How do I force rebuild of all snapshot dependencies in my teamcity build trigger? - kotlin

I have a list of build types in my settings.kts:
val buildChain = listOf(build1, build2, build3, ...)
I define the following chain of snapshot dependencies:
for ((previous, current) in {
current.dependencies {
snapshot(previous) {
reuseBuilds = ReuseBuilds.NO
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.FAIL_TO_START
onDependencyCancel = FailureAction.FAIL_TO_START
With that, build<N> depends on build<N-1>. Then I define the following build type that runs the whole build chain:
val buildChainRunner = BuildChainRunner(headOfBuildChain = buildChain.last())
class BuildChainRunner(
headOfBuildChain: BuildType,
) : BuildType({
name = "Build Chain Runner"
dependencies {
snapshot(headOfBuildChain) {
reuseBuilds = ReuseBuilds.NO
onDependencyFailure = FailureAction.ADD_PROBLEM
onDependencyCancel = FailureAction.ADD_PROBLEM
triggers {
schedule {
schedulingPolicy = daily {
hour = 2
minute = 0
timezone = "Europe/Amsterdam"
branchFilter = "+:<default>"
triggerBuild = always()
withPendingChangesOnly = false
Now, when the build gets triggered by the schedule trigger, it doesn't necessarily rebuilds all builds from the chain. What I would like to do is the very same as this:
I thought that would be automatically the case because of
reuseBuilds = ReuseBuilds.NO
but unfortunately, it doesn't work. When I trigger the build manually and set "rebuild snapshot dependencies" to "all", then it works as I expect. What am I doing wrong in my kotlin DSL configuration?


LrDialogs.runOpenDialog not working inside LrExportServiceProvider

I am trying to create a Lightroom Classic Export Service Provider plugin that has a Browse... button in the sectionsForTopOfDialog to allow the user to choose a Folder related to the plugin. The open dialog is attached to the action of the viewFactory:push_button, and the dialog opens successfully, but it seems like the rest of the push button's action is never executed, as if the runOpenPanel function never returned.
How can I create a Browse button to allow the user to select a folder and get the result? (I want to store the result in the propertyTable, this part is omitted from the code.)
Complete plugin code to reproduce the issue below. (Create a folder named runOpenDialogMCVE.lrdevplugin folder, add these files, load it as a Lightroom plugin.)
-- Info.lua
return {
LrSdkVersion = 3.0,
LrSdkMinimumVersion = 1.3, -- minimum SDK version required by this plugin
LrPluginName = "RunOpenPanel MCVE",
LrToolkitIdentifier = 'com.example.lightroom.runopenpanelmcve',
LrExportServiceProvider = {
title = "LrDialogs.runOpenPanel MCVE",
file = 'ExportServiceProvider.lua',
VERSION = { major=0, minor=1, revision=0 },
-- ExportServiceProvider.lua
local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'
local LrLogger = import 'LrLogger'
local LrView = import 'LrView'
local logger = LrLogger("LrDialogs.runOpenDialogMCVE")
local viewFactory = LrView.osFactory()
local ExportServiceProvider = {}
function ExportServiceProvider.sectionsForTopOfDialog( propertyTable )
return {
title = "LrDialogs.runOpenDialog MCVE",
viewFactory:row {
viewFactory:push_button {
title = "Browse...",
action = function ()
logger:trace("Opening dialog...")
LrDialogs.message("Will open dialog after this.")
local result = LrDialogs.runOpenPanel( {
title = "Location",
prompt = "Choose",
canChooseDirectories = true,
canChooseFiles = false,
allowsMultipleSelection = false,
} )
-- I would expect the code below to execute, but it never does.
-- No trace is printed and none of the dialogs below are shown.
logger.trace("Closing dialog. "..tostring(result))
if result ~= nil then
logger:trace("Chosen folder: "..result[1])
LrDialogs.message("Choseen folder: "..result[1])
return ExportServiceProvider
I'm using Lightroom version 12.0 on MacOS.

