Error updating WSL2 Ubuntu18.04 to newer version - windows-subsystem-for-linux

I am trying to upgrade my WSL2 to a newer version of Ubuntu. I get an exit with error code 1. That doesn't really tell me much. I was hoping someone might know some possible causes? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Pestphp fails to run tests

I just installed the version 1.21 of pestphp/pest for a small php library.
Installations works until I try running ./vendor/bin/pest
I keep getting this error: Exclusive locks are not supported for this stream
Research on this error has proven unsuccessful as I could not find a similar case.
Please let me know if you've experienced this before and how you fixed it.
I have figured out the issue.
I was running the application from the htdocs of the vm version of xampp running on my laptop.
Taking the project out of here into another directory solved this issue.
Hope this saves someone else some time.

OpenRefine Troubleshooting

I am trying to install the OpenRefine, but all I get is this message:
My JRE is up to date. I would appreciate your help, I am stuck. Thanks!
PS: win8.1 OS

XAMPP server crash in regular interval with the MSVCR110.dll error

XAMPP Server crash in regular interval with the MSVCR110.dll error.
Our analysis:
We upgrade the RAM size from 8 GB to 64GB
Stops few background process to reduce the load in CPU.
Some solution suggested to install below software, we did. But still no result.
Lastly we reinstall fresh XAMPP tool to the server. No luck yet.
We think that some expert help requires to overcome this issue.
Please suggest.
I have had just the same issue!
The only solution that has solved my case is to download and put the dll in the place from here
Hope this helps!

Sound is not working in backtrack5r3

How to update or install the sound driver in backtrack5r3 is the same way we do in ubuntu like to install some thing we write sudo-apt get insatall or the syntax is change anybody please help me out.I am running the os in vmware workstation and i have problem with sound its not working.
Ok follow the link and your problem will be solved.

Setting up iplanet web server

I am trying to install iplanet web server 7.0.15 64bit. keep getting the error
"attach to native process failed"
I am using Linux mint 15 64bit
Searched the Internet, but existing solution did not work for me :(
Can anyone help me with this.
I Faced same issue in Ubuntu 12.04 while installing iPlanet 7.0.15, and i solved it by installing ia32-libs looks like ia32-libs is missing in 12.04, please refer below URL which helped me to solve this issue.