How to open file sidebar with comments on file click NextCloud? - nextcloud

I need to make the sidebar with comments in NextCloud appear when you click on a file. By default it appears if you open the file menu and click on the details in it. How can I open it on file click?
Read the documentation but it only tells how I can add button in menu. Also documentation says that to show menu, you have to add open class and I thought that sidebar has the same principle. But it works in some other way.
Thought that I can find place where click handlers are to get function which opens sidebar and to add it to file click handler but I didn't find handlers in project files and in documentation.


Using file templates in IntelliJ

I'm quite confused when it comes to file templates in IntelliJ. Basically, when I right click anything and hover my mouse over to New, I can see the usual file templates like Java Class, HTML File and so on. I downloaded Scala plugin and I can see Scala templates (Scala Class, Scala Object, etc.) if I go to Edit File Templates, but I can't actually use/see them in the New menu. Is there a way to modify what I see in the New menu? I'd like to be able to create Scala classes.
Go to Settings -> Menus and Toolbars
There you will see many type of menus. You need edit the menu you want the files to be displayed. Most Probably "Project View Popup Menu".
Click on "Add After" button on right. There you choose the file form plug-ins or other category to be displayed.
I added "Show Bytecode" to meny well it does not make sense here. You can add files from scala plugin like that.
You can restore to Defaults if you mess up easily by clicking on
"Restore All Defaults" button.

How to access system right click menus?

My Project: Instant web searching tool
Problem: I want users to be able to search the web for selected text via a right click. An appropriate example would be WinRar. When we right click a file, the right click menu has an option to Archive that particular file. I want to add that type of option.
Is there any way?

IntelliJ IDEA - detach editor window

I have recently removed tabs from my IntelliJ setup, because with all the features available to navigate between files, who needs them?
The issue is, the normal way of detaching an editor window would be to drag the tab onto another screen (or area). There doesn't appear to be anything in the key mappings for detaching an editor window. Is there a way of doing this via the keyboard?
The keyboard shortcut your are looking for is SHIFT+F4 (the action assigned to this shortcut is called Open Source in New Window. When you invoke this action the currently opened tab (file) will be opened in new editor window. However the file will remain opened in the main window too, but I believe that this is as close as you can get to the functionality you describe, at least for now.
Option 2
Open the "Open class" dialog using CTRL+N search for a class you want to open in detached window and hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. That will open the class in a new editor window.
Unfortunately this seems to work only for Java classes and not for other files (CTRL+SHIFT+N dialog). I created a bug report for the last problem, so if you think it might be useful, feel free to vote for it.

How to set single clicking to open file in IntelliJ IDEA?

And what are counterparts to eclipse's declaration view and javadoc view?
In the Project View click on the "gear" icon and enable the Open Files with Single Click option:
Use Ctrl+Q for Quick JavaDoc and Ctrl+Shift+I for the declaration pop-up.
Now it's available in a simpler way. In the Project View click on the Gear icon and then click Open Files with Single Click:
Go to Preferences and turn on Enable preview tab, that will enable Open Files with Single Click for all projects.
Javadoc opens with Ctrl+Q
There's no declaration view per se, however, you probably will be satisfied with Ctrl+Shift+I shortcut for quick lookup.
Don't know of any ways to configure it to open files on single clicks. Somehow, if you get used to the shortcuts, you skip using mouse very much. For instance, Alt+Home will bring the navigation bar up and you can move with arrows and open the file with Enter. Or just use some other shortcuts like Ctrl+N or Ctrl+E depending on the context.

How to launch an SP 2010 Dialog Window Maximized

I have modified EditForm.aspx of a list in SharePoint 2010. I need to launch the dialog window (that's what EditForm.aspx seems to be launched as) maximized, but I haven't been able to find the correct setting to tweak.
A quick web search suggests to use the showMaximized:true style setting, but I am unable to find the element in EditForm.aspx to apply this attribute to.
If you want to remove ALL dialogs from a list, go to:
list settings -> advanced -> dialog -> turn them off
But if you just want to change the edit button, you will probably have to create a new edit <CustomAction> that uses javascript, see this example:
Its for a different button, but you should get the idea.
And then you will need to build a <HideCustomAction> to hide the original edit button
Check this :
Add a Content Editor WebPart to your EditForm, then put the code found in this blog to maximize the Dialog when opening it.
Works very well for me.