API call when entering 3 characters in dijit textbox .Also how to add validation that 3 or more characters are entered - api

API call when entering 3 characters in dijit textbox .Also how to add validation that 3 or more characters are entered
kindlyprovide a sample reference to implement this functionality


How do you input more than 1 character before event happens in VB.Net function Textchanged()

Im working on a code in VB.NET wherein I scan a barcode(21 digit input) into a text box, and immediately, it’s supposed to show some data. I get the barcode input via a text box, which is supposed to contain the entire 21 digits, and I’m using the function textChanged() to see if the text box value has updated.
The problem is, the code runs after only the first value of the barcode gets read, and the rest of the values don’t reflect in the text box at all.
Is there any way I can get the entire 21 digits and then pursue the remainder of the code (note: it has to be automatic after the 21 digits are entered)
Private sub number_textChanged(sender as Object, E as EventArgs) handles number.TextChanged
If number.text.length =21 then
End if
Send your textChanged() code, in that you can count then entered valued once reached 21 count then you can show 21 digit barcode. Or you can use textbox mouseout event, in that it will wait until you enter value fully, when you mouseout from textbox, it will trigger event.
Otherwise you can use javascript to get textbox value count and show after 21 digit.
function checklength() {
var len = document.getElementById("TextBox18").value.length;
if (len == 21) {
and Textbox in source code add onkeyup event like this
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox18" onKeyUp="checklenght()" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
You can store that value in hidden value use in server side.

ionic 4 create dynamic Multi step Form from Json

have to create multi step signup form from api response( JSON )
form can contain upto 3 pages and should support text field, select box and checkbox group.
The form should support the following validations.
a. Required
b. Regex(Input should match the regex configured in json.)
c. min and max value(text field only)
Each page should have a front and back button at the bottom and final page should contain submit page.
When the next button is clicked, all the fields in the page should be validated. If there are any errors, they should be highlighted.
If not, user should be taken to the next page. When submit is clicked, the value of all the form fields should be collected as a key value pair and sent to the service for processing.

How to control the length of a text box

I am trying to control the length of the text box. The property of the textbox only has maxlength tool. If I want to set minimum length for textbox to be 3, how can I proceed this?
I want an error to pop up when someone types 10 instead of 100. User can only put a combination of 1 and 0 like 100,000,010,001, etc. Type of these are double.(not string)
handle the Textbox control validating event. See this

VB - How to print editable line in console

In a VB console application, how do you automatically put a string in the cursor? example:
ask for numbers
user inputs 5 15 five
show error
show back "5 15 five" back to the user so he can change five to 5 or any other integer.

allow gridlookupedit control to search only after typing two characters

I am using third party tool "gridlookupedit" of DevXpress in my application. I have loaded the gridlookupedit control on the key Down event of it. Now if i type a character "A" the dropdown gets loaded with all values starting with "A". Now a step ahead i want to load the GridLookUpEdit only after two characters.
for rg: the control must load values only when user types any two characters. If user types "A" it should not load. if user types "Ab" then the control should be loaded by the values starting with "Ab".
how can i do this?
On your Key Down event I guess you've got some code that populates gridlookupedit? If so just put a if around your code to only update if the length is grater than 1
If gridlookupedit.Length > 1 Then
' Update List
End If