Google Sheets Sentiment Analysis error over API key - google-sheets-api

Hi I've been trying to do some sentiment analysis from google sheets. Here is my code:
function getSentiment(text) {
var apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
var url = "" + apiKey;
var data = {
document: {
type: "PLAIN_TEXT",
content: text
var options = {
method: "post",
contentType: "application/json",
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + apiKey
payload: JSON.stringify(data)
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
return result.documentSentiment.score;
Here is what comes up:
Exception: Request failed for returned code 401. Truncated server response: { "error": { "code": 401, "message": "Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or othe... (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response) (line 18).
I think the key is right (changed here for obvious reasons) and enabled so I'm not sure where I go from here. Any ideas? Thanks


Getting error while framing request URL using appscript

I am trying to frame request for API using appscript.
var url_string = "https://*"
let body = {
const headers = {
'method' : 'POST',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'payload': body
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url_string,headers)
I am getting invalid request error. But the same thing is working when i try manually(attached image for same).
Am I missing something while forming this request in the appscript?
When tried manually using the browser the functionality works. i want help in correcting the request using appscript.
From the official document, in your script, how about the following modification?
Modified script:
var url_string = "https://*";
let body = { url: "" };
const options = {
headers: { "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "###" }, // Please set your value.
payload: JSON.stringify(body),
contentType: "application/json"
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url_string, options);
fetch(url, params)

G-Sheet script to post a message on Guilded using its API

I am trying to create a script to post a text message in a chat on Guilded, but so far I get a "POST is not allowed"
Message should be "inPrivate" so a mention of the targeted member is required.
Google sheet test file
my script:
function message () {
var url = "";
var channelid = "d2ba*****";
var key = "Bearer gapi_*****"; //Q-P API temp-bot
const message = {
content : "It's alive!",
embeds :[{
isPrivate : true,
const params = {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: key },
contentType: "application/json",
payload: JSON.stringify(message),
muteHttpExceptions: true,
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + channelid + "/messages/", params);
var data = JSON.parse(response);
Guilded's API
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong (but I'm a newbie, so it makes sens)
POST is still not working, with the same answer, however, if I use the PUT method, I can update a message if written by the same bot (I just need to add the messageid in the url after /messages/
function postmessage () {
var url = "";
var channelid = "d2bac803-****-****-****-a609ab9c58c4";
var key = "Bearer gapi_******"; //Q-P API temp-bot
var server = "wlVKV***"
var messageid = "ae6f1693-****-****-****-c9984d4142de";
var author = "****";
const message = {
"type": "default",
"content" : "test #Aaron Raven ",
"users" : [{"id":author}]
const params = {
method: "put",
headers: { Authorization: key },
contentType: "application/json",
payload: JSON.stringify(message),
muteHttpExceptions: true,
// const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + channelid + "/messages/" + messageid, params);
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + channelid + "/messages/" params);
var data = JSON.parse(response);
Another issue (aside POST method) is that "mentions" doesn't work; it appears as basic text, and not as a user tag/link
Kind regards,

How to create a function that updates my token current?

I'm using Postman and can generate a new token with the "Get new access token" button. How to create a function that updates my token current?
This is my current function:
def access_token():
url = "my_url"
token = "my_current_token"
payload = ""
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
'Cookie': 'my_cookie'
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
return response.json()
var user = pm.globals.get("clientId");
var pw = pm.environment.get("clientSecret");
var grantTypeAndScope = "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=scopes"
url: "https://"+pm.environment.get("host")+"/as/token.oauth2",
method: 'POST',
body: grantTypeAndScope,
header: {
'Authorization': "Basic " + Buffer.from(user+':'+pw).toString("base64"),
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
}, function (err, res) {
if (err === null) {;
pm.environment.set('auth_token', res.json().access_token)
} else {
Then in the auth tab of my api requests I set the auth type to bearer and use the variable {{auth_token}}
I actually have the javascript to refresh my token in my pre-request tab at the collection level, so it grabs a new token with each request. Not optimal, but I never have to worry about an expired token.

405 error with JIRA REST API using node js

I am trying to create an automated JIRA ticket using the REST API but I keep getting a 405 error.
I am using the examples here:
Also, when I visit the post URL directly I do not get any errors so I doubt it is a server issue. Any ideas?
var Client = require('node-rest-client').Client;
client = new Client();
// Provide user credentials, which will be used to log in to Jira.
var loginArgs = {
data: {
"username": "user",
"password": "pass"
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
};"", loginArgs, function(data, response) {
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
//console.log('succesfully logged in, session:', data.session);
var session = data.session;
// Get the session information and store it in a cookie in the header
var args = {
headers: {
// Set the cookie from the session information
cookie: + '=' + session.value,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data: {
// I copied this from the tutorial
"fields": {
"project": {
"key": "REQ"
"summary": "REST ye merry gentlemen.",
"description": "Creating of an issue using project keys and issue type names using the REST API",
"issuetype": {
"name": "Request"
// Make the request return the search results, passing the header information including the cookie."", args, function(searchResult, response) {
console.log('status code:', response.statusCode);
console.log('search result:', searchResult);
} else {
throw "Login failed :(";
I am expecting the Jira ticket of type REQ to be created with the details I added in the fields section.
I believe you are using the incorrect REST API; what you're currently doing is doing a POST to Get create issue meta which requires a GET method, hence, you're getting a 405. If you want to create an issue, kindly use Create issue (POST /rest/api/2/issue) instead.

500 error on UrlFetchApp

I am trying to pass data of a product list from Magento API to Google Spreadsheet.
No authentication was required for the Magento API as I was retrieving the data as a Guest. The API is working perfectly with RestClient.
However, 500 error occurred when fetching the REST resource from Googe Apps Script.
Exception: Request failed for
returned code 500. Truncated server response: Service temporary
unavailable (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response)
This is my Google Apps Script:
function myscript() {
var url = "http://mymagentohost/api/rest/products?limit=2"
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var out = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.create("Product Info");
var cell = doc.getRange('a1');
var index = 0;
for (var i in out) {
var value = out[i];
cell.offset(index, 0).setValue(i);
cell.offset(index, 1).setValue(value);
Any ideas?
Hey the trick is to add the following headers to your request
var url = "http://mymagentohost/api/rest/products?limit=2"
var params = {
headers: { 'Content-Type': "application/json", 'Accept': "application/json"},
muteHttpExceptions: true,
method: "GET",
contentType: "application/json",
validateHttpsCertificates: false,
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
Believe the key params for Magento not to return 500 "Service temporary unavailable" are the Content-Type and Accept headers but all params mentioned in example are useful, YMMV.