How do you share i18n keys between repos in Vue? - vue.js

As I'd like to build multiple projects but don't want to copy/paste the same keys over and over, as all my projects are in Vue 3 using vue-i18n, what are your suggestions to do so ?
A repository that acts as a vue project with only the keys ? Directly have the JSON files imported from a repo ?
Open to anything


Import Vue JS component from outside project dir

I (want to) have a project structure like this:
What I wish is to easily be able to import SharedComponent into SomeComponent1 or SomeComponent2. This is not possible (many errors are raised while doing so.)
I know there are more elegant ways to do this but I don't wish to introduce all the infrastructure and extra maintenance work around deploying 'common' to artifactory and having extra jenkins pipeline, etc...
Editing Webpack through vue.config.js would be best if it is possible.

Vuepress inside and integrated with Vue project

I´m starting with Vuepress (, and i´d followed the docs to integrate it with an existing project ( I used the sugested docs directory.
But now i need to "really" integrate with my project and i need to when my users access the, to reach the Vuepress docs
If i make (yarn docs:build), the /dist folder will be generated to be used anywhere as a statics HTML files. I tought in put the /dist/ content in the /static/ files of my project. But the vue-router response to /docs is a 404.
And i will still need to make 2 builds, my project and the docs.
The questions are:
How can i make the vue-router "see" the vuepress build files? Where to put them?
How can i integrate the run build of project to make them both?
I have 2 projects, one with quasar and the other i´m using vue-cli 3.
Thank you all.
How can i make the vue-router "see" the vuepress build files? Where to put them?
You don't, it's basically an external link. A simple <a href="/docs"> should be sufficient.
How can i integrate the run build of project to make them both?
You don't, you add a new task that does them both.
// package.json
"scripts": {
"build-project": "node build-project.js"
from a terminal
# yarn run build-project
I think maybe the point problem is to solve the Vue-Router to make the vue-router don't handle the link when we external link the /docs as like.

Load Vue Component from ouside src directory

I have a project started with the vue-cli, and i'd love to include a component from a different local folder. I'm not that great at webpack config, so I'm not sure if it's just as simple as adding another path to some config setting. I've looked around in the docs, but everything I'm finding shows me the awesome auto scaffolding that vue init project gives us.
Any ideas?
Here's what the project structure looks like:
-other PHP classes/
-global-components/ (<- this is where i'd like to put some generic .vue components)
-app1/ (<- this was created by vue-cli and is where i'd like to build a specific vue app for a specific wordpress page/post)
-app2/ (<- this was created by vue-cli and is where i'd like to build a different app for a specific wordpress page/post)
So, you can see there's a bunch of things going on in this repo, and I'd like to be able to reference both the src folder inside app1 and app2, but also have each app reference the global-components folder. I'm not sure that the client would like to push their custom components up to npm, and I don't think they want to build out their own private npm source, so I was hoping for a way to build multiple vue.js applications without copying these components to each individual app.
Any thoughts?

How to publish a vue js plugin that modifies an existing plugin

I am trying to create a plugin that utilizes components from another Vuejs plugin (Vuetify). Basically, I have some common components I want to share across multiple applications with our company.
I thought it would just be a matter of:
Create a github repo for the shared components
Author the plugin
Reference the repo in consuming apps via npm install
Here is the gist of the plugin:
// src/index.js <-- package.json/main is set to "src"
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.vue";
import * as api from "./api";
export default function install(Vue) {
Vue.component("myComponent", MyComponent );
Vue.prototype.$myApi = api;
At the moment, the behavior I'm seeing is:
plugin install function is being executed
functions from api attached to Vue.prototype are available in app components
my-component is available in the app and renders markup
$myApi and Vuetify components are not available in an application instance of of my-component
If I copy the same files into the app and change my import, all works as expected. So, I now wonder if I'm missing something regarding sharing code via external modules.
I've tried these alternatives with the same issue:
use npm link to link the plugin module to the app
manually, use mklink (Windows sym link) to link plugin module to node_modules in the app folder
use a long relative path reference to the plugin module: import MyPlugin from "../../../my-plugin"
I've put this issue off for a while, but for anyone wondering, the issue is with using Single File Components and webpack not compiling those in external modules.
The 2 options I have are:
Don't use Single File Components. I.e.: Just use .js instead of .vue. I've seen some libs like Vuetify.js take this approach
Compile the .vue files in the library module and include them in the source such as ./dist folder.

Combine all my custom JS into one single file with dojo build

I'm having a hard time trying to set up dojo build in my project.
Basically, I have my js folder with all my custom widgets and components. I simply want to combine all javascript files form js folder into one single file.
dojo sources are located outside this folder. The structure looks similar to this:
Do you have any idea on how should I configure the package.json and profile.js? The documentation doesn't seem to help since all I am getting is an output folder with the same contents as the js folder (no javascript is merged).
You can start by reading this article:
It provides a simplified overview of dojo build system.
Additional there is dojo boilerplate with a sample of folder structure and profile.js configuration for quick start here:
I definitely suggest you to use the boilerplate as start for your project as it simplify a lot initial configurations.