GoCD config-repo schedules pipeline on change which I don't want - config

GoCD config-repo schedules pipeline on change in pipeline code but I only want that pipeline to trigger via change in specified material of the pipeline.
Any solutions to this problem?

I was not aware of blacklist/whitelist concept in GoCD. So using blacklist over config-repo solved my problem.


What is the best way to use a pushed commit in one stage in subsequent stages?

I currently have a gitlab ci pipeline that pushes commits to the branch the pipeline is running on to update code versions (using python-semantic-release). As far as I can tell, the later stages in my pipeline do not use this newly pushed code and instead a new pipeline is triggered for this commit. I am currently skipping the triggered pipeline using [skip ci]. I would like to be able to use the original CI pipeline to finish packaging the code and publishing documentation using the new commit. Is there anything I can do to update the commit that the current CI pipeline is running on or something?
I am not aware of changing the ref mid-pipeline.
You might try and experiment with downstream pipelines, especially the multi-project ones (even though would remain in the same project).
Those (downstream "multi-project" pipelines) are the ones which does not have to run under the same project, ref, and commit SHA as the upstream pipeline (as oppose to parent-child pipeline).
I would also push the code (after the python-semantic-release step) to a different branch, in order for your second pipeline to operate on that second branch, directly with the right code.

Trigger pipeline/job when merge request state changes (WIP to "ready")

I am currently trying to implement a pipeline using Gitlab ci. I defined my pipeline in a gitlab-ci.yml file to run my jobs. I am working on pipeline where jobs are triggered by opened merge request. more specifically , non WIP and draft merge request. One of the most important condition is also that I want the job to be triggered and running when merge request changes state from WIP/draft to "ready".
Below is the closest way I found to do such thing.
stage: integrationtest
- merge_requests
Unfortunately, Now the only thing missing is indeed the pipeline being triggered when WIP state changes.
Any idea to bypass this problem is more than welcome.
Thank you in advance :)
There is an open issue for you exact use case. There is a workaround with webhook integration mentioned in the last comment of this issue, maybe this will help you.

How to change environment variables in ECS/Fargate?

I have a Node.js app running on ECS/Fargate. I want to set some environment variables, and from what I've read, this should be done in the Task definition. However, there does not seem to be any way to edit environment variables after the task is initially defined. When I view the task, they are not editable, and there does not seem to be any way to edit the task. Is there a way to do this?
Container solutions are built to be immutable, which means any form of change, should force a new deployment. This leaves us with the option of retrieving the current TaskDefinition, updating its Environment variables, and updating the Service with the new definition:
aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition my_task_def
This retrieves the ACTIVE Task Definition. From here you can update Environment variables and register a new Task Definition:
aws ecs register-task-definition \
--cli-input-json file://<path_to_json_file>/task_def.json
Then Update the service
aws ecs update-service --service my-service --task-definition my_task_def
This will pick up ACTVE Task Definition.
I used CLI for illustration but using SDKs like Boto3 might be much easier handling JSON.

gitlab-ci: Is there a way to visualize or simulate pipelines for different branch/tag names?

We have a fairly complex .gitlab-ci.yml configuration. I know about the new gitlab pipeline editor, but I can't find a way to 'simulate' what jobs get picked by my rules depending on the branch name, tag, etc.
On our jobs, we have a $PIPELINE custom variable to allow us to have different pipeline 'types' by using schedules to define this var to different values, like this:
- if: '$PIPELINE == "regular" && ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master" || $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null)'
or like this:
- if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG != null'
Is there a way to 'simulate' a pipeline with different branch names, tags and variables so I can see what jobs get picked on each case, without actually running the pipelines (e.g. with a test tag, etc.). Or is there a better way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Not quite, but this is close, with GitLab 15.3 (August 2022):
Simulate default branch pipeline in the Pipeline Editor
The pipeline editor helps prevent syntax errors in your pipeline before you commit. But pipeline logic issues are harder to spot. For example, incorrect rules and needs job dependencies might not be noticed until after you commit and try running a pipeline.
In this release, we’ve brought the ability to simulate a pipeline to the pipeline editor.
This was previously available in limited form in the CI Lint tool, but now you can use it directly in the pipeline editor. Use it to simulate a new pipeline creation on the default branch with your changes, and detect logic problems before you actually commit!
See Documentation and Issue.

Is there a way to make Gitlab CI run only when I commit an actual file?

New to Gitlab CI/CD.
What is the proper construct to use in my .gitlab-ci.yml file to ensure that my validation job runs only when a "real" checkin happens?
What I mean is, I observe that the moment I create a merge request, say—which of course creates a new branch—the CI/CD process runs. That is, the branch creation itself, despite the fact that no files have changed, causes the .gitlab-ci.yml file to be processed and pipelines to be kicked off.
Ideally I'd only want this sort of thing to happen when there is actually a change to a file, or a file addition, etc.—in common-sense terms, I don't want CI/CD running on silly operations that don't actually really change the state of the software under development.
I'm passably familiar with except and only, but these don't seem to be able to limit things the way I want. Am I missing a fundamental category or recipe?
I'm afraid what you ask is not possible within Gitlab CI.
There could be a way to use the CI_COMMIT_SHA predefined variable since that will be the same in your new branch compared to your source branch.
Still, the pipeline will run before it can determine or compare SHA's in a custom script or condition.
Gitlab runs pipelines for branches or tags, not commits. Pushing to a repo triggers a pipeline, branching is in fact pushing a change to the repo.