Deleting/Updating RavenDB document via command without change vector - ravendb

I have a entity which I want to delete/update in RavenDB, but it is not associated with any Session. AFAIK there are two ways to accomplish this. I go with an example for delete, but it should be the same with put I think.
Way of the Load:
var trackedEntity = await this.asyncSession.LoadAsync<MyEntity>(untrackedEntity.Id, cancellationToken);
Way of the Command:
var command = new DeleteDocumentCommand(untrackedEntity.Id, null);
await session.Advanced.RequestExecutor.ExecuteAsync(command, session.Advanced.Context);
With the load you need to do an additional trip to RavenDB to get the entity and track it by the session.
With the command you do not need the additional trip, but you do not have the change vector for concurrency control.
I would say the way of the load is safer and slower, the way of the command is quicker, but you could run into concurrency issues.
Is the last assumption correct?
How likely is it to run into concurrency issues with the command?
Can a general statement be made which way is preferable?


Decide large process and notify users

I have some processing to do at server side.
When user selects large amount of data for processing (let's say, they are insert, update, delete in database and file read/write stuffs), it takes so much time.
I am using c# with .net core mvc web application.
In this case, is it possible to decide when process takes more than some decided time, run it into background (or say transfer process to another tool if possible) and notify user that it will take some time and u will be notified once done (that notification need not be real time. We can mail)
So is there any mechanism to do this?
You can go ahead and create a job for processing the data, you can try hangfire, that allows you to create background jobs inside your aspnet core application.
I don't think you will be able to make what you want. On the other hand you can use parallel foreach to process more data faster.
Parallel.ForEach([list of entities],
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2 },
[entity] =>
The property MaxDegreeOfParallelism defines how many threads you're going to use in maximum. I suggest you to start with 2 and increase one by one to see what's the best fit for you.
Parallel foreach is going to use more threads to process your data.
If parallel foreach does not solve your problem, you can use an strategy that consists in receiving your users data, assumes that this processing is going to take a long time, stores this data as is on your database or any other kind of storage, give your user a answer back with a transaction id and a text explaining that it's going to take a long time and the response is going to be sent by e-mail. By doing it you will need to build another service to process these transaction and e-mail the users with anything you think is necessary.
Another possibility is, instead of notifying the user through e-mail, you can create a method to check the processing status based on a transaction id and do a pooling strategy so the user won't even notice that the processing is being done in background.
Hope you succeed
Best Regards

Usage of NHibernate session after exception on query

We are trying to implement retry logic to recover from transient errors in Azure environment.
We are using long-running sessions to keep track and commit the whole bunch of changes at the end of application transaction (which may spread over several web-requests). Along the way we need to get additional data from database. Our main problem is that we can't easily recover from db error because we can't "replay" all user actions.
So far we used straightforward recovery algorithm:
Try to perform operation in long-running session
In case of error, close the session, open a new one and merge entities into it
Retry the operation
It's very expensive approach in terms of time (merge is really long for big entity hierarchies). So we'd like to optimize things a little.
We'd like to perform query operations in separate session (to keep long running one untouched and safe) and on success, merge results back to the long-running session. Retry is relatively simple here - we just need to open new session and run query once more. However, with this approach we have an issue with initializing lazy properties/collections:
If we do this in separate session, we need to merge results back (a lot of entities) but merge could fail and break the long-running session
We tried different ways of "moving" original entity to different session, loading details and returning it back, but without success (evict, replicate, etc.)
There is known statement that session should be discarded in case of exception. However, the example shows write operation. Is it still true for read ones? I mean if I guarantee that no data is written back to the database, can I reuse the same session to run query again?
Do you have any other suggestions about retry logic with long-running sessions?
IMO there's no way to solve your issue. It's gonna take a lot of time to commit everything or you will have to do a lot of work to break it up into smaller sessions and handle every error that can occur while merging.
To answer your question about using the session after an exception: you cannot trust ANYTHING anymore inside this session, not even loaded entities.
Read this paragraph from Ayende's article about building a simple todo app with a recoveryplan in case of an exception in the session:
Then there is the problem of error handling. If you get an exception
(such as StaleObjectStateException, because of concurrency conflict),
your session and its loaded entities are toast, because with
NHibernate, an exception thrown from a session moves that session into
an undefined state. You can no longer use that session or any loaded
entities. If you have only a single global session, it means that you
probably need to restart the application, which is probably not a good