Workaround for `count.index` in Terraform Module

I need a workaround for using count.index inside a module block for some input variables. I have a habit of over-complicating problems, so maybe there's a much easier solution.
File/Folder Structure:
End Goal: Create an Ignition file for each instance I'm deploying. Each Ignition file has instance-specific info like hostname, IP address, etc.
All of this code works if I use a static value or a variable without cound.index. I need help coming up with a workaround for the address, gateway, and hostname variables specifically. If I need to process the count.index inside one of the child modules, that's totally fine. I can't seem to wrap my brain around that though. I've tried null_data_source and null_resource blocks from the child modules to achieve that, but so far no luck.
workers = {
Lab1 = {
"lab1k8sc8r001" = ""
Lab2 = {
"lab2k8sc8r001" = ""
gateway = {
Lab1 = [
Lab2 = [
From modules/, I'm calling the ignition module:
module "ignition_workers" {
source = "./modules/ignition"
virtual_machines = var.workers[terraform.workspace]
ssh_public_keys = var.ssh_public_keys
files = [
template_files = {
"files_eth0.nmconnection.yaml" = {
interface-name = "eth0",
address = element(values(var.workers[terraform.workspace]), count.index),
gateway = element(var.gateway, count.index % length(var.gateway)),
dns = join(";", var.dns_servers),
dns-search = var.domain,
"files_etc_hostname.yaml" = {
hostname = element(keys(var.workers[terraform.workspace]), count.index),
"files_chronyd.yaml" = {
ntp_server = var.ntp_server,
From modules/ignition/ I take the files and template_files variables to build the Ignition config:
module "ingition_file_snippets" {
source = "./modules/files"
files = var.files
module "ingition_template_file_snippets" {
source = "./modules/template_files"
template_files = var.template_files
data "ct_config" "fedora-coreos-config" {
count = length(var.virtual_machines)
content = templatefile("${path.module}/assets/files_ssh_authorized_keys.yaml", {
ssh_public_keys = var.ssh_public_keys
pretty_print = true
snippets = setunion(values(module.ingition_file_snippets.files), values(module.ingition_template_file_snippets.files))
I am not quite sure what you are trying to achieve so I can not give any detailed examples.
But modules in terraform do not support count or for_each yet. So you can also not use count.index.
You might want to change your module to take lists/maps of input and create those lists/maps via for-expressions by transforming them from some input variables.
You can combine for with if to create a filtered subset of your source list/map. Like in:
[for s in var.list : upper(s) if s != ""]
I hope this helps you work around the missing count support.

How can I override the jetbrains jdk dependency required by idea-ultimate or idea-community in config.nix?

