How to run Selenium tests against local code? - selenium

I am using Specflow, Selenium in my current project. When I want to run my test cases I start my current project and then in my Appsetting json file I have set url like
"baseURL": {
"url": "http://localhost:5000/mypage.aspx"
So everytime I need to run my tests, first I need to run my server. I can't run my tests in Pipeline because the URL will be different. Is there any way that my project run the server automatically and then get the url of the server so the tests point to the current branch url?


Validate that NUnit's ITestEventListener within Jenkins Pipeline for a netcoreapp3.1 assembly is called

Locally, I have successfully implemented the interface ITestEventListener within a C# netcoreapp3.1 csproj. However, when the tests are an within a Jenkins Pipeline, things appear to not be working(?).
I am using version 3.12.0 of NUnit.Engine.
By locally I am referring to using 1) Visual Studio Version 16.9.2 to run the tests and 2) command line dotnet test -c devint --test-adapter-path:. --logger:nunit to run the tests. I am getting successful test runs.
Success is my [Extension]public class ReportTestListener : ITestEventListener {...} generates an html file. I am to see the html file is created locally whereas from the Jenkins Pipeline the html file is not generated.
Within the Jenkins Pipeline, I am using the command sh "dotnet test -c ${env.TARGET_ENV} --test-adapter-path:. --logger:nunit" where env.TARGET_ENV resolves to devint. I know tests successfully run within the Jenkins Pipeline since the NUnit test results file is generated/published.
What I am not sure of is how to test/validate that the ReportTestListener is being called within the Jenkins Pipeline. I know that testing frameworks such as NUnit uses refection to identify test classes and methods. I am presuming that also happens with my implementation of [Extension]public class ReportTestListener : ITestEventListener {...}. Ideas/Suggestions on how to validate that ITestEventListener's method void OnTestEvent(string report) is being called besides writing out to disk?
Changed file writing text path to use / instead of \.

can't trigger a test of some appllication via Jenkins job

I am a beginner at the field of Devops.
I have created a simple web application (jsp), using 3 Jenkins jobs to store the code in GIT, to deploy the this app into Tomcat, and also to site-monitor this app (respectively).
Now, I have been trying - with no success -to automate a simple test with 2 verifications of my app functionality, using Selenium IDE and triggering it via Jenkins job (the fourth one in my project).
In order to perform it , I created the following job on Jenkins, with the needed plugin added (which is SeleniumHQ htmlsuite Run).
Here is the job:
The job running has failed,giving the following error which I cant handle.
When I run it, I get the following error :
Any help would be very appreciated
Just tick Delete workspace before build starts box under Build Environment stanza
If you don't have the option in your Jenkins job configuration - make sure that Workspace Cleanup Plugin is installed
If you're running your Selenium tests via Jenkins Pipeline - all you need to do is to put cleanWS() directive somewhere in your pipeline code or Jenkinsfile

Display selenese-runner results in Jenkins

As I am implementing an automated way to GUI test our webapplication with selenium I ran into some issues.
I am using selenese-runner to execute our Selenium test suites, created with Selenium IDE as a post build action in Jenkins.
This works perfeclty fine, as the build fails when something is wrong, and the build succeeds if all tests are passed. And the results are stored on a per build basis as HTML files, generated be selenese-runner.
My problem is however, that I seem to be unable to find a way, how to display these results in the respective jenkins build.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue. Or maybe I am on the wrong path at all?
Your help is highly appreciated!
I believe the JUnit plugin should do what you want, but it doesn't work for me.
My config uses this shell script to run the tests (you can see the names of all my test suites):
/usr/bin/Xvfb &
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
java -jar ./test/selenium/bin/selenese-runner.jar --baseurl http://${testenvironment} --screenshot-on-fail ./seleniumResults/ --html-result ./seleniumResults/ ./test/selenium/Search_TestSuite.html ./test/selenium/Admin_RegisteredUser_Suite.html ./test/selenium/Admin_InternalUser_Suite.html ./test/selenium/PortfolioAgency_Suite.html ./test/selenium/FOAdmin_Suite.html ./test/selenium/PublicWebsite_Suite.html ./test/selenium/SystemAdmin_Content_Suite.html ./test/selenium/SystemAdmin_MetaData_Suite.html
killall Xvfb
And I can see the result of the most recent test (you can see the name of my jenkins task folder)
Earlier tests are all saved on the Jenkins server, so I can view them if I need to.

Jenkins: Error in Selenium Publish Report

I have properly configured the Seleniumhq plugin into Jenkins. I've also tried to run it in my local Jenkins and it worked. The problems I encounter are as follows:
suiteFile directory reads from C drive ONLY. Example, C:\TestSelenium\testSuite.html
When I try to specify the absolute path to my test suite (workspace), I get the error
The suiteFile is not a file or an url ! Check your build configuration.
Same thing happens with resultFile.
When I add post-build action "Publish Selenium Report," I'm getting an error because the newly created resultFile is saved into C:\TestResult\result.html and not in the workspace.

Running protractor test parallel on different environments

I would like to run my protractor test on different environments such as
testing it on local environment,
testing it on test environment,
testing it on production
environment and so on at the same time and using the same browser example chrome.
So in this case my base URL would change for every environment: When I run the test I would like to run it parallel on all the different environments.
and browser remains the same
{ 'browsername':'chrome',
'binary': 'drive:pathToChrome',
Any one knows how to, on this cases.
I would approach this with a task manager: grunt and grunt-parallel.
Create 3 separate grunt task configurations with different baseUrl settings (you would need grunt-protractor-runner package installed).