How to integrate Google My Maps with API key? - api-key

I have spent the past few months creating a custom map on google My Map. I'd like to now plug it to an API key to put it on my website as my website builder wont allow me to embed like you would probably do normally.
I don't really understand API keys no matter how much I research them but in summary - Is it possible to import a Google My Map to be a associated with an API key so I can put the API key on my website to enable an interactive map?
I thought by signing up to get an API key I would be able to import my google my map to the maps platform map manager and therefore associate it with my API key, import the key to website and have an interactive map. From looking on the map manager on the maps platform, it will only allow you to choose one location or start a map from scratch and doesn't allow you to import spreadsheet data - unlike with google my maps.
Can't find any answers anywhere so any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance


vue autocomplete with google places - how to deal with api key exposure

I've been looking through several ready-made vue components for autocompleting search using Google api. For instance this one and that one. And it seems to me that all of them let the user have an access directly to their Google Places API key (at least I can see it just in a page source of their demo sites).
Is it a right approach? How to deal with the fact that someone can take this key and quickly exceed the quota? Sorry for the naive question.
seems the best solution for the frontend only is to restrict your API key, which can be easily spoofed. Alongside other solutions that Google suggests are [link]:
Restrict your API keys
Independent API key per app
Delete API keys no longer needed
Exercise caution when regenerating keys
Monitor API key usage for anomalies
unless you could manage to implement a backend API version of it and query your backend API instead of Google API and then you could practice some solutions like rate limit on your backend API.

Google Cloud Text-to-Speech API Authentication from the frontend via API key possible?

The use case is a frontend application that does not have any backend so normally I would expect to use an api key ( ) but in the complete text to speech documentation ( ) I can't find any information about if (and how) its possible to use api keys for the Cloud Text-to-Speech API.
I don't think its such an uncommon use case to use the text to speech functionality in a standalone frontend (especially with the new WaveNet voices), so I thought I would ask the question here if anyone has some tips where to look for this information or if it's currently really only ment as an API usable in the backend.
If you have the same problem that I am facing right now then I can help you. I have the same issue asked in this question.
If you are using webpage to translate then you have to send your API key in URL of the request. The one way I tried is,{Your key goes here}.
I hope this will solve your problem.

Getting map locations from custom google maps

It's a general question for any programming language that can use google maps api...
Is there a way i can get specific locations provided by web sites that use google maps with their own location marks or location info.
For example yellow pages will offer locations that you won't get if you search for it simply from the official google maps web site.
What if also this website doesn't provide API to parse data from?
For further example , a web site may have a map having all locations of restaurants in Canada for instance so i want to get the same information in this map to import it in my map inside my application.
The sites you are referring to have the address and geocode information in their own database. They send you the data in response to your request and render it on the map in your browser using the client-side script API that google map provides.
If that's the case and the site didn't provide a public data service, then no, you can't get those data using the normal way.

Modify google maps api

Is it possible to add more functions for google map by using Google map API?
For example, I would like to add more indicators including stairs, elevators and etc in Google Map, is it possible?
Besides, I would like to add one more function, let's say create a new route without stairs based on the Google Map API, will it work?
It depends on what you mean.
If you are using Google Maps in your own website/application you can add custom markers/overlay based on your own data. (see: You can add markers/overlays for pretty much anything you can think of.
If you mean add it to the usual site, then no you can't as far as I'm aware.
You can't change the API as Google control that, but you can use the API on your site however you like.

google map key for gmap v3

i have a question regarding googlemap api version3,
basically we are already using google map api driving distance and geo code functionality within our internal web application, for that we are paying for google on our google map key,
so my question is on old google map v2 we did have to encrypt our map key and post back to google in order to get work geocode or driving distance, and at the same way do we still have to encrypt the google map key with map api V3 ? or we dont need the map key for google map V3 ?
Taken from: Google Maps API
The Google Maps JavaScript API v3 does not require an API key to
function correctly. However, we strongly encourage you to load the
Maps API using an APIs Console key which allows you to monitor your
application's Maps API usage