My modal component has a select block whose options are created using data from the server when the component is loaded. But since the function of calling data from the server works asynchronously, I can't draw my options dynamically, can you please help me?
My code:
async optionList(id){
let res = await this.$store.dispatch('getAxios', {url: 'page/option/'+id})
I receive an error when I load the page
My code looks like this :
methods: {
getPicture() {
var base = this;
.get("http://localhost:3000/pictures/" + this.username)
.then(function (response) {
const { pictureData } =;
base.studentImage = "data:image/jpg; base64," + pictureData;
I want to display image in My front end. Where do I make a mistake ? Thank you in advance.
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
Sadly, I can't comment on this for more clarity, so my response has to be an answer.
This error occurs because the DOM and/or Vue Instance and/or Template uses the value "studentImage" before it is made available or defined incorrectly.
I recommend removing the variable "base" because Vue is very picky with its use of "this," so you usually wanna stay away from explicitly assigning "this" to a variable. As commented by Estus Flask below, this even applies to common JS. Check here for more information on referring to the correct "this" in JS.
Honestly, from what I can see with the code you've shared, that's likely the cause of your error. You'll want to define "studentImage" within your data object so Vue is aware of its existence.
Here is an example:
data: () => ({
studentImage: '',
methods: {
getPicture() {
.get("http://localhost:3000/pictures/" + this.username)
.then(function (response) {
const { pictureData } =;
this.studentImage = "data:image/jpg; base64," + pictureData;
If it is not, then you'll want to make sure you're checking for "studentImage" before using it within the instance and or calling the method "getPicture," in the appropriate lifecycle.
I'm answering this assuming you're using the latest version of Vue, version three.
If this helps, please let me know!
I have been using client.query to get data from my database and setting states using useState.
Here's an example:
const [videos, setVideos] = useState([]);
client.query({ query: GET_VIDEOS })
.then(response => {
However, this does not load 100% of the time. Usually, it doesn't load when I load the app for the first time in a while. I typically have to reboot in these situations.
This issue makes me want to look into useQuery instead of client.query.
However, the examples in the documentation only show how we can use useQuery to make direct changes in the components.
function Dogs({ onDogSelected }) {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_DOGS);
if (loading) return 'Loading...';
if (error) return `Error! ${error.message}`;
return (
<select name="dog" onChange={onDogSelected}>
{ => (
<option key={} value={dog.breed}>
However, I don't want to make changes to the components right now. I would much rather query the data and then set the queried data as a state, using useState.
How would I best accomplish this? One idea that I had was to create a component that returns null but queries the data. It would look something like this:
function Videos() {
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_VIDEOS);
if (loading) return 'Loading...';
if (error) return `Error! ${error.message}`;
return null;
I was curious to hear what are best practices for such situations.
react-apollo's useQuery has an onCompleted as one of its options, so you can use it like
const { loading, error } = useQuery(GET_VIDEOS, {
onCompleted: (data) => setVideos(data)
the best practise would be to use the data directly, without setting the state.
you have only showed the calling of setState, somewhere in your component the video state variable is used right?
pass the fetched data directly there. you need not call "setVideos" to trigger the change. whenever the query result is changed the UI will be changed accordingly.
There is useLazyQuery if your use case is not to fetch the data upfront.
I am new to React Native
I am trying to create a multiselect view where user can select and deselect the items and then the selected items should pass back to the previous container and when user comes back to the next view the selected items should be checked.
I am trying to implement but getting the issue it is not updating data accurately. It shows only 1 selected item when I came back again to the screen.
Can anyone tell me the best way to do that or if there is any tutorial.
Should I do it with Redux or using react native?
Any help would be appreciated!!
I believe the issue you describe is due to the following:
In componentDidMount you are calling updateItemWithSelected in a loop. This updateItemWithSelected call is both overwriting the checked attributes for all of the arrayHolder values on each call and also not using the updater function version of setState, so the later call of the loop may overwrite the earlier calls since setState is async and batched. If you are not using updateItemWithSelected elsewhere you should simplify componentDidMount to:
componentDidMount() {
const selectedTitles = {};
const { state } = this.props.navigation
const params = state.params || {};
if ({ => {
// create a map of selected titles
selectedTitles[element.title] = true;
const arrayHolder = => {
// map over `this.array` and set `checked` if title is in `selectedTitles`
return {...item, checked: !!selectedTitles[item.title]};
this.setState({ arrayHolder });
and delete updateItemWithSelected.
I'm trying to build an app using react native with a firestore database. I'm fairly new to the react native framework (as well as working with firestore), so it's possible I might be trying to solve this problem the wrong way.
I have a database that works well and is already populated. For each user of this app, I'd like to add a map to their entry. I want to use this map to store some data about the user which they can fill out later.
Here's some code:
componentDidMount() {
readProfile = (uid) => {
this.props.getProfile(uid).then((profile) =>
profile.userMap = generateUserMap();
export const generateUserMap = function () {
var map = new Map();
SomeEnum.forEach((key, value) => {
map.set(key, false);
AnotherEnum.forEach((key, value) => {
map.set(key, false);
OneMoreEnum.forEach((key, value) => {
map.set(key, false);
return map;
onChangeText={(foo) => this.updateUserMap({ foo })}
What I want this code to be doing is to read in the user's profile when I load the page. That part seems to be working fine. My next concern is to properly initialize the map object. The code doesn't seem to be properly initializing the map, but I'm not sure why. Here's why I say that:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'Foo' of undefined
With the stack trace pointing to my component's Connect() method.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Apologies for the oversight, here is the updateUserMap function:
updateUserMap = (property) => {
const profile = Object.assign({}, this.state.profile, property);
this.setState({ profile });
So, as anyone who looks over this question can probably tell, I was doing a few things pretty wrong.
The error I'm getting referred specifically to that input block in my render method - this.state.profile.userMap was undefined at that point. I can guarantee that it won't be undefined if I do my check within the render method but before I'm accessing the userMap. Because of how the lifecycle methods work in react native, ComponentDidMount wouldn't be called before my render method would.
My enum code also wouldn't work. I changed that to a simple for loop and it works like a charm.
Here's my updated code:
render() {
this.state.profile.userMap = generateUserMap();
in my Vue App, I am fetching some data from remote API and then using that data to create a Html table. I have decided to go with the following flow.
fetch data from API in created() hook and set data properties there & then in mounted() hook call the method that is responsible for filling up my Html table.
but what happens is if my call to the api is asyc so as soon as created() is exited mounted() is called and since i dont have my data ready yet, i get errors. how can i defer this table population until the data fetching is complete.
here is some pseudo code for the flow;
ayncJSON() { = data;
//use to create table
You should use promises....
Make an async call to fetch the data and then (it's literally 'then') do your populate function.
So it would look something like this...
mounted () {
$http.get('url_here').then( (response) => { =
Hope that helps. If you use Vue Resource (as shown above) this includes $http.get which returns the promise for you. Check out the documentation.