Kotlin activity with n columns of text - kotlin

I have a spinner with names, when selecting a name I want it to open a Text for each Child, below is, for example, the Text with profession. Is this possible in Jetpack compose? (Two Text columns interspersed by n Child Columns)?
Create a form with variable format according to the informed profile.


Fields on form, selected from data source are not available when using Me

I have two fields on a form. Field 1 is auto number field named 5sID. Field 2 is a lookup field named 5sType.
When I open the VBA code for both the oncurrent and on open, I try to reference either field with a "Me.5sID" or "Me.5sType". In either case when I type in the "Me." the auto list shows the other eight fields in the table, but not these two.
I have used this for years on both datasheets or continuous forms. There are only the two fields on the form and they were selected from the table field list in the design view.
If I change the name on the Other tab of the property options, the fields then appear.
I have now rebuilt the table and the form, I have created a database and linked to the same table and still get the same results.
If I add another short text field it shows up when I type "Me." in VBA, but any other type of field does not show up.
Naming an identifier with a number as first character is a bad idea! Always start with a letter!
On Access 2013 that creates a compile error as the compiler expects a=as he interprets.5as a decimal-number.
That worked for you on older versions? Hard to believe!
As workaround use square-brackets like on identifiers containing spaces or other crap.
or turn onShow hidden Elementsin Object-Browser , what fixes Inteli-Sense and creates automatic brackets. Seems like this is a way to create hidden members ;)

Enrich the information of one field with another table field

Is it possible in acces, in a table, in edit mode, normal in grid mode, in a combo box field, to make this combo box show some values, but to select them, save others?
I need this because, in Declarado, Comprobado and Documentos tables, I want a composite text to appear between a foreign key and a field in the foreign table, and that the value that is saved when selected is obviously the value of the foreign key selected.
I explain it in pictures
As you can see in the first image, I have four tables, Expedientes, Declarado, Comprobado and Documentos.
But this I just want to appear in the drop-down, I think this forces me to use a form and program it with Vb, right?
I can upload the BD if you need it
Create a form whose Record Source is the Comprobado table (whose records you are currently editing by opening the table in Grid View).
Then, insert a Combobox on the form and set the Control Source of the combobox to the Num_Expediente field, and the Row Source to a query containing both the Num_Expediente field and Nombre_OT field, e.g.:
select t.Num_Expediente, t.Nombre_OT from Expedientes t order by t.Num_Expediente
Set the Column Count property to 2 and size the columns appropriately for your data using the Column Widths property. Set the Bound Column property to column 1, so that the Num_Expediente is populated with the correct data.

Are there any text field guidelines for web pages?

I'm trying to find the does and don'ts for implementing text fields for web pages. Some examples I can think of are
1) Consider real time limiting length of a text field versus informing users of length restrictions on submitting a page
2) Handling of special characters e.g. $!^*!( etc.
3) Special validation of text fields for specific text field types e.g. email fields, phone number fields etc.
It would be great if there was a document that covers guidelines such as these.
Type of input field
Provide the appropriate type of input field based on what is being requested. Each type of input field has its own characteristics, which users are accustomed to. For instance, use radio buttons if only one option of several is permitted, and check boxes if multiple choices are allowed.
Customizing input fields
Do not invent new types of input fields. This was common in the early days of Flash websites, and it seems to be making a comeback; I have seen some odd input fields implemented with jQuery. Simple is often the most useful. Keep input fields as close to their unaltered HTML rendering as possible.
Restricting the format of input fields
If you need to restrict the format of data inputted by users, then at least do so in a way that won’t irritate users. For example, instead of displaying MM/DD/YYYY next to a text field for a date, consider using three drop-down fields or, better yet, a calendar control.
Mandatory vs. optional fields
Clearly distinguish which input fields cannot be left blank by the user. The convention is to use an asterisk (*). Any symbol will do, as long as a legend is visible to indicate what it means (even if it’s an asterisk).
Text fields allow the user to input text. They can be single line, with or without scrolling, or multi-line, and can have an icon. Touching a text field places the cursor and automatically displays the keyboard. In addition to typing, text fields allow for a variety of other tasks, such as text selection (cut, copy, paste) and data lookup via auto-completion. See Patterns > Selection for text selection design.
The type of text field determines what kind of characters are allowed inside the field and may prompt the virtual keyboard to optimize its layout for frequently used characters. Common types for which you should optimize include number, text, email address, phone number, person’s name, username, URL, street address, credit card number, PIN, and search query.
To read more visit http://www.google.com/design/spec/components/text-fields.html

