How to get the Total Supply of Tokens from BscScan (API) as a number only - api

The current API in BscScan provides this endpoint:
This results in this {"status":"1","message":"OK","result":"5000000000000000"}
Coinmarketcap wants a number only, they want to see 5000000000000000
How would I write the endpoint to provide only 5000000000000000 without the other data?
I have read up but found nothing.


YouTube Reporting API: Create/Download reports using channel oauth token

We have a channel oauth token from a channel owner and we are able to use the YouTube Analytics API to get details, including revenue, on the channel/videos.
I would like to use the YouTube Reporting API to create a report that we need daily and not use the more resource limited Analytics API but I am not able to see the larger list (43) of report types that include system managed reports with revenue, such as content_owner_ad_revenue_raw_a1 and content_owner_estimated_revenue_a1 with any value for the onBehalfOfContentOwner argument in a service.reportTypes().list API call.
I can see a list of 43 available reports when using a CMS oauth token, passing the partner_id value as the onBehalfOfContentOwner.
I can not find a working value when using a channel oauth token, any value I tried (oid for the video for example) results in an error response.
When I use None as the value for onBehalfOfContentOwner I see a different list (for both cms and channel oauth) of 18 reports that do not include any revenue data.
What value should I use with a channel oauth to get the revenue information from Reporting API, similar data that I am able to get from Analytics API using the same token?
Snippet from the list of 43 report types that I see when using cms partner_id on a CMS level is attached.
The list of 18 report types that I get when I pass None to onBehalfOfContentOwner is also attached (the same list for cms and channel oauth).
I tried the following:
returns error, any other value I could think of instead of oid returns error
I get a list of 18 report types that doesn't include revenue information, also there is no systemManaged column.

Checking that nft is selling on opensea

I want to know some information using Opensea API that some NFT token is selling, but can't find info which api method can give so data. I tried to use events api method which displays all events info of token but can't find the difference between token which is selling and not. For example on the first picture token is selling, on the second one the token isn't
You can use opensea's api call retrieve assets. This will give you information about an asset and whether or not it is currently listed. As long as you have an api key, it will tell you if the asset is listed, and the details of that order. Hope it helps!

Can we get data as Response using Post Method for API Testing using RestAssured Cucumber

Here is the full question :
As a Portfolio API, I should be able to retrieve details for a given Account and Account type from Balance API, so that i can pass over the same to the UI for the end users to view the same.
Scenario 1 - Verify the response when Portfolio API invokes the
POST /v1/accDetails endpoint for a given account details (Checking)
Given client has a valid auth token for the api
And Portfolio API has the following
Account Number 1234567890 (10 characters).
Account Type 'CHQ' (3 characters)
When Portfolio API sends a POST request to Balance API
Then Portfolio API will receive the response code as <00>
And response body will have the following (not limited to below fields)
Account Type, Account Number, Account ID, Account Name, Account Balance, Product TypABA Number, Interest Rate, Interest Earned to DateStatus.
Now my question is we can do this using GET Method but can we do this using POST method or not? When we use post that mean we are going to add something but I do not want to add any account. I just want to get account details.
Since you have only a few parameters to send via GET, the best approach is to use [GET].
We can use the [POST] if we really need it to do so.
But if you can use [GET] for that, then the best approach is to use [GET].
Also can refer: REST API using POST instead of GET.

how to retrieve bill pay transactions using yodlee rest api

I using the executeUserSearchRequest to get transactions for bank,credit etc.
But I'm not able to get Bill Pay transactions.
Should I not be using this method to retrieve the lines, or perhaps I'm doing the search wrong. I know the account I'm using does contain lines as I've verified using another application that uses the yodlee api;s.
I using these settings
ContainerType: All
transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.itemAccountId.identifier = 9999999
where 99999 is the itemaccountid
all other values are defaults from the API testing tool
You should be able to retrieve transactions for billpay using the same API i.e., executeUserSearchRequest. Please remove itemAccountId.identifier and try to get transactions, it will return transactions for all accounts.
You can then verify is transactions for your billpay account is present or not.
If you want transactions for specific account then you can first call getItemSummariesForSite API to get the account level details for the added account and from there you can use the itemAccountId and pass it on to executeUserSearchRequest API.
If you still face any problem, please share your memSiteAccId over our chat support and we will be able to help you.

Retrieve MemSiteAccId from Yodlee

The API Call - getSiteRefreshInfo in Yodlee API asks for the memSiteAccId.
I thought it is the same as itemAccountId that we got from Transactions. However, its not the same. Then, how do I retrieve memSiteAccId ?
Whenever you add an account using Site Based API(addSiteAccount1) you'll get- siteAccountId in the response. This is same as MemSiteAccountId, and you need to use the same to pass as an input in getSiteRefreshInfo.