React Native: Cognito federated auth issue on Android TV - react-native

AWS Cognito Federated sign in with Google setup correctly and it works perfectly on Android devices (phones, tablets). But on Android TV Web Browsers can't redirect to custom url scheme (web browsers don't understand that the app should be opened). The error says "can't open scheme myapp://oauth/?iod=..." with the error code Net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME.
React Native version is 0.66, with not the latest aws-amplify, but the issue mainly related to the behavior that browser doesn't open the app with custom url scheme.
Does anybody encountered such an issue and if yes, then what solution could be here?
Appreciate your help.
I've tried to use redirectSignIn url as App link instead of custom url scheme, but that didn't work (when you open app link from another app android opens proper app, but if redirecting/opening within the browser, then it redirects to the web page).


Preventing users to get 403 disallowed_useragent Google error in react-native app

I've developed a react-native app which uses Auth0 to authenticate users.
I am getting a 403 disallowed_useragent error when some users try to authenticate using Google from my react-native app, using webAuth. As I searched, this is related to the browser app installed in the user device.
I can reproduce this issue using an Android 11 emulator disabling the Chrome browser, so the OS uses the WebView Browser Tester. If I let Chrome browser enabled, everything works OK.
So my question is: Is there a way to check if the browser installed in the user device supports Google Auth? So I can tell the user to update/install his browser if necessary.
I am using the official SDK react-native-auth0 v2.9.0 and react-native v0.66.0

How do I create a http redirect url for react native expo app?

I have a third-party OAuth in my react-native expo app.
I need to specify a https redirect url to the third party website to come back to my app. Right now when I am running my app on expo - I am using auth.expo to redirect to the app and it works fine.
Now, when I want to run it as an independent app, how should I set up redirection in it?
I have searched a lot for it and the solutions that I have found said to modify the AndroidManifest file which is not there in app created via expo.
Can you please guide on how should I proceed?

Redirect Uri is not working in react native for msal

I have a react-native app in which I am trying to move to msal from adal using the react-native-app-auth library in which finally after authentication I am getting this window that "Only continue if you downloaded the app from a store or website you trust", as clicking any button does not work, I found one issue related (Desktop app + Microsoft Authentication Error) but there is also no solution provided there too and I have tried with the HTTP:// URLs too.
So, did any one of you faced the same issue, so please help in the resolution. The final window I am getting
According to your follow-up comment I notice that you are facing redirect URL issue. In Redirect URI, select Web and type /.auth/login/aad/callback.
For example:
Follow these steps and ensure all steps are followed.
Enable Azure active directory in you App Service app.

Branch (React-native) deeplinking is not working in FB messenger (Android)

I am using to send users their credentials in my app. Since the app is not live yet, i am testing with everything on "live" in the Branch settings.
If I create a link from the app and send it via Slack or email, with the app installed then the app opens but if I share the link with Facebook messenger then the fallback url is used. EDIT:The fallback is the expected behavior on iOS, but i am working on Android.
I did find this which (1) is not very promising (2) is old (3) is not exactly the same situation since the links do work for me.
If you click the link from the Facebook Messenger app, then redirecting to the Fallback URL is the expected link behavior:
Per the docs, you can still open the app using URI schemes or a Deepview.

How to Launch/Open any other external app from hybrid app? [duplicate]

I have a requirement to open the native version of the hybrid app (.ipa/.apk/.appx) when the hybrid app is requested in a device browser.
I am able to detect the environment using WL.Client.getEnvironment(); method, if it is found to be Android/iPad, I want to launch the respective .apk/.ipa file in the device. Any help is appreciated.
Re-reading this question and the comments several times... I still do not understand the actual scenario... it'd be best to rephrase it.
Scenario: How to open an app from the web browser:
If you have added the following environments to your Worklight application:
Mobile Web
And when visiting the Mobile Web version of your app, you want to display a message like "For the full experience, open the full application by clicking here".
It is implied that the user already has the application installed.
If it is not installed, you need to take care of that somehow
The way to handle this scenario is to use URI schemas:
For Android: How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android
This means that after adding the custom URI schema to AndroidManifest.xml, you could then detect the device OS the Mobile Web app is currently running on and display a custom link: myapp://<the URI schema you've defined>. Tapping it will open the app installed on the device.
For iOS, in a similar fashion:
Also see:
Alternate solution: If you are not sure if the app will be installed or not, then instead of using URI schemas you can always point to either Google Play or Apple App Store, to the app page; the user will then have either a "Open" or "Install" link.
Scenario: How to open an app from my own app
If you have a Worklight Hybrid application (Mobile Web is not a Hybrid application), and you want to open another application from within it, you can:
Use the same approach of URI schemas, or
Use Cordova plug-ins
I have created this Worklight 6.1.0 project to demonstrate:
Android - How to open, for example, the Android Settings app from your Worklight Hybrid app
iOS - How to check if Waze is installed and open it, and if it is not installed then to open Apple Maps instead.
See instructions.txt in the apps\test folder.
Are you asking that if the user via their device browser hits the webapp version of your app on the internet, the website will ask the user to fire up the native app on their device? kind of like what ebay does?
if that is what you want check out these pages
android:Launch custom android application from android browser
iPhone - Open Application from Web Page