Continuous form with dependent combo boxes

I have a continuous form that has a dependent combo box on it. I have the dependent working individually for each row/record BUT the dependent combo box is blank unless it has focus then it shows the saved data so what I did was placed a text box over the data portion of the combo box and set its control source to the same field as the dependent combo box and required and it worked great BUT unlike a combo box which would show the name it shows the saved data which is a ID number so I guess my question is how can I show the name and not the data?
You'll need to clarify, but if the combobox is bound to a field of the form, and its RowSource displays two columns - say an ID and Name - then giving the first column a width of 0 will persuade it to display the Name, rather than the ID.
You will also need the Column Count to be 2 (or more) and the Bound Column to be 1 (the ID). Then set the Column Widths to 0cm;2cm (add more values if more than 2 columns).
Remove this criteria from your cobmobox's Row Source:
It is not needed. The ActivityID (and the CategoryID) are obtained for each row in the form.
Remove these lines from the Current event as well:
again, they are not needed (and cause the flicker). Better yet, just delete this event-code.

Combo Box Column Count culls data?

Basically, I have a combo box that I'm using to select a record. That combo box then populates several textbox's that are found on my form based on the ID. See the two images:
I'd like the combo box to show the first two columns in my query, which consists of 16 fields. The Abbreviation and the Name, to be exact. However, I found that if I hid the fields in the query or if I limited the column count of the combo box so it only displays the two, it actually culled the data so that the textbox's would not find it (thus be blank).
My question is, how can I just show the first two columns of the combo box yet still use it's ID to reference all sixteen?
SELECT Tradeshows.tradeShowAppreviation,
Tradeshows.tradeShowName, Tradeshows.tradeShowID,
Tradeshows.tradeShowWebsite, Tradeshows.tradeShowLocation,
Tradeshows.tradeShowDateStart, Tradeshows.tradeShowDateEnd,
Tradeshows.tradeShowBoothSize, Tradeshows.tradeShowShipDate,
Tradeshows.tradeShowAudience, Tradeshows.tradeShowFocus,
Tradeshows.tradeShowMailer, Tradeshows.tradeShowDoorDrop,
Tradeshows.tradeShowProductFocus, Tradeshows.tradeShowAttendees,
Tradeshows.tradeShowMembers, Tradeshows.tradeShowMemberships
FROM Tradeshows;
Do not change the column count, change the column widths.
Column width: 0cm;2cm;1cm;0cm
And so on.
it should not be difficult to only select the relevant columns. You could post the Row Source property of your combo.
It seems to me that you should be binding you table to the data source TradeShows and using the wizard to create a combobox that finds record.
You can do this by selecting the table Tradeshows and choosing either create form or form. You will now have a form with the RecordSource property set to TradeShows. Next, choose to add a combobox to the form, ensuring that you have selected the wizard (the magic wand button is highlighted). You will be given the option to "Find a record on my form based on the value I select in my combobox". You can choose this and step through the wizard. When you get to the step where you choose fields, make sure you choose the TradeShowID first, and then the name and / or abbreviation. If TradeShowID is the primary key, as it should be, the column will be automatically hidden in the next step, which will show the fields selected.
The result of these actions will be a combobox with the following properties:
Row Source : SELECT [Tradeshows].[tradeShowID], [Tradeshows].[tradeShowName],
[Tradeshows].[tradeShowAppreviation] FROM [Tradeshows];
Bound Column : 1
Column Count : 3
Column Widths : 0cm;2.54cm;2.54cm
You will also have [Embedded Macro] in the After Update event (2010 and possible 2007) or [Event Procedure] for earlier versions. The wizard code is pretty poor, but that is another days work.
If you still wish to do all the work of setting each control to the (possibly changing) column order, you can follow a similar lay out for the combo, setting counts and widths appropriately.