Odoo create stock.move.line - odoo

when i try to create stock move line in transfer with automation with the following code, error pop up saying "psycopg2.errors.InFailedSqlTransaction: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block".
The code:
'location_id':8 ,
May I ask any idea what is the problem with my code or how can i programmtically create stock move line. Thanks

You set the company_id to the partner_id which may not be present in res.company table and
if it happens you should see the following error message:
DETAIL: Key (company_id)=(...) is not present in table "res_company".
This will prevent Odoo from creating a stock move line, try to set the company_id to self.env.user.company_id.id
Note that since v12 Odoo supports passing a list of values to create function


Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'prop')

I consistently found this error in Odoo 14 CE.
Steps to reproduce:
Create Sale Quotation
Add line
Select Product
Fill Quantity
Quickly Fill Unit Price immediately after 4.
This issue happens in every form. Just perform the quick actions repeatedly in very fast and continuous actions.

How to correctly add a labor transaction record in a Maximo automation script

Hi I'm trying to add a labor transaction from an action automation script with the object being ASSIGNMENT in Maximo. I am currently trying the code below.
labTransSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("LABTRANS",ui);
labTrans = labTransSet.add();
labTrans.setValue("laborcode", userLabor);
labTrans.setValue("wonum", assignWonum);
sds1=SimpleDateFormat("hh.mm aa").format(firstDate);
sds2=SimpleDateFormat("hh.mm aa").format(Date());
labTrans.setValue("STARTTIME", sds1);
labTrans.setValue("FINISHTIME", sds2);
userLabor is the username of the current user
assignWonum is the assignment work order number
firstDate is the scheduled date field from the assignment
The labor record is being added correctly with the right data, but when I go to route my workflow after the script is called from a button, I am given the warning BMXAA8229W WOACTIVITY has been updated by another user and the work order does not route. I am under the impression that this is happening because the assignment object for the script is being queried at the same time I try to add and save a labor record. Does anyone know if my guess is correct or what else the problem is and how I can fix this? Thanks
That error occurs because Maximo already has one version of the record loaded into memory when the record in the database is modified independently. Maximo then tries to work with the in-memory object and sees it doesn't match what is in the database and throws that error. Timing doesn't really have anything to do with it (other than that an edit happened at some point after the record was loaded into memory).
What you need to do is make sure you are modifying the exact same task/assignment/labtrans record that has already been loaded into memory. That "MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet" stuff is guaranteed to use a new object. That is how you start a new transaction in Maximo; how you make sure you are not using anything already loaded into memory. I suspect you want to get your set off of the implicit "mbo" object the script will give to you.

How to Call package successfully

got error when calling package
error is
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
Error report - Unknown Command
Session state protection violation is definitely an Apex error, relating to your page settings. It seems your package is trying to change the state of a read-only page. See this other question.
The item identifier in the error message P164_COURSECOUNT has the same prefix as the parameters you pass to the package (:P164_APP_ID) so presumably they relate to the same page. We know nothing about your application or its architecture, so it's hard to offer concrete advice. Maybe you need to change the page or item settings, maybe you need to change what the package does. Only you can tell the right course of action.
As you didn't post the whole command, a note: you have to enclose it into begin-end block, e.g.
PKG_Generate_GRNo.GenerateGR (TO_NUMBER ( :P164_APP_ID, '9999999'),

Cannot create unbalanced journal entry in Odoo

I am using odoo version 12.0+e . Whenever I go to POS and Close a Session by Hitting the "validate closing & post entries" button it shows loading screen and after a few minutes it shows "Cannot create unbalanced journal entry." error. I am running odoo trial in cloud server. the problem screenshot has been tagged.enter image description here
Instead of creating separate jounral entry line you have to setup vals for debit and credit line then create jounral entry record. This will solve your problem
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updateblob fails in Powerbuilder

In Powerbuilder I am trying to update a table (Oracle) with blob but get sqlerror, "Database statement must refer to blob variable". My declaration and updateblob statements are as follows:
blob lblob_newxml
long llong_subid
WHERE SUBMISSION_ID = :llong_subid
Does anybody know why it is happening and or how to solve this problem? Thanks.
To get more information on this problem and the possible causes, I'd run with one of the database traces turned on. (You can check out database trace options in the Connecting to Your Database manual; link may not be appropriate for your PB version, which you haven't mentioned yet.) This may or may not tell you more, but it tracks everything between the app and when the PB drivers pass the commands "over the wall" to the database's driver.
Good luck,
"The PowerBuilder VM can get the SQL syntax for the following types of errors, and passes it to the Transaction object’s DBError event for the following types of errors: ..." (see this page).
If your lblob_newxml is null then use this update statement instead:
WHERE SUBMISSION_ID = :llong_subid