here: What are Long-Polling, Websockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Comet?. Tech stack details and third party requirements will likely limit your options. Make sure to communicate to users that the application is still working on the request until it is finished.
Can send less data
D. If the third party applications only need to show updated records, could a different endpoint be created for exposing this more manageable (hopefully) subset of records?
E. If the end-result is displaying this data in a user-centric application, then maybe a manageable amount of summary data could be sent instead? Are there user-centric applications that show 220k records at once, instead of fetching individual ones (or small batches)?
I would use a streaming API. This is an API that does a "select * from table" and then streams the results to the consumer. You do this using a for loop to fetch and output the records. This way you never use much memory and as long as you frequently flush the output the webserver will not close the connection and you will support any size of result set.
I know this works as I (shameless plug) wrote the mysql-crud-api that actually does this.
I am using Redis' publish/subscribe feature. So the server is publishing 10 items then the client gets those 10 items.
Now however, a new client subscribes to the feed. I would like them to get the previous 10 items as well as any new items.
Does Redis have a way of doing this using the publish and subscribe functionality? Is a feed history stored anywhere in the database? Is there an easy way of doing this? Is the best way to also store the messages in a list and have the client do an LRANGE my_list 0 10 on the list?
I'd keep a separate archive of the data and have events added to both. New clients can subscribe and queue the real time events, read the archive until it's up to date with the first published event, then catch up with the published events. That way you shouldn't miss any published events while switching between the archive and real time events.
Stumbled on this during some research. I know it is old but I wanted to add that with the Redis Streams data structure it is not overly complex to implement persistent messaging.
The publisher would publish messages to a Stream and a subscriber would just get the latest message if that is all it cared about. You can also create user groups to limit how many subscribers can get the message and then mark them as acknowledged to avoid duplicate processing. This is good when you want a message to be handled only once and need a way to confirm that.
I ended up creating a nodejs app for this sort of purpose. In my case, user data was published to the redis server which i wanted to store, I subscribed to the redis channel with a nodejs app and then saved the details to a database, ive played around with mysql and mongo so far, let me know if this is of any interest and ill paste some code, there are some similarities in trying to store a publish history...