Any idea why I cannot create a new component with schematics 5.1.0?
$ ng g #spartacus/schematics:add-cms-component myAwesomeCms --cms-model=MyModel
Updated /src/app/my-awesome-cms/my-awesome-cms.module.ts
No constructor found in /src/app/my-awesome-cms/my-awesome-cms.component.ts.
Angular CLI: 15.1.4
Node: 18.13.0
NPM: 8.19.3
I have created a new angular project with the ng new command.
Angular CLI: 14.2.0
Node: 16.14.0
Package Manager: npm 8.3.1
OS: darwin arm64
Angular: 14.1.3
It has created a project which includes angular.json and the commands ng serve, and ng build were working. I just learned that angular.json is no longer used it was managed by angular CLI in the latest angular 14 versions. So, I tried to delete angular.json from my root project. But now the ng commands were not working.
The ng serve command gives the error: This command is unavailable when running the Angular CLI outside a workspace.
What does it mean? How can I fix this issue? Is it necessary to keep angular.json for workspace configuration? How can I serve my project without angular.json?
I'm trying to create a new gatsbyjs site but I don't want to use the new v3 as I'm using a template which only supports v2.6.0 how can I run npm gatsby init on v2.6.0
npm install gatsby#2.6.0
You can read for further details about npm-install command at the docs.
You can clone your template and lower the Gatsby version if needed.
I have a Vue 3 vite-app project installed with Tailwindcss 1.9. I wanted to upgrade TailwindCss to version 2.0 but got the following error.
And this is my postcss.config.js file:
module.exports = {
plugins: [require("tailwindcss"), require("autoprefixer")],
Finally, after following the official documentation of TailwindCss I managed to upgrade to version 2.0.
Here's the official guide for integrating TailwindCss with Vue3 and Vite:
I assume there were some issues with the packages which got fixed meanwhile.
Add this in devDependencies in package.json and run: npm install
"postcss": "^7.0.35",
"tailwindcss": "npm:#tailwindcss/postcss7-compat#^2.0.1"
Make sure you have the latest version of Node
Official Doc
I get the message
vue-cli ยท Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/webpack: Unexpected token ...
When i attempt to create a new project
Im using
Node version 6.12..3
Npm version 3.10.10
Vue cli version 2.9.2
Update your node by installing the latest version 9.4.0 from their official site
Then update npm by running npm install npm#latest -g
Then run these commands again:
npm install vue
npm install --global vue-cli
vue init webpack my-project-name
Don't forget to change my-project-name to the name of your project.
I've just did that and it successfully created a new Vue project with Webpack
I am trying to install vue-cli in windows 7 machine. But it fails to create the application with webpack template option. Please help me to sort out the issue.
F:\vue>vue init webpack my-app
? Project name myapp
? Project description test vue app
? Author test
? Vue build (Use arrow keys)
> Runtime + Compiler: recommended for most users
Runtime-only: about 6KB lighter min+gzip, but templates (or any Vue-
specific HTML) are ONLY allowed in .vue files - render functions are
required elsewhere
Find the below node, npm, vue details
npm -v : 3.10.10
node -v : v6.11.0
vue -V : 2.8.2