I’ve been setting up my local nix config as per nixpkgs manual's declarative package management.
I’d like to include idea-ultimate as one of myPackages, but at this time the dependency idea has on the jetbrains jdk is broken, pointing to a non-existing package for macOS.
It’s trying to download jbrsdk-11_0_2-osx-x64-b485.1.tar.gz instead of jbrsdk-11_0_4-osx-x64-b485.1.tar.gz.
I was assuming I could fix that by overriding jetbrainsjdk as follows, but I’m getting: error: attribute 'jetbrainsjdk' missing, at /Users/ldeck/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix:4:20 when I do anything like nix-env -qa ‘jetbrains.*’.
What is the right way to override idea-ultimate so that it uses the fixed jdk?
Here’s my ~./config/nixpkgs/config.nix.
allowUnfree = true;
packageOverrides = pkgs: rec {
jetbrainsjdk = pkgs.jetbrainsjdk.override {
version = "520.11";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "${jetbrainsjdk.version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0d1qwbssc8ih62rlfxxxcn8i65cjgycdfy1dc1b902j46dqjkq9z";
myProfile = pkgs.writeText "my-profile" ''
export PATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
export MANPATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/share/man:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/share/man:/usr/share/man
myPackages = with pkgs; buildEnv {
name = "my-packages";
paths = [
(runCommand "profile" {} ''
mkdir -p $out/etc/profile.d
cp ${myProfile} $out/etc/profile.d/
pathsToLink = [ "/share/man" "/share/doc" "/bin" "/etc" "/Applications" ];
extraOutputsToInstall = [ "man" "doc" ];
Thanks to #ChrisStryczynski who suggested I needed with pkgs, I’ve gotten a little further.
But now the problem is when attempting to install idea-ultimate with the custom jdk, it’s still requiring the broken, non-existing, jbrsdk-11_02-osx-x64-b485.1.tar.gz.drv from somewhere.
Updated config and logs below.
allowUnfree = true;
packageOverrides = pkgs: **with pkgs;** rec {
myJetbrainsJdk = **pkgs.jetbrains.jdk.overrideAttrs** (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "520.11";
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "0d1qwbssc8ih62rlfxxxcn8i65cjgycdfy1dc1b902j46dqjkq9z";
myIdeaUltimate = pkgs.jetbrains.idea-ultimate.override {
jdk = myJetbrainsJdk;
myPackages = with pkgs; buildEnv {
nix-channel --update; nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myPackages
unpacking channels...
replacing old 'my-packages'
installing 'my-packages'
these derivations will be built:
these paths will be fetched (0.02 MiB download, 0.12 MiB unpacked):
building '/nix/store/9kfi3k9q6hi7z3lwann318hndbah535v-idea-ultimate.desktop.drv'...
copying path '/nix/store/hp90sbwznq1msv327f0lb27imvcvi80h-libnotify-0.7.8' from ''...
building '/nix/store/fazsa1a4l70s391rjk9yyi2hvrg0zbmp-download_file?file_path=jbrsdk-11_0_2-osx-x64-b485.1.tar.gz.drv'...
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
error: cannot download download_file?file_path=jbrsdk-11_0_2-osx-x64-b485.1.tar.gz from any mirror
builder for '/nix/store/fazsa1a4l70s391rjk9yyi2hvrg0zbmp-download_file?file_path=jbrsdk-11_0_2-osx-x64-b485.1.tar.gz.drv' failed with exit code 1
building '/nix/store/ica1m5yq3f3y05xnw7ln1lnfvp0yjvyf-download_file?file_path=jbrsdk-11_0_4-osx-x64-b520.11.tar.gz.drv'...
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/fwwk976sd278zb68zy9wm5pkxss0rnhg-jetbrainsjdk-485.1.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/9kiajpmmsp3i6ysj4vdqq8dzi84mnr73-idea-ultimate-2019.2.4.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation '/nix/store/jh1ixm54qinv8pk6kypvv6n6cfr4sws8-my-packages.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
error: build of '/nix/store/jh1ixm54qinv8pk6kypvv6n6cfr4sws8-my-packages.drv' failed
Thanks to How do you discover the override attributes for a derivation, a solution has been found using an overlay.
# ~/config/nixpkgs/overlays/02-jetbrains.nix
self: super:
jetbrains = super.jetbrains // {
jdk = super.jetbrains.jdk.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "520.11";
src = super.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "3fe1297133440a9056602d78d7987f9215139165bd7747b3303022a6f5e23834";
passthru = oldAttrs.passthru // {
home = "${self.jetbrains.jdk}/Contents/Home";
idea-ultimate = super.jetbrains.idea-ultimate.overrideAttrs (_: {
name = "idea-ultimate.2019.2.4";
src = super.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "09mz4dx3zbnqw0vh4iqr8sn2s8mvgr7zvn4k7kqivsiv8f79g90a";
Install: nix-env -iA 'nixpkgs.jetbrains.idea-ultimate'.
Execute: idea-ultimate.
The crucial part of the puzzle was overriding the passthru.home variable to point to the overlayed JDK rather than the one required by super. Otherwise, you’ll be downloading the old JDK for runtime purposes.
passthru = oldAttrs.passthru // {
home = "${self.jetbrains.jdk}/Contents/Home”;
Without /Contents/Home appended, idea won’t startup since self.jetbrains.jdk isn’t a valid home.
Instead of:
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myPackages
Just do:
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myIdeaUltimate
The problem being:
myPackages = with pkgs; buildEnv {
Here you are still referencing the old pkgs.myIdeaUltimate.
Nixos seems to do some processing that replaces the pkgs with the appropriate from packageOverrides.

Why does cacheTimeout setting of renderView() in ColdBox application have no effect?

