Issue with twitch recording script - twitch

So i tried to get the following tool/script running but now after getting the script itself to run it comes with an error. Basically that error seems to only occur when i use the "start" command. i was able to set the download-path, time and add the streamer etc.
(Cmd) start
Daemon is started.
(Cmd) error:concurrent.futures:exception calling callback for <Future at 0x1a83e838390 state=finished raised AttributeError>
I am a beginner in programming tyia
some insight of the error what its caused by and what it means


How to tell default error handler to stop logging to the console?

This is about NodeJS and Express. I want to add an error handler that simply logs the error in my preferred way. This way also takes care of console output. I don't want, at this point in time anyway, to replace the functionality of the Express default error handler. I want the default error handler to continue doing its thing for the time being, with one exception: Since my logging already took place, and also covers console output, I want the default error handler to pretty much stop adding to the console.
My question is: How do I accomplish this? I did some searching and found nothing, so unsure if I may be using the wrong keywords.

Remote debug Idea doesn't works for openresty

I am using mobDebug. If run a lua script from command line everything works.
But when I run them from openresty the Idea doesn't stop. It only writes "Connected/ Disconnected"
location / {
access_by_lua_block {
local client = require("client")
local mobdebug = require("mobdebug");
local lfs = require("lfs")
print("Folder: "..lfs.currentdir())
modebug debug_hook is not invoked for needed lines, set_breakpoints don't invoked.
Idea Debug Logs, but nothing occures:
Idea catch debug from terminal client.lua; But it miss it from running nginx.
THIS IS NOT AN ANSWER. It's just that I am experiencing basically the same problem, and comment space is too small to fit all the relevant observations I would like to share:
I was actually able to stop immediately after mobdebug.start() in code running in nginx, and to step-debug - but only in code called directly from init_by_lua_block. This code of course executes once during the server startup or config reload.
I was never able to stop in worker code (e.g. rewrite_by_lua_*). mobdebug.coro() didn't help, and mobdebug.on() threw about "attempt to yield across C-call boundary"
I was only ever able to stop one time, on next statement after mobdebug.start(); once I hit |> (Resume program), it won't stop on any further breakpoints.
Using mobdebug.loop() is not a correct way to do this, as it's used for live coding, which is not going to work as expected with this setup. mobdebug.start() should be used instead.
Please see an example of how this debugging can be setup with ZeroBrane Studio here: All the details to how paths to mobdebug and required modules are configured should still be applicable to your environment.

ZAP: Execute Script

I try to execute the community script "Extender/HTTP Message Logger.js". I first double click on the script to make it open in the scripting console. However, in the scripting console, the "Execute" button is disabled and I see no other way how to make it run.
What am I missing?
I think you're missing the message beneath the script which says:
Extender scripts add new functionality, including graphical elements
and new API end points.
Enabling a script installs it and disabling a script uninstalls it.
So you just need to enable the script (by right clicking it and selecting 'Enable') and then it will start working.
The actual issue was that I didn't read the script's code carefully: be default the script only logs JSON messages as defined on lines 17 and 43 and following. In order to log all the sent and received HTTP messages, I simply changed the isMessageToLog(log) function to always return true. After redeploying the script (disabling and enabling) it would log all HTTP messages.

Silent exception when executing script with IActiveScript

I'm using a com object from jscript.dll
IActiveScriptSite is implemented, so when there is an error, OnScriptError is triggerd.
That works fine, but on some desktops, the error is not triggered, the script just stops executing when the error occurs.
I guess there's a setting on windows, maybe on iexplore, but i just can't find it.

Determine which line causes a program to crash

I have created a program and released it to the customer. They are running the exe and at times the program crashes unexpectedly and display the message: "... has encountered a problem and needs to close"
I know I should have added code to handle the exception, but is there a way that I can find out which line in the program caused the error? What is generally as good way to track errors in a program after it has been released?
for this kind of i-don't-know-where-to-look issue, i trapped exception at application level with the Application.DispatcherUnhandledException event :
and then in the event handler i get the StackTrace and display it in a MessageBox / dump it in a file, along with the exception.Message.
Next i offer the user the choice to re-launch the application.