Been deploying my nuxt2 app some days and I'm having some trouble.
When using the following flags within the nuxt.config.js:
ssr: false, target: static
The app dist folder gets generated with files relying entirely from JS logic to fetch data within the client side, and after the deployment the app works perfectly fine except that if the user doesn’t have javascript enabled on his client the app doesn’t work at all (furthermore, it’s not a good experience for SEO reasons)
When using the following flags:
ssr: true, target: static
The app dist folder gets generated with all the content available within the html source (good!) but when deployed the routing is messed up, the navigation between pages doesn’t work but the URLs do update.
I tried manually changing the URLs but it still fails.
Note: when starting a local server with the above dist everything works like a charm
This is my amplify build settings
version: 1 frontend: phases: preBuild: commands: - yarn install build: commands: - echo "HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME" >> .env - yarn generate artifacts: # IMPORTANT - Please verify your build output directory baseDirectory: dist files: - '**/*' cache: paths: - node_modules/**/*
Unfortunately, I can’t provide the URL at this stage.
I'm having trouble configuring vite.config.js so that I can have both my Vue app and a service worker file live in the dist folder. My service worker was working with webpack previously but I've just upgraded to Vite and I'm having trouble configuring the build. My goal is to have my dist folder look like:
|- index.html
|- sw.js
|- assets
|- app.[hash].js
I tried various different configurations but none of them have worked:
An approach that is recommended by Workbox. It seems like this doesn't work because of what is mentioned in this comment.
After reading that comment I tried to separate the logic out into a separate file (vite-sw.config.js) and running vite build -c vite-sw.config.js. This successfully generated the file I wanted but I couldn't figure out how to get that file mixed in with the original build. Is there a way to combine vite build and vite build -c vite-sw.config.js so that they both output to the same dist directory without overriding each other?
I found this alternative approach which successfully created the folder structure I wanted in dist but I was unable to adjust the format of the service worker file so I got Cannot use import statement outside a module (at sw.js:1:1) in the browser. Is there some way to use this method and somehow configure the format of the service worker file?
Any other ideas? I've been pretty stuck on this for a while. Thanks!
Try changing your configuration like this:
export default defineConfig({
build: {
rollupOptions: {
format: 'es',
strict: false,
entryFileNames: "[name].js",
dir: 'dist/'
I'm working on a Nuxt universal app, but some parts of the app should be a SPA, so I'm using ssr: false in .vue pages.
What I don't understand is how do I treat those pages in production? Do I have to build them with npm run build? Currently I am using Nginx to render the Nuxt app.
What is your target property looking like? The default is server.
If target: server >> nuxt build
If target: static >> nuxt generate
More details here on all the differences:
On top of that, you can totally have a full static build but SPA render only some pages too thanks to exclude, more info here:
I have a Vue CLI application that I'm currently working on that uses code splitting for JS and CSS, and builds almost 1,000 JS/CSS files on running npm run build.
I am hosting this application on Google Cloud Run, where I pay per request. While the cost is still not that significant, I was still looking to try and prevent the need for 500 requests for every page view. I had a thought, but I'm not sure it's possible...
What I was wondering was if I could have my webpack build generate the JS and CSS files into the dist folder, but reference those files in the index.html file with an external host, instead of assuming a relative path. For instance, the file would exist at dist/css/chunk-abc123.js but in index.html, it would be something like
That way, in my CI pipeline, I can upload those files from the dist directory into Google Cloud Storage, and serve them up statically from there.
Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, can you guide me in the right direction?
publicPath comes in rescue.
The base URL your application bundle will be deployed at (known as
baseUrl before Vue CLI 3.3). This is the equivalent of webpack's
output.publicPath, but Vue CLI also needs this value for other
purposes, so you should always use publicPath instead of modifying
webpack output.publicPath.
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
publicPath: ''
I'm using the latest vue-cli version 3.0.
My current issue is that whenever I run npm run build the files generated in the dist folder can't be run without a server.
I would like to be able to just open the index.html file on the browser. How do I go about doing this?
I ran into a similar issue and the following two changes helped me to make it work. Now I can just open index.html in Chrome as a file to run my SPA from file system.
In vue.config.js, I did not have a publicPath configured, which resulted in the default "/".
I had to configure it to empty string like this so that it uses relative paths:
module.exports = {
publicPath: '',
PS: Since Vue CLI 3.3 use publicPath instead of the now deprecated baseURL
I was using the history mode of vue-router, which does not work
on a local file system to route the paths back to index.html. So I
omitted the mode to go back to the default hash mode.
I was able to fix this issue by manually changing the url of the referenced files.
It's a bit of a pain, but this was a solution without having to mess around with the build configuration.
What you need to do:
Open index.html
Find href=/ and replace with href=
Find src=/ and replace with src=
NOTE: I was in need of this solution because I was creating a Phonegap app.
You can use the http-server module
npm install http-server -g
http-server dist/
normally the server starts at port 8080 so you can serve the build app on http://localhost:8080
I am trying to use Aurelia with Symfony backend. Part of our application is generated on the backend (good, old server-side MVC) and part of it should be an SPA. I have started aurelia app from skeleton-typescript (JSPM). Directory structure I am trying to create is as follows.
I have changed the output path in build/paths.js and gulp build correctly places the compiled files in the web/dist. I have also added a gulp task that copies the index.html into the web/.
The biggest problem I have is how to manage the JSPM dependencies. If I configure it to downlad the dependencies into web/jspm_dependencies, the application works when launched with Symfony but I am not able to configure karma unit tests properly (it says for example that it can't find aurelia-polyfills). If I leave the jspm_dependencies in the src/FrontendModule then I have to create a gulp task that copies it to the web/ and it takes a lot more than 10s => unacceptable.
This leds me to the following questions:
What is the suggested directory structure for Aurelia project when I am not going to serve the app from the project's root?
Is there any way to copy only the files needed by the application to the web/ (something like main-bower-files for bower)?
I know I can gulp export the app into the web/, but I want to use the same directory structure during the development, too.
I don't want to use browsersync server in the dev because of multi-nature of the application (SPA part and non-SPA part that has to be served from "real" backend).