Repeating a query does not refresh the properties of the returned objects

When doing a criteria query with NHibernate, I want to get fresh results and not old ones from a cache.
The process is basically:
Query persistent objects into NHibernate application.
Change database entries externally (another program, manual edit in SSMS / MSSQL etc.).
Query persistence objects (with same query code), previously loaded objects shall be refreshed from database.
Here's the code (slightly changed object names):
public IOrder GetOrderByOrderId(int orderId)
IList result;
var query =
.SetFetchMode("Products", FetchMode.Eager)
.SetFetchMode("Customer", FetchMode.Eager)
.SetFetchMode("OrderItems", FetchMode.Eager)
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("OrderId", orderId));
result = query.List();
The SetCacheMode and SetCacheable have been added by me to disable the cache. Also, the NHibernate factory is set up with config parameter UseQueryCache=false:
Cfg.SetProperty(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.UseQueryCache, "false");
No matter what I do, including Put/Refresh cache modes, for query or session: NHibernate keeps returning me outdated objects the second time the query is called, without the externally committed changes. Info btw.: the outdated value in this case is the value of a Version column (to test if a stale object state can be detected before saving). But I need fresh query results for multiple reasons!
NHibernate even generates an SQL query, but it is never used for the values returned.
Keeping the sessions open is neccessary to do dynamic updates on dirty columns only (also no stateless sessions for solution!); I don't want to add Clear(), Evict() or such everywhere in code, especially since the query is on a lower level and doesn't remember the objects previously loaded. Pessimistic locking would kill performance (multi-user environment!)
Is there any way to force NHibernate, by configuration, to send queries directly to the DB and get fresh results, not using unwanted caching functions?
First of all: this doesn't have anything to do with second-level caching (which is what SetCacheMode and SetCacheable control). Even if it did, those control caching of the query, not caching of the returned entities.
When an object has already been loaded into the current session (also called "first-level cache" by some people, although it's not a cache but an Identity Map), querying it again from the DB using any method will never override its value.
This is by design and there are good reasons for it behaving this way.
If you need to update potentially changed values in multiple records with a query, you will have to Evict them previously.
Alternatively, you might want to read about Stateless Sessions.
Is this code running in a transaction? Or is that external process running in a transaction? If one of those two is still in a transaction, you will not see any updates.
If that is not the case, you might be able to find the problem in the log messages that NHibernate is creating. These are very informative and will always tell you exactly what it is doing.
Keeping the sessions open is neccessary to do dynamic updates on dirty columns only
This is either the problem or it will become a problem in the future. NHibernate is doing all it can to make your life better, but you are trying to do as much as possible to prevent NHibernate to do it's job properly.
If you want NHibernate to update the dirty columns only, you could look at the dynamic-update-attribute in your class mapping file.

nhibernate retry how to manage the session in deadlocks

I have been having deadlock issues. I've been on working some retry approaches. My retry code is currently just a 'for' statement that tries 5 times. I understand i need to use the 'Evit' nhibernate method to clear the session. I am using a session factory and use a transaction for each request.
In the below example if i experience a deadlock on the first retry will the orderNote property remain the same on the second retry?
private ActionResult OrderDetails(int id)
var order = _orderRepository.Get(id);
order.OrderNote = "will this text remain";
Retry.Times(5).Do(() => _orderRepository.Update(order));
return View();
1) Finding it hard to trace the cause. I'm getting about 10 locks a day all over my application. Just set up a profiler. Are there any other useful methods for tracing
I think the main issue is that i'm using auto increament. I'm in the process of moving to hilo.
2) Using a different transation mode. I'm not defining any at the moment. What is recommended.
5) Long running operations. Yes i do. And i think because i'm using auto increament lazy loading is ignored. Does that sound correct?
In my opinion your code is trying to fix the symptoms instead of the cause.
You will be better off doing some of the following things:
Find out why you are getting deadlocks and fix the core issue
Use a different transaction mode to read past locks
Look at delegating the update into a queue structure to be background processed
Understand the update execution plan and perhaps add indexing to speed up queries
Do you have any "long" running operations in your Controller action which is keeping the transaction open for longer than it should be?
Even if the operation did deadlock, why don't you return an friendly error back to the calling page and let them manually retry.
1.) Useful methods for tracing
I have used this method for tracing deadlocks which should give you an idea of the resources which are in contention: Tracing Deadlocks
You can also look at the concurreny models available to you: NHibernate Concurrency
2.) Transaction Isolation Levels
Depending on your DB this Question has some useful information: Transaction Isolation Mode
3.) Long Running Operations
I have to use Identity Columns as my primary keys in NHibernate and I don't think these are going to be source of your problem in an update scenario as the Id/PK is already set by this point. Try to minimise the long running operations which will shorten the amount of time your transaction is held open.

Nhibernate Transaction problem - IsolationLevel.Serializable

I have a task that takes quite a long time. So I would like to let several programs/threads/computers execute the same task to speed things up. Each task requires unique ids which are stored in a db – so I thought these ids could be obtained like this:
list = NHibernateSession.Current.CreateCriteria<RelevantId>().SetFirstResult(0).SetMaxResults(500).List<RelevantId>();
foreach (RelevantId x in list)
Unfortunately, this throws an exception after a while if several processes access the database (nr of deleted objects is not the same as batch size). Why is this? The isolation level of the db should be ok shouldn’t it? Thanks.
Best wishes,
I'm not sure that I understand what you are doing here. It looks like each process should take some ids and process them but no two processes should take the same.
It doesn't work like you implemented it. All processes are reading the same ids. After committing the transaction they disappear from the database. Until then, they are visible to everyone. Isolation level only make sure that other transactions can't read them after they got deleted. But until then, they all can read them.
It's not so easy to distribute load. You could
maintain ids in a table where each process is registering itself as the executer and commits it before starting (handling conflicts, eg. StaleObjectStateException). Make sure to clean it up even when a process crashes.
write a central service which distributes ids.
The problem that it runs slow, is possibly due to the fact that you perform multiple SQL statements in a loop.
You should see if it is not possible to delete all entities in one batch-statement.