why wont the arrows on my QDoubleSpinBox not work anymore? [closed] - pyqt5

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Closed 6 days ago.
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Currently developing a UI using python and Pyqt5. The for some reason both the QDoubleSpinBox's have stopped working via the arrows. The value is editable when clicked in and manually deleted and reentered but the arrows will not respond.
I have plenty of iterations of this code saved and I have gone back and compare versions where the spin boxes still work. I have google searched just about everything I can think of and no one has had a similar issue I guess. So kudos to anyone who may be able to help. Included below is a screenshot of the UI and the portions of corresponding python script that reference the spin boxes which yes, is very large.
P.S. for sticklers,
yes I know the layout is unorganized and ugly, this is by no means a finished product.
UI screenshot


'The "ResolveComReference" task returned false but did not log an error' after update Windows 10 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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After an update of windows, I get the error message during build in one of the projects.
I have tried to update all third party references without success.
Google betrays me with nothing to use to solve the problem
Someone who can give a clue what happened?
I found the cause of the error in a com library that has remained after some experiment before.
Library "MSHTML" (COM component)
When I removed the reference, the builde worked again

How to use reCaptcha2 solving Services in Selenium python : Python Auto Captcha solver [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to automate a website and it's displaying captcha at some point I just want to know how I can add Auto Recaptcha solving services in my code so the execution of the code does not stop. I have tried Anti-captcha but it's not working and they don't have proper instruction on how I can use their service.
This is an anti-captcha documentation page but I am not getting what I have to do to use it in python.
Is there any way I can bypass reCaptcha using any paid service?
I've used 2captcha before for automating captcha solving. So that would be my first go to. They have easy to read documentation and getting it setup with selenium isnt to challenging. https://2captcha.com/api_examples

Trading Terminal Objective-C [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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this is my first question here. I am trying to create an app for chart analysis in Objective-C.
Is there a good solution to show a stock chart in a view and at the same time be able to draw lines on this chart.
Just like in this picture shown: http://gb2007.deutsche-euroshop.de/des/annual/2007/gb//German/60/30/grafik_1_chartanalyse.gif
I am pretty new to programming and doing this exercise for a school project.
Feel free to present every solution i really need the right idea to succeed.
Seems like the "go to" solution (in other words, the one everyone runs to) is CorePlot, which you can find on GitHub at:
And there's a RayWenderlich tutorial on stock charts with CorePlot, however his (or their) tutorials are more geared for iOS so you may have to do a bit of adjusting to make things work with MacOS. At least you'll be in the same neighborhood (using Objective-C, CorePlot, etc.).
I suspect any solution is going to be a bit "heavy" (or too much) for you to consider as a new programmer. Graphics & plotting within an app can be really intimidating, and you should try to get a couple other projects under your belt and in your portfolio first.

UICollectionViewController develop and design [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See SSCCE.org for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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i'm new in objective-c and in apple development.
i need a help in how i can develop and design layout like the picture in the below link:
the idea is that there is a major category of pictures where the users of ipad app will click on the major picture and the sub window will opened below to show the sub image under that category.
each row should shown more than one item in the main category because of that i need to use UICollectionViewController.
i found one sample but they using tableview with only one item per row and below is the link:
anyone can help please.
I agree with Gabriele that this question is perhaps a little too broad for SO. But nevertheless I'd like to offer some advice: try JWFolder on GitHub: https://github.com/jwilling/JWFolders
It's pretty good for what you're after. Basically it takes a screenshot of the collection view before splitting it in half and sliding the bottom half down to reveal another view controller's view.
Look at the code, it's pretty clever how he does it. Cudos to Jonathan Wiling for coming up with it.
Come back to SO to ask specific questions if you have difficulty implementing a collection view using JWFolder. Good luck!

Any form autofill for 'Developers'? [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I have looked at some autofills for Firefox. But they are not designed with the developers' needs in mind. General internet surfers will need a tool to fill in many different forms with constant values for each form. Developers need exactly the opposite, when you want to test a part of your app you'll need to fill a single (or a couple of) forms many times with different (but valid and sensible) data.
So, does such a thing exist? An autofill to fill form inputs based on perhaps a class name (email, password, address, url, ...)?
I strongly feel if it doesn't exist someone should roll up their sleeves and make one! I for one will put in my share if some others want to team up. But right now, I am desperately in need of one if it exists
Pretty nice extension for chrome Web Developer Form Filler especially for web-developers.
You can save as many sets of data as you want, assign a hotkey and fill a form just by pressing it.
Why not just go with a bookmarklet like https://github.com/dsheiko/autofill
it's a dead simple script that serves me fine for years
One way is to use Greasemonkey.
Example script:
"Auto Fill any forms with custom information":
EDIT: Link may be broken but I'm sure you are capable of finding many Greasemonkey references.
Please check out my extension, Form Filler, which allows you to do exactly what you need: fill out your forms with random dummy data.
I think you will love IRobotSoft web automation software. See a similar question here:
This is an auto form filler you are looking for. But this is a chrome plugin. This takes care of the developers need to fill valid data automatically by reading the properties. It also saves value against the form element if you make changes to it. Hence a must try for developers. Here is the link