I'm developing a ColdBox application with modules and wanted to use it's caching functionality to cache a view for some time.
property name="moduleConfig" inject="coldbox:moduleConfig:mymodule";
function widget(event, rc, prc){
var viewData = this.getData();
return renderView(
view = "main/widget",
args = viewData,
cache = true,
cacheSuffix = ":" & moduleConfig.entryPoint,
cacheTimeout = 2
I tried to set the default caching config by adding the following info to my Cachebox.cfc and removed the cacheTimeout from the code above:
cacheBox = {
defaultCache = {
objectDefaultTimeout = 1, //two hours default
objectDefaultLastAccessTimeout = 1, //30 minutes idle time
useLastAccessTimeouts = false,
reapFrequency = 5,
freeMemoryPercentageThreshold = 0,
evictionPolicy = "LRU",
evictCount = 1,
maxObjects = 300,
objectStore = "ConcurrentStore", //guaranteed objects
coldboxEnabled = false
caches = {
// Named cache for all coldbox event and view template caching
template = {
provider = "coldbox.system.cache.providers.CacheBoxColdBoxProvider",
properties = {
objectDefaultTimeout = 1,
objectDefaultLastAccessTimeout = 1,
useLastAccessTimeouts = false,
reapFrequency = 5,
freeMemoryPercentageThreshold = 0,
evictionPolicy = "LRU",
evictCount = 2,
maxObjects = 300,
objectStore = "ConcurrentSoftReferenceStore" //memory sensitive
Though that didn't have any influence on the caching. I've also tried to add the config above to my Coldbox.cfc.
Even if I create a completely new test app via CommandBox via coldbox create app MyApp, then only set the the caching in Cachebox.cfc to one minute, set viewCaching = true in Coldbox.cfc, and set event.setView( view="main/index", cache=true ) in the Main.cfc, it doesn't work as expected.
No matter what I do, the view is always cached for at least 5 minutes.
Is there something I am missing?
Make sure you have enabled view caching in your ColdBox configuration. Go to the /config/ColdBox.cfc file and add this key:
coldbox = {
// Activate view caching
viewCaching = true
Also, did you mistype the name of the CFC you changed for the caching above? Those changes should be in the /config/CacheBox.cfc file, not in /config/ColdBox.cfc.
Obviously, also the the reapFrequency in the /config/ColdBox.cfc needs to be set to a smaller value in order to let the cache entry be removed earlier.
Though, as the documentation states:
The delay in minutes to produce a cache reap (Not guaranteed)
It is not guaranteed that the cached item it really removed after that time, so it can be that the cache is empty after 3 minutes even when reapFrequency is set to 1.

How do you set a breakpoint before executing

I would like to set a breakpoint in an application before it starts to run, so that I can make sure the application does not pass the breakpoint on startup.
In order to set a breakpoint you need to do something like:
EventRequestManager reqMan = vm.eventRequestManager();
BreakpointRequest bpReq = reqMan.createBreakpointRequest(locationForBreakpoint);
In order to get the Location for the breakpoint, you can do something like:
Method method = location.method();
List<Location> locations = method.locationsOfLine(55);
Location locationForBreakpoint = locations.get(0);
In order to get a Method you can do something like:
classType.concreteMethodByName(methodNname, String signature)
However in order to get that classType you seem to require an ObjectReference which seems to require a running JVM.
Is there any way to set the breakpoint before the application JVM runs, to be sure the breakpoint is not passed during application startup?
First of all start you target program using a LaunchingConnector to get back the target virtual machine.
VirtualMachineManager vmm = Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager();
LaunchingConnector lc = vmm.launchingConnectors().get(0);
// Equivalently, can call:
// LaunchingConnector lc = vmm.defaultConnector();
Map<String, Connector.Argument> env = lc.defaultArguments();
env.get("home").setValue("C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_51");
VirtualMachine vm = lc.launch(env);
(change environment values according to your needs,but remember to start target VM with suspended=true).
With this VM in you hand intercept a ClassPrepareEvent using a ClassPrepareRequest.
ClassPrepareRequest r = reqMan.createClassPrepareRequest();
Create a ClassPrepareEvent handler
executor.execute(()-> {
try {
EventQueue eventQueue = vm.eventQueue();
EventSet eventSet = eventQueue.remove();
EventIterator eventIterator = eventSet.eventIterator();
if (eventIterator.hasNext()) {
Event event =;
if(event instanceof ClassPrepareEvent) {
ClassPrepareEvent evt = (ClassPrepareEvent) event;
ClassType classType = (ClassType) evt.referenceType();
List<Location> locations = referenceType.locationsOfLine(55);
Location locationForBreakpoint = locations.get(0);
} catch (InterruptedException | AbsentInformationException | IncompatibleThreadStateException e) {
then resume target VM with a call to vm.resume() to run program.
I hope this solve your problem.