Do you need a refresh token on your corporate network when using keycloak + Active Directory? - authentication

Is it necessary to use two access and refresh tokens in the keycloak if the application runs on an isolated corporate network of a company? Keycloak is integrated with Active Directory and takes the user's group membership from there? Is there any security value in a refresh token?
My opinion is that a refresh token is not necessary. Because when the access token expires, keycloak will contact Active Directory, check the groups the user is in, and issue a new access token.


Managing SSO Discord Sessions

I'm working on an application that uses discord SSO to authenticate users via the authorization grant code flow. Currently, I have the sign in flowing working as expected and I fetch my users guild (server) information to be able to build authorization based on their roles, but I am having trouble with managing users sessions.
My goal is to be able to have users sign in once through SSO and maintain their session without requiring them to go through the SSO flow when the session expires. Currently, once a user signs in I create or update their account by storing basic user information as well as the access token and refresh token from the provider. Then, when the session I created for them expires I can check the users access token and refresh token stored in the database to refresh the user credentials in the background without sending them through the SSO flow unless the tokens expired or failed to refresh due to a token being revoked from a password changed or something.
Does anyone have any tips or resources on best practices for integrating with SSO and maintaining user sessions? Any tips or feedback is appreciated!
Note: I know it is weird that my account system is based on discord server because a user can be constantly changing with changes to roles, name, ect.... I have a background service subscribed to these events storing them in a queue to be processed so that my account stay 1:1 with the guild.

Why should you revoke access token?

I don't understand why should you revoke Access Token when your log out. I mean what should you gain from a security perspective, while there is a Refresh token which is used to get a new access token as soos as you browse to the application?
I don't see the profit from a security perspective when there is a Refresh token which can be used by whoever uses the computer and browse to the application.
Whilst the concept of OAuth 2.0 is based on short lived access tokens that are not revoked, there are exceptions to that rule and there's a protocol specification catering for token revocation, RFC 7009 OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation
When revoking the access token, one should also make sure to revoke the refresh token at the same time (the spec dictates that revoking a refresh token will also revoke associated access tokens). This becomes more important when tokens are long lived and there's a suspicion of some breach, unauthorised 3rd-party token access or other token leakage.
I don't understand why should you revoke Access Token when your log out.
Access tokens cant be revoked. They are used for Authorization, and grant the bearer of the access token access to the data for as long as the token has not expired.
Logging out is Authentication these are two very different concepts.
I mean what should you gain from a security perspective, while there is a Refresh token which is used to get a new access token as soon as you browse to the application?
You are again mixing Authorization (OAuth 2.0 access token refresh token) with authentication(open id connect, logging in a user).
Using OAuth 2.0 an application is granted authorization to access a users data they are granted an access token and a refresh token. The application can access the users data when ever it needs to without the user being present.
I don't see the profit from a security perspective when there is a Refresh token which can be used by whoever uses the computer and browse to the application.
This is the exact point of OAuth 2.0 it is there to grant an application access to a users data when the user is not present. It is not authentication.
When a user logs out from an OAuth2-based session, they might want to make sure that every application on the same machine can no longer do things on a users' behalf.
For example, perhaps your organization has a single-sign on system that spans several applications, some even third party. When the user logs out, you can't rely on applications to 'log themselves out'. Perhaps all they got is a a session cookie, sitting in a browsers' cookie jar waiting for the next request.
If I log out on a machine, I want the guarantee that nothing can still act on my behalf, not even for a minute.

Authenticating multiple web applications through single authentication mechanism

How can I authenticate multiple applications with a single authentication mechanism?. These applications are having existing authentication within them, perhaps I need to authenticate these apps into my system which is isolated from others. Please suggest a better approach
When using OpenID Connect, the first application the user logs in to, will redirect the user's browser to the authorization server (AS). Since the user does not have a session between the browser and the AS, it will present the login screen. The user signs in and is redirected to the application (client) with an ID token and access token. The application will then establish a session between the browser and the application (typically a cookie)
When the user navigates to the second application, it will also redirect the user to the AS, but now the user already has a valid session between the browser and the AS, so the AS won't show the login screen (it may show the consent screen if the user has not consented to the requested scopes), and will issue an ID token and access token to the second application.
Now the user has a authenticated session with both applications with a single sign on (SSO).
If you use OAuth 2.0 with OIDC, you can authenticate your user once and verify the access token at each app the user visits. This is a typical single sign-on flow (SSO).

How do I implement session authentication across microservices?

I'm working on a project for which I have planned the following architecture: Provides login, registration, and password-reset functionalities. Allows users to update their account data. Provides other services.
I have figured out the following solution for maintaining authentication across all domains:
Authenticate user on and set a cookie containing JWT token (signed token with shared key) which contains the user data and its domain is set to
Once the user is authenticated, redirect them to and verify the JWT token present in the cookie. If the token is valid, present the service to the user else redirect to
Now, I have the following doubts:
Suppose if a user updates his name on, how do I make all other services use the updated user data?
If I want to ban a user or delete their account or terminate all active sessions, how would I let other services that the user shall not be authenticated?
Is there any better approach to solve this problem?
JWT tokens are generally stateful means they have everything to be authenticated, once issued they can be used and there is no way we can revoke them. However there are few approaches that we can use.
Normally we keep the life time (expiry) of token short (e.g. 15 mins) and refresh the access after X minutes using Refresh Token (Know the difference between Refresh and Access Token).
Say the token is about to get expired then we will re-issue the access token (refresh token will do that without user sign in again). Refresh tokens are long lived token and have to be handled carefully. If we have to revoke the access then we need to revoke Refresh token and after X mins user is not able to get access token since Refresh token is revoked already.
During the time when you revoked the refresh token , any access token issued is still valid until reaches its expiry. If you want to invalidate the token before that then you may have to blacklist the token and maintain the list of such tokens that will stop the user from login using that particular token.
I have found very nice explanation here Check Revoke Token
Club JWT token, protocols like oauth and openid and store the session in redis/memcache.
This redis/memcache will be single point of contact for all your microservices.
Say microservice m1, m2, ... are independent and using restapi gets connected to microservice called mR which checks the session in redis/memcache.

JWT token for multiple websites

How can I have a single JWT token be shared among multiple websites. I assume that the first thing would be to have the same secret on all websites.
If user logs in on site A and a token is generated I want to use the same token for website B on a totally diferent domain.
Can it be done?
What you want can be done, but not with a single JWT token. A JWT token is intended for a certain service or application indicated by the audience (aud) claim. You cannot use the same token for another application or service.
What typically happens to make your SSO scenario work, it that the user logs in to the token issuing (authorization) server. As long as that session is valid, the user can acquire tokens for all applications the server can issue tokens for.
So, when the user logs in to the first application, the authorization server sets a cookie to establish a session. When the user navigates to the second application, the application redirects him/her to the authorization server for authentication. The authorization detects the session cookie and does not prompt to user to log in again, but issues a new JWT token for the second application.